Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 100 Innate State: Dragon and Tiger King Kong Hard Qigong

"According to various data, the psychological suggestion of this fetal shape is very effective, and can make people's mental state enter the deepest level of fluctuations and return to the innate."

As time passed day by day, Su Jie followed the two "professors" of Maruo to do experiments and studies, and changed his sleeping state. He gradually felt that there was something different between stretching and shrinking. Compared with the simple method of laying dead corpses, it is more magical.

The state of the big corpse method is to regard oneself as a dead body, but still alive.

But the state of the fetus in the womb is very strange, and it seems to be between life and death.

Now Su Jie has made his own state extremely similar to that of the fetus in the mother's womb through various cultivation and strong psychological hints, and this has gradually inspired some distinctive abilities.

"Miaozai, Miaozai."

In the room, Su Jie, Ma Luo and Zhang Manman watched the video playback of Su Jie sleeping.

Su Jie's sleeping position used to be like a skin bag, inflated when he inhaled, and shriveled when he exhaled.

But now, it is quietly changing. At the beginning, it was like a dead body lying on the ground, gradually curled up with breathing, became a fetus, and then slowly stretched, it seemed to grow up day by day, and finally, after growing to the limit, it returned to the corpse of a big corpse status.

This state is completed within six hours, just like a person has experienced the state from death to life, and then from life to death.

"Our idea is not wrong." Ma Fengnian looked at Su Jie's various data and said: "These days, your physical fitness has actually increased by ten percent. It is really a miracle."

"I used to think that it was impossible for me to grow any more, but in fact, my physical fitness and various statistics have increased tremendously." Su Jie looked at the many data of the test, and had to believe that he had improved again.

However, he still has not broken through to reach the realm of the "living dead".

But he felt that he was getting closer and closer to this realm.

"The big corpse method is to treat yourself as a corpse and experience the feeling of death, while the fetal simulation is to go from death to life. Our Chinese culture pays attention to the process of reincarnation and reincarnation. From the corpse to the fetus, it is equivalent to After a reincarnation, the fetus gradually grows up and becomes a corpse again, and it has gone through a lifetime." Luo Weiji said: "In the research of many foreign institutions, it is found that every fetus is a genius. They learn things and comprehend things. Things are very fast, but they are all forgotten after birth. But if some special prenatal education methods are adopted, the fetus can be deeply engraved after birth, causing them to leave some instincts, which will benefit them for life when they grow up. "

"Indeed, prenatal education is the best time for everyone's education. It's a pity that the research on prenatal education in the world has just started. I don't know what method to use to imprint the correct knowledge and concepts in the subconscious of the fetus, so that They also keep it after birth.” Ma Fengnian nodded: “Take exercise as an example, and now foreign physical training experts divide people into three stages, flexibility and stretching training before changing teeth at the age of six or seven, and training at the age of seventeen or eighteen. The physical explosive training before, and the mental and physical dual training after adulthood. In fact, the most important prenatal training is still missing."

"My research materials are here. Through a large amount of data and many experts at home and abroad, I found that the psychological state of the fetus is very pure, and it is more than a hundred times stronger than ordinary people. It is because there is no external interference in the mother's body. , and be able to concentrate on nothing else.” Luo Weiji recorded many research experiences with pens: “So many experts are thinking that adults can also return to the mental state of fetuses, and have done various experiments.”

"This is the most important thing in the ancient practice. The so-called return to the innate, return to the baby." Su Jie said.

"That's right, the ancients also discovered this, conducted systematic research, made a summary, and recorded it." Ma Fengnian nodded: "This time, Lao Luo and I exchanged information, and combined, we really discovered a lot of new information. things. And your training in this area has also verified our research results."

"The large corpse method and the fetal simulation switch between each other,

Indeed, it feels much better than simply cultivating corpses. Su Jie nodded: "Lying down is a reincarnation." "

"Your biggest problem now is congenital deficiency." Luo Weiji looked at Su Jie: "According to the most perfect training method, prenatal education starts from the fetus, and the training before the teeth change at the age of six or seven after birth. You start training at the age of sixteen Yes, the first two stages are blank, which is still far behind some real domineering figures in the world. But fortunately, you basically don’t slack off and start to gradually fill in this blank.”

These words reminded Su Jie of Feng Hengyi, did he start practicing "in the womb"?

"Okay, this experiment has come to an end, and it has laid a solid foundation for you to understand the realm of the 'living dead'. Next, you should strengthen your horizontal training." Ma Nianfeng said: "Old man Luo, just take out the good things."

"It's not a good thing either." Luo Weiji turned on the computer, and there was a secret folder with videos in it. After opening it, a title appeared on it. It turned out to be a foreigner, explaining how to cultivate the "golden bell cover" , "Iron Clothes", "Thirteen Taibao Henglian", "Hard Qigong" and so on.

"This foreigner?"

Su Jie recognized Ou Deli the moment he saw the video.

Ou Deli is very detailed in the teaching video, constantly explaining many mysteries in the medical and psychological aspects of practicing kung fu.

Finally, he made a conclusion and said in very pure Chinese: "This set of horizontal kung fu, I named it Thirteen Taibao horizontal training golden bell cover iron cloth shirt dragon tiger diamond hard qigong."

"Why such a long name?" Su Jie was stunned for a moment, and then he was a little funny, reminding him of the "Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Bodhisattva shaking his head for fear of thunderbolt King Kong thunderbolt palm" in the nonsensical movie.

"In fighting, the most important thing is to fight against blows. This is already a common understanding. Chinese Kungfu also attached great importance to this point in ancient times. Therefore, after thousands of years of exploration, various exercises have emerged. Among them The most famous ones are Golden Bell Shield, Iron Cloth Shirt, Thirteen Taibao Henglian, and all kinds of hard qigong." Luo Weiji said: "Lao Ma and I have also studied this aspect, but our research is not as good as this foreigner. Profound, this foreigner is called Odley, nicknamed the God Maker, and the fighting champion he trained is top-notch in combat."

"The Thirteen Taibao Henglian, why did you choose this name?" Zhang Manman asked.

"The Thirteenth Taibao is a person, Li Cunxiao, a famous general of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. There is a folk saying that a king is not a bully, but a general is not Li. Ba is naturally Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, and Li is Li Cunxiao. He ranks thirteenth and was named Taibao, so it is called The thirteenth Taibao, this manpower is infinite, covered with steel and iron bones, charged into battle, invincible, invincible. Later, he fell into a divorce, and was executed by his adoptive father Li Ke with five horses. It is said that five horses pulled him dozens of times, and they were all killed He was pulled back, but in the end he was cut off the tendons of his hands and feet, and he had no strength, so he succeeded in dismembering the corpse. The reason why he is so brave is that he was taught by a different person, and he has a set of exercises. This set of exercises has been handed down, so It's called Thirteen Taibao Henglian." Luo Weiji was talking about history.

"Ancient fierce generals can't compare with some modern fighters." Zhang Manman said.

"That's not necessarily true." Su Jie said: "It is true that some people in history were born with supernatural powers, not to mention their spiritual realm is higher than modern people. In addition, the cruelty of cold weapons can stimulate the maximum potential of the human body to transform. , I can say that if modern fighters are allowed to go back to the ancient cold weapon battlefield to fight, I am afraid they will die miserably. Anyone who survived the battlefields must have real skills, let alone the invincible generals who charge into battle."

Su Jie studied kung fu and has developed a character of empathy.

Modern people generally believe that fighting is better than ancient people, but in fact it is definitely not the case. There was once a world boxing champion who was beaten to death by his nephew and an eighteen-year-old boy with a steel pipe. Ordinary people practice Kung Fu routines and have never really fought with others. They simply cannot beat those fighters who fight in real combat every day.

But the actual combat of those fighters is also a simulated actual combat, not a real life-and-death fight. The ancient fierce generals hacked and stabbed people with large knives and spears all day long. They learned experience from life and death again and again, and knew how to protect themselves and give the enemy a fatal blow. , Killing the enemy quickly is the real actual combat.

In modern times, Chinese kung fu has no such conditions, and it has naturally become a show. Moreover, it is impossible to return to the ancient scene. The era of cold weapons and flesh and blood is gone forever.

"Indeed, people who haven't experienced the cruelty of cold weapons cannot imagine that kind of cruelty." Ma Nianfeng said: "We don't study this, just watch Odley's horizontal training video explanation."

Su Jie is also watching seriously.

The cultivation methods "Golden Bell Cover" and "Iron Cloth Shirt" are actually sold in many bookstores on the market, but most of the content in the book is specious, and there are still many things that I don't understand.

Besides, it is impossible to get a book and follow the exercises in the book to succeed.

It is difficult for a real teacher to learn by precept and deed, let alone self-taught reading.

Unless you have a very high level, read the book, find something useful from it, and then slowly practice it to get some benefits.

Su Jie originally watched some novels and TV dramas, and some protagonists got a martial arts cheat book, practiced in seclusion for a few years, and became a master after coming out. He thought it was possible before, but now he thinks it is ridiculous.

No matter what you do, you must use scientific methods, gather the wisdom of many people, study together, do experiments together, make summaries every day, record them, and prove them with strict logic over time. Only then can you achieve something.

Take the simplest straight punch in boxing. Many people have gone through thousands of matches and summed up their experience in private training. How to strengthen muscle strength and strengthen the coordination of the whole body can be the fastest and most accurate punch. The strongest and most destructive blow.

Relying on reading and practicing alone in the deep mountains and old forests is like a blind man feeling an elephant.

So Su Jie also researched with many people.

At the beginning at Minglun Martial Arts School, and later at the Star Club, he organized a training ground and improved through practice and research over and over again.

The same is true for the two of Maro. They both joined the world's institutions of higher learning and studied with many expert scientific research teams.

The reason why human beings can fly to the sky, move mountains to fill the sea, go to outer space, and even transplant internal organs, is due to the scientific research team and the wisdom of gathering people. This must not be lost.

Now this is also a small scientific research team.

"There is a huge force behind Odeli. I suspect that the force behind him is the same group that wants to win over and threaten us." Luo Weiji said: "This teaching video is secret and difficult to obtain. I It took a lot of means to get it. In addition, there is also the horizontal practice ointment obtained from the Tifeng training camp, which is used to practice with this set of hard qigong. I am getting old, and if I can't practice this set, it depends on Su Jie. Can it be done?"

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