Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 99: Exploring the Truth, Switching Between the Two Practice Phases

"There are many interesting inspirations in ancient times, such as traditional Chinese medicine. Many prescriptions are extremely effective. If you use modern scientific methods to study them, you will find a lot of interesting things from them. It is a pity that the ancients did not understand what is in a medicine. Ingredients, molecular formula, how to combine, and what chemical reaction will occur after being absorbed by the human body. At that time, there was no chemistry, no molecular formula, and no such things as microbiology, so we could only rely on experience." Master Luo said: "In fact, it is all Science is exploring the truth step by step. Even if it is ancient geomantic omen, if we analyze it with modern architecture, we can actually find many useful things.”

"That's right, Su Jie, you have to remember." Master Ma said: "Although we are called masters, we are talking about gods and gods, but deep down we want to get inspiration from traditional culture and use scientific eyes to discover the existence of truth. The ancients were practical. They found effective things from a lot of practice, but because of the limitations of their vision, they did not know the principle. Modern people know this principle and can innovate. In fact, science is to use strict logic The process of exploring the truth and proving that the truth is indeed the truth.”

After hearing this, Su Jie thought deeply.

"Okay, let's start our research project now." Master Luo said: "When the fetus is in the mother's body, it is conscious and can feel the movement of the outside world, but their brains do not store memories, so when people grow up, I can't remember what happened when I was very young, let alone what happened when I was a fetus. The ancient practitioners all paid attention to the mental state of the fetus, that is, the innate, and the life will be greatly improved. But how to return to this mental state, no one knows. There are many cultivation methods in ancient times, all of which want people to return to this state, such as through meditation, or even through holding your breath, and transient brain hypoxia fainting. Feeling this state, but there is no clear and feasible way. Some people have succeeded by accident, but they have not summed up a systematic law, that is, they cannot be mass-produced! This is a pity. As for returning to this state, Whether it can improve the physical condition is still unknown, but there are such examples in ancient times, but there are almost no such examples in modern times."

"When people are in the fetus, scientific research shows that they have no memory, but our Royal Hypnosis Association has done a lot of clinical trials after hypnosis, and found that under the deepest level of hypnosis, people can remember things in the fetus, and even have Every time, I will recall my past life." Master Ma said.

"There is such a thing as a previous life?" Zhang Manman felt that the more he heard it, the more mysterious it became.

"Then I don't know. This is a psychological study, but I don't have any research. This should be a virtual fantasy of some kind of consciousness. Just like people dream, they often dream of some strange scenes that match reality. For example, I When treating mental illness abroad, a patient always had dreams, dreaming that he was in another place, and he could even vividly describe everything in that place, who was there, what was the scene, but he was far behind the reality. However, I have never been to this place, but after I went to that place, it was exactly the same as what he said." Master Ma said: "These are all real cases, which are worth studying. But human consciousness is indeed amazing. Scientific research It’s blank, let’s be explorers.”

"What I need is your large number of clinical trials to enrich my subject." Master Luo said: "How can we make people return to the baby state, what kind of exercise, even hypnosis, or strong psychological hints to enter this mental state?" , What will happen to the body. This is a psychological thing, I am far inferior to you. Now, I need Su Jie to do an experiment for me. Of course, before the experiment, we must first learn about the fetus."

While speaking, Master Luo opened another room. The decoration of this room is very irregular. I don't know what shape it is. It is dark inside and looks scary.

"This house is decorated according to the mother's womb. After learning a lot of knowledge,

Just follow what we have done, enter it, use the strongest psychological suggestion, let yourself become an unborn fetus, enter this mental state, this is real cultivation. Master Luo said: "You and Zhang Manman both have to try it." "

"Do you want to close the small black room again?" Su Jie was once locked in the small black room by the blind uncle. From the initial pain and despair to peace, it also made him finally break through the second level of the "dead corpse" state. .

Now, he is going to "close the little black room" again.

However, this is indeed a scientific experiment, and there is nothing to talk about.

The same goes for the practice of kung fu.

Although the ancients knew the benefits of the "baby" state, they didn't understand the principle, but modern science does.

For example, in the fetal state, there are detailed scientific data to prove how his cerebral cortex is active, how he takes in nutrients, and how he grows in his body.

This is the same as ancient medicine. Everyone knows that ginseng is the king of medicine, and taking ginseng is a great tonic, but what exactly is in ginseng? What substances are good for the human body and how to absorb them? The ancients didn't know it, but modern science can analyze it in detail, draw conclusions, extract the real essence from it, and even use injections to enhance the efficacy of the medicine without taking it.

These are far beyond the ancients.

In fact, the most typical example of this is "artemisinin". The ancients discovered that Artemisia annua has an effect on malaria a long time ago, which was recorded in "Elbow Reserve Emergency Prescriptions", but they did not know what substance in Artemisia annua can treat malaria. Only the most primitive suffering, but the effect is not great.

Based on this hint, modern Chinese medical scientists have extracted artemisinin from it with modern methods.

The ancients gave a direction, and modern medicine has proved the truth.

Since Su Jie practiced kung fu, he read ancient boxing manuals, combined with some modern fighting concepts and scientific research, and often had the deepest thinking, deduced from the examples of kung fu to all walks of life.

This is true of traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine, Feng Shui and architecture, meditation and psychology.

Everything is a search for truth.

There is no such thing as mysterious and mysterious.

Next, Master Luo and Master Ma began to give lectures to Zhang Manman and Su Jie. Their research topics were what is the state of the fetus, how do people enter the state of the fetus through psychological suggestion, and so on.

Zhang Manman was slow to accept, but Su Jie was fast.

In a few days, he received a lot of knowledge about the fetus.

Then, he entered the "little black room".

In this small black room, he didn't spread himself all out with the big corpse method, but imitated the fetus, curled up, like a "comma", and like a tadpole.

Then, he made a psychological suggestion to himself.

Imagine yourself as a fetus, not yet out of the mother's womb.

Ordinary people don't have his psychological qualities at all, and even psychological hints can't work, and they can't enter the state. But Su Jie's self-psychological suggestion is much stronger than that of ordinary people, which is also the strength of his kung fu.

The "mind" practice in kung fu is also a strong self-suggestion, thereby mobilizing emotions, causing a large amount of various endocrine hormones to be secreted in an instant, and thus bursting out with physical strength and speed many times beyond ordinary people.

"He has entered the state. Various physiological state indicators are similar to those of the fetus, but they are not completely in line with the state of the fetus." Watching Su Jie's various physiological states, Master Ma and Master Luo fell into thinking.

Zhang Manman is also watching: "Su Jie is so powerful, yet he has such strong psychological hints. I am far behind him." These days, she is also conducting experiments in this area, but no matter how much she hints to herself, the physical The state is far from that of the fetus.

In terms of martial arts, it is because the "mind" is not deep enough to become a master.

"Psychological suggestion is the mind in kung fu. The deeper the suggestion, the deeper the kung fu." Master Ma said: "Of course, the most important thing is to be able to get out of the psychological suggestion and switch at will, otherwise you will be insane. I have treated A person who practiced qigong went crazy, he imagined himself as a snake, and made a hissing sound all day long, but later he couldn’t get out of this psychological hint, and I had a lot of effort to get him back to the state.”

"Indeed, if you get too involved in the drama, you will easily become insane. This is what the ancients called obsession." Zhang Manman said: "My dad told me about this problem."

"So people who practiced martial arts in ancient times had to be watched by their masters. Mistakes in movements were second, and the most feared thing was psychological problems. But modern fighters need a psychotherapist most." Master Ma said: "Su Jie's psychological hints are very important. Strong, you can enter the state almost instantly, you can come out in an instant, and return to normal, this is truly one in a million. Of course, your father is also this kind of person, but when your father is so young, absolutely There’s no such mentality.”

"It's too powerful." Master Luo said: "This kid is indeed powerful, Lao Ma, neither of us has this kind of psychological quality."

"This is what is said in Journey to the West, 'You can be good and you can be evil. The good and evil in front of you can be done by others. When you are good, you will become a Buddha or an immortal. If you are evil, you will have hair and horns'." Master Ma said: "One month, we A lot of things can be obtained by recording his physiological state. In this process, we slowly pass on some of our knowledge to him, and we can get many things in one fell swoop."

"Su Jie's physical condition has indeed improved." Master Luo said: "The psychological implication of learning the fetus is curled up physically, while the body of the great corpse method is pulled apart. He practiced with each other, the psychological implication switched, and the physical quality It is also a miracle that it will go further, this data has to be recorded, it seems that there is nothing wrong with our inference.”

Su Jie used to sleep like a corpse every day, and he tried his best to open his body.

But now, after sleeping for a while, he turned into a fetal shape, and after a while, he spread out again, switching unconsciously, and his body became more comfortable and stronger.

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