Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 98 Resolute and Resolute

Hearing this, Xu Jiazhi felt a chill in his heart, but it was a good thing for him, and he was not worried that Xu Qiaomu was testing him.

Because Xu Qiaomu was the most superstitious, especially what Master Luo said was regarded as an oracle.

Moreover, Master Luo's ancestors had helped Kangxi choose an heir, which was more convincing in Xu Qiaomu's mind.

Now that Xu Qiaomu had made up his mind, Xu Jiazhi also decided to give it a go.

He also knew that whether it was Xu Zide or Xu Ziqiang, Xu Ziming had huge influence in the family company, managed many things, and his influence was intertwined. He was a junior and had no prestige. Even with Xu Qiaomu's support, he was struggling.

But if he can suppress the situation and turn it around quickly, then he can really show his ability.

"I'll immediately hold a conference call with the company's shareholders, dismiss these people from their positions in the company, and then promote you." Xu Qiaomu said as he said, "Also, you need someone beside you."

While speaking, he nodded the wheelchair with his finger.

The deaf-mute Xu Ba seemed to understand the meaning of the sign language. He pressed a walkie-talkie on his body, which seemed to sound an alarm.

After a while, many footsteps came.

The footsteps were very orderly, like an army, all of them had arrived in the yard, there were dozens of them.

Xu Jiazhi looked over and found that these people had an aura of war experience, some had deep scars on their faces, and some could even see bullet scars. They are all extremely fierce and seem to dare to do anything.

"This is the real security/elite of our Xu family. It can help you do a lot of things. Even in modern society, sometimes it is impossible without force. Especially the transfer of power within the company can cause many ghosts." Xu Qiaomu Said: "Now you command them, let me see your plan and deployment."

"Yes, Grandpa." Xu Jiazhi was overjoyed in his heart, but he quickly calmed down, and immediately began to order: "You allot 20, and go and see Xu Jiaren, Xu Jiahao, Xu Jiahong, and Xu Ziqiang, Xu Zide, Xu Ziming. Seizure all their communication equipment, and then put them under house arrest in the room, saying that the company is auditing the accounts. The rest of them, immediately follow me to the company headquarters, convene a meeting of department executives, and send an email to the entire company to stop these six people The job, and then carry out the investigation, it must be fast, it is only a few tens of minutes now, they must have no time to react, right now they must gather in the next room to discuss, and they can catch everything."


These people answered immediately, acted vigorously, and started to act.

"Not bad." Xu Qiaomu laughed: "Master Na Luo said you are a talent, I think you are a unicorn, he asked me to choose you, it seems that I did not choose the wrong person. In addition, you also have confidantes, show them all, I know that you have managed a lot of things secretly."

"Grandpa has already seen it." Xu Jiazhi felt awe-inspiring.

"I am condescending, and everyone's small movements can be seen clearly." Xu Qiaomu said: "Go, it's not too late."

Swish Swish Swish!

Xu Jiazhi immediately took people out.

Xu Qiaomu looked at his back with a strange look on his face.

After a while, a person came in at the door, it was Huang Dingyi.

Huang Ding took a look at Xu Qiaomu, and sat down directly: "Jia Zhi's ability is indeed not bad, but I underestimated him before. It seems that he still has ambition deep in his heart."

"You were the first person to come into contact with my grandson Su Jie, and you have always protected him." Xu Qiaomu said, "How do you think Jia Zhi compares to him? Why do Master Ma and Master Luo admire him so much? I didn't look at it." What’s so special about this kid, if it’s said that being able to fight is also a great thing, then I don’t agree, in this society, being good at martial arts is certainly an advantage, but it doesn’t play much role, the most important thing is the brain.”

"Jiazhi is far behind him." Huang Dingyi shook his head: "Of course I just chatted with him a few times, but I didn't get to know him in depth. I'm afraid he's from the Tifeng training camp.

To be able to kill without anyone noticing is to protect him on the surface, but in fact it is protecting these juniors in your family. I feel that his conversational temperament is sincere and serious, which makes people get along very comfortably. As for Jiazhi, he is gentle on the surface, but in fact he is ambitious deep down and has a lot of petty tricks. If I had to choose who to cooperate with, of course I would choose Su Jie instead of Jiazhi. This is a natural feeling, and I believe it. "

"Your sense is very keen, and we have escaped many attacks abroad." Xu Qiaomu and Huang Dingyi are old friends, and they talked about everything: "Dingyi, you see, I have dealt with these people this time. How will the company develop in the future?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Huang Ding said.

Sure enough, Xu Jiazhi came back after a while: "Grandpa, Xu Jiahong left the family and disappeared. The others were all discussing in the room, and I put them under house arrest."

"Just ran away with Xu Jiahong? That's nothing, there can't be any big waves." Xu Qiaomu didn't care: "Go back to the company and check all the accounts. If any loopholes are found, they will be sent to jail. If they can't be found out, Get fired from the company, and then find a way to deal with it."

"Yes." Xu Jiazhi went out again.

"Hush..." Xu Jiahong was panting violently.

He was in a fast-moving car, and beside him sat A Ding, the instructor of the Honey Badger training camp.

"It's dangerous." Xu Jiahong's face turned pale, and then he said viciously: "I didn't expect the old man to be so ruthless, and he immediately sent someone under house arrest to check the accounts, just because he listened to that charlatan's words, he was able to kill his own sons and grandsons, yes It’s not that Kangxi has become obsessed with history. He really thought he was the emperor.”

"The Xu family's total assets are so huge that it is almost a business empire. Although it is not comparable to those giant companies with hundreds of billions of dollars, the energy contained is not small, and it is almost a small kingdom." A Ding said: " Now you still have a chance to come back, it depends on how you use it."

"Come back? How to come back?" Xu Jiahong didn't have any confidence at all.

"Don't worry, I will help you. At least you have mastered a lot of secrets in the operation these days, which can make Xu Qiaomu use his hands." A Ding didn't seem to care at all: "Now is a society ruled by law, not the ancient clan system. Even if you want to Dealing with you is nothing more than dismissing you from your posts first, and then sending people to check the accounts, accusing you of embezzling company property, causing the crime of embezzlement, arresting you after reporting to the police, and sending you to prison. This will go through a series of legal procedures. It’s more tricky to play. So you don’t have to worry about anything at all.”

Su Jie didn't know that the Xu family was making a big fuss here, and he didn't care. Although the Xu family was his mother's natal family, he seemed like a stranger, without any sense of belonging or family affection. My mother actually wanted to do something for the family, and then used some money to help the elder sister Su Muchen get out of the predicament, but after seeing the family fighting, she also felt very disappointed, and finally made up her mind not to get involved in this quagmire.

Su Jie felt relieved at this point.

He An Xin and the two masters Luo Ma studied again.

This learning opportunity is rare.

After a brief chat, he followed Master Luo into the basement.

In the basement of this courtyard house, there is actually a research room with medical equipment and computers. It looks very expensive. Su Jie can even see the robotic arms that are only used in high-end hospitals for precision surgery.

I don't know why Master Luo made these things.

"This instrument is not cheap, and it can perform nerve repair surgery." After seeing it, Master Ma nodded slightly: "Do you do nerve research?"

"This instrument is not yet accurate, and a truly accurate instrument can be used for head replacement surgery." Master Luo said: "Head replacement surgery is the real forbidden zone for soul and body. I have not conducted experiments, but I have studied it. Something. This mechanical arm is actually used for massage and acupuncture. The best masseur in China should be the blind man from Minglun Martial Arts School, but compared with the massage of the mechanical arm, it is still a little less accurate."

"Massage?" Su Jie was a little dazed.

His horizontal kung fu was originally derived from Odley's volleyball, which made every muscle and skin of him evenly stressed. This is something only top coaches can do. Later, Uncle Blind massaged him.

But he did not expect that Master Luo actually got a robotic arm device for precise surgery to perform massage.

Indeed, in some operations, even the best surgeon can't compete with the robotic arm at all. The robotic arm is stable, will not get tired, is very precise, and will not damage even the smallest blood vessels and nerves.

"Head replacement surgery has been hyped many years ago, and it is said to have been successful. When I saw the news, I still found it unbelievable." Zhang Manman said: "This is something that only judges can do in Liaozhai. In ten years, I don’t know what super technology will come out.”

"The most important thing in head replacement surgery is the spinal cord nerve connection and rejection, which requires extremely high precision." Master Ma said: "It is indeed unbelievable. This is indeed a myth in ancient times. Let's not talk about this, Lao Luo, you put The instrument for precision surgery has been changed to massage and acupuncture, which is equivalent to carrying a massage master with you at all times, it is indeed good, and you have an idea. Let me take a look at your research?"

"Actually, I want to exchange research experience with you today." Master Luo said: "I'm researching how a person's mental state can return to the state of a baby's mother's body."

"This topic is worth doing." Master Ma's eyes lit up: "Actually, the spiritual state of the ancient Taoist practice is that people want to return to their innate, the state of a baby. The phrases of 'baby' are the true meaning of practice. I am also studying this topic, we can be said to coincide with each other."

"How to study this kind of subject?" Su Jie wanted to study life science for a long time. He felt that he should study this kind of subject with his supervisor after he got a master's or doctoral degree. He didn't expect to come across it now.

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