Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 228 Foresight

In fact, Su Jie's ultimate goal is to have only one thing, and that is to clear her sister's debts and get out of the control of the Feng family, but now it seems that her sister is getting deeper and deeper, and even disappeared.

Thinking of this, he was still very disturbed and angry deep in his heart.

Even now that he has reached the realm of the "living dead", there is nothing he can do about this matter.

But now he has also developed momentum, and began to plan to deal with the Feng family.

The Feng Family Haoyu Group is now gaining momentum and is almost unstoppable, but Su Jie has also become popular. After cultivating to the "living dead" realm, not to mention his strength, even if dozens of people attack together, he can use hidden weapons to instantly Knock down, even a gun can't help him, and his kung fu of dodging bullets is superb. These are their own abilities, and no one can snatch them away.

In addition, the most powerful thing in the realm of the "living dead" is that the brain's learning ability and thinking ability are dozens or even a hundred times that of ordinary people.

Even if it takes a year for a master to learn knowledge, Su Jie may be able to fully grasp it in less than a week, and the memory is still fresh, and he will never forget it.

Mental training has the greatest effect on brain development, followed by physical fitness.

That's not to mention, now that he has become Larich's bodyguard and has qualifications, as long as he reveals his identity, the rich and powerful in the country will flock to him.

But Su Jie's current power is not enough, without great wealth and contacts, it is very difficult to deal with a behemoth like the Feng family, and it is difficult to attack in an all-round way. It is necessary to find a breakthrough and bring him to justice.

There are many dirty things in the Feng family, but they are done in secret, and there is no evidence of being caught. If Su Jie can find the evidence, he can cause trouble to the Feng family, and then cut off his wings step by step.

Of course, the more critical point is not to let the Feng family know that he did it, otherwise my sister may be in danger.

Thinking about a detailed plan in his mind, Su Jie called Zhang Jinchuan.

This partner is also a genius. Now that the business is getting bigger and bigger, Haoyu Group has no choice but to get investment from Mingxia Group and use the resources of the largest private enterprise in the country to quickly seize many users of Haoyu Group. and market share, especially in entertainment and media.

Fortunately, with the protection of Mingxia Group, Haoyu could only watch Zhang Jinchuan bite the meat bite by bite.

And Mingxia Group saw Zhang Jinchuan's outstanding achievements, and they hoped to cut the flesh all the more like this.

So I supported Zhang Jinchuan even more, forming a virtuous circle.

"Su Jie, why did you think of calling me today?" Zhang Jinchuan's voice from the phone was very surprised: "I heard that you have become the bodyguard of a big man named Laric, do you have time to chat? How can we cooperate?"

Zhang Jinchuan is well-informed, and he is extremely good at digging camps. He doesn't know the value of Su Jie as a "bodyguard". It doesn't matter if you are good at kung fu, but it is really good at kung fu if you can get in touch with someone like Larich. The value has been brought to the extreme, so-called learning literary and martial arts, selling goods to the emperor's family.

There is no emperor now, but those wealthy consortiums are similar to emperors in their own circles.

"I'm coming to your company now to talk about the future." Su Jie didn't say much, and immediately took a taxi to go.

Now Zhang Jinchuan's company has a large scale, and he has money in his hand, so he changed the venue, not the high-tech park before, but bought a building outside by himself.

Last year was also at this time, Zhang Manman took Su Jie to find Zhang Jinchuan, and then went to the war-torn land. At that time, Su Jie felt that Zhang Jinchuan was a dragon among men, but now this dragon has completed dormancy and accumulated strength, soaring into the sky, like a flying dragon in the sky.

But flying too high is not a good thing.

After Su Jie stepped into the "living dead" realm, he encountered dangers one after another. First, he was almost killed by Zhang Hongqing, and then by the young man with the mysterious dragon mask.

These are the disadvantages of Feilong in the sky.

Su Jie arrived under Zhang Jinchuan's building, and Zhang Jinchuan came out to greet him in person, which made many employees feel amazing. With Zhang Jinchuan's current status, he rarely went downstairs to greet anyone.

The two came to the basement, because in the basement was Zhang Jinchuan's office.

Zhang Jinchuan is very strange. Normally, he works upstairs, but when he really discusses important matters, it is in the basement downstairs. Many people think this is the boss's bad taste, but from Su Jie's point of view, he found that Zhang Jinchuan felt that I have been too popular in the past two years, and I am afraid that it will take over the future, so I worked hard on the feng shui layout, and put the discussion place for core major issues in the basement, expressing that I will continue to lurk and accumulate strength.

"This basement is nice."

Su Jie and Zhang Jinchuan went to the basement, and found that the lighting was very good, there was a glass skylight above, and the sky could be seen, and the light inside was soft, clean and refreshing, without the slightest shadow. Wrapped, the central qi gathers and does not disperse, and the earth qi comes in one after another. It is very safe, suitable for people to think and practice, and can also look up at the sky, which is very comfortable.

This shows that Zhang Jinchuan's feng shui technique is already very popular.

"You should be able to tell what I mean by your feng shui skills." Zhang Jinchuan looked at Su Jie, and was still very envious in his heart. His business is booming now, and his practice is getting more and more advanced, but he just can't break through the "living life." The realm of the dead.

And with his eyesight, he couldn't see Su Jie's depth at all, he knew that in terms of practice, he had really opened a huge distance from Su Jie, and this distance would become farther and farther.

"It's time to lurk, but it's still not enough." Su Jie nodded: "I think your company's policy should be changed, research technology and expand overseas markets, don't fight with Haoyu at home, accumulate strength, Wait for the opportunity to soar into the sky again, slow down, land for a while, and perform squats."

"I also have the same idea." Zhang Jinchuan and Su Jie had the same thoughts: "Since you know Larich, why don't you connect me with that thread?"

"Larich won't trust me about business matters." Su Jie said, "I'm his bodyguard. If I ask about business matters, I'm afraid I'll be kicked out by him. But Zhang Manman has a lot of ideas, you can Talk to her. However, if you have any confusion in the practice method, you can tell me."

"In fact, the confusion is also simple, that is, it is impossible to cross from broken to bright. It seems that something is not broken clean." Zhang Jinchuan smiled.

His current cultivation can be described as extremely outstanding, but he is not "extraordinary" at all.

"It should be that you are too involved in the business, and you have a great attachment to the business in your heart, so you can't cut it off." Su Jie immediately saw Zhang Jinchuan's mental state.

Hearing these words, Zhang Jinchuan's eyes immediately showed complicated expressions.

As smart as he is, he must have thought of this question.

But if he is asked to give up his current career in exchange for psychological annihilation, and thus step into the realm of the living dead, it is still absolutely impossible. , even if he is reborn, he may not be able to work hard to achieve his current foundation.

This kind of foundation has been linked to life, and it cannot be given up at all.

"Are you thinking of giving up your own business?" Su Jie smiled: "This is entering the demonic way. If you are too thorough and ruthless, you will never be able to enter the realm of the living dead. To be truly clean, is to There is no absolute control over what you like**. Human nature has something you particularly like. The more you like it, the more you want to control it. This is inseparable and causes concern. The so-called break means to let you continue to like it , but you can also let it be free, it exists anywhere, it does not change your enthusiasm, this is the so-called break."

"Really?" Hearing Su Jie's words, Zhang Jinchuan felt suddenly enlightened, as if all the knots in his heart had been untied for many days.

However, this was not enough for him to advance to the realm of the "living dead".

"In this way, I learned from Zhang Nianquan, the old man of the Zhang family, a skill called Jiugong Dayu Leibu's rectification. It is his life's research. Last time you taught me the seven characters of Minglun on key points. As a reward, I It’s also for you. Anyway, the old man of the Zhang family doesn’t care who he passes it on to, as long as he can pass on his research results. And he will be very happy if we can research something brand new.”

"Jiugong Dayu's Fa-rectification?" When Zhang Jinchuan heard it, he suddenly became energetic: "Zhang Nianquan, the old man of the Zhang family, is a legendary figure with extremely advanced cultivation. When he was ninety years old, he even swept away an American gangster with a gun He killed dozens of people in his lair, and retreated completely. It’s just that he hasn’t shot again after he was over a hundred years old. I also heard that his unique skill is this set of kung fu, which is miraculous. Immortals can summon wind and rain, blow thunder from the palm of their hand, slay demons and demons, and move like a thunderbolt."

"Calling the wind and calling the rain is just a metaphor. It is highly sensitive to the weather, able to predict changes in the weather, and grasp the structure of the four seasons." Su Jie said: "It is impossible to truly have the ability to artificially rain, otherwise, what are the cannons for?"

"That's it." Zhang Jinchuan couldn't wait: "It's not too late, I am eager to know what is the mystery of this peerless kung fu."

"That's good." Su Jie explained to Zhang Jinchuan on the spot.

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