Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 229: The Spirit of Scientific Research

Zhang Jinchuan's ability to accept is very fast.

More importantly, both are young people, and their language and thinking have something in common, unlike the old man Zhang Nianquan and Su Jie who actually have a big generation gap.

When Su Jie was explaining to Zhang Jinchuan the "Jiugong Dayu Leibu Fa-rectification", Zhang Jinchuan listened attentively, thought about it, and kept asking various questions.

The question raised this time is very novel, and there are even some subtleties that Su Jie couldn't think of.

So, during his explanation, he deepened his understanding of "Nine Palaces Dayu's Leibu Fa-rectification".

Just like a teacher teaching students, in the process of teaching, he also deepens the knowledge points, and if he wants to pass things on to others, he must truly understand and penetrate the knowledge, so that he can move the hearts of others and let them understand.

Just like Su Jie's "Diandao Martial Arts Club", he used to give lectures in it every day, and he also benefited a lot from every lecture, and he had new ideas of martial arts movements. Students experimented and gave feedback to him. A lot of inspiration.

This is the study of knowledge.

In school, to do a scientific experiment, the teacher leads the students together. It is often the students who accidentally discover a new law, and everyone sums it up together, and finally comes out with scientific research results.

Collective wisdom is the shining point, whether it is studying or learning martial arts, it is the same.

Moreover, practice up to now is no longer kung fu. The "Jiugong Dayu Leibu Fa-rectification" contains kinematics, physiology, medicine, psychology, environment, architecture and many other knowledge, which are harmonious with each other. Clarify the relationship between body, soul, and heaven and earth.

Thinking and reality communicate through the bridge of the human body, circulate and influence each other, which constitutes the ancient Chinese philosophy of three talents theory.

Yin-yang, five elements, three talents and four images, sex and gossip, these are all ancient philosophy and metaphysics, without the support of details and logical formulas, so practitioners have to understand it, and as a result, a specialized scientific system will never be formed.

In Su Jie's view, anything can become a science.

The ancient kung fu has made great progress in terms of body movements. It is no longer taught by the master's precepts and deeds, but the application of the principles of bones, muscles, breathing, force and even endocrine.

As long as people exercise according to this exercise formula, they will come faster than any practice.


The formula knowledge of human body exercise has not been fully popularized, and it is only in the hands of a few research institutions. Unlike science such as mathematics, physics and chemistry, various formulas can be learned anytime and anywhere.

Su Jie has now fully understood that even human kinematics is very delicate, not inferior to any huge science.

For example, how should a person exercise when he is young, so that he can develop rapidly, strengthen his muscles and bones, and lay a solid foundation, and how to exercise when he grows up.

Many martial arts movements are not suitable for doing at a young age, which will affect physical development.

This is not counted, another knowledge is how should an elderly person exercise? Can make physical and mental health?

This is still the knowledge of human body movement, if it involves the coordination of psychology and kinematics, it will be even more complicated.

Similarly, Su Jie practiced the hoeing move, whether he practiced it with anger, or with the hope of harvesting and cultivating, the emotion is different, the power of kung fu is the strength and speed of the body, and the quality of the body will be very different.

Which mental state is better for practicing qigong requires a lot of data to support and study.

Just like Edison's study of light bulb filaments, he used thousands of materials and experimented again and again.

Human kinesiology is extremely complicated, psychology is even more complicated, and the relationship between the environment and the human body and mind is even more complicated.

Just like the pyramids in ancient Egypt, scientists have done many experiments and scientific analyzes on the structure. Some people have discovered the anti-corrosion and rust-removing functions in the pyramids, and some have found that they can also treat neurasthenia. Some scientists even found that the pyramids are microwave resonance Cavity, capable of sterilizing and rapidly dehydrating the corpse.

These are actually the knowledge of Feng Shui and architecture.

Many things in ancient times have not been thoroughly understood in modern times.

Fengshui in ancient China is even more magical. The "Burying Sutra" in it even has the effect of burying ancestors in a good place, which can make future generations blessed.

This also involves the fate of generations. Although it is a superstition, as time goes by, it may not fail to refine the scientific truth.

From Su Jie's point of view, although the current science has gone out of space, it is still just a sprout.

The lifespan of a person cannot even achieve longevity, and cannot escape birth, old age, sickness and death, so what is the use of God?

For a month in a row, Su Jie came to teach Zhang Jinchuan the "Jiugong Dayu Leibu Fa-rectification" when he had nothing to do, and gradually gained some experience in this subject.

Compared with Su Jie, his learning speed was very slow. Su Jie mastered all this kung fu from Zhang Nianquan in a few days, and he knew it by heart.

Of course, this is due to the difference in realm.

The difference between the living dead and ordinary people is too great, especially in terms of brain.

In the basement, Zhang Jinchuan was painting.

In front of him are canvases and paints. He keeps changing brushes, and a picture is presented on the canvas.

It was high in the sky, covered with dark clouds, and a golden armored god, holding a thunder hammer, struck fiercely, extremely powerful, and this momentum has the power to collapse the sky and the earth.

During the knocking, a snake-shaped lightning came violently, as if it was about to break through the canvas and descend on the world.

This kind of scene where human, god and thunder are intertwined, and the interaction between heaven and man is ready to emerge, showing Zhang Jinchuan's profound painterly skills.

When Su Jie saw Zhang Jinchuan for the first time, he saw his own painting "Buzhou Yunlong Picture", which can be said to be a dragon that sees the head but does not see the tail, which is not inferior to any great painter.

Now Zhang Jinchuan's painting "Lei Gong Sweeps the Demons" is more powerful than "Bu Zhou Yunlong".

This "Lei Gong Destroys the Demon Picture" was drawn by him after comprehending "Nine Palaces Dayu's Rectification of Lei Bu".

In this martial art, there are many pictures for meditation, and "Lei Gong Sang Demon Picture" is just one of them.

After finishing the painting in one go, Zhang Jinchuan was dripping with sweat and seemed to have collapsed.

When he was painting, he had no distractions, and all his energy and energy were poured into the paintbrush. At this time, even a child could successfully attack him with a pencil sharpener.

"The Fa-rectification of the Nine Palaces Dayu's Lei Department is so exquisite. I never thought that after studying for so long, I still only got the superficiality, but not the essence. No wonder the Zhang family has survived by virtue of this merit. I don't know how many ups and downs it has gone through. The rain is getting stronger and stronger." Zhang Jinchuan sighed.

"You have almost learned it, and the rest is to understand and comprehend it yourself." Su Jie said: "The Daoyin technique of Liu Guanglie, the old headmaster of Minglun Martial Arts School, the seven characters of Minglun are actually comparable to this technique , there is no distinction between good and bad, but the power of the Nine Heavens Thunder God of the Nine Palaces is extremely powerful. If you practice to the extreme, you will really have the power of the Nine Heavens Thunder God to sweep away demons. I haven't started training yet, mainly because I haven't been able to study it thoroughly , some of which cannot be grasped.”

"This technique requires supercomputers and artificial intelligence to do calculations, and it is difficult for the human brain to study further. Don't you have a good relationship with Larich? Let him analyze the data, and you can get a lot of good feedback." Zhang Jinchuan said.

"I have already sent our data for this month, including video and my own analysis report." Su Jie said, "But Larich's calculation is also a bit slow, and there is no such advanced kinematics. A precedent. But our data has been sold for a lot of money, and I will share half of it with you later."

"Data is really valuable, especially the data of people like you." Zhang Jinchuan sighed: "Actually, the money Larich gave you is still too little. If you give it to me, I will sell it, and the price can be raised on the dark web." More than three to five times. Experts in the realm of the living dead are called "extraordinary" on the dark web, and the various physical fitness test data and sports data of "extraordinary" people are sky-high."

"Larich is also a reliable entrepreneur. I handed over my data to him for research, and the research value we obtained in feedback exceeded the value of buying and selling on the dark web." Su Jie waved his hand: "And do business with him Pay attention to integrity and gain his trust, the value is even greater.”

"Of course I can understand the value of it." Zhang Jinchuan smiled suddenly: "You are really calm. If I guessed correctly, you called me a month ago to deal with the Feng family, and then find out The whereabouts of your sister. But you never told me, but patiently taught me kung fu for a month."

"This month's time is not wasted." Su Jie said: "Your strength has increased by at least 30%, and I have also improved a lot. My mind is sharper. This is my savings. Since you brought up this matter, then I As long as people don't speak secretly, now is the time to discuss dealing with the Feng family."

"The Feng family has a profound background and involves a lot of things. It is not so easy to deal with. What is even more difficult is that behind the Feng family is the Mao family. The two families are connected as one, and they are connected with each other. It is said that the old man of the Mao family is extremely powerful. Gao, the skill of Feng Shui surpassed the ancestors of ancient times, even Sanmao Zhenjun was inferior. He found a place overseas for the ancestors of the Mao family and the ancestors of the Feng family, buried them together, and arranged them into a formation. , the Mao family and the Feng family's qi are combined with each other, and the overseas qi of heaven and earth can make the two families grow rapidly, and it is impossible to collapse, with the majesty of a thousand-year-old family." Zhang Jinchuan eloquently said, as if he knew A lot of things: "The way we want to quickly bring down the Feng family is to find the ancestral graves overseas and destroy them directly, so that the Feng family will immediately decline and there will be no day to turn around."

"This is nonsense." Su Jie waved his hand, vetoing this idea: "I still think about something practical, such as finding evidence of the Feng family's crimes and bringing them to justice."

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