Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 241 Forces come and go

Su Jie's plane soon landed in Tokyo, Japan.

The Tai Chi Martial Arts Alliance is located here.

Tai Chi is also extremely popular in Japan.

Many people from all over the world traveled thousands of miles to China to learn from teachers, and then returned to their hometowns to open museums to teach apprentices.

There are even some people who have only learned some routines, but dare to go back and teach hundreds of students, and then call themselves masters.

There are many such liars in China, and there are also in Japan.

Of course, there is also a popular traditional Chinese boxing method in Japan called Bajiquan. This boxing method is highly respected by the Japanese, and it is even called the real killing boxing.

That's because Li Shuwen, the sharpshooter, killed many Japanese martial arts masters during the Republic of China.

Su Jie had never been to Japan before, but he knew that the martial arts atmosphere in Japan is very strong.

The extreme bushido spirit gave the Japanese the will to practice without risking their lives.

For example, Kimura Hikomasa who vowed to harakiri if he lost before every game, and Oyama Beida who practiced loneliness in the deep mountains and shaved off his eyebrows. Not to mention Miyamoto Musashi, who holds a samurai sword and challenges famous masters to fight to the death.

As far as martial arts are concerned, there are a lot of Taoist madmen in Japan. Su Jie has been familiar with the history of Japanese martial arts. Among them, various martial arts masters have done many incredible things in order to pursue the highest level of martial arts. Many experiences are worth learning from the Chinese.

So after World War II, Japanese martial arts masters quickly spread martial arts to the whole world. However, most of the traditional Chinese martial arts are still playing tricks.

"Su Jie, here."

At the exit of the pick-up hall, someone is saying hello.

Old Chen Zai and several Hunyuan Taiji disciples have been waiting for a long time.

"With you supporting the scene this time, our Hunyuan Taiji can make a name for itself in the industry." When Old Chen saw Su Jie finally appearing, the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"How is the level of this exchange meeting?" Su Jie is really not familiar with the various situations in the Taijiquan circle. The circle of traditional martial arts is relatively closed, and if you don't get into it, you can't find the interpersonal relationship in it, even if it is a martial arts competition. Contests are also closed doors to learn from each other, and never advertised to the outside world.

Therefore, the overall level of traditional martial arts is relatively poor.

In particular, there are hundreds of millions of people learning Taijiquan all over the world, and real masters are rare.

"All the masters will be present, of course it's nothing to you." Old Chen was relieved, "Even Yang Shu, who is now recognized as the number one Tai Chi master, is not your opponent."

"Is he so powerful?" Several disciples were puzzled when they heard Lao Chen's flattery, but they didn't dare to say it out loud, they all whispered and whispered to each other.

Su Jie heard it too, and just smiled.

Old Chen also ignored the mutterings of these disciples, dragged Su Jie into a car, and arrived in front of a townhouse in a short while.

There is a plaque hanging on the machiya, which actually reads Hunyuan Taiji.

Machiya is an ancient residential style in Kyoto, Japan. There are shops in the front and courtyards in the back. Many residents use the shops in the front to do business and live in the back.

The general machiya is very small, but this one is very spacious, and it is a bit like a martial arts dojo.

"Mr. Chen, is this your martial arts school? They've all come to Japan?" Su Jie was rather surprised. His own little martial arts is still played in the domestic fighting circle, and his Hunyuan Taiji has already spread abroad. Ye, even building such a large dojo, the gap is obvious.

"This is opened by one of my Japanese apprentices. I heard that I will be invited to live here this time, and the board and lodging will be arranged for the whole process. He has learned Taijiquan from me for 20 years, starting from the age of 20. At the beginning, I had to live in China for three months every year, and I persisted for 20 years. He is the one who has studied the hardest among my apprentices, and now he has the highest achievement." Old Chen was very impressed.

While talking, a Japanese man appeared at the door of the machiya, followed by many Japanese disciples in Tai Chi costumes.

The leader of the Japanese was forty years old, with a Chinese character face, and there was a square fortitude in his eyebrows, especially his round and long eyes, and his eyebrows like silkworms. This is "Danfengyan lying silkworm eyebrows", which is somewhat similar to Guan Gong. Judging from the appearance, this kind of person can persevere in everything he does, and is very loyal and brave, but he is also relatively conceited.

Seeing Lao Chen, the Japanese immediately knelt down and kowtowed three times, and the Japanese disciples behind him also knelt down and kowtowed.

"I want you to stop acting like this." Old Chen quickly pulled him up.

"Etiquette cannot be dismissed. This is the difference between our martial arts and fighting." The Japanese said respectfully, but he showed a different view from Lao Chen.

Su Jie knew that although Lao Chen was a master of traditional martial arts, what he disliked the most was the apprenticeship ceremony, such as kowtowing. He likes the modern coaching system, and believes that only this style can teach good students.

If the student is in awe of the teacher, it will never be successful.

But the Japanese in front of him agrees with that set of etiquette very much, and brought this etiquette to Japan, which is stipulated in daily life like military training.

Japanese martial arts pays the most attention to the details of etiquette. Even standing, sitting, eating, drinking, and dressing must have manners. Many people don't understand, thinking that this is of no use to fighting. In between, develop dignity and hone your mentality.

After the mentality is well tempered, the martial arts movements will naturally come naturally.

This is like folding quilts into tofu cubes in the army, and it is also honing the quality of military orders and prohibitions.

But Su Jie also knows that if there are too many rules, it will become ethical and murderous, which will wear down people's spirituality and make people lose their creativity.

There needs to be a balance between these two aspects.

There are too many rules, lifeless, and once the rules are broken, all kinds of creativity and new things will blow out immediately, but it will also cause mud and sand, and finally the ceremony will collapse and it will be out of control.

This is the opposite of yin and yang.

Su Jie has already realized this truth.

Therefore, his martial arts kung fu has truly become a master now. He has understood that whether it is kung fu or life, he must be able to grasp the balance point and grasp the most "moderate" point, so that the balance of life will always be in the balance. Balanced, not tilted and fallen.

These days, he has already begun to enter the realm of "enlightenment".

"This is my apprentice, Takeda Zang, who has studied Taijiquan with me for twenty years." Old Chen introduced to Su Jie.

"Master, isn't this your apprentice?" Takeda Zang was fluent in Chinese, and asked in a low voice. He could already see that Su Jie seemed to have a high status, not like Lao Chen's apprentice, but a friend.

"This is the foreign aid of our Hunyuan Taiji, he is a real master. You can try pushing hands with him, and he will guide you in the changes of strength and air flow." Old Chen said.

Disbelief was evident in Takedazo's eyes.

A few people quickly walked into the courtyard and dojo inside, dozens of disciples were pushing each other, and some were practicing Tai Chi routines.

Lao Chen's Hunyuan Taijiquan is different from ordinary moves, adding some fast movements, not blindly slow, just like playing the piano, sometimes like the spring breeze blowing on the face, pearls fall on the jade plate, and water drips from the eaves. Sometimes it is like a gold and iron horse, attacking fiercely, opening and closing.

This routine is very different from ordinary soothing, and it is his own understanding.

This set of boxing methods is quite capable in actual combat. During many exchanges in the Tai Chi world, the disciples of Hunyuan Tai Chi have achieved very good results. However, he was attacked by other Tai Chi schools, thinking that he changed the boxing method without authorization and broke the rules.

"Mr. Su Jie, let's exchange pushing hands." Takeda Zang invited.

He held out his left hand.

The communication in Taijiquan is all about pushing hands, rather than just fighting with punches and kicks. The depth of a person's Taijiquan is also measured from the strength of pushing hands.

Pushing hands is somewhat similar to wrestling, but it is different from wrestling.

There is ingenuity and brute force in wrestling. Most are brute force hugs.

In Taijiquan push hands, you must never use brute force, but chemical force. When the enemy hits me, I must first dissolve it, and then aim at the enemy's weak point, attacking with very small force, causing the enemy to fall, or Subdued by capture.

Everything is based on the principle of a balanced lever, and it pays attention to the conversion at the moment when the force is heard.

This is an elegant body culture, but unless it has been practiced to a very high level, it cannot be used in actual combat at all. But it is very useful for self-cultivation and sports physique, and improving one's sensitivity.

Simply put, this is a method of training.

Of course, these competitions have a high safety factor.

Su Jie also stretched out his hand, and joined Takeda Zang, and then pushed, and sent a force to it.

Takeda Zang smiled in his heart, and was about to melt away, but found that the force changed, like a snake spit out a letter, like a silkworm spit out silk, sticking to his arm, causing him to melt into an empty space.

The whole person lost weight instantly. Being pushed, he suddenly fell to the ground and rolled twice.


"what happened?"

"How is this possible?" The disciples around were all surprised and completely lost their demeanor.

Everyone was watching the pushing hands, and everyone only saw that Su Jie and Takeda Cang's hands clashed together, and then Su Jie pushed, and Takeda Cang rolled over as if he was pushed to the ground by some strange "internal strength".

"Impossible!" Takeda Zang seemed to be in disbelief, he got up again and tried to push his hands, but just now he himself didn't understand what was going on.

Su Jie just smiled, and stretched out his hand again, and the two resisted.

This time Takeda Zang made the first move, and with a sudden jerk, he sent out a crisp, short jerk, which was retracted in one blow, like whipping a whip, somewhat similar to Cun Jin.

This kind of force has strong explosive power, and it can be retracted quickly, which can quickly stabilize the body and carry out a second strike.

But within a flick of his hand, that power was lost again, and when he retracted it for an instant, Su Jie's thrust came again, causing him to fall to the ground with a bang.

This time he didn't roll over, but after taking a few steps back, he sat down on the ground panting. (https:)

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