Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 242: Tai Chi Conference: The God of Judo is Extraordinary

Tai Chi Push Hands looks amazing. When a real master uses it, the enemy will fly out and roll when he puts his hand on it, which is almost like a liar.

But Su Jie knows that this is a physical phenomenon, which can be explained by Hooke's law.

No matter how powerful an object is, there is a support point of strength to maintain its stability. Once this support point is found, destroy it with a small force, and the object will be destroyed.

This is Hooker's blind spot.

There is also such a philosophical truth in China's Dayan Theory.

The number of Dayan is fifty, and if one of the numbers is removed, forty-nine is left, which can be combined at will and can be changed in ever-changing ways. To thoroughly grasp the mystery, you only need to find the "one" in it.

In the movie Prison Break, when the male protagonist wants to destroy a wall, he uses a formula to calculate the location of Hooker's blind spot on that wall, and easily destroys the extremely solid wall.

Hooke's law is most widely used in blasting.

To blast a bridge or a building, calculations must be made using Hooke's Law.

It's just that no matter the walls or buildings, they are not moving, and their Hooker's blind spots are fixed. The human body is in motion, and the blind spots will change at will.

In fact, the ancient predecessors invented martial arts and the Da Yan theory. In fact, they also vaguely felt the existence of Hooke's blind spots in their lives, but they did not summarize the physical formula.

In traditional martial arts, Su Jie has long known that it is a way to find the blind spot of Hu Ke, and then hide it or strengthen it.

Even if it is horizontal practice qigong, the Thirteenth Taibao horizontal refinement gold bell cover iron cloth shirt dragon tiger King Kong hard qigong, there is also the existence of "cover door", which is also a kind of Hooker's blind spot.

Tai Chi Pushing Hands means that when two people are pushing back and forth, they find Hooker's blind spot and destroy it directly. The opponent will lose his balance miraculously, and he will be thrown or knocked out by a large margin.

"Mr. Su Jie, you are really like a god." Wu Tianzang got up and had already deeply felt the strength of Su Jie's Tai Chi push hands. He is also considered a powerful figure in the Tai Chi world, but Su Jie played with him like a child: " Please also show me how to find the enemy's force point."

"This requires spiritual practice to reach an extremely sensitive state." Su Jie said: "It is necessary to calm down the mind first and weaken the six senses. Of course, your own physical fitness must also keep up, otherwise even if you discover the other party's weakness, the body can't keep up

Can't send precise force to destroy it. "

Su Jie didn't talk about anything very deep, and the training of Tai Chi push hands can't be achieved overnight, especially for a master like Takeda Zang, it's even more difficult to go further.

"Okay, if you want to study, there will be more opportunities in the future. Tomorrow is the start of the conference, so save some energy to participate." Old Chen said: "Today you must cultivate your energy."

"Then I'll arrange a rest." Takeda Zang hurriedly took Lao Chen and his party to the back. It was a small wooden building with Japanese-style tatami mats, which was very charming.

Su Jie felt very refreshed when he lay down after taking a bath.

Old Chen seemed to be discussing something with his apprentice Takeda Zang, and no one came to disturb Su Jie.

Nothing to say all night.

Early the next morning, Lao Chen took Takeda Zang and more than a dozen disciples to charter a bus to a gymnasium.

This Tai Chi Martial Arts Exchange Meeting is an unofficial exchange event, funded by several consortiums, and organized by the Japan Tai Chi Martial Arts Federation. Many famous Tai Chi martial arts and enthusiasts from all over the world are invited to participate. This is also a practice every three years.

However, every time there are countless Tai Chi enthusiasts competing to participate.

For true martial arts lovers, they will come here even if they can see masters learning kung fu.

In that small town in City D, countless foreigners travel across the ocean to learn Chinese Kung Fu every year.

"Hey, there is actually a buffet for this year's conference." One of Lao Chen's disciples found a large sign hanging at the entrance of the gymnasium, with guiding directions written in Chinese, English and Japanese. middle.

"This conference is sponsored by the Hedao Group. It is said that Liu Shi, the chairman of the Hedao Group, will also attend this exchange meeting in person." Takeda Zang said to Lao Chen: "Master, you are actually brothers with Yang Shu. Our Hunyuan Taiji is diverted from Yang's Taiji. Liu Shi followed Yang Shu to learn Taijiquan. Their reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and they are still slandering the teacher. I see this Taiji Exchange Conference, they will Slander the teacher to death. The teacher must guard against their provocation."

"It's okay." Lao Chen waved his hand and walked into the venue.

There is a reception in the venue, as long as you take out the invitation card, you can exchange it for buffet coupons and other items.

At this time, people and groups wearing all kinds of Tai Chi costumes kept coming in, and they were arranged to sit in designated positions by the organizing committee.

This gymnasium is very large, and the seats are divided into many areas. Each group is an area. It seems that a total of hundreds of Tai Chi groups participated in this exchange meeting.

However, Lao Chen's Hunyuan Taiji has a relatively large number of people. There are more than ten people, and the general group is only two or three people. After all, many Taijiquan gyms don't have so much time and money to come to Japan to participate in the competition.

Not to mention round-trip air tickets, accommodation is a big expense.

Su Jie sat in his seat, watching the martial arts groups and enthusiasts who kept coming in, he saw some foreigners from Europe and America walking to his seat alone, with a sticker of a certain Tai Chi martial arts gym on it.

This represents the Tai Chi martial arts gyms opened by foreigners in Europe and the United States, and they came to Japan alone to participate in martial arts exchanges.

"These foreigners really love Taijiquan." Su Jie felt deeply in his heart. He saw that the foreigners who came here to communicate were basically good at Taijiquan. tumbler.

There are also a few foreigners, the five bows all over their bodies are shaking during their steps, their whole bodies are abnormally sensitive, their aura is condensed, their perceptions are released, and they actually have a faint smell that flies can't fall.

This is the kung fu of Taijiquan practiced to the state of perfection.

Of course, even if Tai Chi has practiced to this level, it may not be able to fight, but then again, if you practice all kinds of fighting skills after you have reached this level, you will definitely improve rapidly. , Hitting accuracy, you can quickly master it and become a master.

Another advantage of practicing Taijiquan is that it is not easy to get injured, unlike fighting boxing, which is prone to injuries and fractures of teeth.

"Yang Shu is here." At this moment, there was a commotion at the door, and Lao Chen touched Su Jie: "Now we are the number one person in the Taijiquan world, and his realm has reached the realm of the living dead. Wrong. But he is not proficient in fighting, and his actual combat experience may not be an opponent for someone like Liu Long."

Su Jie saw the door, and a middle-aged man walked in, followed by many people.

The middle-aged man is wearing Tai Chi white tights, which are not fluffy, but a bit similar to fighting tights, which are difficult to be pulled by others. This is a special design.

He has a crew cut that makes it impossible to grab the hair.

The temperament of the whole person is like a white cloud, floating to and fro without taking away any dust, or like a breeze, blowing past without leaving a trace, or like a waterfall, under the torrent, it never stops washing the rock .

"This is Yang Shu, the number one person in Taiji?" Su Jie didn't know much about Taiji circles, but he had heard of Yang Shu's name before, "Sure enough, he is very clear, but he doesn't have the murderous aura of Zhang Hongqing, nor Liu Long's fighting spirit is somewhat similar to that of a scholar."

The realm of "living dead" is not necessarily obtained through practice.

Even if the great Confucians in ancient times read the books of sages and sages, they can cultivate their energy, read books, and be human through Confucian principles.

There are also ancient monks who can reach this state by reading Buddhist scriptures and practicing Zen meditation.

Even some old people, who have experienced the vicissitudes of life, can reach this state.

The realm of the "living dead" is just a kind of "extraordinary" psychological quality, not a force value.

For example, if you have reached this state through studying and being a human being, at most you will have good health, live a long life, and have profound wisdom, but it does not mean that you can fight. To become a master of kung fu, it is still necessary to practice hard through scientific methods, actual combat, and even bloody fighting.

Afterwards, there were two people beside Yang Shu who had the same status as him. One of them was Liu Shi from the Hedao Group, a rich man on the same level as Xia Shang, who liked Tai Chi very much and worshiped Yang Shu as his teacher. It's just that his kung fu aptitude is really bad, but it can't kill his interest in tai chi.

He will definitely participate in any big Tai Chi activities, and will also contribute money to subsidize Tai Chi activities, and even shoot various movies. Vow to spread Tai Chi culture more widely.

And the other person is a Japanese, wearing judo clothes, extremely sturdy, and a bit older, about fifty years old, but judging by his body, even a guy in his twenties who often works out is not as good as him. superior.

"Another master of the realm of the living dead." Su Jie knew that there are very few masters of this realm in the world, and here are two of them at once.

He also recognized that this judo master is the god of judo in Japan, Daben Xianghua who mastered "air throwing" and Song Qiong's master.

Daben Xianghua has a very close relationship with Taijiquan. He also went to the birthplace of Taijiquan to learn boxing. When he was eating, he was taken away from the bench, sat on the ground and sat on the ground, but he learned about judo. In the midst of the theory of air throwing, and then his practice became more and more advanced, and he defeated masters one after another in judo competitions, and gradually became the "God of Judo".

"This person is really extraordinary. If I compare him with judo rules, it may be difficult to defeat him." Su Jie saw Daben Xianghua's aura, and knew that this person's realm was very advanced, and he might not be among Liu Guanglie. Now, compared with him, I am still at a disadvantage in realm, and the advantage is that I am young.

Of course, if life-and-death fighting is not the rule of judo competition, Su Jie feels that his chances of winning are very high.

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