Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 246: Pushing the mountain is hard to move, enlightenment and change become real

Put both hands together.

Su Jie felt the extraordinaryness of Yang Shu. Unlike all the Tai Chi fighters he had come into contact with, Yang Shu's arm seemed to have strength, but it seemed to have no strength. If you use strength, he would have no strength. If you have no strength, he has strength.

This virtual reality, yin and yang changes, empty and empty, sad enough to make people vomit blood.

Taijiquan masters can play with people between clapping hands between hands, this is this kind of kung fu.

Of course, if you want to compete with someone in a real fight, no one will try to push you after joining hands with you, and directly greet your face with your fist, or sweep your body with your legs. At this speed, there is no chance to go Chemical power.

But now the competition is pushing hands, not fighting, so they can only follow the rules honestly.

Just like when everyone competes in boxing, and you end up using your legs, knees and elbows, that is absolutely not acceptable.

"The change of the strength of the first person in Tai Chi has been empty and loose, open-minded like a valley, can accommodate hundreds of rivers, and handle the changes of all things. I have seen it." Su Jie felt that Yang Shu was attracted but not released. Luckily, he had come into contact with Tai Chi Push Hands, and he also I have tried many times on the morning game, if it is the first time I encounter it, I am afraid I will suffer a little loss.

The opponent was as solid as a mountain, and Su Jie couldn't move. He pushed forward with his arms and slowly sent force, just like a heavily armed army, marching in neat steps, stepping on the ground like thunder, forcing forward, although it was slow, it was powerful. unstoppable.

Yang Shu's face suddenly became serious.

Between holding hands, he concealed the strength of his whole body, faltering and faltering, and used a lot of strength to synthesize, which contained a fierce counterattack.

But Su Jie actually pushed forward like a forest, just using force to break the trick.

Just like when two countries are at war, one country lays traps everywhere, uses tricks, spreads rumors and creates troubles, and exhausts its ingenuity. But another country is production, violent soldiers, advancing step by step, conquering a place, occupying a place, building and operating, using the simplest, most ordinary, and most dignified method to break through all changes.

The results are obvious.

Such as the Three Kingdoms struggle for hegemony, even if Zhuge Liang is as witty as a god, he can't resist Cao Wei's violent soldiers.

Su Jie's move of hoeing the head is ordinary and simple, the most humble farm tool is blended into boxing, and it is also scum, but it is precisely the strength of this move, which is called "ten thousand" by the martial arts in the old society. "King of Boxing", known as the most ruthless and poisonous.

Yang Shu actually felt helpless.

A word appeared in his mind, that is, "a scholar meets a soldier, and there is no reason to explain it".


The skeletal muscles and airflow in his body began to work, and when they were transmitted to the arms, they also began to change, and the strength suddenly became thicker, and they were hard-pressed with Su Jie.

Taijiquan pays attention to the four words "don't throw away, don't stand up". If you don't throw away, you need to stick to the enemy. If you don't give up, you need to force the enemy.

The enemy is real, I use the false, the enemy uses the false, I use the real.

But now, Yang Shu violated the principles of Taijiquan and went directly to the top.

The reason is very simple, Su Jie's pushing forward cannot be resolved at all, such as advancing with a large army, any tactics are useless, only fighting for national strength.

Skills are useless at this time.

Between the two of them, there was a crackling sound at the place where the arms touched each other, as if some kind of whip was being swung.

Both of them took a step back.

The faces of both sides became more dignified.

Su Jie took another step forward, stretched out his hand again, and joined Yang Shu.

Yang Shu pushed forward, and Su Jie pulled downward. And Yang Shu raised it continuously, and Su Jie pulled it to the left.

Now the two started a real pushing hands contest, you use your strength to melt away, and I use your strength to melt away. Pushing back and forth, the mutual power changes are intertwined, just like a chess game that is getting more and more complicated.

"It's not surprising that this kid is young and strong, and his boxing skills are superb, but the force of pushing his hands is also so exquisite. He understands every detail of my strength, and he senses every movement of my heart. It is indeed powerful." Yang Shu was in the process of pushing hands. , already knew the power of Su Jie, the other party could even feel the thoughts in his heart.

And Su Jie also felt this way, the other party could predict in advance what he wanted to show.

Two people are like two machines competing with each other, or two computers, sharing each other, seeing each other's tricks, you come and go, and they are in an absolute balance.

If one side loses balance, the situation will completely collapse.

In the eyes of outsiders, Su Jie and Yang Shu were just pushing back and forth without any violent activity.

Liu Shi shook his head, but didn't understand, so he asked Daben Xianghua: "Mr. Daben, how are these two doing now?"

"Equally matched." Daben Xianghua looked at it carefully: "The push hands of the two of them are in a delicate balance, and the cycle goes back and forth, which is incomparable. Just right, wonderful! Simply wonderful!"

Liu Shi can't see what's so good about it, but he also likes pushing hands, and he can vaguely feel some differences. Every time he trains pushing hands with Yang Shu, as soon as he joins hands, he will be controlled by the opponent. Huffing and retracting, you can play with yourself between applause.

But now, when pushing with this young man named Su Jie, except for the first push, both sides are calm and peaceful, you come and go, you retreat and I advance.

"This young man is evenly matched with Yang Shu in terms of push hands, that's really amazing. If it's a push hands competition, even if the world's number one fighter comes, he can't be Yang Shu's opponent." Liu Shi knew in his heart.

So Luo, the number one fighter in the world, will definitely lose to Yang Shu if he uses the pushing hands rule. But if Yang Shu went to fight, he would definitely be beaten by So Luo to the point of fleeing.

If the two meet Gu Yang on the street, they may be killed by Gu Yang with a hidden weapon.

Su Jie and Yang Shu pushed back and forth for a full five minutes, and the speed of the two pushing back and forth became faster and faster. At this time, Liu Shi finally saw the wonderful thing.


The two people's arms touched, as if they were stuck, but there were crackling sounds one after another at the sticking place, as if the two joints were electrified.

This is where the power of the two sides alternates.

One thought after another appeared in Su Jie's mind. These thoughts drove his body and sent out strength, trying to transmit it through his arms, destroy Yang Shu's center of gravity, and destroy the enemy.

The same is true for Yang Shu.

In Yang Shu's mind, he has been keenly aware of the changes in Su Jie's power. He has grasped the "blind spots" on Su Jie's body, but every time he is about to destroy them, the blind spots have shifted.

He felt like an eagle, and the other party was a cunning rabbit, who couldn't catch it no matter what.

Between pushing hands, the two can detect each other's "Hooker's blind spot", but neither can destroy it.

Because during the movement, the "Hooker's blind spot" of both sides performed a jump transfer.

This is somewhat similar to the movement of acupuncture points in martial arts novels.

"It's really hearty. I never thought that the contest of Tai Chi push hands would be more exhausting than life and death." Su Jie enjoyed the confrontation very much.

He felt that his technical level had greatly improved. For fighting, fighting, and wrestling training, all of them could be obtained in Pushing Hands.

Although it is said that he is competing with Yang Shu, it is also a kind of training for him. The difference is that he has a master like Yang Shu as his partner, which makes him quickly aware of the deep-seated power changes in Taijiquan push hands way.

Also, it's not master and apprentice and hello. Yang Shu went all out to protect his apprentice and also for his own reputation.

This kind of sparring partner who has poured all his energy and energy is even more rare.

Detect blind spots, send power, destroy.

Pushing hands goes back and forth in this process. Su Jie has a feeling that he is exploring science and the truth is right in front of him. His movements are getting faster and faster, and the frequency is getting faster and faster. The two of them push back and forth, and the clothes actually come out. There was wind.

Yang Shu did not show weakness either, he maintained a strong oppressive attack, exerted all the strength of Taijiquan, combined with each other, ever-changing, sometimes like a whip whip, sometimes like a landslide and tsunami, sometimes like a spring silkworm spinning silk, and sometimes like a spring breeze turning into rain.

The two fought fiercely, suddenly Yang Shu seemed to have grasped Su Jie's "blind spot", and rushed forward fiercely, rolling in, with the strength of the Yangtze River, overwhelming mountains and seas.

Su Jie also caught Yang Shu's blind spot at the same time, and the two of them suddenly launched a decisive blow.

bang bang!

Two loud bangs.

Su Jie retreated continuously, couldn't stand firmly, and hit the wall directly, causing many cracks to appear on the wall behind him.

The same is true for Yang Shu, who was also destroyed by Su Jie in an instant, lost his balance, and retreated violently.

The two of them actually lost both sides, and there was no win or loss.

clap clap clap

Daben Xianghua stood up and said, "Wonderful, wonderful, neither lose nor win, I don't think there's any need to compete, Tai Chi pushing hands is not about fighting each other, it's just to see who is right about the use of strength and self-balance It’s just about the level of mastery.”

"Let's go to another room." Liu Shi ordered.

The room here is messed up.

The five of them arrived in another quiet room. Yang Shu had sensed Su Jie's skill, and his face softened a lot. During the confrontation just now, most of his anger disappeared. After sitting down, he said: "Little friend, your The mind hand kung fu is amazing, I have seen some masters who practice the mind hand, but you are very different from theirs."

"The postures are similar, but the mind is different." Su Jie has indeed improved the hoe in the mind, the posture is more precise, and the mind is adjusted more, with his own things in it.

A handful of mountains and rivers, a handful of dry prosperity, a handful of spring and autumn, a handful of life.

History is turning over in this hoe after hoe.

Su Jie's hand, up and down, added some new things in this push hands contest, the change of strength is more unpredictable, and the physical and mental flaws are even less.

"In time, when I break through the realm of enlightenment, I'm afraid I can fight Zhang Hongqing." Su Jie thought.

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