Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 247: Repeated Attacks, Mysterious Assassination Revealed

This time I have benefited a lot from participating in the Tai Chi Martial Arts Exchange Conference.

Kung fu gained a kind of refinement and comprehension, completed the plan, and had dinner with Liu Shi. There's just no way to communicate specifics.

Now he and Liu Shi are just nodding acquaintances.

For a rich man like Liu Shi, there are so many people who eat with him, maybe he can't remember who is who after a meal.

So now is not the time to talk, you can get to know each other first, and then you have the opportunity to deepen your impression in the future, and then you can do a lot of things.

The dishes came up one by one, some exquisite Japanese dishes.

But Su Jie is not very interested in Japanese food. In his opinion, most of these dishes are fresh and sliced, without frying, cooking and other procedures. On the surface, they enjoy the original taste of freshness. What a difference.

Humans invented fire just to eat cooked food.

"Little friend, after dinner, are you interested in competing with me in judo?" Da Ben sent an invitation to Hua during the meal.

This kind of communication is in private, that is, in traditional martial arts, there is a closed door to learn from each other. After walking out, no one knows what the outcome will be.

"Happy to accompany you." Su Jie was not only not afraid, but also very eager in his heart.

Just now I benefited a lot from competing with Yang Shu in pushing hands, and I can definitely gain more insights from competing in judo with Da Ben Xianghua.

To become a real powerhouse, such communication is essential.

Every time Su Jie fights against a master, his whole body will be reborn. So far, the battle that has had the greatest impact on him is naturally the match against Feng Hengyi, which made him directly promoted to the realm of the living dead. Then there was the fight with Zhang Hongqing.

And the pushing hands with Yang Shu just now did not train him as well as the previous two times.

So he is looking forward to the judo match with Daben Xianghua.

"It's really a hero born out of a boy." Big Ben said to Hua again: "Little friend, you are only eighteen years old now, and you have already reached the realm where life and death are impermanent, and wisdom shines forever. I have traveled around the world and met countless outstanding people, but I have never seen a person at your age who has reached such a state."

"I've seen it before." At this moment, Yang Shu said, "That's when I went to teach in Europe last year.

I met a young man wearing a mask who wanted to challenge me. "

"What mask are you wearing?" Su Jie asked.

"Dragon mask." Yang Shu said.

"Then what was the result of the competition?" Su Jie asked again.

"I didn't compete with him. He saw that I didn't agree and left." Yang Shu shook his head: "I can feel that he has reached the realm of the living dead."

"Your martial arts call this state the living dead. It is quite appropriate." Daben said to Hua: "However, our Japanese Zen Dao and Kendo call this state Wisdom Bright Eternal Illumination. After practicing Zen and practicing swords to reach this state There is no longer any fear of life and death."

"It's all the same thing." Su Jie said: "According to scientific research, this state is that mental training promotes the cingulate gyrus, amygdala, thalamus, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and brainstem that control negative emotions. Coordination makes these brain tissues change their original habits. When people encounter danger, the outside world gives the brain a conditioned reflex, and the cerebral cortex will panic. Panic emotions dominate the human body, causing panic and endocrine hormone imbalance. With training, you can change that, that's all."

Through detailed scientific research, Su Jie has explained the state of these psychological qualities and the realm of martial arts through the anatomy of the brain.

Human emotions are generated by the brain, and the training of the brain is still blank.

Knowing the principle of the "living dead", and then through various experiments and simulations, you can find out which kind of training is most suitable.

Both Xiang Hua and Yang Shu, the big masters in front of them, are good masters of martial arts, but they all know the inherent traditional martial arts practice. Even if they have some scientific theories, they are only in the field of kinematics, far inferior to Su Jie. in-depth research.

Su Jie himself is a life science major, and his self-study knowledge has completely surpassed that of a doctor, especially in Larich's laboratory research, and he has gained more things.

The more he studied, the deeper his understanding of kung fu became.

Hearing Su Jie uttered a series of knowledge, Daben Xianghua and Yang Shu couldn't get in the conversation, and some embarrassment appeared on their faces.

They really don't understand some studies on the tissue secretion system of the cerebral cortex.

Liu Shi's eyes flashed: "Are you specializing in this research?"

"I signed a contract with Larich's life science laboratory, and I am a dedicated researcher, doing data analysis reports and ** research experiments." Su Jie said.

"So, your identity is a scientist?" Liu Shi became more and more interested.

"Scientists can't be counted as researchers, I'm still a college student, and my education is not very high." Su Jie said: "Of course, my part-time job is just a bodyguard. I learn Kung Fu to do better research. I am also an experimenter* *."

"Interesting." Hearing what Su Jie said, Liu Shi nodded. He didn't expect that Su Jie's bodyguard was just a part-time job, and his real occupation was scientific research.

"Are you interested?" Liu Shi just wanted to say something.

Suddenly, Su Jie's face changed, and he rushed towards him.

Jin Xin, who was behind Liu Shi, immediately intercepted Su Jie. He didn't expect Su Jie to attack Liu Shi. Even Daben Xianghua and Yang Shu didn't react.


Jin Xin didn't stop Su Jie at all, but was knocked aside by Su Jie's palm.

Then Su Jie grabbed Liu Shi, lifted the whole thing up, and dodged to the side.

At this critical moment, a bullet penetrated from the outside and hit the place where Liu Shi was just now.

"There is an attack!" Now Jin Xin also reacted, and immediately wanted to protect Liu Shi.

bang bang bang!

The bullets outside were sniper shots, and they shot in continuously. I don't know where the sniper is. Every bullet was aimed at Liu Shi.

But Su Jie grabbed Liu Shi's footsteps and moved, and the bullets missed in a flash. Then he smashed through a wall and reached another room, blocking the sniper's sight, making it impossible for the opponent to aim.

Sure enough, the bullet stopped firing, as if nothing had happened.

Liu Shi was caught in Su Jie's hand, and he hadn't recovered from the panic, his face was a little pale. However, he is a well-informed person after all, and after a minute, his accelerated heartbeat slowed down.

"It's okay." Su Jie put him down, as if he had done a trivial thing, "The sniper fired six shots in total, but no effect was received, and he left. The murderous intent has disappeared, and there should be no second shot." Assassination, and even if it is another attack, it is not a big deal, as long as I am within five steps of you, no one can kill you."

At this moment, Su Jie showed his arrogance.

When the shooting just happened, Daben Xianghua and Yang Shu didn't notice it, and even Jin Xin didn't know anything about it, but he immediately predicted it in advance, not because his realm was higher than the two great masters of martial arts. Rather, he has undergone many special trainings.

Not to mention the things in the war-torn land, after he became Larich's bodyguard, he had to do bullet avoidance training all day long, and he developed a sensitivity to the calculation of ballistic trajectory and the aiming of the muzzle behind his back.

This thing requires long-term training. Even if martial arts has reached this level, it is useless without professional training.

Just like people who practice routines and strength, if they don't fight, they can't become a master of fighting.

Of course, training to dodge ballistics is extremely dangerous without reaching the realm of the living dead. If Daben Xianghua and Yang Shu also trained in this area, the training would be effective in a few months, but it was not as good as Su Jie.

Because Su Jie was young and had quick reflexes, his limit speed was still faster than these two great martial arts masters.

Hearing Su Jie's words, Liu Shi felt an absolute sense of security in his heart.

Not only did he have it, but it was also because of this that Larich made up his mind to ask Su Jie to be his bodyguard.

Now Liu Shi understood why Larich trusted Su Jie so much.

"Boss." Jin Xin ran over with shame on his face. If it wasn't for Su Jie just now, his boss would have been shot and killed, and he would be in serious trouble.

He is not incapable, but who would have expected that he would encounter such a terrifying sniper here.

He is also a person with experience as an agent, but after all, he has been in the domestic security environment for a long time, and he has lost some vigilance. Besides, Japan is also very safe.

If Liu Shi was assassinated today, it would be absolutely big news.

Fortunately, he was rescued by Su Jie.

"Immediately negotiate with the owner here. First, you are not allowed to call the police or notify the media. This incident should be treated as if it never happened. Second, take all the video surveillance data to our headquarters. I want to find out who it is. .” Liu Shi ordered.

He has completely recovered his composure.

Su Jie didn't intervene, he didn't care what Liu Shi did, he didn't regard this as a big deal, what to eat and what to drink was just commonplace for him.

Da Ben Xianghua and Yang Shu were very surprised to see him like this. They are both traditional martial arts practitioners and have rarely experienced such scenes. They know that no matter how strong their kung fu is, they are powerless against guns.

"It's true that this matter should not be known by the media, otherwise it will cause an uproar, and you will be very passive." Su Jie said.

"Let's move to another place. It's not safe here." Daben said to Hua: "The Japanese food here is a must, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. It's my fault, I shouldn't come here."

"It's okay, it's safe here now." Su Jie said: "Mr. Liu Shi, who have you offended recently? The sniper just now was able to hide his breath, and his killing intent was concentrated without showing it. Even I didn't notice it at first. He is an absolute master, and there are definitely not too many people who can use this kind of sniper."

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