Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 273 Draining from the Bottom of the Bottom The Deliberate Way Is Unnatural

Poaching Kang Gu is indeed a good choice, it is Haoyu's first counterattack.

Moreover, Su Jie's Dian Dao martial arts teamed up with the Dragon Club, with such a brand, it will definitely develop greatly, and even spread internationally.

But how to dig this person is a difficult problem.

I don't know what agreement Kangu and Haoyu Group signed.

Seeing Liu Long's full confidence, Su Jie didn't know what kind of business operation and poaching he would carry out.

"Let's go inside to talk, Lin Tang, you come too." Liu Long said.

The three came to the training room and sat down again.

"I am familiar with poaching in the fighting circle." Liu Long said as soon as he sat down: "Although Haoyu Group is powerful, but in sports fighting, I am still a newcomer, and I don't know many routines very well. This is A contract with Haoyu Sports."

He took out a contract and showed it to Su Jie and Lin Tang.

Su Jie glanced at it, and found that it was a contract of sale, and there were many harsh clauses in it. If the contracted athlete breached the contract, not only would he have to pay a huge amount of compensation, but he might even be imprisoned.

"They also play like this in the film and television industry." Su Jie is also an expert in contracts. He has studied the law for a long time, and he is very familiar with contract law, company law, etc.

"The film and television circle is the film and television circle, and the sports circle is the sports circle. The rules of the two circles are different. They are breaking the rules by playing like this, which shows that they are used to arrogance." Liu Long said: "I know this matter well. Kang Gu signed the contract." It is nothing more than this kind of contract."

"Then the focus now is on the issue of persuading Kang Gu." Lin Tang said: "What kind of person is he, what is his family background, what is his personality, and whether he will be easily persuaded is a troublesome matter."

"Kang Gu's face can be seen. Because he was deaf-mute since he was a child, and his heart is extremely closed, he has formed a unique world, which is completely different from ordinary people. Such a person is either an ordinary person to the extreme. Either it is a true supreme genius, and Kang Gu is obviously the latter. He was educated by the strong at the most critical time, and he thoroughly developed the lonely power deep in his heart and transformed it into martial arts training. The interest in exercising is like a volcanic eruption in an instant, out of control." Su Jie said: "It is basically impossible to persuade this kind of person."

"Isn't that hopeless?" Liu Long frowned: "If Kang Gu is willing to quit, then our plan can continue. If not, then there is no other way."

"Where is Kangu now?" Su Jie asked.

"It's in city b." Lin Tang said: "The final of the Heshan Cup was held in the gymnasium in city b today. We watched the live broadcast just now."

"Then I'll find a way to meet this Kang Gu." Su Jie said.

"I'll check his whereabouts," Lin Tang said.

Now Lin Tang has also become professional. He manages wealth and collects information in an orderly manner, no less than a real commercial headhunter.

"Lin Tang, I have a cooperation with Liu Guan. When the time comes, I will introduce you two to each other. You can do something on my behalf." Su Jie felt that his resources could be given to this classmate.

After a year of training and observation, Su Jie felt that the three brothers in the dormitory were relatively reliable, and they could join forces to do something.

"Boss, I will listen to you." Lin Tang nodded.

Liu Guan is Liu Shi's son, and the rich and rich can't get on this line at all. Su Jie introduced Lin Tang to him, which obviously gave him great social network resources. With Lin Tang's personal ability, he will definitely be able to soar into the sky.

Now Lin Tang has made a lot of money by investing and financing Liu Long.

"Boss, take out your money, I can make a fortune for you,

Guaranteed to make a steady profit without losing money. " Lin Tang said again.

"Okay, you can discuss this matter with Liu Guan, and make a financial project, and let you handle it." Su Jie felt that it would be better to formalize this matter.

"I think so too." Lin Tang nodded: "Recently, I have started preparing for a series of financial certificates."

"Why don't you study finance and come to study life science?" Liu Long was a little curious.

"Finance can't be learned in college. What I learn by myself is more profound than in university. I want to live longer in life science." Lin Tang said: "Finance can be taught by oneself, but life science can't be taught by oneself."

Su Jie nodded: "Find out Kang Gu's whereabouts, arrange a time slot, and I'll meet him and see if I can be wooed."

While speaking, he began to train his hidden weapons again.

Su Jie has such a powerful ability, he can train anytime and anywhere, and nothing can disturb his mind.

Lin Tang did not know where to find Kang Gu's whereabouts, and came to the training room of the Dragon Club again: "Kang Gu has been training in City B recently, and after training every day, he will go to a massage parlor called 'Deliberate' Get a massage."

"Deliberately?" Liu Long said: "This massage parlor is really amazing. I often go there sometimes, and I even got a VIP card inside. In the past, Master Zhuang gave me massages, and his skills were superb. I don't know why later. Master Zhuang doesn't give massage anymore, and some of his apprentices are far inferior to him, so I will gradually stop going."

"Deliberate Pavilion?" Hearing the name, Su Jie found it interesting: "The word deliberate is an article in Zhuangzi, which focuses on the way of self-cultivation and self-cultivation. It talks about six kinds of people to analyze their lives. Attitude, and finally summed up the way of the sage, you don’t need to hone your mind deliberately to be unfathomable, you don’t need to deliberately promote benevolence and morality to be naturally cultivated, and you don’t need to deliberately breathe and exercise to be immortal. Everything is natural. "

"Is there such a thing in the world? Everything needs to be paid for in order to be rewarded. Take martial arts as an example. Without the accumulation of blood and sweat, it is impossible to achieve results." Lin Tang shook his head.

"This is a kind of realm, very profound, paying attention to every action of a person, and has been integrated with the movement of heaven and earth. Nothing needs to be done deliberately, it is natural, rather than not doing it. For example, you eat, drink water, and sleep. , Do you have to do it every day without deliberate, but you have to force yourself to practice. Whenever you take practice as a natural instinct, then your kung fu will improve by leaps and bounds." Su Jie said: "This is from the perspective of physiology and evolution. , through the process of natural selection, the behavior is integrated into the gene, just like in ancient times, marine animals kept leaving the water, and over time, passed down from generation to generation, those creatures degenerated the gills in their bodies, thus evolved into lungs."

Even Liu Long had never heard of this theory.

"Okay, let's not talk about it." Su Jie said: "Let's go to the Xinyi Pavilion to find Kang Gu."

"I have acquaintances in the studio, so it's easy to find Kang Gu." Liu Long said: "Plus he has won the Heshan Cup now, so he is considered a celebrity."

Without further ado, Liu Long and Su Jie drove there immediately.

The intentional building is located in the numerous hutong compounds in the east of City B. Although the houses in this area are old, they are quaint, and often hide the rich and powerful, and the upper class people with status, status, and culture.

Master Luo's house is also among them.

The two got off the car outside, walked into the depths of the alley, turned around some deep and secluded paths, and came to a massage parlor with an old wooden sign on it, with the word "deliberately" on it.

These two characters are written in cursive, wild cursive. At first glance, I don't know what they wrote, but when I look closely, I feel like dragons and snakes dancing wildly, wild and surging. It can be seen that the person who wrote the plaque has very profound calligraphy/skills.

There was no one at the door, just like that private kitchen.

Liu Long took out his card and swiped it, the door opened and the two of them entered.

Inside is a large courtyard, with three upper, middle and lower floors, and about forty-five rooms. The smell of aromatherapy is transmitted, which makes people feel refreshed.

Seeing the two of them coming in, a young man in Hanfu bunt came over at the door, as if he was going to receive him, and he saw Liu Long, and quickly smiled on his face: "Brother Long, why are you free today? You should make an appointment first, but My master happened to be here today, and he was giving someone a massage, and I will notify him after it is over."

"No need." Liu Long waved his hand: "Master Zhuang is giving a massage called Kang Gu, I just go in now."

While speaking, he took Su Jie along without letting this young man lead the way, and walked directly along the corridor to another courtyard.

It was a small yard with a more elegant environment. Pomegranate trees were planted in the yard. There was a fish pond in the center of the yard, which was very deep. Even in the summer, there was a chill. The water in the pool was green and there were huge koi swimming around. , Full of spirituality, seems to be becoming fine.

In a room facing the pond, the smell of medicine came out, as if someone was brewing traditional Chinese medicine.

Liu Long and Su Jie walked over, someone was boiling glue.

I don't know what kind of animal glue and ointment is mixed together. After boiling it to a pulp and boiling hot, it is applied to the human body to strengthen the muscles and bones and heal injuries.

In the room, a middle-aged man was giving a massage.

The person being massaged is really Kang Gu.

The middle-aged man smeared the boiled gelatin on Kang Gu's body, and massaged non-stop. During the changes in the technique, the power seemed to penetrate into the internal organs, and the hot gelatin miraculously penetrated under his massage. into the skin.

Su Jie felt that Kang Gu's internal organs were heating up, and his whole body was full of vitality.

"This massage technique is even better than Uncle Blind." Su Jie looked at the technique for a while, and felt that this person is a real master of massage. His precision is almost comparable to that of a mechanical arm, and his technique is exquisite Odd, but also more than.

In Larich's laboratory, there is also massage with mechanical arms. Master Luo and Uncle Blind are also researching this thing, but it has not yet reached its peak maturity.

Just when Su Jie walked into the courtyard, Kang Gu seemed to feel something, his lying body moved, and his eyes looked this way.

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