Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy-Four

The massaging master Zhuang also looked over and found that it was Liu Long, so he couldn't help nodding.

On the way here, Su Jie had already heard from Liu Long that the owner of the "Deliberate Massage Parlor" was Zhuang Tianyun, who was also an expert. He passed down traditional Chinese medicine from generation to generation, and even his ancestors had been imperial physicians for several dynasties. In charge of the hospital.

In his generation, he also inherited his ancestral business and performed bone-setting, massage, acupuncture and other treatments with extraordinary effects.

In ancient times, to be able to help the court, one must have unique skills.

For example, the private kitchen of Nie's family is really full of color, fragrance, and rich in internal nutrition. It is good at conditioning and gives people incomparable physical and mental enjoyment.

Neither Su Jie nor Liu Long disturbed Zhuang Tianyun's massage.

The two sat down beside the fish pond.

There are a lot of koi inside, and there is a huge koi king, almost as long as a child, who shakes his head, sees people coming, and immediately opens his mouth wide, as if he is about to eat.

Su Jie reached into the water and touched the koi's head.

The koi king was very comfortable, and seemed to feel the peace deep in Su Jie's heart, wagging his tail slightly, enjoying Su Jie's touch.

The communication between the person and the fish was in a trance, and Su Jie felt that he seemed to have a connection with the whole small courtyard, and he was communicating with this koi king in terms of spiritual consciousness.

The core of the whole yard is this square fish pond, and the core of the fish pond is this koi king.

The person who arranges the feng shui of the yard is also a powerful person. Generally, feng shui has formations, and if there are formations, there are core formation eyes, but most of the feng shui layout formations are dead, and it is very easy to use living things as feng shui formation eyes. Less, you must have a strong ability to control Feng Shui.

Because living things die.

For example, if this koi king dies, there will be major problems with the Feng Shui pattern in the entire yard.

But if it doesn't die, the whole courtyard will be full of vitality, which is much better than a dead thing as a feng shui eye.

Su Jie had a great time with the Koi King, and he seemed to have turned into an innocent and romantic child.

The koi king and all the koi seemed to like him very much, and they were happy to play with him, scrambling to get Su Jie to pet them.

While having fun, Su Jie got carried away and completely forgot that the purpose of coming here was to talk to Kang Gu about job hopping.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

He has entered a wonderful realm.

That is, when he was playing with the Koi King, his thoughts radiated out, covering the entire yard, and he felt some fluctuations in the feng shui in the yard, the magnetic field, the aura, and the vitality field.

This is a very subtle feeling, an ability that can only be felt by those who are proficient in ventilation and highly acuity in mental thinking.

The so-called feng shui is a complex formed by a series of layouts such as air flow, humidity, light and darkness, and display, which can affect people's psychological and physical changes to the greatest extent.

For example, the feng shui of this yard, as soon as you enter it, it is square, spotless, and there is no moss in the yard, giving people a very square, clean, refreshing, and meticulous charm. vitality.

Koi swimming around, playful and lovely.

In this world, there is tranquility and agility, and Founder is self-disciplined.

However, now that Su Jie was playing with the Koi King, he gradually replaced the Koi King and became the star of the small courtyard.

This feeling is mysterious and mysterious.

But it does exist.

From the perspective of sociology and human relations, it is the focus.

For example, some people have a strong aura, and they are always the focus of any occasion.

When everyone's attention is focused on one person,

A certain aura is formed naturally.

But this is also a theory of social interpersonal relationship between people. It is very difficult for man to become the focus of nature, which can be said to be the beginning of the unity of man and nature.

Wherever a person arrives, the world will be centered on him, just like the saying goes, the emperor parades, all spirits are overwhelmed, and the gods open the way, that's what it means.

Su Jie himself did not expect that when he came to this courtyard and played with the Koi King, he would actually feel this state and enter this state.

This is of great benefit to his cultivation base.

He had long begun to study the relationship between the physical body and the mind, as well as the surrounding environment.

The so-called three talents of heaven, earth and man.

"Huh?" Zhuang Tianyun was stunned, because he found that the Feng Shui situation in the whole yard had changed. This courtyard was laid out by him, every plant, every tree, every brick and every stone is very clear, because of this, he was able to know the subtle feng shui and aura induction.

The feng shui of the entire courtyard is very good, and its core is the koi king.

The koi is a small dragon, and the giant koi has extraordinary spirituality. As a feng shui fish, it can increase people's wisdom, be cheerful, and relieve depression.

But now, he discovered that the core of Fengshui is not the Koi King, but the young man who played with the Koi King. For some reason, this young man has completely mastered the feng shui aura of the entire courtyard with his every move. All the plants, trees, and fluctuations in the aura of the house are gathered around this young man.

The feng shui of the entire courtyard has been enhanced.

With such a person, Feng Shui is at least twice as good.

At this moment, Su Jie also became a living spirit.

In this courtyard, the koi king is a feng shui spirit, which can not only enhance the feng shui state of the entire courtyard, but also strengthen the feng shui power of the courtyard on the koi king, making the koi king live longer and more healthy. spirituality.

In some temples in ancient times, there were such spiritual objects in town houses, usually turtles in wells.

In many ancient legends, some spirits can have supernatural powers, become spirits and become demons and dragons.

Of course, this is just a legend, but Su Jie could clearly feel that this king koi was much smarter than other koi.

It seems to have the intelligence of a child of three or four years old.

"This young man is not simple, he is absolutely superior." Zhuang Tianyun had a thought in his heart.

Kang Gu's expression also changed. He didn't have such a deep sense of Fengshui as Zhuang Tianyun, but seeing Su Jie playing with the Koi King, he felt a mentality that he would never be able to knock him down.

This was something he couldn't feel from Feng Hengyi.

Kang Gu felt that Su Jie's mental state fit well with his surroundings, and the surrounding world was his friends. If he wanted to fight Su Jie, he would be rejected by the surrounding environment and criticized by thousands of people. If you fight Su Jie, you may not be able to take advantage of the environment at all, and you will be hindered and cast aside by the environment.

"This person cannot be an enemy. To be an enemy to him is to be an enemy to the world." Kang Gu had such thoughts deep in his heart.

The thought was painful, but also wonderful.

It was the first time Kang Gu saw such a person.

Such a realm.

so wonderful.

Su Jie suddenly woke up from this state, and his gaze also turned to Kang Gu.

He walked to the door, nodded to Kang Gu, and said, "Kang Gu, we met once when we were at Minglun Martial Arts School. Although we haven't contacted each other again, you must have some impression of me."

"He is a deaf-mute, unable to hear speech." Zhuang Tianyun said.

"He can understand." Su Jie said.

Kang Gu stood up, walked outside the door, looked at Su Jie, and suddenly made a gesture of please.

It seems that he wants to fight Su Jie.

Then, Kang Gu leaped into the yard, and remained silent, obviously his deaf-mute symptoms had not been cured by Feng Hengyi.

Su Jie also came to the yard, and stood face to face with Kang Gu, Liu Long watched with a smile.


Kang Gu made a move, leaped forward, and swung his fists.

This is his unique move, and he seems to have practiced this move exclusively to the point where his mind does not move, but his mind moves first.

Even the top professional fighters in the country couldn't resist his swinging punches.

Moreover, when his swinging fist was hitting, others clearly noticed the trajectory and resisted it, but this big swinging fist would suddenly change its trajectory in the middle and hit another place.

However, just as soon as Su Jie raised his hand, he immediately accurately blocked Kang Gu's swinging fist. No matter how Kang Gu changed, he could not escape Su Jie's control.

Arms touch.

Su Jie had already noticed where Kang Gu's weakness was, he penetrated his own strength, like a needle, a little bit.


Kang Gu's whole body was unstable, and he fell straight away. If it wasn't for his extremely stable balance, he might have been thrown just now.


At this time, Su Jie came to Kang Gu again, but did not strike. But under the induction of Qi, Kang Gu punched hard again.

This time, he swung his fist left and right, and changed repeatedly, from left to right, from east to west, and between the shots, the swing fist had already covered Su Jie's head, waist, neck and other places.

No one knows which of Kang Gu's fists will come true.

But Su Jie didn't even look at it, he just blocked it.

The two arms crossed each other again.

At the moment of contact, Kang Gu only felt that his balance point was destroyed in an instant, and he couldn't exert all his strength at all, without any foundation, and the whole person fell out again.

He is like an animal whose spine has been broken, and has lost the ability to move in an instant.

This feeling is extremely uncomfortable.

Su Jie practiced hidden weapons hard for a month, and the improvement of hidden weapon techniques came second. More importantly, he already knew how to focus his attacks on one point to attack other people's weaknesses.

This is the real four-two dial.

As soon as the two touched, it was as if there was internal force, and the enemy was sent flying. It seems magical, but it is most in line with Hooke's law in the laws of physics.


Two times in a row he almost flew out, Kang Gu was furious, he made a sound, it was the jet of air from the chest cavity, not the tearing of the vocal cords.

During the blast of air, he attacked, and the whole person went berserk.

Punches are like meteor rain, driven by cosmic storms, or sweeping, or falling, arcs everywhere, swinging between punches, making all boxers feel ashamed. Moreover, his footsteps were very fast, shaking and flashing each other, and he didn't even touch the ground, giving him the feeling of "walking on the snow without a trace".

This is because his speed is too fast. In a short time, the power has penetrated to the ground, and then bounced back to himself. From the outside, he is floating in the air.

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