Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred

Chapter 400 It's easy to handle and unbelievably fast to escape

The young man in the dragon mask was indeed no match for Su Jie at all.

In the past six months, Su Jie has studied meticulously in the laboratory, conducted in vivo experiments by himself, and summed up countless experiences. He has even begun to build modules for some laws of the tenth sense.

This is a major theoretical breakthrough in psychology.

In traditional psychology, the ninth sense is already the end, there is not even a tenth sense, and no one in history seems to be able to reach the tenth sense.

Su Jie also failed to reach the tenth sense, but was building up the theoretical knowledge of the tenth sense.

Not to mention this, he is still in the laboratory, using many new drugs to enhance the functions of his brain and body.

Those new drugs were all researched by him one by one, and it was clear at a glance whether each drug had any side effects. Moreover, many medicines actually belonged to the category of nutritional supplements, and he knew exactly what kind of chemical reactions they could have with the body. With the combination of various medicines, Su Jie's body statistics were greatly improved.

Moreover, the De Bayer Group also gave Su Jie research on the combination and configuration of many new drugs.

Su Jie has already figured out that some of the theoretical difficulties of the De Bayer Group's new medicines are actually a branch of the "Water of Life" project.

In the past six months, his quiet research has begun to see the tip of the iceberg of the "Water of Life" project, and he has peeked into many of its secrets through the De Bayer Group.

Debyer Group is one of the strongest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Even Typhon’s technical background is far inferior to Debyer’s. Therefore, the drug research and development in the “Water of Life” project, many projects in human experiments, It is also handed over to De Baier to complete.

However, the scientific research ability required by this project is too strong, so the De Bayer Group can only split it up and give some of it to Su Jie for a try.

As a result, I didn't expect that in the past six months, Su Jie's research was not bad, and he gave De Bayer Group many key technological breakthroughs and data analysis, especially in establishing a direction in theory.

In this way, De Bayer Group split more projects to Su Jie.

What kind of character is Su Jie? De Bayer is just a high-tech pharmaceutical company. He is far inferior to him in terms of practice, and he is not a master. In the process of non-stop docking, Su Jie has already collected data. Through calculations, a lot of data about the "Water of Life" project They all copied a copy and stored it, and started to study it by themselves.

The "Water of Life" project is a huge project, not as simple as the name on the surface, it is as simple as a bottle of potion, and people become superhuman after drinking it.

There is nothing so good in the world.

The human body is an extremely complex instrument. It is impossible to use only one bottle of medicine if you want to develop your full potential and strengthen your physique.

The "Water of Life" project has at least thousands of medicines, as well as various surgeries, human body movements, psychological states, and a complete set of evolutionary systems.

At what stage a person is, what kind of medicine should be injected, what kind of nutrients should be taken, how the brain should be developed, and even what kind of gravity state should be in, these are all research topics.

All in all, the Typhon Group inherited the former Soviet Union's "Superpower Project", and also stole a lot of research from the US "Superman Project"

Research data and use huge funds to research a set of human evolution principles and optimize human structure.

The Tifeng Group did not know how much US dollars it spent on this aspect. Su Jie can say with certainty that it has definitely produced some research results.

As long as he infiltrates into it and steals its results, he will definitely be able to master more advanced life sciences in the future, and his own abilities can also be greatly strengthened.

Su Jie has made great progress in the past six months, and although the dragon mask youth has made some progress, compared with Su Jie, the difference is too great.

Although Su Jie's progress was based on his own research, in fact, he was spying on the secret of the Typhon Water of Life project. His progress is based on the research of the two great powers of the United States and the Soviet Union in the last century, plus Typhon's decades of research.

I don't know how many trillions of dollars have been invested in this project.

Even if Su Jie peeped into any of them, the benefits he gained would be enormous, much better than working behind closed doors.

As long as this research continues, the chances of Su Jie getting in touch with this project will increase, and he will gain more and more.

"How is it? Do you still want to try?" Su Jie asked the young man in the dragon mask.

"Can you really grasp the blank space in my mind?" the dragon mask youth said.

"The moment a person's thought rises, it is the process of the wave function collapsing into particles, and the bioelectronics in the brain change. During this change process, your thinking is stagnant, that is, you have no perception. It is a physical phenomenon, and this process is very short, maybe it is calculated in microseconds or even shorter. The more powerful the person is, the shorter the time for this idea to arise. And the person who can seize this opportunity is even more Less." Su Jie said: "It just so happens that I have gained a lot of experience in the past six months, and my spiritual cultivation has improved a lot, so I can catch the flaws in your thoughts and consciousness."

"I do not believe."

The young man in the dragon mask suddenly moved and attacked Su Jie again.

But without any surprise, Su Jie grabbed the arm of the dragon-masked young man with a move of his hand, and the two confronted each other in terms of strength.

click click click...

The hands of the young man in the dragon mask and Su Jie's hands were entangled. The two sides were competing for real strength, and there was no possibility of opportunism.

Only now did the young man with the dragon mask feel Su Jie's strength. When his hands were entangled, he seemed to be facing a giant elephant, an ancient beast, and he couldn't shake Su Jie at all.

In Su Jie's arm muscles, he did not know how much power was surging.


He waited for the strength of the dragon mask youth to reach its peak, with a smile on his face: "Your strength is here, it seems that your physical fitness is indeed very good, but it is still worse than mine."

While speaking, his arm shook.

The young man in the dragon mask couldn't hold back at all, he flew out and hit the wall of the training ground hard.

This was purely a confrontation of strength, the dragon mask youth had already been completely crushed by Su Jie in terms of physical fitness.

However, he was not injured, but suffered a major blow to his confidence.

"I don't believe it." The dragon mask youth said: "You have only practiced kung fu for three years, how could you be stronger than me?

Even if Typhon's water of life project is successfully developed, it is impossible to create a strong man like you within three years. There must be secrets in you. Su Shilin is my dragon mask from the previous generation. He knows many secrets. Even after the collapse of our organization, he took away many secrets. You are his own son, so it is impossible for him not to train you. "

"There are no secrets in my body." Su Jie said: "Just like ordinary people, I have conducted various slice studies on myself and analyzed it countless times. Moreover, in theory, in three years, it is indeed To be able to make this kind of progress, as long as your spiritual realm can be raised up, once you have an epiphany, you will suddenly be enlightened. The clouds break through the sky, and the sun and the moon can be seen."

"I don't believe it." The dragon mask youth still said the same thing.

"You can go now." Su Jie waved his hand.

"Are you really willing to let me go?" The dragon-masked youth couldn't believe it.

"Why not let you go? Now that you are in front of me, you don't have any ability to fight back. It's easy for me to kill you, and you can't make any waves. Moreover, I have seen through your secrets. What on earth are you doing?" Training, what is the core ability, basically there is no secret for me, I will not let you go and let you waste my money here? You consume a lot every day." What Su Jie said was truth.

Now the dragon mask youth can no longer pose any threat to him.

"However, after I let you go, you'd better go abroad immediately and don't cause trouble in the country. If I catch you again, you won't end up so well." Su Jie warned.

The young man in the dragon mask was about to leave, but when he was about to step into the training room, he stopped: "You want me to go, but I will not go. You have seen through all the secrets in me, but I haven't. See through you. From today on, I will stay here. Whenever I can defeat you, I will leave."

"Then it's up to you." Su Jie said: "I'm a research laboratory here, and I don't come and go whenever I want. If you want to stay here, you can become my researcher. Let's sign the contract first." A three-year contract, during these three years, you have to cooperate with any experiment."

"You want me to completely sign a contract with you and become a guinea pig?" The dragon mask youth showed a strange expression.

"There's nothing wrong with being a guinea pig. I'm also a guinea pig." Su Jie said, "You have to think about it."

"Fuck you." The dragon-masked youth squinted his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

However, after thinking for a few minutes, he moved his body and left here.

Although he really wanted to obtain Su Jie's secret, he didn't want to be a test subject or a guinea pig.

"Why did you let this man go?" Zhang Jinchuan came in after watching the young man with the dragon mask leave, "He is extremely dangerous. If he assassinates us, no one can resist him except you."

"Don't worry, he won't." Su Jie said, "I'm playing hard to get and find out the person behind him. There is a Mr. Cain behind him. If you don't pull out this Mr. Cain, this person will not be convinced." Oral. He is leaving here now, and the first thing he wants to do is go abroad."

"Since you can get this person down, that's the best. If you can get this person down, then our power will grow even stronger." Zhang Jinchuan said: "By the way, I just signed a contract with Tang Yun about the cooperation with the Tang family." We talked and reached an agreement."

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