Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 401 The White Horse Passes the Gap 3 Years Like a Dream Recalling the Past

Chapter 401 The White Horse Passes the Gap for Three Years Like a Dream Recalling the Past

"You have to take good care of the people in the Tang family." Su Jie said: "Tang Yun's lottery is good, but the other children may not have other intentions. Last time I went to the Tang family, I saw a few people with bad intentions. You have to choose carefully, so that we don't make wedding dresses for others, and the Tang family completely takes over after David's fitness is run out."

"Don't worry about this, I'm also prepared for this." Zhang Jinchuan said: "Actually, among the Tang family, there is only one Tang Nanshan who is more thoughtful, and the other Tang family children have no means at all."

The children of the Tang family are actually not bad, all of them are elites, but they are definitely not enough in Zhang Jinchuan's eyes. Since he reached the realm of "living dead", his mind has improved to a higher level, delicate and calculating. In the group's struggle, Jiang Zhiyan was also retreating steadily.

In the past six months, Su Jie has been doing research painstakingly, and Zhang Jinchuan has not been idle. He has launched a counterattack in the Mingxia Group, and has completely consolidated his position and completely eliminated some of Jiang Zhiyan's negative influences.

He used to have a hard time dealing with Jiang Zhiyan. He always felt powerless and not smart enough, and his thoughts were easily seen through by the opponent, but after he reached the realm of the "living dead", it was completely different. The opponent's every move, what kind of hole did he want to dig for himself? , he can see it, and then use his strength to make the other party steal the chicken without losing money.

There have been more than ten confrontations in half a year, and Zhang Jinchuan has taken advantage of it each time. Now that Jiang Zhiyan has died down, it seems that he is secretly brewing a big move.

"You should also be careful in the battle in Mingxia." Su Jie said: "Although Jiang Zhiyan is retreating in front of you, but there is something in it that lures the enemy into the depths. You must know that there is a mysterious Tifeng behind her." The shadow of the character Fool. It is very likely that she led you into the trap step by step."

"This is more interesting." Zhang Jinchuan smiled: "If she is simply defeated by me like this, it will be too boring. By the way, if you face the Fool, how will you win now? I see you playing with Su Long It looks like playing with a child."

"Actually, I'm only one inch taller than him, and I'm just one inch taller than him." Su Jie said, "I'm definitely no match for Tifeng's three major instructors, the mysterious leader. Odley is me. In fact, I don’t know much about his realm, but according to my current cultivation, I should be able to fight. As for the Fool, if I’m right, it should be half a catty, at least I’m against Honey Badger Sir, it is not possible to lose now."

Su Jie met Mr. Honey Badger.

Half a year ago, Mr. Honey Badger was stronger than Su Jie, but in the past six months, Su Jie has made great progress. Whether it is in terms of strength or mental state, he has been greatly strengthened .

If Mr. Honey Badger competes with him now, it is not yet known who will win.

Liu Guanglie once said that it is best for Su Jie to reach the realm of "Wukong" before the age of 24, and to fully understand "emptiness" before he has a chance to escape the disaster.

According to the numerology, Su Jie had great luck before two natal years and received blessings from heaven, earth, ghosts and gods. But after the age of 24, the great luck dissipated, and there were many disasters.

However, Su Jie is only nineteen years old now, and he has already reached this level when he is less than twenty years old. Liu Guanglie must have never thought of it.

The realm of Wukong should be the ninth consciousness.

But now Su Jie is constructing the concept of the tenth consciousness.

This consciousness really involves the truth of the world, and the detachment of the mind is very difficult, but also very great. Su Jie is using scientific theoretical knowledge to construct it to see if he can reach such a state.

It can be said that the current Su Jie may not be able to find three or five people with a higher world level than him.

This is where Zhang Jinchuan admires Su Jie more and more.

Zhang Jinchuan also wants to settle down and do research, but there are always many mundane things for him to deal with. The key is that it is not enough to deal with these things.

He really couldn't let go of his own business, not as chic as Su Jie.

Su Jie was someone else who took the initiative to invest money in him, but he still had to go outside to meet people and promote his own projects, which showed the difference between the two.

Moreover, Su Jie came into contact with all big shots, that kind of super giants, whether it was Larich or Mr. Honey Badger, one was a super boss in the business world, and the other was an invincible powerhouse in the dark world.

"It seems that it is still difficult for me to achieve your attitude towards life." Zhang Jinchuan sighed: "You are somewhat similar to Jiang Zhiyan, no matter what difficulties she encounters, she will kill someone to help her. I tried to knock her down time and time again, but every time I reached a critical moment, someone came out to save me. For example, last time, she competed with me for a plan. Her plan was supposed to be eliminated, but suddenly another client came out. , I appreciate her plan very much. I bought it at a high price. Do you think it’s a little tricky.”

"This isn't an evil door." Su Jie said: "Jiang Zhiyan does have great luck in her body. This kind of person will meet nobles no matter what she does, that is to say, she has the temperament of the protagonist. There is no shortage of such people in history. existence. In fact, under certain circumstances, you and I are both such people.”

"That's true." Zhang Jinchuan thought about it. When he was studying, he was indeed the first every time. He was unstoppable. Even now, it has been smooth sailing. He has become the chairman of the student union of B University, and the startup company has been rising steadily. Now he has The valuation of several billion is still in the process of violent expansion.

More importantly, his cultivation has also reached the realm of the living dead.

In addition, he also has a powerful backer and an extremely tyrannical friend, that is Su Jie.

Su Jie is no longer the object of his comparison, but his backer, with such a backer, it is extremely stable.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jinchuan's mind suddenly became active. He felt that fate had always favored him. In fact, he was the luckiest person. Although his cultivation was not as good as Su Jie's, when encountering major events, Su Jie would be the first Go up against it.

Now Zhang Jinchuan only hoped that Su Jie would be as strong as possible, preferably stronger than the big boss, that would be the most reliable.

"It seems that your mind has changed a lot." Su Jie felt Zhang Jinchuan's mind and nodded involuntarily.

"Our business group has already taken shape." Zhang Jinchuan said: "The next step is how to expand in a stable manner and at the same time find opportunities to make a lot of money. Always relying on investment will not work. By the way, next month I will I discussed it with Tang Yun, and we will hold our fitness opening ceremony, and there will be a small gathering of high-class people, and you may still have to be there to suppress the scene."

"It's okay." Su Jie nodded: "But on the bright side, Liu Long will stand up, and you can do it too. I will be in the dark. If Liu Long and you can't stand up, I will go out. At present, I don't want to go too far. Show off."

Tang Yunzhi mentioned this matter to him, but he still chose to stay in the dark.

"I know, otherwise you wouldn't be wearing that Wukong mask when the branch of the Minglun Martial Arts School abroad opened." Zhang Jinchuan nodded.

After the two discussed some things, Su Jie took off his white coat in the laboratory and put on his sportswear, and changed from a researcher to a student in an instant.

Su Jie has finished his sophomore year and is preparing for his junior year. The past half a year has passed quickly. He has hardly been out of the laboratory, and he is devoted to research.

Now that the research has come to an end, and after letting go of the young man in the dragon mask, Su Jie felt a lot more relaxed.

So he needs to adjust his mood, go outside for a walk, and go back to school to have a look, if possible, go back to Minglun Martial Arts School again.

From July to September every year, he wanted to go back to Minglun Martial Arts School.

That was the day he was completely reborn.

When I walked out on the street, the sun was scorching, and it was already another year of summer. Recalling that last summer, he went to Minglun Martial Arts Academy, observed and looked for the location of the formation, and found Pi Youdao at the same time.

The year before last, he played against Feng Hengyi in Minglun Martial Arts School in October, breaking through the realm of the living dead in one fell swoop.

At this time three years ago, he happened to be studying at the Minglun Martial Arts School and started digging the ground.

The hoeing of Xinyi started from that time.

Walking under the scorching sun, Su Jie felt very comfortable. With his current physique, it is impossible for the cold and heat to cause any damage to his body.

During his practice, three years have passed. Su Jie has achieved this kind of achievement in three years. When he woke up suddenly, he was still that boy.

However, his thinking and realm are still there.

No one can take this insight away.

Su Jie walked towards the campus.

In this kind of hot weather, basically all pedestrians are hiding at home with the air conditioner on, and no one is willing to come out, but Su Jie is very comfortable walking. There was no sweat at all, it seemed that he could already regulate his body temperature.

Suddenly, he felt something and walked towards a cold drink shop on the side of the road.

In a corner of the cold drink shop, sat a beautiful blonde.

This beautiful woman is obviously a foreigner, and she is white. I can’t tell how old she is. She can be said to be over 40 years old, or she can be said to be in her early twenties. She is reading quietly with a book over there. , with a cold drink in front of him, very leisurely and quiet.

There were not many people in the cold drink shop.

Su Jie walked into the cold drink shop and sat down in front of the blonde beauty.

The blond beauty also seemed to be familiar with him, and greeted Su Jie.

"What should I call you?" Su Jie said, "Ms. Fool, or Mr. Fool?" Facing this blonde beauty, Su Jie said something earth-shattering.

"Then how do you think about it?" The blond beauty said, "Your consciousness determines the essence of everything in the world."

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