Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 402 Difficult to tell male and female

Chapter 402 Difficult to tell male and female

"The Fool" finally appeared.

It turned out to be a blonde foreign beauty.

Su Jie was actually mentally prepared for this. However, he can also see that the present face of this fool is not the real face, hidden under layers of camouflage, and the current high-tech technology is even comparable to the "disguise technique" in the novel, or some kind of transformation technique.

Moreover, the temperament of this "fool" does not tell whether it is a man or a woman. Or transgender, or androgynous? Or the physiological phenomenon cannot be discerned.

In the world, there are actually such examples. In medicine, this is having both sexes/chromosomes.

However, this is not within the scope of Su Jie's consideration. All in all, the third person of Typhon - the Fool just appeared in front of him.

The two didn't make an appointment to meet, but Su Jie came out of the laboratory, took a walk occasionally, and saw him or her in this cold drink shop.

This kind of situation seems very mysterious, but it is actually a subtle telepathy, even the sixth sense is not unusual, not to mention that both Su Jie and "The Fool" are now masters who have reached the ninth sense.

"Ms. Fool, are you here today to invite me to join the Typhon Group?" Su Jie asked directly. At the same time, in his words, he chose a gender for Fool and defined her as a lady.

"A miracle is simply a miracle." The Fool stared at Su Jie for a while, and did not answer Su Jie's words directly, but let out an exclamation tone: "This is simply a miracle created by Odley. God, even you can be created. I have obtained your body data. At this time three years ago, you were no different from ordinary people. At most, it was because of the genetic problem of the dragon mask. Compared with ordinary teenagers It’s just that you need to be stronger, but in fact it’s nothing, in just three years, you can actually become such a character?”

What the fool said was that because of Su Shilin, Su Jie was born with much better physical fitness than ordinary youths. This is an inheritance in the genes, but this inheritance is not the decisive factor.

What's more is the miracle that happened to Su Jie himself.

In fact, organizations like Honey Badger and Larich were extremely surprised by the miracle that happened to Su Jie, let alone Typhon. This is why they rushed to invest in Su Jie.

Now Su Jie's changes finally caught Typhon's attention.

Typhon's No. 3 character "The Fool" finally appeared to find Su Jie.

"If you Tifeng want to invest, you can inject funds into my scientific research laboratory through formal channels. I have no objections, but your data must be shared with me." Su Jie said.

"Our Tifeng has always included all scientific researchers under our command, and strictly forbids data leakage. In the future, only some people can become gods." The Fool said: "Su Jie, I sincerely invite you to join us now." Typhon's advanced scientific research team. You will see a whole new world of technology."

"You guys think too much." Su Jie knew what the Fool meant, which was to let himself completely abandon all identities, leave the country, and join Typhon alone, without seeing the light of day and without free research: "The life that Typhon studied I also know more or less about the water project. You

Our technology is not so advanced. "

Su Jie's current scientific research ability far exceeds that of The Fool.

He has already seen that the mental state of the fool in front of him is very strong physically, comparable to his own, and even has some secret methods that make him extremely afraid, but when it comes to scientific research, the fool is still an amateur .

There is still some deviation between the thinking of scientists and the thinking of experts.

However, if a fool engages in scientific research, he can become a great scientist in just one year.

Su Jie helped the De Bayer Group to research the Water of Life project. It can be seen that Tifeng’s scientific research technology is strong, surpassing many institutions and countries today, but it has not reached the level that is truly ahead of the times. What do you want? Immortality" and "human body supernatural" are still far behind.

"Really? It seems that you are unwilling to obey our Typhon's arrangement." The Fool said: "But your sister is different from you. Now she has achieved great achievements in Typhon. I think you may as well." I know more or less."

"Are you threatening me?" Su Jie narrowed his eyes.

Although "The Fool" is a top figure in this world, Su Jie may not be afraid of her. Half a year ago, Su Jie might have been worse, but now after half a year of precipitation, he has completely consolidated his realm. The Fool He didn't care much about the threat.

"You seem to feel very sure?" The Fool smiled: "It is undeniable that you are very strong, and you have become so strong that we focus on it, but you are still far behind in getting rid of us Typhon. I came to find you today. You have only one purpose, that is, you must join us Typhon, otherwise we will not let a new team pose a threat to us."

"What? The team I built has already threatened you? Then I feel really honored." Su Jie smiled.

In the team he is building now, the researchers are actually himself, Blind Uncle, and Luo Ma, two masters, plus a Tang Yun lottery. The other people are not engaged in scientific research, but in assistance.

But even so, it was extremely terrifying.

Originally, the realm of the living dead was already very terrifying. If this kind of person is a scientist, it is even more terrifying.

Su Jie's team, after a careful study, even the leader of Ti Feng felt thrilling.

So far, there are nine executives of Seventh Sense, five of them are scientific researchers, and the others are business geniuses, or future stars of fighting geniuses. If this continues, sooner or later it will suddenly explode.

Moreover, Su Jie's team has a lot of talent reserves, and Zhang Manman may become a member of the seventh sense in the future, even Liu Shi's son Liu Guan.

Su Jie has gathered these people together with his absolute charisma. Even though he is young, he has already developed a great momentum.

As time goes on, he will become more and more terrifying and become a real giant.

The only thing Su Jie lacks now is qualifications.

Su Jie has the strength, but he is young and not qualified enough. These things have to be done slowly.

It was precisely because they saw the unprecedented potential of Su Jie's team that Tifeng's top management came to "recruit" or destroy it.

The Fool came with this will.

Su Jie was also very clear in his heart.

In the history of Typhon, he has done many such things, even kidnapping scientists. Master Luo and Master Ma were both threatened, but the two were not too attractive at that time, so Tifeng did not officially attack.

"Fool, with your strength, it's not enough to make me submit." Su Jie said bluntly: "Besides, you dare to appear in the country, so you are not afraid that I will let you come and go?"

"I know you have imprisoned this generation's dragon mask for a long time." The fool smiled: "But you are too naive to know the gap between Typhon and you, young man, you haven't eaten it until now. Sorry, so I don’t understand that there is something called terror in this world. Since I’ve come here, I have absolute certainty to let you follow me.”

"Really?" At this time, in this corner, another person came over. This is a middle-aged foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes. He seems to be about forty years old. He has a typical superpower temperament on his body. Looks American.

The foreign middle-aged man sat down next to Su Jie, and confronted the fool, he said: "Mr. Fool, with me, you will definitely not be able to escape this time."

"Mr. Honey Badger." The Fool looked at the American middle-aged man, and in an instant, an extremely sharp light appeared in his eyes.

That's right, this foreign middle-aged man is Mr. Honey Badger.

However, the face in front of him is not the real face of Mr. Honey Badger. He has also been concealed. There is a human mask with simulated skin on his face, so he can't see it at all, and he doesn't know what his real face is.

It was not unusual for Su Jie to see Mr. Honey Badger. Mr. Honey Badger once said that he would come to China to look for him soon.

Su Jie alone cannot take down the Fool.

But with the addition of Mr. Honey Badger, it's a sure thing.

"Three giants of Typhon, your leader Mr. Typhon has a neurological problem, and he still hasn't been completely cured yet. And Mr. Odley has already pursued his principles, and he doesn't care about anything about your group. Now the actual situation of the entire group Person in charge, you are actually manipulating many things." Mr. Honey Badger said: "But I admire you very much, you dare to set foot on this magical eastern land, if you are taken down, will it be possible to harm Typhon? A major blow?"

"Do you really think that the big boss hasn't been cured?" The fool smiled: "Mr. Honey Badger, the big boss let you go a long time ago, it is true that he had some problems, but after so many years, the big boss has long since Healed. No, it should not be said to be cured, but a state that he must experience."

"Really?" Mr. Honey Badger didn't seem to care: "Mr. Fool, your leader, Mr. Typhon, is not invincible. No one in this land is invincible. All in all, if you want to leave today, It might be more difficult."

"Difficult?" The Fool is still smiling: "Mr. Honey Badger, I noticed a detail, that is, Mr. Su Jie seems to have a different understanding from you. He calls me Ms. Fool, while you call me Mister Fool. It can be seen that there are still some deviations in the understanding between the two of you, which has led to the fact that there must be flaws in the cooperation between the two of you, and it cannot be consistent, and I can easily escape the control of the two of you."

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