Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Three

Chapter 403 Who is the No. 4 Giant?

"Ms. Fool, you are wrong." Su Jie said: "Mr. Honey Badger and I have two extremes, but they just work together perfectly. The so-called complementary yin and yang, water and fire complement each other. This is the principle of our China. , you may not understand it very well, and it is precisely because of this that we can keep you here."

With Mr. Honey Badger at his side, Su Jie is absolutely confident that he will keep the Fool.

Deep down in his heart, he had some expectations, because he had never fought against such a strong man, Su Jie could only calculate how strong the opponent was.

He shook hands with Mr. Honey Badger once, felt the strength of the opponent, and felt that it was indeed unfathomable, but after all, he had never fought in actual combat. If he could fight against the Fool, he felt that it would be of great benefit to his cultivation and kung fu.

"I think we can do it now." Mr. Honey Badger stood up.

His consciousness has locked onto the Fool.

Su Jie nodded, and his consciousness was also released, firmly locking on the fool.

What the two of them did next was a real thunderous blow.

Both of these two are top experts in the world, what kind of special forces king, what kind of fighting king, in front of the two of them are all pediatrics, children play house, between the two of them joining forces, there may be only one person who can resist .

But this person is definitely not the "fool" in front of him.

"The Fool" also stood up slowly, but he still had a smile on his face, and he seemed to have a plan, and he didn't care about the cooperation of the two.


At the moment when Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger were about to attack at the same time, a strong sense of danger was transmitted into the hearts of both of them at the same time. Both of them felt that there seemed to be some kind of terrifying existence staring at them all the time as if they were outside.

In response to this air movement, both Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger frowned at the same time.

The Fool really has foreign aid.

"Who is your foreign aid? Come out together." Su Jie said: "I feel that the force staring at me is very strong, but it should not be the big boss or Coach Odley. If it is the big boss , I should be able to tell that his aura is different. Mr. Honey Badger, among Typhon, there are three giants, the big leader Mr. Typhon, I am very familiar with Coach Odley, and the other one is the fool in front of him Ma'am. But did you know there was a fourth titan?"

"According to my information, there is no fourth giant among Typhon." Mr. Honey Badger was also a little puzzled: "But the aura that just demonstrated to us is the strong of the ninth sense. But definitely not Mr. Typhon, the great leader."

"Mr. Honey Badger, your information is too backward. We can know all the information about the Honey Badger training camp. But you don't know anything about our Typhon. Of course, it's not your fault. During these ten years , The gap between us Tifeng and you has been completely widened. You are already outdated, even if you jump again, you are actually a grasshopper after autumn." The Fool actually spoke in Chinese.

"Ms. Fool, you speak Chinese very well." Su Jie said.

"Mr. Su Jie, I will give you some time to think about it. If you can rely on us, then with your ability, you can definitely get a high position. Your value is much greater than Mr. Honey Badger, because you are not a strong person, but A scientist. In our laboratory, scientists are very respected. Of course, it must be our scientist. If it is someone else's scientist, it is better not to be alive." The Fool laughed, switched back to English, and then With graceful steps, he walked out directly.

Neither Su Jie nor Mr. Honey Badger moved.

All I could do was watch him go out.

Afterwards, the aura of the fool and the aura of the mysterious master also disappeared.

Mr. Honey Badger sat down again: "I set foot on this land this time just for you."

"I would like to thank you this time." Su Jie said: "Ms. Fool is obviously here for me, and her ambition is really too big. If you didn't show up in time, I'm afraid I will be attacked."

"If the Fool is alone, he can't help you." Mr. Honey Badger said: "But I didn't expect that there would be a fourth giant among Typhon."

"This is actually reasonable." Su Jie said: "For so many years, among Typhon, there are always only three giants, which is unreasonable. Because Typhon's scientific research level has improved a lot."

"People of our level cannot be born by scientific research." Mr. Honey Badger said: "Actually, you now know that even the seventh sense needs some luck, and it cannot be mass-produced. Even the sixth sense Impossible. Let alone a ninth sense."

"That's true." Su Jie nodded: "I have summed up a lot of training methods, combined with surgical drugs and psychological training, and I am not 100% sure that I can train people to develop the sixth sense. Although I have helped people improve their seventh sense these days It’s because they have accumulated a lot, and everyone is talented. I just accelerated and catalyzed them. It’s not the result of my training.”

"Originally we could take down the Fool, but with the appearance of a fourth giant, I'm afraid things will be very troublesome." Mr. Honey Badger said.

"Mr. Honey Badger, I'm afraid there is another reason for you to come here." Su Jie said, "Are you seeking to join forces with me to deal with the big boss, Mr. Tyfeng?"

The leader of the Typhon training camp, originally code-named Mr. Typhon, wears a mask that is also Typhon in Greek mythology. Typhon is a member of the Titan family. He has a hundred tongues, is covered with feathers, and has a pair of wings. He once broke the hands and feet of Zeus, the king of gods.

"That's right, I've said it before." Mr. Honey Badger said: "You already have the ninth sense, and your realm is similar to mine. We can communicate at the spiritual level. When we met last year, you still lacked some, but now you are completely We made up for it. But we're still weak."

"As long as you give me time, in two years, I can figure out the secret of the big boss." Su Jie said.

"What we lack most now is time." Mr. Honey Badger said, "The big boss has accelerated his plan. We don't have much time. What he has to do now is to capture you and destroy our Honey Badger. The two of us have to work together."

"There is no good way at the moment." Su Jie shook his head: "We are in the open, and he is in the dark. But in China, even they can only use secret tricks, and they can't do anything blatantly. Even if it is proposed Feng is strong, but they are still weak in front of the power of the country."

"If it is a small country, they are the overlords. But in front of the superpowers, they dare not challenge the law unscrupulously. Your country is one of the most difficult places for Typhon to infiltrate. They once infiltrated through Haoyu, and then wanted to take it down to show Xia, it's a pity that the two big groups of Hedao failed. To be precise, you stopped them. If Wen Ting and Jiang Zhiyan follow the normal rhythm, they can control the two big groups in ten years." Honey Mr. Badger said.

"It's useless to control it." Su Jie shook his head: "Tifeng really takes it for granted. Mingxia and Hedao Group are star companies in the eyes of you Westerners, but in fact, they don't control the lifeline of the economy. Suddenly it’s gone, and it can’t cause any substantial turmoil.”

"I agree with this." Mr. Honey Badger said: "I came here for another purpose, to really fight with you, to temper each other. In this world, there are really too few people who can fight with me. I miss you It's the same. At our level, there is actually a lack of communication. If we can go a step further in communication and reach the level of the great leader, it is not impossible."

Su Jie nodded.

Indeed, it is basically difficult for people like him and Mr. Honey Badger to compete with others.

No matter who they are, they are not their opponents.

This kind of person wants to find an opponent, communicate with each other, and improve each other, it is simply impossible, everyone is alone.

Now that Mr. Honey Badger has found Su Jie, it is naturally a treasure.

As for Su Jie, he was naturally very happy to communicate with someone like Mr. Honey Badger.

"Then let's go back to the laboratory and record all the data during the competition. We can conduct research." Su Jie said.

"That's not necessary." Mr. Honey Badger shook his head: "It is true that many things can be researched in the laboratory, but it is also difficult to find inspiration. In fact, the most inspiration for your Chinese Kung Fu is in the park. I read a lot of Chinese Kung Fu novels And movies, in the park, any old man may be a grand master of extremely high level, this is a magical land, Odley used to linger in this land and never forgets to return."

"That's fine, let's go to the park to try our hands." Su Jie was also happy when he heard it. He didn't expect Mr. Honey Badger to propose this suggestion: "Many of our Chinese Kungfu are practiced in the park, but they are all very low. I don’t think Mr. Honey Badger has been to our China. I can show you around to experience our culture.”

"I have never been here before. This is a forbidden place in the dark world." Mr. Honey Badger said: "But I also know that Chinese Kung Fu is very magical. I want to feel the atmosphere of the whole country. You have a word in China called National Games. I think This word is very vivid. People have their own destiny, and a country also has its own destiny. Our country has been strong for many years, and it has been the hegemony of the world for many years. The destiny of the country and the destiny of people are closely linked. People can It is a very miraculous phenomenon that it can rise with the help of the country's fortune, and it can also be destroyed with the help of the country's fortune. What do you think?"

The motherland of Mr. Honey Badger is the United States, the only superpower in the world, and his aura is also connected with the national destiny. Su Jie can feel that he and Mr. Abbie are both typical Americans, with the world in their genes. Overlord breath.

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