Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Four

Chapter 404 Play Pushing Hands Again

Su Jie has long studied the general trend of the times, the fate of people and the country, and even the luck of a small family, family, community, street, and city.

The so-called luck is nothing more than rise and fall, honor and disgrace.

It is impossible for any person, any city, any country, or even a race to prosper forever. It always goes up and down again and again, and some people and race countries completely decline during these ups and downs. , disappeared in the long river of history.

All in all, trying to figure out how to keep going.

Even if it is practicing kung fu, tempering the spirit, nourishing energy and cultivating energy, it is hoped to delay one's own aging and walk slowly on the road to death.

Su Jie had already seen through all of this.

He is looking for a way out, allowing himself to jump out of some kind of vicious circle.

However, this is also an idealism.

He is still in his prime now, only nineteen years old. In the eyes of many people, this age is just a young man who has just grown up, or even a teenager, so he still has at least ten years to rise.

In the process of rising, no matter who is in the state of mind, there will be an impulse to "point out the country and scold Fang Qiu", not afraid of any difficulties in time.

The so-called newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

But at this moment, Su Jie had already substituted his mentality into the mood of the elderly. This is the so-called peace of mind.

He walked side by side with Mr. Honey Badger on the street, and he felt that Mr. Honey Badger is also in a downward passage now. Mr. Honey Badger should be over forty years old.

No matter who it is, at the age of forty, it starts to go downhill.

In Su Jie's mind, he recollected life, observed his fortune, observed his destiny, and explored the general trend, and suddenly he felt a sense of confusion. The world is boundless and unpredictable, and it is difficult to calculate impermanence.

"Your psychology is very strange, fluctuating a little abnormally." Mr. Honey Badger is also observing Su Jie carefully, he wants to find some miracle points from this young man.

Su Jie's experience was a miracle. Not to mention Mr. Honey Badger, even Typhon couldn't copy it.

"It's just a little feeling." Su Jie said: "I'm feeling that life is difficult, and what you ask for is hard to come by."

"You are young now, and you will make great progress in the future. With your current achievements, I don't seem to have found any peers who are better than you. Why do you feel so emotional?" Mr. Honey Badger asked.

"I don't know either." Su Jie shook his head: "It can be seen that sometimes people, no matter how strong their self-control ability is, can't control their thinking, and they will think about other things, and their thoughts always come out of nowhere."

"The surrounding environment can affect people's emotions, and thus give birth to various consciousnesses. Sometimes, the past and future across time and space will also affect people's consciousness. It can be seen that human consciousness can receive some messages that transcend time. "Mr. Honey Badger said: "Time is a strange thing. It is divided in science. There are atomic time, biological time, cosmic time, etc. In the microcosm, their concept of time is completely different from ours."

"I've already studied some things in science. Let's just talk about philosophy today." Su Jie took Mr. Honey Badger to the Temple of Heaven Park that he often goes to: "Our Chinese culture is very delicate, especially Feng Shui , numerology, understanding and research on heaven and earth. This is the Temple of Heaven, where ancient emperors once led their officials to sacrifice to heaven and earth."

"Since our country was founded, there has been no emperor." Mr. Honey Badger said: "So I don't understand the historical flavor of the world. Even in the European Middle Ages, although there was a king, it was just a symbol of joint election. The great lord still has the independent power of life and death in his own territory,

No one can decide anyone's fate. "

"Each ethnic group has its own unique history." Su Jie did not comment, "In a certain period of time, that history is also an inevitable choice caused by resonance with the world. Mr. Honey Badger, what did you learn from childhood? Did you learn martial arts first?"

"No." Mr. Honey Badger said, "I was born in the chaos of war. I was born because a shell fell on the door of my house and knocked down the house. So in this intense panic, my My mother gave birth to me. This is also the willingness. My mother died very early, but I seem to have a very strong power. Later, when I was a child, I ran around with mercenaries. At the age of seven or eight I know how to shoot with a gun. No one taught me the initial skill. I learned it myself, fought with people, and practiced shooting. I didn’t carry out systematic training until I was ten years old. Later, I established the Training camp, in fact, my experience is very complicated, but it is also very simple, I have been fighting and killing in the dark world all my life."

"I see." Su Jie nodded, Mr. Honey Badger should have known about his own experience, there is no need to repeat it.

The two of them were walking in the Temple of Heaven Park, and they came to a small forest. Under the shade of the trees, there was a cool breeze coming from somewhere, and it seemed a bit cool.

In this grove, there are actually some people practicing martial arts, some are practicing Taijiquan, some are Baguazhang, some are doing other routines, such as Bajiquan, Eagle Claw, etc., and some are dancing knives and swords, all with great interest.

Su Jie knew that in this park, many sects gathered for a long time to practice and communicate here.

The last time Long Tianming followed many old boxers here to learn various traditional kung fu.

Mr. Honey Badger was very interested. Although the physical movements of these people were childish and ridiculous in his eyes, Mr. Honey Badger was interested in the artistic conception and spirit.

"There are many martial arts schools in City B, but they are all amateurs. An old boxer who inherited the tradition took in a few apprentices and came to the park to practice every day. After a long time, he formed a school. This is tantamount to playing. The nature of tickets. But it is this group of people, the lowest-end enthusiasts, who support the inheritance of the entire Chinese Kungfu." Su Jie introduced Mr. Honey Badger.

"This is the model of a low-end handmade workshop." Mr. Honey Badger said: "It's very humble, but it's also very great. I've decided to see and walk more in this magical land. Odley likes it There's a reason here."

"Mr. Honey Badger, have you ever played against Coach Odley?" Su Jie asked.

"No, he actually seldom fights with people. Among Typhon, he is a very gentle person." Mr. Honey Badger said: "He is actually an educator, and the purpose of establishing Typhon was first for education. Among Typhon, he is a very free man. Not as crazy as the big leader Mr. Typhon, nor as ambitious as the Fool."

"I probably know it." Su Jie nodded: "Then let's start. However, in our competition, there is no need to fight and kill with such fanfare. We can use Tai Chi push hands to compete and see our conscious reaction. , How about the strength."

"Alright." Mr. Honey Badger nodded, and he held out his hand.

"Mr. Honey Badger, do you also know Tai Chi push hands?" Su Jie asked.

"All Chinese Kung Fu has information in Honey Badger." Mr. Honey Badger said: "What's more, Mr. Hong Qing himself is a great expert in Chinese Kung Fu. His Lei Fa is preserved in our database. I also detailed researched for a while."

Su Jie nodded, and joined hands with Mr. Honey Badger.

The two started pushing hands.

These two people are one of the strongest in the world, and there are probably only one or two people who can surpass them.

For now, maybe there are only the big leader Mr. Typhon and the Godmaker Odley.

Although Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger have now formed an alliance to compete with each other in martial arts, study each other, and compete with each other, he did not take it lightly.

Between the two holding hands, Su Jie felt that the skin on Mr. Honey Badger's hand seemed to have no power at all, and any power he sent into it would be completely dissolved.

This is the "pine" in Taijiquan has reached a certain level.

Su Jie really met his opponent.

Compared with Mr. Honey Badger, the dragon mask youth is still much worse.

Mister Honey Badger is even above The Fool.

However, the strength of the opponent's arm was empty, so Su Jie still made a move. He raised his strength from the ground, like a water pump, he drew a force from the extremely thick earth, and through the conduction of his body, he blasted into Mr. Honey Badger's body with a flick.

Mr. Honey Badger's eyes changed slightly.

He felt that Su Jie seemed to be connected with the whole earth, constantly using the power of the earth to squeeze him.

He also encountered a strong opponent.

Last time, he shook hands with Su Jie only once. The competition between the two of them was not to the fullest. He needs to have a good contest these days. He is also very curious as to whether he can suppress the strength and experience he has cultivated all his life before training. Su Jie for three years.

His subconscious still didn't believe it.


When Mr. Honey Badger's arm twirled, it seemed to create a black hole, absorbing all of Su Jie's power into it, and then it turned from black to white and sprayed out directly.

From the outside, his arm is just shrinking, turning, and then pushing, which looks extremely simple, but in fact it has reached the peak of a kind of power use. Although he is not too anxious, his strength The application far exceeds that of Liu Guanglie.

Su Jie immediately had a feeling of being separated from the earth.

Mr. Honey Badger's strength was fully demonstrated between the pushing hands.

But Su Jie's body did not float up, but sank violently, and then turned circle to circle, pushing Mr. Honey Badger's strength back.

The two people's arms were stuck together, and they were entangled with each other for seven or eight rounds in an instant. To outsiders, it was a very common push and push, but both of them knew that this was a tightrope walk on the edge of a cliff. You can't relax a little bit, if you relax, you will be lost forever.

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