Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 406: Kung Fu Civilization, Fear in the Heart, Curiosity

Chapter 406 Kung Fu Civilization, Fear is in the heart, the more curious

The Bajiquan old man actually asked Mr. Honey Badger to be his apprentice, which made Su Jie dumbfounded. If this matter spread to the dark world, it would cause a strong shock.

But who knows, Mr. Honey Badger did not immediately refuse, but asked: "Is it the same as in the movie, kowtow and serve tea? Hold a ceremony, and then record the name into the genealogy?"

Mr. Honey Badger actually understands some rules of traditional Chinese culture.

"No, now we will streamline it, as long as you shoot a video." Bajiquan old man said very trendy.

Then, a disciple next to him took out his mobile phone.

This disciple has big arms, a round waist, and a bulging belly, but he doesn't look like fat, and he is similar to a weightlifting or wrestling athlete.

A grappling athlete is a very different body type than a weightlifter, and grappling requires long hands and feet. Weightlifters, on the other hand, are short and thick, with waists like buckets.

Such people are powerful.

The ancient fierce generals were also bucket waists.

Su Jie could see that the people of the Bajiquan sect in this park did have some kung fu, and they were considered true masters among many martial arts enthusiasts.

In fact, the martial artists in city B, even the practitioners in the park, have a lot of good kungfu. Compared with the whole country,

"This is interesting." Mr. Honey Badger became interested. "Your Chinese martial arts school is a very interesting phenomenon. Has it started to innovate now? I know many friends who know Chinese Kung Fu, and they all open martial arts gyms over there. Many people are also willing to go to the martial arts hall to learn. But this friend of mine is also a master. If you beat him, I will become a teacher."

Mr. Honey Badger pointed at Su Jie.

"Foreigners are always like this." The big man with big shoulders and round waist smiled: "You have to see how powerful you are before you are convinced." He said to Su Jie: "Young man, I think you are also a martial arts enthusiast, otherwise you wouldn't come here in such a hot day Practicing push hands in the park, who did you learn Tai Chi push hands from? How about we do push hands?"

"I studied at Minglun Martial Arts School for a while." Su Jie said with a smile on his face, "Brother, this time you have misjudged yourself. This foreigner is a real master. Why don't you push hands with him, or have a competition?" ?”

Su Jie felt playful, and pushed it on Mr. Honey Badger.

"It's not that troublesome, you two can do it together. It doesn't matter if it's pushing hands or fighting." The man with a big waist said: "I weigh much more than the two of you, and one-on-one is too bullying. Now, you don’t have to be afraid, we communicate like this every day here.”

"Two together?" Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger looked at each other. It seemed that the only person who could say this was Mr. Tyfeng, the leader, but neither of them had any intention of doing anything.

Today's incident is just a small episode, and I have no interest in competing with these martial arts enthusiasts here.

"Forget it." Mr. Honey Badger waved his hand, "Let's go."

With that said, he turned and left here.

Su Jie said to the Bajiquan old man and the big guy: "Excuse me, if you want to compete, you can come here." Then, he flicked his fingers and left with Mr. Honey Badger.

"These two people are inexplicable." The big man didn't care, and said to the Bajiquan old man: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Look at your body." The Bajiquan old man's eyes became sharp in an instant.

He took out a business card from the big man's clothes, "This young man is indeed a master. His technique just now is an extremely difficult technique among hidden weapons."

He picked up his business card and looked at it: "Dragon Club? Some martial arts?"

"The Dragon Club was opened by Liu Long.

"The big man seemed to understand the world of fighting very well: "Liu Long is the number one person in actual combat in China, which is recognized by everyone. Could this young man be his apprentice?" "

"Find a chance to take a look." Bajiquan old man said: "This foreigner and young people are not simple."

"The two of them seem to be very ordinary in Taiji pushing hands here." The big man said: "I don't see any kung fu."

The Bajiquan old man frowned. He looked at the ground, as if he was looking for something.

Suddenly, he kicked away the turf on the ground, and there seemed to be stone bricks underneath, but the stone actually cracked.

"This..." the Bajiquan old man touched the cracked stone bricks, "This is between the two pushing hands just now, and the force was sent into it, it is impossible! Is there such a powerful kung fu in the world? Minglun Martial Arts School? I am afraid that only Liu Guanglie can do."

"Old Wu, you said just now that these two people pushed their hands and stepped hard through the turf to crack these stone bricks?" An old man also came up together: "Is there such a skill in the world?"

"When shall we go to the Dragon Club to see if we can find this young man and this foreigner?" said the old Bajiquan man.

Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger have already left.

"It's very interesting." Mr. Honey Badger said: "Your Chinese martial arts are too dense, with an indescribable charm. We mainly have fighting clubs over there, and there are more fitness clubs, but generally speaking, it is a kind of martial arts. Brutal physical exercise does not involve spiritual practice. And the atmosphere of your Chinese Kung Fu is actually far more than our western fighting system in terms of practice.”

"You actually think so?" Su Jie asked.

"Zhang Hongqing even once threatened me." Mr. Honey Badger said, "I felt the charm of Chinese Kung Fu from him. By the way, I heard that you are the most popular martial arts in the whole of China." Can you take me to see the achievements of Minglun martial arts school?"

"I also have the same intention." Su Jie said: "Actually, at this time of the year, I have to go to Minglun Martial Arts School. The key is that every time I go there, I gain a lot. Three years ago, I was trained by Godmaker Odley, who laid the foundation for me, and I was able to achieve what I am today. Although he taught me for only one month, he made me embark on the most correct path."

"Then let's go." Mr. Honey Badger said: "The place where Chinese kung fu is most prosperous, there must be some kind of mysterious power in the air, just thinking about it makes me excited."

"Our top priority now should be to find out the master of the ninth sense who is with the Fool." Su Jie said: "These two people have already lurked in the country, and they are quite dangerous. If we don't find them out, teach them a lesson, or even I'm afraid it's not right to arrest him."

"I'm also thinking about this question." Mr. Honey Badger nodded: "Typhon actually dispatched the Fool, and the fourth giant. It seems that the Chinese market is bound to win. But the most important point is not the Fool, I know the information of the Fool very well, and I also know how he became a giant. His experience is the same as ours, and it cannot be replicated in fact. But Typhon’s fourth giant, I don’t know anything about it, so This person must be captured to see how he grows. If his growth experience cannot be replicated, it is not terrible. The most terrifying thing is that it can be replicated, which means that Typhon can continuously produce the first The giant of the nine senses, then we basically have no future."

"According to my research on Typhon's information, it is impossible for them to have such a technology now. Maybe they have made great progress in human body technology. They can make the muscles and bones of the human body exceed the limit through transplantation and strengthening surgery. But in terms of brains, they don’t have the ability to surpass the times.” Su Jie’s database actually has a lot of information about Tifeng.

"I'll send a message over there now." Mr. Honey Badger said, "Give you all the information about Typhon that our Honey Badgers have. I hope you can calculate their true strength. Also, the one who just played against the Fool At that time, do you still remember the breath of the fourth giant? If you meet him, can you recognize him?"

"It should be possible." Su Jie recalled the strong killing intent in that scene: "Not only that, I probably caught some clues of his spirit, and there was a certain induction in the depths of his brain. His realm is actually comparable to ours. Get up, there is a slight gap. He should still be in this city."

"You have indeed reached this state." Mr. Honey Badger nodded: "In supernatural research, this is called mind locking. After reaching a very high spiritual state, you can use your mind to lock a person, no matter what the person reaches. It can be sensed everywhere, and then find out this person, this is the ability that gradually emerges after the ninth sense is very deep."

"That's right. In our traditional Chinese practice of comprehension, this kind of realm is called Qianli Suohun. It's like installing a tracker on a person." Su Jie nodded: "Actually, after thinking about it now, I found that Feng's fourth giant seems to have just reached the ninth sense, and his thinking and brain are still a little short. However, this does not hinder his strength and can pose a serious threat to us."

"The threat is actually not that big." Mr. Honey Badger said, "I'm most concerned about the big boss. If his schizophrenia is cured, then there is really no one to match him."

"I really want to see what kind of person he is. How powerful he is." Su Jie said.

"Actually, I had the same thought as you before." Mr. Honey Badger seemed to be recalling something: "After I met him and competed with him, I only had one thought, that is, never to see this man again in this life." Man, it's horrible. Even now, he's the last thing I want to see. It's a nightmare."

"I can feel your thinking fluctuating. That's really scary." Su Jie had a subtle insight into Mr. Honey Badger's brain activity, and he actually felt a trace of fear. How could a person like Mr. Honey Badger still have fear?

Even if one has reached the seventh sense, there is no possibility of fear, even death, so what is there to be afraid of?

"What kind of person is Chief Tifeng?" Su Jie became more and more curious.

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