Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Nine

Chapter 409 Returning to Ming Lun Intuitive Perception Something Important

When it comes to martial arts competitions, Su Jie feels that Minglun Martial Arts School has the best atmosphere in the whole country, which can produce a large number of masters, which is tantamount to a martial arts academy.

However, the strongest in Minglun Martial Arts School is Liu Guanglie, who has the highest realm, but he has not been able to reach Su Jie's current height.

Logically speaking, Su Jie should be the strongest person in China.

But he didn't dare to be so absolute. After all, there must be hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the whole country, and there must be people who study the secrets of the human body in state institutions. If there is really no one stronger than Su Jie, then there is no need for Ou Deli to treat this person A piece of magical land worship extremely, lingering.

Odley must have found something.

But Su Jie didn’t believe that he had reached his current level, he had used a lot of new medicines, and used extremely high-end life sciences to analyze and strengthen his body functions. There are still people who can surpass him. The big leader is actually an exception, because he himself is also beneficiaries of the highest technology.

In terms of life sciences, Typhon does have a great advantage.

"I know it's hard for you to tell." Mr. Honey Badger said: "However, I can tell you a secret. That is, many years ago, Mr. Cain also wanted to come to you to develop, but unfortunately he was injured At that time, Mr. Cain was not actually under Mr. Typhon. The death of Mr. Cain was actually because of that injury, and he was killed by the big leader Mr. Typhon."

Mr. Cain is the leader of the Dragon Mask organization, from which the Typhon training camp was born.

This organization has been in operation for thousands of years, and I don't know how much human essence it has absorbed.

Among them, Mr. Cain, the leader of the past generations, is the strongest, and the life science of this organization is also the most advanced. Typhon Training Camp has inherited the wealth of this organization, which is why it has such a reputation.

Su Jie learned from Mr. Honey Badger that the strength of Mr. Cain back then was not inferior to the current Mr. Honey Badger.

This kind of person came to the country and was defeated and seriously injured?

That means that there are truly strong people in the country.

Su Jie knew that in the 1980s, there was a wave of qigong craze in the society, and some qigong masters even claimed that they could pick up objects from a distance, move in an instant, fly their bodies into the sky, and use qigong to destroy them thousands of kilometers away. The Daxing'anling fire and so on can also be said to be self-inflicted, which can make the US missiles fail.

At that time, especially the old men and women in City B practiced Qigong, with pot lids on their heads, saying that they could receive cosmic energy, which was extremely ridiculous.

But now everyone knows that these are all fake, just bragging. At that time, science was not yet developed, and the level of scientific knowledge of the people was not high, so it was easy to be deceived.

Su Jie knew the history at that time. In fact, the qigong craze was similar to the Boxers of the Qing Dynasty. He boasted that he was invulnerable to swords and guns, and summoned heavenly soldiers and generals. Even the Empress Dowager Cixi believed it. Come beat to pieces.

Now the level of Kung Fu in China has improved a lot, and I know how to use kinesiology, nutrition, psychology, and environmental science to arm myself.

But then again, there are some ancient techniques of practice, meditation, breathing, guidance, meditation, asceticism. It can indeed improve the human body

Potential, which makes people's physical strength exceed the range that ordinary people can understand.

But Su Jie didn't believe that there was someone who could surpass Mr. Honey Badger in that era.

Because the scientific conditions of that era did not allow it, it was impossible for people to transcend the era.

But now Mr. Honey Badger said that there was someone who could defeat Mr. Cain twenty years ago. Judging from Su Jie's scientific perspective, this is all unbelievable.

"Do you find it incredible?" Mr. Honey Badger said, "Actually, I also find it incredible.

But think about it, miracles are easy to be born in your land. Take the national fortune as an example, miracles have repeatedly erupted in the economy, and the same is true in technology. As early as in the history many years ago, in the last century, nuclear bombs and satellites could be produced by calculating with pen and paper. Thinking about it now, it's all unbelievable. In extremely simple laboratories, some high-tech products can also be produced. It can be seen that people's thinking determines how strong the potential explosion is. Odley has searched for miracles many times, not without reason. I came this time to communicate with you on the one hand, and on the other hand to find someone who can defeat the leader of Typhon. "

"I also want to know if there is such a person." Su Jie was actually looking forward to it. He was thinking about where such a person could appear in this domestic environment.

At present, Su Jie has not even found the strong person of the ninth sense.

Suddenly, he thought of a person, and that was Mr. Fu who admired him very much.

Fu Lao's realm is extremely high. According to the theory, it should be the eighth sense, which is in the same realm as Tang Nanshan and Liu Guanglie.

But Mr. Fu and Tang Nanshan only know some health-preserving skills, Tai Chi, and their actual combat ability is not very strong, but their spirit is very strong, which is obtained through some traditional methods. They observe the world for many years, meditate on the universe, and cultivate their energy. Refinement, tempering the mind, and decades of accumulation have allowed the brain to be developed and gain strong abilities.

Although these two people are not strong in martial arts, they should know a lot of secrets in the upper class, especially Fu Lao, who can be seen as a character who has been in a high position for a long time.

This person must know many masters.

Not to mention this, Su Jie heard Honey Badger appear again and said: "Actually, in the past twenty years, many mysterious organizations have sent people to infiltrate your country, but many masters have mysteriously disappeared. From this, it can be seen that your country There is also a very strong force. But this is also a normal thing, any country has such a mechanism to prevent the invasion of the dark world. Typhon's people may have been targeted long ago."

"It's also possible, but we can't pin our hopes on it." Su Jie nodded.

At this time, Liu Shi came in.

He was still holding a mobile hard drive in his hand, and immediately started playing a video, which was the scene of the mysterious Mr. X threatening Liu Shi.

Liu Shi's home is full of surveillance cameras, layer by layer, without any dead ends. In fact, he still attaches great importance to his own safety.

"Mr. X?" Mr. Honey Badger said: "I have never heard of this person. And his appearance is also fake, wearing a polymer leather mask. But it seems that he is very strong."

"It was the person who hid in the dark that day, cooperated with the fool, and sent out murderous intentions to us." Su Jie nodded: "Is this person so arrogant? To threaten Mr. Liu Shi? How daring. But if he didn't guess wrong, he just mentioned Feng is the fourth giant. Mr. X is nothing but

Just one of his code names. "

"Find him and catch him." Mr. Honey Badger said: "I didn't see his real person that day. Now that I see him, his strength is not enough to pose a threat to us. We can attack the Fool and Mr. X."

"That's fine." Su Jie said: "Although the big boss may be behind the scenes, we can't be wary just because of this. Since they come to the door, let's fight."

"I think so too." Mr. Honey Badger looked at Su Jie appreciatively, "In fact, I already have information on their whereabouts."

"Then act together." Su Jie is not unusual, Mr. Honey Badger has a powerful intelligence system, it is absolutely impossible to come to the country alone. The most powerful part of the Honey Badger Group is intelligence, all-pervasive news, relying on this, the Honey Badger has been able to compete with Typhon for many years.

"Do you know where they are now?" asked Mr. Honey Badger.

"Let me guess." Su Jie's eyes flashed, and many places appeared in his mind, and then he said: "Could it be that they went to D City, Minglun Martial Arts School?"

"That's right." Mr. Honey Badger looked at Su Jie with strange eyes: "How did you guess it? Where's the logic?"

"This guess has no logic, it's pure intuition." Su Jie said: "Sometimes the Ninth Sense suddenly receives some information that cannot be analyzed logically."

"Intuition is also a kind of logic, but we can't understand it for the time being." Mr. Honey Badger said: "I have long wanted to go to the place where you learn martial arts, and maybe I can find some new things, otherwise the Fool and the fourth giant Mr. X will not go there either, what do you think they are doing there?"

"Maybe some interesting things will happen." Su Jie thought: "Coach Odley has lived there for a long time. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of fighting this time."

"Let's go to City D." Mr. Honey Badger said.

"Liu Guan, these few days, you should let Mr. Liu Shi come to my place for a few days. There are many experts here, so it's safe, and the security problem is better than your home." Su Jie said to Liu Guan.

Liu Guan nodded. He knew how powerful it was. In this experimental base, there were too many masters. Many rich people couldn't find bodyguards with the writing of the realm of the living dead, but there were as many as seven or eight here.

After ordering some things, Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger went straight to City D.

This time, they did not take the plane, but the high-speed train. It is very smooth from city B to city D, especially on the ground, so you can rest assured. If you are in the air, no matter how good your martial arts are, once something happens, you will be lost forever.

The high-speed rail was fast, and Mr. Honey Badger and Su Jie sat on their seats to enjoy the scenery.

"Your infrastructure construction is really good, no wonder you are known as an infrastructure madman outside." Mr. Honey Badger looked at the scenery along the way: "In your words, I feel that your national fortune is still on the rise , no wonder a group of people in our country also feel that your country will threaten our status."

"Then Mr. Honey Badger, what do you think our country will be like in the future? If the two countries go to war, will you and I still be friends?" Su Jie asked a sharp question.

"Once the war starts, no one will know what will happen in the future." Mr. Honey Badger said: "Although I grew up amidst the flames of war, I hate war very much."

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