Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 410 Leaping in the Deep Seeing the Dragon Has a Child in the Field

Chapter 410 Leaping in the Yuan and Seeing Long Zaida Has a Child

"Wars are sometimes inevitable. In the history of mankind, progress has always been accompanied by wars." Su Jie said: "Human beings are in a time of peace now, but I don't think it can go on like this forever. There is no eternal peace in the world. , Every once in a while, there will always be war elements who start wars, and then this Pandora's box is opened, and it can't stop. I read the development history of Typhon, and the leader of Typhon is a person who likes to provoke wars .”

"That's right." Mr. Honey Badger looked at Su Jie and slowed down his speech: "Actually, you can see now that Typhon's development has reached a bottleneck period, and the virtual currency acquisition of the global financial market has come to an end. It has been suppressed by various countries. After all, no country wants its currency issuance rights to be violated. It can be said that the rapid growth of Typhon in the past ten years has come to an end, and no other high-speed growth can be found. channel."

"It is impossible to achieve high-speed growth by relying on high technology." Su Jie nodded: "Even if Tifeng has developed some immortal medicine, it is actually impossible to make a fortune from this. If you want to invest this medicine on a large scale The market, the governments of all countries will stop this behavior, and there will definitely be imitations, and intellectual property rights are a joke when it comes to this drug."

Su Jie has a deep understanding of finance. A cutting-edge science cannot be protected by intellectual property rights. All countries will develop it as a strategy. For example, nuclear bombs have no intellectual property rights.

Those that can make money and sell on a large scale in the world are mid-to-low-end products, such as operating systems, mobile phones, and chips.

Even if Tifeng researches the water of life project, it will be digested internally after it is developed, and it will never be leaked out, allowing others to master the core technology.

"So, if Typhon wants to change the situation, he must provoke a war." Mr. Honey Badger said: "Only when a large-scale world war occurs, Typhon will have the opportunity to seek benefits in the war and strengthen himself. The current The world structure, Typhon's development has come to an end."

"In the current world situation, local small-scale wars often occur, and they are all conventional wars. The chances of large-scale wars are still very small. After all, if the situation is out of control now, it is very likely to evolve into a nuclear war. At that time Tifeng also has to reap the consequences." Su Jie said.

"Typhon has long expected these things to happen. They started building shelters in some secret places decades ago to prevent the doomsday after a nuclear war." Mr. Honey Badger said: "Of course, we Honey Badgers also have Such a base is far less solid than Typhon."

"Many rich people have this idea. It seems that the more they are worth, the more they are afraid of death. Larich is also making preparations, looking for a place to build an underground secret room to avoid disasters." Su Jie smiled.

"You are also a rich man now, and your wealth is even more rare. To be honest, earning 10 billion US dollars, or even 100 billion US dollars is not as good as your realm." Mr. Honey Badger said with a smile.

Su Jie was silent for a while and said: "Tyfeng wants to provoke a war, what is the specific action? There must be a big conspiracy to pave the way."

"In fact, Typhon has recruited many military and political officials, tempted them with anti-aging and various high-tech, and promised some of them militants, when the war comes, they can hide and enter the refuge." Mr. Honey Badger said: " Our Honey Badgers, or Blackwater, and other training camps are actually doing business. At most, we are wandering on the edge of gray and illegal in the dark world. We have never dreamed of causing chaos in the world and reshuffle the cards. In fact, the world is in chaos, and it is of no benefit to us, only Typhon has such great ambitions."

"Typhon's thinking is the kind of big villain group in Hollywood movies." Su Jie smiled: "I can't think of such people in the world.


"It's not uncommon. There are many types of people. Some people think differently from us." Mr. Honey Badger said: "Besides, it is true that the world will be in chaos before Typhon can expand his business, make war fortune, and train agents. , to complete the ambition of expansion.”

"In theory." Su Jie nodded: "Mr. Honey Badger, now that your Honey Badger Group has reached its apex, what is your next developmental thinking?"

"It's very simple. It made Typhon collapse. I come to accept his wealth and technology, which can feed us honey badgers. As for the future, let's talk about it later. I will never follow Typhon's old path." Mr. Honey Badger Said: "I will control the size of the honey badgers, just keep doing business."

"The scale of Tifeng is too large. If it is disintegrated, honey badgers will not be eaten up for decades. It is indeed enough." Su Jie nodded: "At present, we only need to catch the big leader, the fool, and the first The Big Four should be able to deal a major blow to Typhon's upper management."

"You Chinese have an old saying, which is to catch the thief first and catch the king. And we also have a corresponding military action, that is, the beheading operation." Mr. Honey Badger nodded.

Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger were chatting here, and after a few hours, the high-speed train arrived in City D. After getting off the bus, they took a bus to the town where Minglun Martial Arts School was located.

The sky had just arrived in the afternoon, and Mr. Honey Badger looked at the endless stream of people in the town, most of them were foreigners and backpackers, and many foreigners were buying handicrafts and swords, as well as monk clothes and exercise clothes in the shop.

In addition, there are teams of foreigners either wearing Taoist costumes, or shaved their heads and wearing monk costumes, running and practicing, and they are in full swing.

"It's so hot here?" Even Su Jie was taken aback. When he came here last year, although many foreigners came here to practice and travel from thousands of miles to learn martial arts, there were not as many as there are now. Now it is almost full.

At the station in the town, there are countless buses carrying foreigners who come to travel and learn martial arts.

Suddenly Su Jie discovered something, that is, there are many shops in the town that sell "Wukong" masks. Some foreigners bought "Wukong" masks to wear on their faces.

"The popularity here has something to do with you." Mr. Honey Badger said; "You wore a Wukong mask that day and met the challenges of many people at the opening of the Minglun Martial Arts School branch. Those videos were posted on many social media , and now it has become the most popular video, with extremely high hits. With the video of that match, it is said that Lun Wu School has earned tens of millions of dollars."

On many foreign websites, if the video is posted, if there are enough clicks, the video website will divide the money according to the advertising traffic.

Su Jie's match was indeed crazy. Everyone who came up to challenge was kicked down. The speed was very fast, and his body skills were as fast as lightning. Look at him with his feet. Kicking people is a kind of artistic enjoyment.

In those competitions, there were many foreign professional fighting masters, but it still didn't help.

This match was extremely sensational, and it was even more fueled by the Minglun Martial Arts School, and the western world was already extremely crazy about fighting, and it exploded on the Internet after a while.

As the base camp of the Minglun Martial Arts School, the number of tourists and martial arts enthusiasts attracted here has at least ten times that of last year, which has resulted in the current bustling scene.

Su Jie was concentrating on his research, but he didn't pay attention to these things. Now he was a little thankful that he wore a mask that day, otherwise he might be bored to death after becoming famous, and he wouldn't have time to do research at all.

"The atmosphere in this place is good. I feel the air is filled with a strong wind of warriors." Mr. Honey Badger took a deep breath, savoring it carefully, as if he wanted to taste the kind of kung fu that has been popular for decades in the air charm.

A place has its charm, and Su Jie knew how to feel this charm with his heart very early on, blending his own spirit into it, strengthening his own background, and making his "character" more precious.

Ever since he reached the realm of the seventh sense "living dead", in fact, according to the general principles, his cultivation will completely stagnate, and it is absolutely impossible to rush so fast. This realm requires the perception of life, which is the precipitation of time. It can be done.

But Su Jie directly integrated himself into many eras, felt the changes in thinking in those eras, and allowed his spiritual world to span many, many eras.

"In the spiritual world, time is actually meaningless." Su Jie said a strange sentence, but it happened to fit what Mr. Honey Badger was thinking.

"You said that Odley has a small yard here? You used to practice in that yard? Can you take me to see it." Mr. Honey Badger said.

"Let's go, I also want to go and have a look." Su Jie turned and left, "However, Coach Odley hasn't been there for two years, and I don't know if he will come again."

He and Mr. Honey Badger walked out of the town, and when they reached the outside of Ming Lun Martial Arts School, they saw farmhouses dotted among the fields, and Odley's small yard was among them.

"Huh?" Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger were surprised when they saw the yard, because the road in front of the yard and the surrounding fields had been repaired, and the repaired road was winding, but with a A dragon and snake meandering taste.

Even the path in front of the yard gave Su Jie the feeling that a dragon was lurking in the fields.

See the dragon in the field.

And the outer pattern of the courtyard has changed slightly, and it is deeper and thicker, like an abyss.

From the outside, the field path looked as if it were going into an abyss.

Or jump in the abyss.

"There must be people living in this place." Mr. Honey Badger said: "In your Chinese culture, this kind of art design should be called Feng Shui?"

Su Jie walked over and reached the front of the courtyard. The gate was closed tightly, but he felt someone inside.

He held out his hand to knock on the door.

But the door opened, and a foreign child appeared, who was less than ten years old, looked at Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger outside and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

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