Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 411: Auspicious Lying: Ordinary 5 steps are the most correct

Chapter 411 Auspicious Lying Ordinary Five Steps Are the Most Upright

This foreign child speaks Chinese, and Mandarin is very standard, the broadcasting accent is full of air, and the words are magnetic and brittle, as if there are multiple membrane resonances in his abdominal cavity, which amplifies the volume, a little " sound like a bell".

This is because Qigong has been practiced very well, the lung capacity is deep, and the abdomen and lungs have reached perfect coordination. During the breath, the breath sinks, and it can even open the three sets and reach the Yongquan point on the sole of the foot.


Mr. Honey Badger also noticed the unusualness of this child.

He had never seen a child who could speak so confidently and calmly as a mountain.

"Mr. Honey Badger, have you noticed that this kid already has a seventh sense?" Su Jie said to Mr. Honey Badger.

"I can see it too." Mr. Honey Badger said with an extremely dignified expression, "How is this possible? It's simply impossible to happen."

"It's normal. There are miracles and child prodigies in the world." Su Jie looked at the foreign child, and he remembered that he had discussed such a problem with Uncle Blind, that is, if a person can reach the realm of the living dead at a young age, To what extent will the physical fitness be improved?

People have several key biological ages.

It is a critical age in the placenta. If you get good prenatal education and nutrition at this time, you will be much stronger and wiser than ordinary children in the future. Now in many high-tech hospitals, artificial wombs are being used to replace the mother's womb. Typhon, in particular, has been studying this science for a long time.

This is an important stage. Feng Hengyi got good nutrition and prenatal education in the mother's womb, so he was so strong after birth. This is called innate advantage in Chinese medicine.

And the second stage is the ignorance period from one year old to three years old after birth. This stage is also extremely important. The brain is not fully developed and the memory is not perfect, so many children cannot remember at all after they grow up. What happened before the age of 10, if this stage can be cultivated and trained well, it is tantamount to winning at the starting line, and even the life expectancy can be much higher than that of ordinary people.

The third stage is when the teeth change at the age of six or seven. When the bones grow, they also need to get good nutrition and the most scientific exercise, and maintain the best mentality.

And the fourth stage is from fifteen to eighteen years old. It is the stage when the body is formed and the mind is from immature to mature. This stage is also extremely important.

After passing through these four stages, if a person wants to learn something or exercise, he has to go much slower. This is a decrease in physical and psychological plasticity.

People's learning ability is the strongest before the age of eighteen.

The ability to learn is plasticity.

Su Jie had just caught the last train. When he was sixteen years old, he met Coach Odley, which caused physical and psychological changes. Only in the end can we have the current achievements.

At that time, Su Jie and Blind Uncle also speculated about the potential of a child who became a living dead before changing teeth. It can only be done by comprehending many experiences, even the vicissitudes of life.

Of course, the realm of the seventh sense is not the living dead.

The living dead use the ability of the seventh sense to achieve an extremely clear state of mind that surpasses death. Under this state of mind, people's physical fitness and thinking will have a qualitative leap.

And the ability of the seventh sense can also be cultivated into another state of mind, such as ignoring all sentient beings, learning the same style of constant benefit, treating oneself as a god, getting rid of humanity, and gaining divinity.

All in all, the utilization rate of the seventh sense is many, it depends on which way to go.

Su Jie, relying on his intuition, knew that this foreign child had reached the seventh sense.

I don't know how it was trained, anyway, it is absolutely impossible for Su Jie to train a child under the age of ten to develop the seventh sense, or even the sixth sense.

It is difficult for children to follow orders, and it is difficult to understand some things. They are even playful and do not like to learn. They are much more difficult to train than adults.

Perhaps, in this world, there is only one person who can train children to have a seventh sense.

That is the God Maker, Odley.

"Little friend, is your coach here?" Su Jie asked directly.

"Yes." The foreign kid nodded: "But he went to the town to meet a friend, and he will come back later. Do you want to wait here?"

While speaking, he sideways opened the door of the yard and invited Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger to come in.

Su Jie walked into the courtyard, and found that the courtyard was no longer dilapidated, but had been redecorated and changed the layout. It was extremely simple, but a brick and a square of wood in every corner revealed the harmony between man and nature. With just one breath, Su Jie seemed to have returned to the time he was familiar with three years ago. He followed Odeli here to learn boxing techniques, practice horizontally, fight daggers, and spears.

Three years passed in a blink of an eye.

But sometimes, Su Jie felt very far away, as if thirty years had passed, or even a dream.

"You guys sit here. I'll make tea." The little foreign boy asked Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger to sit on the stone bench in the yard, walked to the main room, took out a set of tea sets, and placed them in front of the stone table with an elegant Brewing tea by hand, brewing tea, gives people a sense of art, or a religious ceremony from ancient times.

Moreover, the little boy was wearing a cloud-white Taoist clothes, with a Taoist bun tied on top of his head, and Taoist cloud sandals under his feet. The Taoist boy is full of fairy spirit.

This made Mr. Honey Badger very curious.

Every movement of the little boy is natural, every movement is extremely calm, and he walks, sits, and lies with a chic demeanor. I don't know how long it will take to train.

"Mr. Su Jie, you practiced kung fu here three years ago?" Mr. Honey Badger asked again: "How did you feel about Mr. Odley's strength at that time?"

"At that time, my realm was not high, so I couldn't see it. Looking back on that scene now, I feel unfathomable." Su Jie took a sip of tea, and found that the tea was sweet and clear, blooming between his lips and entering his throat, with a faint The fragrance of grass and trees is not the kind of top quality or bad, but it is very natural. The whole person seems to be in the mountains and fields, washing away the dust of the world.

"This tea is very good." Mr. Honey Badger said, "It's the tea maker who put his heart into it, which can make the tea taster feel the spirit of the mountains and fields. Did Mr. Odley make this tea himself?"

He asked the little foreign boy.

The little foreign boy said: "It was made by my coach, but I don't know the name of the coach. Do you know the coach? Then we can catch up with them when they come back. I'm going to take a nap now, and I have to train when I get up. Excuse me."

He speaks clearly, like an adult, and speaks with some ancient culture, and has a deep understanding of Chinese charm.

"Little friend, you are busy with your own work." Su Jie smiled.

Sure enough, the little foreign boy went back to his room to sleep.

Su Jie heard the other party lying on the bed, and in just a second, his breathing became indistinct, and his physiological characteristics such as pulse and heartbeat also seemed to be very slow, and would stop at any time.

Through the window, it can be seen that the little boy is sleeping on the right side, with his head supported by one hand, his legs are closed and slightly bent, giving people a great majesty.

"Auspicious sleeping."

Su Jie recognized that this is a very dignified way of sleeping. The Buddha passed away under the double sala trees, and it was in this auspicious lying posture that he finally passed into Nirvana.

This lying position has great majesty, like a lion deterring a herd of beasts, with a steady and upright heart. Like a white elephant stepping across a river, the attainment of the Dharma is extremely deep. It is like a green ox plowing the land and nurturing living beings, like a dragon flying in the clouds, and the clouds spreading rain.

Su Jie has also studied this method of sleeping, it can soothe the internal organs and keep the mind upright, but it is tiring to use it for sleeping at first, and it is not as easy as the big corpse method.

But there are relatively few data in this area, because the sleeping posture is actually an appearance, and more importantly, it is to enter the state deep in the heart.

Many people in the world sleep with big characters, but there are almost very few who can enter the realm of the big corpse, probably not one person out of tens of millions.

And the same is true for this auspicious lying, there are even fewer who can enter the state of full majesty and Nirvana.

It is really called "auspicious lying" if you can get out of the state of mind of Buddha's death and impermanence.

And this little foreign boy's sleeping posture has this kind of feeling indistinctly, which is simply magical, and even Mr. Honey Badger can feel some of the magic in it.

Mr. Honey Badger's perspective is different from Su Jie's, but after reaching the highest level, they all arrive at the same goal by different routes.

An hour later, the little boy woke up on time, went to the yard, and started practicing.

He opened his posture and practiced each move, which was a very common set of five-step boxing.

Five-step boxing is the most basic boxing method, which contains five kinds of footwork in traditional Chinese Kung Fu, lunge, horse stance, empty step, servant step, and resting step. The basic skills are all exercised.

Basically, if children first learn martial arts, they will start with five-step boxing. They can practice both basic skills and body skills, and the movements are simple and easy to learn.

As for the stance in martial arts, it requires concentration, calmness, concentration, concentration, and relaxation. Children are very active and it is difficult to do it. Basically, they will not start with standing.

However, when this little foreign boy was doing five-step boxing, every movement was like a pile. State, stable as Mount Tai. The power is like a snake and a dragon, with infinite changes.

God, Qi, Mind, Essence, Strength. The five elements and the five elements circulate with each other. Su Jie has not seen any martial artist whose boxing skills are as regular as his.

That's right, it's the word formal, which is more formal than textbooks.

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