Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Thirteen: Idle and Doing Things Typhon’s Secret Has Been Stealed

Chapter 413 Idle and become the secret of Typhon, someone stole

This person is tall, a little thin, with an aura of exploring the natural mysteries of the world, and he is an explorer by nature. There is no arrogance and prejudice, and there is a sense of multiculturalism.

He is Typhon's second leader, Godmaker Odley.

He was also the most important person in Su Jie's life, the one who changed his destiny.

Odley appeared and held Mr. Honey Badger's western-style soft sword with a wooden stick, allowing Mr. X to avoid a fatal blow.

Although Mr. X is also a strong person with the ninth sense, he is still inferior to Mr. Honey Badger. Fighting between masters is a life-and-death front line. There has never been a battle of three hundred rounds, or even three days and three nights.

Even if it's a performance boxing championship match, it's actually three rounds, which can't be dragged on for about ten minutes.

As for Mr. Honey Badger, this kind of expert fight is to see who has the upper hand in an instant, and can attack all the way, without giving a chance to breathe, and can kill the opponent. This is also the art of war.

Mr. Honey Badger mastered the art of war very well. No one expected that his weapon was a Western-style soft sword, and it could be looped into a bracelet and worn on his wrist.

During the sudden attack, even if Su Jie encounters him, he still has to drink a pot.

It's just a pity that Mr. Honey Badger's must-kill move was blocked by Odley who appeared, and it would be difficult to kill Mr. X next.

If the opponent is prepared, they will definitely confront each other.

The ultimate move is to surprise, once used, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Mr. Honey Badger did not attack again, he had already seen who could resist his assassination.

He backed up and stood side by side with Su Jie, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, because he realized that Su Jie had actually repelled the "fool" with one move.

The Fool slammed into the wall of the courtyard, which was clearly a move lost, and Su Jie had the upper hand.

This is simply unbelievable, because even Mr. Honey Badger can't do it to this extent. The Fool is much harder to deal with than Mr. X.

Of course, the hardest one to deal with is Odeli.

As soon as he appeared in the yard, neither Su Jie nor Mr. Honey Badger had the desire to do anything.

"Coach!" Su Jie didn't care about the battle just now, he was full of joy when he saw Odley, "You finally appeared, I haven't found you for two years since I came here."

"Su Jie, you are my miracle." After Odley saw Su Jie, a very happy smile appeared on his face: "You are the best one among the people I teach. No, I just It’s just leading you down a path, and you walked out of it yourself. Fool, do you think Mr. Typhon can teach such a person?”

He naturally saw the scene where the Fool was completely repelled by Su Jie with just one punch.

The Fool is the third leader of Typhon, the most powerful top figure in the entire world, but he is actually at a disadvantage in front of Su Jie, so how strong is Su Jie now?

Even Ou Deli was shocked, he never imagined that Su Jie could be so tyrannical.

He is the most clear about the strength of the Fool.

"The big boss can't train such a person." The Fool looked at Su Jie, his eyes were extremely solemn: "This is indeed a miracle, that is, just now, he broke out with a fighting power that surpassed the usual. But this super If you play at that level, it's very difficult for you to do it a second time."

"You can give it a try." Su Jie said casually.

"Ou Deli, can you make a move?" The Fool ignored Su Jie, but asked Ou Deli.

In fact, everyone present can see that the key factor now is Odeli, as long as he falls to that side,

Victory is possible there.

"Don't fight here." Odley sat down to drink tea with a very peaceful expression: "Su Jie, come and talk with me. How did you cultivate to such a level step by step in the past two years?"

The last time Odeli met Su Jie was in the war-torn land, and he lost contact after that. It looks like the two haven't seen each other for two years.

Unexpectedly, seeing you now, Su Jie has already caught up with him, especially when he repelled the Fool just now, which is his current level.

Su Jie sat down and looked at his coach Odeli.

Compared with two years ago, Odley still looks the same, has not changed at all, but in his demeanor, one can still see the vicissitudes of life, this vicissitudes is not the old age of a person, but the vicissitudes of life that seem to have been experienced Seeing the vicissitudes of life, seeing the long era, geographical changes, and astronomical eternity.

The sky remains the same, the earth is changing, and people are always there.

Compared with two years ago, Odeli's cultivation level is more advanced, and he doesn't know what happened to him.

Odeli also didn't know what happened to Su Jie.

The two wanted to exchange experiences urgently.

In Odeli's view, Su Jie has become an existence on equal footing with him.

"Sit down, too, and let's talk together. We shouldn't be enemies." Odley said to Mr. Honey Badger.

"Ou Deli, don't you know the chief's plan? Here to help the enemy? This Su Jie is your student. It is understandable for you not to attack him. But Honey Badger is our deadly enemy. If we get rid of Mr. Honey Badger here, we can immediately take over everything about Honey Badger." Mr. X made a sharp and piercing voice.

"I don't want to participate in the chief's plan." Odley looked at the Fool, "But I'm surprised that you were able to train him."

Oldley was referring to Mr. X.

Obviously, Odley is not in Typhon these days, and he doesn't even know how Mr. X was born.

In his view, it is almost impossible to obtain a ninth sense.

"The Fool" has already seen what Odley meant, and he stopped Mr. X from continuing to speak: "Odley, the big boss will come to find you in person. Since you don't want us to start a war in your yard, then we Would choose somewhere else."

Mr. X seemed to have something to say, but the Fool moved his eyes, walked ahead, and left the yard in an instant.

Mr. Honey Badger did not leave, he also sat down, and said to Odley in pure Chinese: "Mr. Godmaker, you have already left Typhon, why did you block me just now?"

If Odley hadn't resisted, Mr. X would have been killed by Mr. Honey Badger.

This can get rid of a Typhon giant, which is of great benefit to Honey Badger.

"Killing people here will cause a lot of trouble." Odley said, "It will disturb my quiet life."

"Coach, are they here looking for you?" Su Jie asked.

"Part of it is to find me, and the other half is for more important things." Odley said: "It is said that someone stole the secret from Typhon, and the fool came here to recover the secret."

"Who?" Mr. Honey Badger was also taken aback: "Who can steal the secret from Typhon?"

Mr. Honey Badger has a deep understanding of Typhon, knowing that the inside is almost isolated from the outside world, even if there is a nuclear war outside, he is safe and sound inside.

"I don't know either." Odley waved his hand: "There is a mysterious power in this land. Mr. Cain of the previous generation was injured here. You should be very clear about this matter. I am here After searching for ten years, I have traveled all over the world, but I have not been able to find any clues, but I am sure that some high-level people do exist."

Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger also discussed this issue, but Su Jie didn't want to get too entangled in it.

"Coach, did you train this kid?" Su Jie changed the subject, he didn't want to get involved with Odley about some things in Typhon, but wanted to exchange academics with him more.

"What did you see?" Odley asked.

"I'm curious, at his age, how is it possible to train the seventh sense?" Su Jie asked: "After my research, before the age of twelve, the intuitive area of ​​the brain is not fully mature, so it is difficult to perform difficult tasks." Train, or you'll damage your brain."

Su Jie's brain research is already at the top level in the world.

"His intuition is naturally strong." Odley said: "I have undergone a series of targeted training to activate his neurons. However, his seventh sense is only reflected in learning. It is weaker, no different from ordinary children of the same age."

"That's just a child prodigy who is good at learning." Mr. Honey Badger nodded.

No matter in the history of China or the West, there is no shortage of child prodigies. They are very outstanding in a certain aspect, and it is difficult for ordinary people to hold a candle to them. However, they still have great shortcomings in dealing with people, or in other places.

According to the theory, the seventh sense is a kind of ability. If you use this ability at will, you can achieve outstanding results in any aspect. If you use it to practice martial arts, your kung fu will definitely be superior and superb. If you use it for scientific research, you must be a great scientist. If you use it for business, you can definitely become a rich man. You have seized opportunities and avoided risks again and again. If you use it to look at Feng Shui, you can also become a master of the generation.

If the seventh sense can only be used in a certain aspect, it is not perfect and has flaws.

"Tell me, how did you reach this level?" Odeli was even more curious about Su Jie.

Su Jie recounted his enlightenment in the past three years, from the competition with Feng Hengyi, to breaking through the realm of the living dead, and then painstakingly researched, taking heaven, earth, and man as the foundation, using psychology, environmental science, and Fengshui to connect the human body, and finally After breaking through the eighth sense, he fought against Zhang Hongqing and broke through the realm of the ninth sense.

Su Jie told Odeli the cultivation method that he integrated into various eras. This is his own original creation, and the spiritual world transcends the limitations of time and space.

At the same time, he told Odley his deduction about the tenth sense.

Oudley listened quietly like this, and Mr. Honey Badger was also fascinated by it.

After a long time, Oudley breathed a sigh of relief: "You have indeed walked out of your own way, and I can no longer teach you. As for the tenth sense theory you proposed, I am also studying it. Our research seems to be In the same direction. Mr. Honey Badger, what do you think?"

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