Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 414: The Wish Is Realized 0 Ever-changing 1 Embrace

Chapter 414 It's All About Me

"I discussed this issue with Su Jie in detail, and made a framework for the tenth sense." After Mr. Honey Badger communicated with Su Jie, "We agreed that all objects have wave-particle duality. Not only in the microscopic but also in the Macroscopically, wave-particle duality runs through all the time, that is, our noumenon, in fact, a superposition state of waves, when consciously generated or interfered, it will be transformed into particles, that is, entities. So, when we consciously At that time, the object is real, and if in a state of no consciousness, all objects are superimposed in the form of waves. And the tenth sense should be to observe the world without one's own consciousness, and be able to perceive the true colors of the world , which has nothing to do with superpowers."

"That's right." Su Jie nodded and said, "If you can see the world without your own mind, it should be your tenth sense."

"I know that many scientists have doubted whether this world is real or not. Whether consciousness can interfere with reality has been proved by the double-slit experiment in the microscopic field and the quantum erasure experiment. It has even been proved in the microcosmic field that the behavior happening now can even affect the past." Odley nodded: "However, the structure of your tenth sense is like whether God can create a stone that he cannot lift , is a problem that can never be proven.”

"It's like this." Su Jie nodded: "It is the function of consciousness that people can observe and perceive the world. Without consciousness, it is impossible to talk about observation and perception. But it is precisely because of this that the greatness of the tenth sense can be proved It should also be the highest state pursued by those great philosophers in ancient times.”

"Buddhism has a theory, and all four elements are empty." Oudley nodded: "Actually, I am also exploring this issue, but I think it is a theory to look at the whole world without consciousness, and we can only approach this theory infinitely, but not reach it. Just like refining gold, it will never be possible to refine gold with 100% purity, you can only add a few nines after the purity."

"Then in this way, the supernatural power you're after won't exist at all. We can only get infinitely close to the supernatural, but we can't touch it." Su Jie said.

"In theory, it is true." Odley sighed: "However, I think my idea is wrong."

"But I think that everything is natural, and there is nothing supernatural." Su Jie said, "It's just that we are still very primitive and have not reached that point. Sometimes, our thinking should be more open, and don't be fooled by those philosophies. Troubled by theory, come back to reality.”

"Mr. Godmaker, let's not talk about cultivation. Let's just talk about Typhon." Mr. Honey Badger said: "I once fought against the big boss, and he couldn't kill me. At that time, his spirit was split status, I would like to ask, what is your opinion on the big boss. How did he become so powerful?"

"In this world, the gap between people is very huge, and it has been irreversible since birth." Odley said: "He is a very strange person, even if I established Typhon with him, I would It's hard to see through him, and he has many identities, so it's not that he's schizophrenic, but that he has multiple personalities. Typhon's chief is just one of his personalities, and when this personality dominates, he is the strongest. The other personality-dominated ones are weaker, but this is relatively speaking."

"A person's character can determine the strength of the body." Su Jie nodded. He has gone through a lot of data research and found that emotions have an extremely great impact on kung fu, and it can even increase several times. This is not the limit.

This is also the mental method in traditional martial arts, which uses emotions to drive power.

The complex of emotions is personality.

The big boss doesn't know how many personalities there are.

More importantly,

Oudley also didn't know what other identities of this great leader were.

And Odeli doesn't care about this issue.

"I wouldn't have cooperated with him at first." Odley fell into the memory, "But he made a suggestion to compete in my field of expertise. I competed with him in a total of eight projects, and lost in each project. But there is still a ninth event that has not been decided."

"The ninth project, is it a competition to cultivate disciples?" Su Jie asked.

"That's right, now it seems that I won." Odley smiled: "In any case, the big boss can't train someone like you. Of course, this is not entirely due to my credit."

"You have opened up my wisdom." Su Jie said, "The chief has a disciple named Long Tianming, who is currently in my club."

"I know, he's just an inconspicuous one among the many people trained by the chief." Odley said.

"Then what about Mr. X?" Mr. Honey Badger asked.

"Mr. X was not trained by the big boss." Odley said: "He was originally a master, but with the help of some experiments in the Typhon Water of Life project, his brain developed some abilities."

"I'm also participating in the Water of Life project." Su Jie didn't hide anything from Odeli, he said something about the De Bayer Group, the pharmaceutical project he participated in.

"Typhon should know about this." Odley said: "Typhon's intelligence network is beyond your imagination, but in fact Typhon really needs your wisdom to do scientific research projects."

"Coach, I only have one bond with Typhon now, if possible, I hope you can help me." Su Jie said.

"I know, your sister is in Typhon's artificial intelligence laboratory." Odley seems to know everything, "If it is an ordinary scientific researcher, I can help bring it out, but now she is the most important person, The place where I live is the core base that even I cannot touch."

"I think so too." Su Jie sighed.

"The chief's will is unshakable." Odley said: "I can persuade anyone, but his will is basically unshakable, unless someone can defeat him. Maybe you can talk to him."

"I don't know where he is either?" Su Jie said.

"He will come out." Odley said: "And he will definitely come to you. I once told you that you have to help me fight a game, that is, against someone trained by the big boss, but now it seems that There is no need to compare. Because no matter how he trains people, it is impossible to be better than you."

"That's not necessarily true." Su Jie said.

"I think so too." Mr. Honey Badger smiled.

"Coach, I want to compete with you." Su Jie made a request, which was a thought that often occurred to him. He used to know that there was a huge gap between himself and Odeli, but now he has been practicing hard all these years , promoted very quickly, Ou Deli was his first peak since learning Kung Fu, and also the highest peak.

For a long time, the peaks in front of him were wiped out one after another.

First was Joss, then Gu Yang, Zhang Jinchuan, and Feng Hengyi. However, in his mind, these people are not as good as Odeli.

So today, Su Jie sincerely wants to fight Odeli, to see how far he has come.


Odley did not refuse.

Mr. Honey Badger stood up, and when he reached the gate of the yard, he was very eager to see this fight.

Su Jie and Odeli stood in the middle of the yard, they didn't do anything, they just looked at each other.

Su Jie suddenly felt that Odley was like a majestic giant mountain, standing at the end of the earth and bordering the sky. He could see this mountain anytime and anywhere, but no matter how he moved forward, he could not get close to the end of this mountain. at the foot of the mountain.

This is the temperament developed by Ou Deli's cultivation.

Man can see his achievements, but cannot achieve his achievements.

Odeli sees Su Jie differently.

In his eyes, Su Jie's aura has turned into many human forms, coming out of time and space, his temperament is changeable, it seems that every age has left his imprint, and he seems to be unable to control time and years in Su. The traces left on Jie's body.

In other words, time couldn't stay on Su Jie at all.

Odley nodded.

That is, this moment.

Ou Deli knew that Su Jie had grown into a character comparable to him, and this speed could not be described with the word miracle.

The little foreign boy came to the corridor, watching Su Jie compete with his coach, his eyes were full of excitement, he could already tell who was good at kung fu, and he could even understand the flavor of the contest between masters.

Su Jie said: "Coach, then I will do it first."

"Okay." Every time Odeli let Su Jie attack first.

swish swish....

Su Jie's footsteps moved lightly and shattered, like a mouse running on the beams of the house. People could clearly hear the sound, but as soon as the light was turned on, it disappeared again.

This kind of artistic conception is dexterous and light, only listening to its sound, not seeing its shape.

The footwork that Su Jie uses is not a magic step, but a very common small step, which can be learned by everyone, but it is almost impossible for him to be so vocal and invisible.


The little broken steps came in front of Ou Deli in an instant, Su Jie stretched out his palm, pointed at first, and then turned into a fist, as if he was moving with Ou Deli's breath, choosing the direction.

Ou Deli moved sideways, shot suddenly, and hit Su Jie's arm and wrist joint. This is a traditional martial arts technique to intercept, throwing the whip to stop the flow.

At the moment when Ou Deli cut in, Su Jie's whole body shrunk again, and then he stomped violently, turning his fist into a chop, shaking off Ou Deli's interception, and slashing towards the middle like a broken bamboo.

This time, he was struck by lightning, like a landslide, like the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed.

Majestic, like a god descending to earth.

The approach is like a mouse on the beam, the attack is like a thunderbolt, and the thunder is shaking.

Between one small and one large, Su Jie's true strength was revealed, and his temperament changed ever-changingly.

Odley was confronted head-on. He had a look of admiration on his face, but he was not moved. He hugged the baby with both hands, as if he was hugging a baby. .

During this hug, Oudry supported Su Jie's elbow, making him lose all his strength.

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