Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter four hundred and twenty-two

Chapter 421 The Vigor Is Still Bright

History also likes to joke with people.

Those who conquered the world in history were not favored by others, but in the end they won the throne by many chances and coincidences. Even countless heroes, capable people and lofty minds cannot see through them, and it is difficult for them to survive when the world is in catastrophe. Find the one.

It's the same now, Su Jie can't see clearly who the martial arts dragon veins that are about to condense will reach in the end.

Ou Deli couldn't see clearly either, and neither could Liu Guanglie.

Mr. Honey Badger could not see clearly.

"You mean, in this place, a powerful and invisible force will be born. This force contains the true meaning of kung fu fighting. Whoever can get the favor of this force will become the strongest existence? asked Mr. Honey Badger.

He couldn't see clearly, but he could understand.

"Mr. Honey Badger, according to the logic, this is the case." Su Jie said: "There are also such examples in Western mythology. Of course, this is not a powerful and invisible force. Even if it is obtained, it may not be able to become The strongest existence."

"I also feel that the atmosphere here is different." Mr. Honey Badger closed his eyes: "In my intuition, there are many messages shining like gold on this land. These messages, sinking into the earth, It is gradually flowing and condensing into a gold mine, which is induced by various magnetic fields and pulls each other, and has not yet been finalized."

Ou Deli, Su Jie, and Liu Guanglie glanced at each other, knowing that Mr. Honey Badger doesn't understand Fengshui, but he also reads it very accurately, and even has less knowledge barriers than people who understand Fengshui.

"It's very interesting. We are like princes, fighting for the artifacts of the world." Odley is proficient in ancient Chinese history: "Maybe we are not the kings, but in the process of fighting, we can feel the flow of people's hearts in the world, which is also the best. Exercise. Su Jie, do you want to join this competition? Here, there will be wind and clouds, and you are also one of the promoters."

"Fool, Mr. X, the big boss, should also be planning here." Su Jie said: "They must also want to obtain this feng shui aura, and take advantage of it, especially the big boss, his spirit The state is very high, and he is proficient in the study of Feng Shui. He has reached his level of cultivation. If he wants to go further, he has to rely on the power of heaven and earth and the general trend of martial arts. Moreover, the person who snatched the secret from Typhon also came Coming here, I obviously feel some breath, and I hope to get a lot of things.”

Anyone with a high spiritual realm can see that there are new changes on this land.

It seems very mysterious and belongs to metaphysics, but in fact it is a change of magnetic field and social psychology.

Just like when it was just opened decades ago, the small fishing villages along the coast were suddenly full of gold. Some bold people saw business opportunities and entered them, and they would get huge opportunities and become rich.

It has to be said that those opportunities are luck.

Under the national policy, countless opportunities were born on that land. Whoever can seize them can change his life, even the fate of the next three generations.

Right now, here is also the biggest opportunity for those who learn martial arts, especially those who have a very high level.

The four masters are on this wooden tower, watching the situation in the town.

Even in the extreme distance, among the mountains, you can see the lights of the temple, and the sound of drums comes with the night wind, ordinary people can't hear it, but it is very clear in their ears.

Morning bell and evening drum.

At night, the temple sometimes beats drums.

All can be thought-provoking.

"Okay, I've gained a lot today." Odley said, "Mr. Guanglie, I'm leaving now, I really hope to take a look,

Who can finally get the favor of the martial arts dragon vein, this process is extremely exciting. In fact, I am not very obsessed with obtaining this qi, but feeling the process carefully is what I enjoy the most. There is not a saying in the Tao Te Ching that success is beyond measure. There is another saying that great troubles are like your own. If you take credit for pride, or pursue great nobility, you will have serious troubles. "

"Hey..." Liu Guanglie heard this and sighed: "In terms of understanding of Chinese culture, even in our country, few people can compare with you. I hope you can leave the martial arts here to us. countrymen."

"I don't have this ability. Although I can interfere with luck through the way of Feng Shui, it just adds some variables. In a certain theory, we are all natural pawns. In other words, we are all in the torrent. It's just a drop of water." Odley was telling the truth, and he couldn't be sure where the Dragon Veins of Martial Arts would condense in the end, and who would favor them. "

"Su Jie, what do you mean?" Liu Guanglie asked, "Do you want to gain this energy?"

"In fact, these are all data, and it is also one of my research topics. In fact, this is the best research place, which is rare in a thousand years. My topic is how social relations affect the surrounding environment, and how the surrounding environment feeds back to people. , resulting in a virtuous circle or a vicious circle, as well as the influence of people's ideas and living conditions on the magnetic field, can it interfere with the trajectory of social development." Su Jie said: "This actually implies the way of practice. I also have a lot of insights, the so-called small hermit in the wild, middle hermit in the city, and great hermit in the court. It is easy to practice in the public. The social form will change the environment, and the environment will affect the individual. The individual who is most affected, and The whole social form fits the deepest. In a sense, he is the person that luck loves. This person's character, surrounding environment, and life experience are the most suitable for the social form, creating a kind of resonance. From scientific From a perspective, this is actually controllable. That is to say, if the research is thorough and you go back to ancient times, you can find the right man, or cultivate the right man. In the final analysis, this is a very precise fit issue .”

"I understand this." Mr. Honey Badger said: "The same is true for business, study the current social form, speculate on the future social form, find the development trend, follow this trend, and try to match the trend Create a resonance, and there will be great achievements. But how to resonate, this is tens of thousands of times more delicate than the most sophisticated surgical operation."

"Interesting, very interesting." Su Jie savored it carefully, took a deep breath, as if he wanted to absorb the air here and send it into his body to analyze the elements: "Old principal, I came here with a research mentality. I’m going back to City B in the next day, but it’s actually not very important to whom the martial arts dragon veins here end up, it’s a natural choice, an inevitable result of evolution.”

"Your mentality is already detached from things, and you can see it so thoroughly?" Liu Guanglie was a little shocked.

"In fact, scientific research is more important than this." Su Jie said: "In my opinion, the so-called luck and dragon veins are all small ways. The great man also said that he dared to change the sun and the moon into a new sky. In fact, I studied psychology and found that One thing, that is, the higher the cultivation level, the more reverence you will have for qi, numerology, and feng shui. Because you know this is true, you should be careful in everything. This is of course correct. But too much emphasis on heaven and man Unity, but lost the original vigor, in fact, this is very unfavorable in psychology. The so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, young people scold Fang Qiu, pointing out the country, in the eyes of the elderly, it is childish and ridiculous, and does not understand the world Difficult. But this pioneering spirit can stimulate people's creativity and activate many functions of the brain. From the perspective of psychology, medicine, and sociology, it is this spirit and spirit that change the whole. In fact, how to maintain this spirit? At the same time, you can penetrate all things in the world, see the shape of all things, and see the details, this is the highest practice."

"Won my heart." Oudley nodded: "Everything is insightful, and doing it according to this is the way of heaven. In fact, it is no different from a computer. A piece of heaven and earth and miracles to come.”

"So I really don't care about dragon veins and martial arts." Su Jie said: "If someone wants to get it, as long as he is a good person, I will be more than happy to help him. Old principal, if my guess is not wrong, you have found a real true disciple. And this true disciple has thoroughly learned everything about you, including the Ming Lun Daoyin technique."

The person Su Jie mentioned was the one wearing Wukong's mask and defeating Ma Taiguan Pa Kui.

This person is already in the realm of the living dead, or in other words, the realm of "Ming".

Liu Guanglie is able to teach such a person, and he is on an equal footing with the world's top coaches.

"Do I think you will help him if he gets this great luck?" Liu Guanglie asked.

"I have to see how good and evil this person is first." Su Jie didn't immediately agree.

"Could it be that you can't trust my vision?" Liu Guanglie smiled.

"Old principal, sometimes people have an emotion, that is, they don't know that there are flaws, but they still want to try, thinking that he is perfect. This is not the kind of vigor of young people, but the luck of human beings. For example, your son Liu Zihao actually has a lot of flaws in his character, but you haven't made up for it. According to your teaching, you can shape his character well when he was young." Su Jie said.

"The country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change." Liu Guanglie sighed: "At that time, I devoted myself to developing my career and neglected education. Looking back, Zihao has already been finalized. In fact, he has great luck, but there are some disasters in his later years. There are also some twists and turns in the past year, I can resolve these, so forget it, let him develop."

"This is actually not bad, but the fate of people will change, and it will not be smooth sailing." Odley interjected: "Actually, Mr. Guanglie, I think you will also have a doom this year. The doom is so great that you may even lose your life."

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