Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty {Skipped 1 chapter, added}

Because of the update setting problem, Chapter 420 is missing, so I skipped it, and I will add it now.

Chapter 420 Heaven and Earth Leverage the Power of Martial Luck Dragon Xuan Youxuan

"Su Jie, you see that this person pretends to be you. It's kind of interesting, he's an expert." Mr. Honey Badger saw the person who went up, and a smile appeared on his face: "This is a real expert, I don't know if he is from the Minglun Martial Arts School. "

"He is indeed a master, but wearing the Wukong mask is not my patent, everyone can wear it." Su Jie looked at it with interest.

At this moment, as soon as the person wearing Wukong's mask took the stage, it immediately caused a sensation. Many people thought that he was Su Jie who was making a big splash abroad.

Sure enough, as soon as the Wukong masked figure came on stage, he faced Paqui face to face.

Pacqui's boxing was a pure fighting technique, but his body dived slightly, as if he was going to perform Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, bringing the enemy into a contest on the ground.


The referee gave an order.

Paqui was trying to figure out how to deal with the Wukong masked youth in front of him. He had a lot of fighting experience, so he wanted to see clearly the reality of the opponent first.

But at this moment, the person in Wukong's mask moved.


With a flash of his body, like a ghostly shadow, he approached Paque and kicked him out.

This leg came silently and suddenly, and the way of exerting force was very special.

"Just return to the west?" Su Jie was slightly surprised.

This move is actually his unique technique. It is the same kick in foreign countries, and no one can crack it. Now it has become popular in many fighting social networks. It seems that this Wukong mask man is going to impersonate him to the end.


The Wukong-masked man's "going back to the west" movement is fierce, not as Zen-like as Su Jie's, but its penetrating power is extremely strong, just like Zhao Zilong's white horse silver spear in Changshan, coming with one attack, one stab with the spear, even though there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers The horse is still unstoppable.

Pacqui was kicked off the ring directly.

Control the enemy with one move.

After kicking Paqui off the ring, the Wukong masked man left the arena directly,

It disappeared in a blink of an eye.

He came and went quickly, and he didn't want to reveal his identity.

"Interesting, very interesting." Su Jie knew that the skill of Pa Kui in this Mataiyuan was very high, similar to that of Liu Long three years ago, and it was absolutely impossible to be easily defeated, but he was kicked off the ring. This Wukong masked man already has a strong seventh sense and is good at fighting.

"There are so many masters here. In a small group arena, you can see people with the seventh sense appearing." Mr. Honey Badger said: "I am more and more interested in this place. If there is a chance, I will come here Buy a piece of land and build a honey badger martial arts school?"

"It's not impossible." Su Jie immediately said: "If you are interested, I can match up and buy a part of the shares."

"Mr. Honey Badger, your idea is really good." Odley said: "The earth's energy is shifting, and the martial arts are strong. If you can seize the opportunity here, it will be of great benefit to you Honey Badger in the future."

"It's just a trivial matter, I'll let someone do it." Mr. Honey Badger nodded, making up his mind, this is really a trivial matter for him.

"This is really not a trivial matter." Su Jie shook his head: "Mr. Honey Badger, the most important thing in choosing a location is to look at the right place. Fengshui comes first, and geography is a must for military strategists. The location of Minglun Martial Arts School is very important. It's good, but when it was established, the martial arts here were broken and hadn't been condensed, so the earth's energy was scattered everywhere, unable to condense, and there was nowhere to look for dragon veins, so I had to build and develop it myself. Now Ming Lun Wu The school led to a trend, it can be said that the predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoyed the shade."

"Dragon veins are illusory, but all dynasties have attached great importance to them. The first thing an emperor chooses a mausoleum is to look at Fengshui." Odeli's research on this can be said to be a supreme master, far surpassing the two masters of Luo Ma, and even Su Jie is not as good as this: "This place, after decades of brewing, has gathered martial arts, and now you have popularized social media abroad, causing martial arts enthusiasts from all over the world to come here. This is equivalent to It is a fire cooking oil. In the prosperous age, there will be dragons. There are heavenly dragons in the sky, earthly dragons in the earth, literary dragons, martial arts dragons, and war dragons in war. In ancient times, if the wind of reading flourished in a place, then here The cultural atmosphere will be strong, and over time, the wind of reading will permeate into this area, and it will condense into a literary spirit, and further, it will turn into a Wenlong, wandering on this land, if a scholar accidentally acquires this Wenlong If he is blessed, then he will be quick-witted, lucky, and be the champion."

"The same is true for martial arts." Su Jie immediately understood what Ou Deli meant, "The martial wind here has been completely condensed, and the martial dragon transformed by the aura of martial arts may soon condense into shape. If you can master the power of this martial dragon Qi, being in the middle of the dragon veins, enjoying the dragon energy alone, I am afraid that it can make your own realm reach an incredible level. Coach, I know what you mean. You finally chose to live here and repair the small courtyard because you wanted to With the help of the dragon of martial arts gathered here, break through the realm, and finally surpass the big boss, right? You finally chose this path."

"You are very accurate." Arriving here, Odley also had to admire Su Jie, his own disciple is so clear about the geomantic omen of the world and the era of human power.

"Your culture is really interesting." Mr. Honey Badger doesn't know Feng Shui, but with his way of thinking, he can still understand the conversation between Su Jie and Odley.

To put it simply in Western thinking, people in this area are all fanatical about Kung Fu. As time goes on, the spirits of everyone will penetrate into this area and condense into some invisible power. the benefits of.

In fact, this is a kind of social psychology in terms of scientific research.

For the West, there are also such examples. A good university with a good academic atmosphere can produce many great scientists. The same is true for a country.

Take the United States and Germany during World War II as an example. The atmosphere in Germany was tense, while the United States was relatively relaxed. Many great scientists went to the United States one after another, and finally caused the United States to lead the world in science and technology.

Of course, in addition to a kind of social psychology, the way of Fengshui in China contains deeper things, which are closely related to the magnetic field and energy of the heaven and earth. So far, science has not found any basis for this aspect, it is just speculation.

Mr. Honey Badger's practice doesn't depend on this, so he didn't do too much research.

But with the keen perception of his ninth sense, he could also feel the strong martial arts spirit in this place, so he immediately thought of opening a honey badger martial arts school here.

He is one of the strongest players in the world, and he will never miss any opportunity.

"Let's go, let's go to the back mountain of Minglun Martial Arts School." Su Jie suggested.

Ou Deli knew what Su Jie wanted to do, and readily agreed. Mr. Honey Badger was also very interested and wanted to learn more knowledge. So far, he has become very interested in Chinese Feng Shui culture.

However, Mr. Honey Badger does not know the power of Feng Shui, but he knows the environment, architecture, and psychology, and he is also a real master in this area.

If he wants to learn Feng Shui, he can become a master with just a few random words, and with his ninth intuition, he can clearly "see" which places are good and which places are bad.

The three came to the back mountain.

Su Jie saw the well under the mountain.

Under the bright moon, the well water reflects the moon, and the moon in the well rippling with a sense of Zen.

In addition, Su Jie also felt that there seemed to be a kind of luck condensed in this well. If you use your intuition to feel it, it seems that there is a dragon in the well.

The so-called dragon is not a legendary beast.

All upright, majestic, or miraculous, exquisite, valuable things, and aura can be called dragons.

The dragon is just a metaphor.

The same is true for dragon veins and dragon energy.

Su Jie can see the essence through the phenomenon.

"Huh?" Su Jie discovered that on the top of the back mountain, there was an additional wooden pagoda, nine stories high, with a pure wooden structure, simple and elegant, as if it was newly built.

He came here last year without this wooden tower.

"There are people on the tower, let's go up and have a look." Odley smiled.

The three climbed up the back mountain and climbed up the nine-story wooden tower. On the top of the wooden tower is a quiet room for people to practice. In this quiet room, you can see the whole town.

"Are you here?"

Sure enough, in the quiet room on the top of the tower, there was a person sitting in meditation.

This person is obviously Liu Guanglie.

Liu Guanglie lit an oil lamp in the quiet room.

Su Jie suddenly discovered that Liu Guanglie's temperament had changed to a higher level.

Originally, Liu Guanglie's cultivation base was the eighth sense, that is, the realm of "enlightenment" in the seven characters of Minglun, and he had not been able to reach "emptiness". Moreover, based on Su Jie's speculation, it would be very difficult for Liu Guanglie to go further. up.

But he's breaking through now.

Su Jie knew right away that Liu Guanglie's breakthrough was due to the martial arts of Minglun Martial Arts School.

This is still my own credit. I gained a reputation for the Minglun Martial Arts School overseas. It became hot here, and the martial arts was prosperous. Liu Guanglie built a wooden tower here, using wood to make fire, using the well below as the foundation, using water to grow wood, and ringing. Interlocking, luck is like under a raging fire, and it is only natural to use this momentum to break through the foundation and resonate with the spirit.

Sometimes, when one's practice reaches the limit that is difficult for manpower to break through, one must rely on the power of heaven and earth, the power of the times, and the power of all beings.

The spiritual realm is so mysterious that one cannot comprehend it unless one reaches the uppermost realm.

However, Liu Guanglie's spiritual realm has improved to reach the ninth sense. Due to his age, although his physical combat strength has improved, it is impossible to make breakthrough progress. A match for any of Mr. Badger.

"Mr. Guanglie, I'm your neighbor, but we don't see each other often. Don't blame us for disturbing you this time." Odley was very polite. As a foreigner, he spoke like an ancient Confucian.

"Mr. Godmaker, do you want to capture the dragon?" Liu Guanglie said, "I'm afraid it's not right. This place has thousands of years of Shaolin martial arts, and I have created martial arts here for decades, and now it is finally successful. , Wulong's veins are formed, and you want to steal it, is it the work of greedy heaven? It is not the work of a benevolent person."

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