Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 423 Psychological Changes 1 Diary 1 Lamp

Chapter 423 Psychological changes, a diary and a lamp

Ou Deli's physiognomy is also quite powerful. Even if Liu Guanglie has reached the ninth sense, he is on the same level as him in terms of realm, but in fact there is a big gap in many subtle places.

The same realm, in some respects, is even vastly different, the so-called difference is a thousand miles away.

In a martial arts competition, a slight difference in realm, such as the use of light, wind and air flow, and details such as the unevenness of the venue, can be lost in a very small detail.

For example, Su Jie and Feng Hengyi fought, because Feng Hengyi miscalculated a bump on the ground, thinking that Su Jie would not fall, so he miscalculated. Su Jie stabbed his eyes with a flying needle.

That battle was very delicate, Feng Hengyi didn't trip over the bumps on the ground, but Su Jie pretended to trip. And Feng Hengyi believed that it was impossible for Su Jie to be affected by the unevenness of the ground, resulting in a psychological gap in an instant.

This kind of virtual reality changes in an instant, and life and death can change hands.

This is especially true when you have reached the realm of Odeli, Su Jie, Mr. Honey Badger, and Liu Guanglie.

So Ou Deli saw Liu Guanglie's doom, but Liu Guanglie felt a little vague.

But Liu Guanglie was not surprised when he heard this, he just laughed, "You, a foreigner, actually talk about calamity, luck, dragon veins, Feng Shui, it's strange, but my calamity, I can resolve it myself, don't bother you. "

"I'm afraid it's not so easy to resolve. The higher the level of cultivation, the heavier the devil. The more income, the greater the doom." Odeley said, "Besides, your son didn't have that kind of luck in the first place. You forcibly reversed the feng shui, making him a If you become an international action superstar, you have to pay back all of these. In fact, all your disasters are caused by your son, and the karma caused by your son will finally be blessed by you."

"Then you don't need to worry." Liu Guanglie laughed loudly, "If there is no doom, it will not be able to grow. I know what you said, and I have already planned it."

"Really?" Odeli just said these three words, and stopped talking, but walked down the wooden tower.

Su Jie remained silent, and walked down with Mr. Honey Badger.

However, when he was leaving, Liu Guanglie suddenly said, "Su Jie, can you stay for a while."

When Su Jie heard this, he wanted to show Liu Guanglie face, so he stayed on the wooden pagoda.

Only Liu Guanglie and Su Jie were left in the entire wooden pagoda, as well as a dim oil lamp.

"Chinese kung fu is like this lamp. It will go out at any time when the lamp is passed on from generation to generation, but it will be re-lit when encountering an opportunity. I started to establish the Minglun Martial Arts School more than 40 years ago to re-ignite the extinguished lamp. Lit, do you know what was going on here more than 40 years ago? It was completely withered, and in the surrounding villages, there were only a few scattered old people who could play tricks and routines, and none of the young people could Kungfu. I am very sad, and I would like to be a lamp burner. Do you think this merit is great or not?"

Liu Guanglie pointed to this lamp and asked, "I always feel that this lamp of martial arts will last forever. Even if it goes out for a while, there are people who light the lamp. At this moment, this place is full of prosperity, but I have already seen that some things are gradually Changing taste. Take you as an example. What you learned was the earliest traditional kung fu, Xinyiba, but now your kung fu is actually very modern, and it doesn’t even have any connection with traditional kung fu. The ancient things are being lost. Wuxue is this oil lamp, and you have become an electric lamp. Maybe no one will really light this oil lamp in the future."

"New things must always replace old things. Things that were once eternal will gradually withdraw from the stage of history." Su Jie said, "Confucianism has ruled for more than two thousand years. Among them, many amazing and brilliant people think that the theory of Confucianism is the way of heaven,

It is the truth, even if the dynasty changes again, this set will be handed down forever, and it is universal, so where is this thing now? So don't pursue what is traditional or unconventional, you can always innovate. Old principal, your meritorious deeds are great. But merit is one thing, and luck is one thing. In my research, there is merit and future doom, and the connection between good luck and bad luck is not very strong. "

"So, in your research, good deeds may not necessarily bring good rewards, and evil deeds may not necessarily have evil rewards?" Liu Guanglie knew that this was a philosophical question of cause and effect.

He thinks that he has done a lot of beneficial things, no matter what happens in the future, the catastrophe should be resolved, and there is no way out.

He also knows that Su Jie is very deep in this research, and Su Jie's research is not based on theory, but is calculated in the most cutting-edge scientific form.

"Currently, based on a large number of data examples, the linkage is not very high." Su Jie said, "In ancient times, there were more examples of retribution for good and evil, but in modern times, it may be that some changes have taken place in the social form, leading to The linkage in this aspect has been reduced. But in any case, this belongs to a kind of social psychology, and the linkage in it is not inevitable. However, under the overall social environment, it is all about punishing evil and promoting good, and doing more good deeds can strengthen one's own psychology Resonance with the psychology of the public, so that the body secretes some beneficial substances.”

There is no inevitability, which means that doing good deeds cannot necessarily lead to good rewards, and doing bad deeds cannot necessarily result in bad rewards.

"Did you make a mistake in your research?" Liu Guanglie asked.

"Maybe there is, but the current direction is not wrong." Su Jie said, "Popular psychology and social environment studies are combined, and then summarized to reach each independent individual. This kind of research is very difficult, and the difficulty lies in the fact that there is no reality. Examples can be demonstrated. The logical relationship between examples and examples is not very strong."

What Su Jie said now, except for people like Liu Guanglie, few others could understand it.

"Okay." Liu Guanglie said, "You have gained a lot of benefits in my Minglun Martial Arts School, but you finally repaid it. In fact, I was able to Wukong, touch and reach the realm of a trace of emptiness, all thanks to you." .Do you want to know about my recent mental activity?"

"This is the most important data, of course I want to get it." Su Jie nodded, "You are originally a strong person with the eighth sense. According to my theory, it is difficult to break through, but the popularity of this place has exploded. Enthusiasts are pouring in like rivers returning to the sea, especially the Minglun Martial Arts School. During this period of time, a kind of frenzy has appeared in the social form and public psychology of this place. This kind of frenzy has affected the magnetic field of this place, and you are here The wooden pagoda is built here, and it is condescending. During practice, with the help of this feng shui change, you can break through the realm. This kind of process is the most mysterious. I need your thought breakthrough process, the feeling of psychological activity. This is the most important The data, maybe with this data, my research will make a breakthrough."

After reaching Su Jie's level, it is already extremely difficult to break through, and there is basically no data and mental activities in this regard.

Liu Guanglie's breakthrough can be said to be created by Su Jie, and has a great causal connection with Su Jie.

"This is the mental activity notebook I recorded." Liu Guanglie said, "It is true that since that day, I have returned here, and I have new feelings every day. However, you must promise me one thing, and I can put my mental activity into practice." Notes for you."

"You want me to take care of your son? Father and son are deeply affectionate." Su Jie said, "It seems that no matter how high the realm is, people can't get rid of the bondage of emotions."

"It's the same with you. You're worried about your sister." Liu Guanglie said, "My son seems to be in good shape, but there have been many disasters in recent years. I don't ask you to be his protector, just to save him at the most critical time." One life is enough."

"I promise you." Su Jie nodded.

Liu Guanglie opened a drawer, took out a notebook inside, and handed it to Su Jie.

Su Jie opened the notebook, and it turned out to be a diary of Liu Guanglie. This diary only recorded half a year, more than a hundred pages. On every page, there are densely packed small characters.

Su Jie glanced over, and all of them were imprinted in his mind.

It describes in detail how Liu Guanglie felt the changes in the surrounding Feng Shui air flow, and the increase in his own psychology and spirit.

"It's sunny, people are rushing, the air is gathering, and the ground is boiling. Build a wooden building to suppress it"

"When a person stands on a wooden building, he feels the energy of the earth, and his mind is strong, as if connected to the sky and connected to the spring of the earth."

"Looking from a distance, the mountain is at the same level as me. You don't need to look up, you can add ten thousand blades"

"Bright and grotesque, it seems that there are all kinds of thoughts coming together, and there are chaos, but with the pearl of wisdom in your hand, you can separate and distinguish clearly"

"Suddenly there is a wind, blowing into the seven orifices, helping the heart fire, as if self-immolation"

"The heart is connected to well water, and the heart fire is extinguished, like a pill in a furnace"

This diary is in classical Chinese style, very concise, and some descriptions can only be understood by myself. There are many Taoist inner alchemy terms and metaphors. Feel Liu Guanglie's activities to break through the spiritual and psychological level by taking advantage of the changes in the social environment here.

Among them, Liu Guanglie's thinking was closely integrated with the changes in the local social environment. At the same time, he built wooden towers, changed some Feng Shui patterns, stood in the center of the public opinion atmosphere, and finally broke through under the boiling of his mind.

After quickly reading the diary, such a picture appeared in Su Jie's mind.

Liu Guanglie was on the wooden pagoda, and the air and popularity of the surrounding earth came one after another and poured into his soul.

Through various psychological activities and methods of cultivation, Liu Guanglie refined this popularity and earth energy, allowing himself to grow and finally produce a breakthrough change.

In Taoism, this is a method of cultivation that absorbs the spirit of the three talents of heaven, earth and man.

"It's very valuable." Su Jie returned the notebook to Liu Guanglie. About Liu Guanglie's mentality changes in the past six months and the changes in the whole place are well known.


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