Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 424: Two kinds of thinking, mosquitoes stay away from strong breath

This is the mental state of a top master breaking through from the eighth sense to the ninth sense.

After Su Jie got the notebook, he directly used his ninth sense to "see" Liu Guanglie's mental journey from the lines.

It's like he also experienced Liu Guanglie's process from the eighth to the ninth sense.

Su Jie has the ability, if he reads a book, he can immediately understand the author's state, mood, thoughts and feelings when writing the book, and feel empathy.

This is no longer the ability of "his mind".

It's "fate connection".

The so-called "fate connection" is a kind of induction that transcends time and space.

Although mysterious, it is not a strange thing from a psychological point of view.

Many great physicists have concluded that in the spiritual world, time actually has no meaning, and even in the quantum realm, time cannot interfere.

For example, the most famous quantum erasure experiment, after logical demonstration, shows that in the microscopic quantum field, the present behavior can affect the past.

According to the macro logic, what happened in the past has already passed and cannot be changed at all.

But in the quantum realm, time has no meaning, and the present and future behaviors can change the past.

This way of thinking is a way that ordinary people cannot understand.

Ordinary people can't understand why the present behavior can affect the past.

But excluding the concept of time, these are all normal. Only by using superhuman wisdom and getting rid of the illusory phenomena in the world, and seeing through the essence of everything, can we obtain the best observation state.

This is the difference between Su Jie and Liu Guanglie.

Although Liu Guanglie has now reached the ninth sense, his thinking still has obstacles. If he is forced to abandon the concept of time and look at everything, his logic will be confused.

In fact, in the high-end field of physics, when ordinary people study, they will feel that their world view has collapsed, their own logic will be confused, and they will even go crazy.

But the truth of the world is so cruel. When you come into contact with high-end fields, you will doubt the authenticity of this world. Su Jie knew that Einstein had doubts, Bohr had doubts, Schrödinger had doubts, and Hawking had doubts too, they are not philosophers.

If philosophers and theologians have doubts about the authenticity of this world and various thinking inertias, it is natural, but scientists have doubts, that is, they are really on the road of science, and some research subverts the usual logic of human beings , which cannot even be understood, conflicts with the original truth.

Liu Guanglie's thinking, in a certain theory, is the thinking of a philosopher.

The core spirit of ancient Chinese Taoism, Zen, and Confucian cultural thought is the thinking of philosophers and the world outlook of philosophers.

At the beginning, Su Jie followed Odeli to learn traditional culture, but later, he embarked on the path of science, and now he looks at the whole world and practice with the thinking of a scientist.

The brain logic of the two will be completely different.

So Su Jie went very far.

Destined to go farther than Liu Guanglie.

Within an hour, after he fully felt Liu Guanglie's psychological process, a smile appeared on his face.

"You have fully understood?" Liu Guanglie couldn't believe it.

"I have fully understood that your psychology, popularity, and earth energy complement each other and resonate with each other. I have already felt the same as your mental behavior. This should be fate." Su Jie said: "But this is a kind of The spiritual world has removed the logical thinking of the concept of time."

"Logical thinking without the concept of time? Is it fate?" Liu Guanglie really didn't understand it at this time.

"It's actually very simple. You are thinking about things, remove the time factor, and see clearly where the truth lies in this world. The concept of time is an obstacle that restricts our logic." Su Jie said.

"Get rid of the concept of time?" Liu Guanglie said, "After you put it that way, I found that I really need to change the logic of my practice thinking.

You are ahead of the curve. "

At this moment, Liu Guanglie, the master of the generation, really knows that Su Jie is ahead.

Because Liu Guanglie is a philosopher, while Su Jie is a scientist.

When he got down from the wooden tower, Su Jie didn't see Odley and Mr. Honey Badger. He thought these two had left here.

Su Jie didn't go back to Odeli's small courtyard either, just wandering around in the school.

He was thinking about a question, that is Liu Guanglie's heir, the person who wears the Wukong mask to pretend to be himself, but to be honest, the other party is not pretending to be himself, anyone can wear the Wukong mask, and the "only walk on the west" kick is also Anyone can cast it.

This is also a marketing strategy of Minglun Martial Arts School.

But Su Jie wanted to meet this person.

Not for anything else, but because this person is in the realm of the living dead.

Every living dead realm is "extraordinary", which has great research value.

In Su Jie's current laboratory, there are eight masters in the realm of the living dead, but for scientific research, eight examples are really too few.

Su Jie refused to let any research subject go.

He walked casually and came to the training venue.

Many students in this gym are practicing, but most of them are fighting and sandbags. When they enter it, they only hear the sound of hey, hey, punches and kicks against the sandbags, and muscles fight each other.

The venue is huge and can accommodate thousands of people practicing in it at the same time.

Su Jie glanced at it, shot a little, and had a panoramic view of everyone. Everyone's strength and temperament were evaluated in his mind.

There are no masters.

The strength of some of these students has actually reached the professional level of the national team.

After taking a glance, Su Jie came out of the stadium again and walked around the school slowly.

The current Minglun Martial Arts School has expanded a lot compared to when he was studying three years ago, and many places are newly built. Su Jie also saw some new human body exercise secret rooms, which use the most scientific methods to exercise and study the body.

The overall Qi of Minglun Martial Arts School has increased many times.

However, there is still a lack of a real Dinghaishenzhen, which can suppress Qi.

That is to say, there is one who can really fight.

Martial arts schools just need masters to sit in charge.

In Su Jie's business map, there are also sports items. For example, Kang Gu wants to train him to become a world champion, and if possible, beat So Luo to win the greatest reputation.

The current Minglun Martial Arts School is actually a bit embarrassing.

In terms of reputation, Minglun Martial Arts School is recognized at home and abroad as representing the highest level, but in terms of talents, Minglun Martial Arts School does not have a real master.

Liu Guanglie is a master, but he is already old, and he is not suitable for fighting.

Under his command, the talents are withered, and there is no one who can really suppress the situation.

If Su Jie can sit in Minglun Martial Arts Academy, it will truly be worthy of the name.

Now that Liu Guanglie wants to cultivate a strong man, the man wearing Wukong's mask is far from enough. Although he is in the realm of the living dead, he is not worthy of the current status of Minglun Martial Arts School.

Su Jie made some calculations, and based on the status of Minglun Martial Arts School in the country and the world today, there must be a master who is at least a young man with a dragon mask as a star figure.

Otherwise it is an empty shell.

"Huh? Are there any masters?"

At this moment, Su Jie felt something in his heart, and found that not far away, under the street lamp and stone bench on the playground, there were several people sitting, among them were two young students who were tall, almost perfect in shape, and extremely energetic , wearing the uniform of Minglun Martial Arts School.

From the perspective of sports, these two students are both "natural martial arts geniuses".

However, the masters that Su Jie felt were not these two students.

At best, the strength of these two students is about the middle level of the national team, which is already very good. But in Su Jie's eyes, it's not enough, but these two students have very good aptitude, their physique is very suitable for fighting, and they are very strong in their bones, which is natural.

Some children are born with innate supernatural power, which is a genetic problem. This is the case with many generals in ancient times.

The master is a foreigner.

This foreigner is tall, with sunken eye sockets, a straight nose bridge, and a pair of blue eyes like sapphires, with a strange and brilliant color, which makes people feel that these are not eyeballs, but the most exquisite gemstones.

Especially foreigners have very thick body hair, but this foreigner has no body hair, and his skin is very delicate and smooth.

Su Jie also discovered a detail, that is, mosquitoes seem to dare not approach this foreigner, and it seems that the foreigner has a terrible aura.

swish swish

Not far away, there seemed to be a stray cat scurrying by, but it seemed to have sensed some kind of terrifying aura, and it stopped. It seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and it lay on the ground and pretended to be dead. After a while, it seemed that no one was seen. After taking care of it, he ran away in a hurry, never daring to approach here again.

There is also a strange phenomenon, that is, under the street lamps on the playground, many moths and flying insects are attracted.

But there are no moths or flying insects on the street lamp on this stone bench.

In fact, small insects and animals are extremely sensitive, much more sensitive than humans, and they are the first to flee when they encounter danger.

Even ants can feel the humidity changes in the air, so they know that heavy rain is coming and start moving immediately.

"This foreigner is so scary, it's really interesting." Su Jie didn't get close, and heard the foreigner say to the two students: "You two will have no future in Minglun Martial Arts Academy. If you join our Matthew Academy, Not to mention the monthly salary of 10,000 US dollars, we will cover all your basic necessities, food, housing, transportation, and various training expenses."

"So it's poaching people? There's actually such an operation." Su Jie smiled in his heart. This is actually not allowed in the unspoken rules of the major martial arts schools, but in fact it can still be operated. The major sports clubs also poach each other. People, Su Jie even personally dug Kang Gu from Haoyu Sports.

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