Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty-Five: Vicious Intentions

This foreigner has a good eye, and he is one of the best in the Minglun Martial Arts School. These two students can be described as "exquisite bones" and "natural talents in martial arts".

In the future, these two people hope to win the national championship, and even get a good ranking in the world.

Liu Guanglie's ability to find people is also extremely good, and the people he can fall in love with are definitely good, such as Zhang Jinchuan, Kang Gu, and Long Tianming.

In Minglun Martial Arts Academy, there are quite a few such martial arts prodigies.

It is reasonable for foreigners to come to poach people.

It's just that people poaching people is just a private contact, so blatantly going to the other party's school to poach people is a bit too much.

Su Jie's digging of Kanggu was just to impress the other party's heart in the massage parlor, and he didn't go directly to Haoyu Sports to dig people.

"Do you think that Paqui from Matthews was defeated by your man wearing the Wukong mask, so you think our Matthews can't do it?" Seeing the two students still hesitating, the foreigner said, "Well, it's just that you two are against me. Do it, use your best fighting methods, if I can cause any damage to me, I can lose you one hundred thousand dollars. If I beat you in ten seconds, you must promise me, from Ming Lun Martial Arts School to Studying in Matthew, of course, the treatment is still the same as I just said."

"Really?" A student was moved.

He fights a game, winning or losing is good, why not fight?

Moreover, he did not believe that this foreigner could fight two against one.

You must know that in the field of fighting, even a little Lianjiazi knows that two fists are hard to beat with four hands.

Especially among professional players, one-on-two is simply impossible.

Although these two students are not well-known yet, their strength is a solid national team. As long as they can have a game, after a few games, they can become famous.

But there are very few opportunities to compete, and it feels like some heroes are useless.

In this day and age, it is not possible to get ahead just by being talented.

For example, even with Liu Long's current strength, he can already compete with the world's number one fighter, So Luo, but So Luo will not compete with you at all.

Even for Greenland, which is the second largest in the world, the last time it had a private competition with Su Jie, it cost two million dollars.

Moreover, video recording is not allowed during the whole process, and rumors are not allowed, and a confidentiality contract is signed.

In the fighting world that relies entirely on strength, there are also many rules.

In comparison, the dark world is better, you can kill if you want, and you can fight if you want.

"Is there really one hundred thousand dollars?" The two students still couldn't believe it.

"I keep my word." The sapphire-eyed foreigner took out a stack of checks, signed a line on it, tore it off, put it on the stone table, and pressed it with a pen: "If you defeat me, just take it away."

"Cheque? It's such an old thing. I only saw it in a movie about twenty years ago." A student shook his head: "I don't know if it's true or not. Don't you know that there is mobile payment? We all scan code, scan it."

"It's really a bit backward to still use checks now." Another student also shook his head: "It's all things from ancient times."

These two students are very young, in their early twenties, about the same age as Su Jie. They are teenagers of the new era, with new marks on them.

The foreigner was slightly embarrassed by what they said, and immediately said: "Are you willing or not?"

"Of course." When the two students stood up, they found an open space next to them. "Mr. Lorraine, shall we start then?"

"Very happy." The foreigner with sapphire eyes was called Mr. Lorraine.

He stood between the two students, with a smile on his face: "Let's get started."

The two students took angles from both sides and suddenly attacked.

However, the moment they attacked, Su Jie knew that the two might have failed. Because the two have not specially trained to join forces against the enemy.

In the training of agents, teaming up to deal with an enemy requires special training. How to pinch, find loopholes, and how to attack are all very particular.

Of course, this kind can only be found in the army, and it is not used in combat training, it is all one-on-one.

However, there is also this kind of training in traditional martial arts, such as the handed down Qi Jiguang mandarin duck formation and so on.

A student attacked with a leg sweep, kicked suddenly, and swept across the middle, aiming at the opponent's ribs. The other student used fists, a series of jabs, and attacked like a storm.

This is still a routine of one-on-one fighting, and it is actually not suitable for siege. First of all, in the siege, kicking, sweeping, or even kicking, any kind of kicking action must be prohibited. The emphasis is on speed, pounce, Hold, capture. The other party makes a make-up attack.

The role of the legs is to stabilize and run.

Many standard postures in fighting are not applicable in one-to-many, or many-to-one, many-to-many situations.

However, even if these two students practice too much crowd fighting tactics, they are not the opponent of this sapphire-eyed foreigner Lorraine.

Because this foreigner is a real strong man, in Su Jie's view, his strength is almost the same as that of the dragon mask youth.

Su Jie was a little surprised that such a real strong man, who could dominate in the dark world, actually went to the Minglun Martial Arts School to poach people.

At the same time, it also paid attention to the forces behind the "Matthew Court".

"Mataiyuan" is a typical foreigner's martial arts school, and it actually opened in City D, which is tantamount to playing big swords in front of Guan Gong.

At the beginning, it did cause a lot of controversy, and many martial arts schools came to challenge, but they were all defeated, so that "Mataiyuan" gradually gained a firm foothold.

But Su Jie didn't like this "Matthew Courtyard" very much.

It is here to destroy the feng shui of this place and instantly attack Wu Yunlai.

What's more, there are people from the Mao family who are causing trouble.

Apart from the Mao family, there is also a mysterious organization behind the establishment of "Mataiyuan". This mysterious organization is not Typhon, and it has huge plans.


Su Jie's lightning thought flashed, and the foreigner Lorraine with sapphire eyes had already made a move.

His body flickered like a ghost, stepped on ghost steps, and perfectly dodged the attacks of the two students. When dodging, he calculated the dead angle of the two students, so he shot.

It's not a punch, or a palm, or a finger, but that whip-like swing.


With two crisp sounds, the tip of the arm of the sapphire-eyed foreigner Lorraine touched the sensitive nerves of the two students, like a sonic boom of whip twitching. Amidst the sound, the two students twitched all over their bodies and fell to the ground, fully It took more than ten breaths before I came back to my senses, but my whole body was weak and numb, and I couldn't get up.

"You lost." The foreigner Lorraine didn't pull the two students up, but just waited for them to recover.

"What kind of technique is this?" The two students were extremely surprised. They felt as if they had been whipped to a key acupuncture point in an instant, and immediately fell to the ground.

"This is a new style of fighting in our Matthew Academy. If you lose now, you must keep your promise and come to our Matthew Academy to learn, but don't worry, I will teach you this new style of fighting." The foreigner Lorraine suddenly shook I flicked my arm.


During the high-speed shaking, between his wrist joints and palm swings, there was another crisp sound like firecrackers, which was extremely scary.

"What new style of fighting technique?" Su Jie stepped forward, "This is the power of Tong Bei Fist."

When he got here, he couldn't stand it anymore.

What the foreigner Lorraine used just now was the Tongbei Fist in traditional martial arts.

Tong Bei Fist is two arms that are like whips, drawn out suddenly, can hit the sensitive part of the enemy's neurons, attack the sensitive part of the enemy's neurons, once it is shot, it will be retracted, and the power will penetrate into it. Let the enemy suffer unspeakably, numb the whole body, or even suffer serious internal injuries, or be beaten to pieces.

In some countries whipping is also practiced.

As soon as he whipped it down, the skin all over his body was broken immediately, and blood gushed out. It can be seen that the power of the whip is even greater than that of a sharp blade.

Tongbeiquan is the pinnacle of boxing.

In martial arts, there is a saying that "the fist meets the back and dies".

There is a sentence in the Neijia boxing classics that "God's blessing is the highest".

It's just that Tongbei boxing is difficult to master. A practitioner must have a very deep skill. First, if you practice Tongbei boxing until it appears crisp, you must have more than five years of hard training and various basic skills. Then it will take more than ten years of effort to use it in actual combat.

No matter how perfect you are, you can be soft and hard freely, identify the acupuncture points, and tap the acupuncture points like a god, that is not something that can be obtained through hard training.

That is to say, even if Tong Bei Quan practiced hard in the first fifteen years, he might not have a strong actual combat ability.

It is necessary to cultivate to the point where "acupuncture is like a god" before you can reach perfection and truly be invincible.

Su Jie once met a practitioner of Tongbei Quan, named Peng Haidong. Although he lost to him, the opponent's technique was exquisite and his speed was like a snake. He beat him very painfully. If it was more powerful, he might have lost. Just myself.

This blue-eyed foreigner actually called Tongbei Fist a new type of fighting technique.

Isn't this the absurdity of the wild world?

But it's normal for these two students not to understand. They are learning modern martial arts, Sanda, Muay Thai, wrestling, kinesiology, and various jujitsu, and they are not familiar with traditional martial arts at all.

Moreover, even if he knew the Tongbei Fist, he had never seen anyone who could use the Tongbei Fist in actual combat.

At the beginning, Gu Yang was able to use it, and knocked the black student Boone to the ground with the move of long ape protruding arms, but since Gu Yang left the martial arts school, basically no one would know it.

At present, there are some traditional martial arts coaches in Minglun Martial Arts School, but most of them teach routines and qigong, and it is impossible to have such in-depth research.

Su Jie is a master with a wealth of knowledge. He knows some of the strengths of traditional martial arts, but many people don't know. Seeing this foreigner Lorraine performing it, he thought it was a new type of martial art from Matthew. Over time, this traditional martial art of Tongbeiquan was changed, and it became a Western thing instead.

This kind of intention is not insidious, it is also a way to gain strength, and it is very vicious.

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