Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 432 East and West join forces, Maoshan's technique is deep in conspiracy

"Old man Mao, you have great ambitions." Peng Lianshan could see the old man's intentions: "You are indeed a legend in the world, and you are unparalleled in the world in terms of physiognomy, feng shui, and Maoshan. Whoever helps you can achieve great things, such as the Feng family , is a successful example of your assistance, but now something seems to have happened to the Feng family and it has begun to decline, which makes people doubt your ability. My Peng family does not want to follow the path of the Feng family. What my Peng family wants is Fuze Mianchang , Not to mention thousands of years, at least hundreds of years without major fluctuations, I don’t want to happen quickly. If anything happens quickly, there will be big problems.”

"That's right, people's windfall revenge and the rapid development of the family will lead to rapid defeat because of the unstable foundation and lack of foundation. This is a rule, but it is not inevitable. I have long seen the troubles of the Feng family. Let them Order. However, their response was unfavorable, resulting in the failure of the plan by one person, and now they are in an embarrassing situation." Mao old man said.

"The order you gave him is that the world will work together, and it will not be free to transport a hero." Peng Lianshan said.

"It seems that your news is very well-informed." Mao old man said.

"I still know a little about things in the Jianghu, and even the dark world in the West, I know a little bit." Peng Lianshan smiled: "Our Peng family still keeps some of the Jianghu rules passed down from our ancestors. "

"You should have contacts with the Zhang family." Old Mao Mao didn't believe Peng Lianshan's nonsense, "The Zhang family and your Peng family worked for the court in the Qing Dynasty, and they had a lot of contact with each other, even now. , and also exchanged news, you and Zhang Hongqing both spent time in the dark world in the early years, and you even gained a lot of fame, otherwise without this training, you would hide in a small village and practice Tongbeiquan for a lifetime, at best It’s just Yang Shu’s realm. No, it’s even impossible to reach his realm, which is the realm before Pi Youdao.”

"I heard that Pi Youdao went to Beijing and taught boxing in Liulong's fighting club. He even broke through the realm and stepped into a very high level. He has become a living dead." Peng Lianshan said.

"He has a chance." The old man Mao said: "Originally, he has a lot of strength. If he is in the local area, he can suppress some martial arts, but after he leaves, the martial arts will no longer favor him. Not to mention These people, given your current state, it’s hard to hide from you even if it’s me. You know what I’m going to do, and everyone has the same goal in terms of interests. At the very least, Matthew Court The training system in the school is something that your Pengjia Village can't keep up with in a hundred years."

"If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't cooperate with Matthew." Peng Lianshan said: "This is a matter of forgetting the ancestors."

"Where is there such a thing as forgetting one's ancestors, it's about being open-eyed and learning advanced experience." Mao old man said: "You also understand in your heart, otherwise you wouldn't have done it with me."

While the two were talking, a person came in outside, changing clothes while walking, also in a white coat.

In this laboratory, it is necessary to change into a sterilized white coat.

This person is the foreigner Lorraine who had a fight with Su Jie just now, and his code name in the dark world is Seraphim. Vigorous and majestic, he is one of the heads of the Matthew Academy.

"Mr. Blazing Angel." Peng Lianshan directly called the code name, which is the rule of the dark world, because people in the dark world rarely reveal their real names and identities, and they are all called by code names.

For example, Mr. Honey Badger, no one knows what his real name is, nor what his identity is in normal society. Maybe he is a doctor, or a lawyer, or even a banker, financier, or ordinary white-collar worker. A company clerk, maybe even a cleaner.

It is normal for people in the dark world to create an identity in a normal society, because the dark world is precarious, they will be killed at any time, or exposed, hunted down by others, and if they encounter a dangerous situation, they will abandon their identity in the dark world. Returning to normal society is also a way to save life.

Some giants of the dark world even have multiple identities.

"Mr. Lorraine, have you ever fought against someone?" The old man Mao seemed to have discovered something: "And I see that your mood fluctuates, it seems that you lost to someone. With your skill, on this land, except Other than Godmaker Odeli who can defeat you, there is no one else, not even Liu Guanglie."

"Can you see what happened in the past?" The foreigner Lorraine said, "The fortune-telling of Chinese people is much better than that of gypsies."

"That's not true, it's just a matter of careful observation." The old man Mao said: "This is also a big data algorithm. It's just that I have more experience. My specialty is calculation, and your specialty is actually killing people. .I am not as good as you in killing people, but I am better at calculating than you, so our advantages can make up for each other."

"I didn't meet the god-maker Odley, but a young man." The foreigner Lorraine said, "In my feeling, his strength is not inferior to the god-maker. I have never seen anyone Such a powerful young man, this person gives me a terrifying feeling, as if he is facing an invincible god. I have only felt a kind of potential in him from the leader Typhon."

"Who is that young man? Is there a picture?"


The old man Mao stood up abruptly.

"He is a student of the Minglun Martial Arts School." The foreigner Lorraine said, "I have sneak-camera equipment on me, but when I fought with him, all of them were destroyed. His spirit can penetrate to every part of my body, and the Seeing through everything, what I find terrifying is not his actions, but his spiritual will. Under this will, I don't even want to resist, because the opponent is too strong, and my resistance will have no meaning.

"I know who he is now." Old Man Mao sat down again.

"Who?" the foreigner Lorraine asked.

"Su Jie." Mao old man said: "He defeated Zhang Hongqing last year, but I think he and Zhang Hongqing are actually on the same front line, and there may be some unknown secrets in it. If this is the case, he and yours The strength should be about the same. It is absolutely impossible to defeat you easily. But now it seems that his growth is too fast, which is beyond my estimation. He is the nemesis of the Feng family, and the current decline of the Feng family is caused by him Caused. This person's fortune-telling is very strange, and it is difficult for me to calculate it accurately."

"Old man Mao, isn't there a life in the world that you can't count?" Peng Lianshan was secretly shocked.

What shocked him was Su Jie's strength.

"A person's strength can change his life." Mao old man said: "And a person's life will change due to various opportunities. But let's not talk about this. Since this person appears here, our plan is probably to It has been re-planned. If we go according to the original plan, we will encounter great trouble."

"Yes, we need to re-plan our plan."

Another foreigner walked in.

He speaks English.

This foreigner, wearing a mask, is an exquisite Hydra mask, which is the legendary monster in Western mythology, Hydra. It is also somewhat similar to Xiangliu in Chinese mythology, all of which contain highly poisonous blood.

This is the real person in charge of the "Matthew Court" and the leader of a mysterious organization.

"Mr. Xu Dela, why are you here?" Peng Lianshan is obviously a little jealous of this person, because this Xu Dela is a master of poison, he can take out a lot of poison anytime, anywhere, and smear it on the place you want to touch, rotting you skin, poison you to death. Or in a coma.

This kind of poison master is much more terrifying than force.

In reality, there is no concept of invulnerability from all poisons.

One gram of highly toxic cyanide can kill many people.

No matter how good the kung fu is, he is still a body of flesh and blood, and he will be hit by the same poison.

So in the dark world, Xu Dela is the most terrifying character, no one wants to provoke him, and of course many people want to kill him, but none of them can succeed.

Even people who have no enmity with him want to kill him, because a master who is good at using poison is too terrifying, and this scourge must be eliminated.

It's like the magic way in martial arts, everyone shouts and beats.

"Many interesting things will happen in this land in the future, because Typhon's people have also come here, and they are big men, the Fool and Mister." Xu Dela issued a gloomy tone.

"Xu Dela, the strength of these two people is still lower than that of the God Maker. You don't need to be afraid of them." Old Man Mao said.

"That's what I said, but two people are enough to kill me." Xu Dela said: "Of course, they also have scruples about me. However, in this world, the person I fear most is the big leader Typhon. In front of him, any poison I have is useless, if he comes here, I can only hide far away. Any means of mine can be seen through by him."

"There are many people who can restrain him, such as that young man named Su Jie." Old Man Mao said, "Maybe, you can talk to him about cooperation."

"Seraphim, tell me what happened just now." Xu Dela said to the foreigner Lorraine.

"Very strong, very strong." The foreigner Lorraine made a few gestures, imitating the appearance of being knocked down: "Xue Dela, his strength is similar to that of God Maker, very terrifying."

"Is there such a person in the dark world?" Xu Dela said: "However, I got a piece of news that not only the two giants of Typhon have arrived here, but Mr. Honey Badger has also arrived here. Is that young man who came here from the city, the one who defeated you just now?"

"Mr. Honey Badger?" Lorraine, a foreigner, shuddered, knowing that this was another difficult giant, and he would basically die if he was entangled, exactly the same as the honey badger "Brother Flathead" on the African grasslands.

To some extent, Mr. Honey Badger is more terrifying than Hydra in the dark world. Some people dare to provoke Xu Dela, but no one dares to provoke Mr. Honey Badger.

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