Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Three

Mr. Honey Badger's strength, influence, and state completely crushed Xu Dela.

Xu Dela knows that in this world, there are several characters he dare not mess with, and one of them is definitely Mr. Honey Badger.

And the foreigner Lorraine also deeply knows how ruthless Mr. Honey Badger is.

"What's the relationship between this young man and Mr. Honey Badger?" the foreigner Lorraine asked. He suffered a loss from Su Jie and wanted to take revenge, but now that he heard it, a huge vigilance rose from the bottom of his heart, and he didn't dare to act rashly. .

"I know a thing or two about this matter." The old man Mao stroked his beard: "In order to counter the aggression of the Tifeng Group, the Honey Badger Group recruited experts. Su Jie is one of the people they recruited. Regardless of his young age , but his strength is already a real giant. I originally thought he was about the same as Zhang Hongqing, but now it seems that he has not only been on equal terms with Mr. Honey Badger, but even caught up with God Maker. Mr. Honey Badger also took a fancy to his potential and thought that He is someone who can contend against the big boss in the future."

"How is this possible." Xu Dela's tone was slightly surprised: "The leader Typhon is no longer human, no one in the world can surpass him, he can be said to have found a mutation channel for human evolution. Moreover, his success cannot be replicated, he has mastered the most cutting-edge technology to assist physical exercise, and this kind of resource is not comparable to others."

"Mr. Xu Dela, people's potential is unlimited, especially the spiritual world." Mao old man pointed to his head: "Our oriental wisdom pays attention to self-evolution, with an extremely high spiritual realm, in line with the laws of nature, so as to enter The realm of the extraordinary does not even rely on external objects. In fact, Typhon is divided into two factions. One faction is the way of the great leader, and the other faction is the way of Odley. Oudley believes that people are superior to gods , In ancient times, the gods in those myths may have really existed, but these gods were just races that evolved more powerfully, but these races eventually died out, because they did not conform to the laws of evolution, and humans survived Come down, it means that humans are higher than gods, this is the origin of Odley's nickname, he believes that humans can create gods."

"I just want to know how this young man was trained." Xu Dela: "I want to get his training process and find out the powerful secrets from it. He will definitely have his own special training method. The strength of a person is not accidental, but inevitability."

"He has indeed mastered a set of unique training methods in the spiritual world." The old man Mao said: "He has received a lot of money for scientific research projects, specializing in the life sciences of the spiritual brain. In the city, even Earl Dracula also invested He did have some means. During this year, many people in his laboratory became extraordinary. If I did not calculate wrongly, the number of them surpassed your organization. "

"The number of extraordinary people has surpassed us?" The foreigner Lorraine could hardly believe it.

"indeed so.

" Xu Dela checked it in a short time, and he took out his mobile phone to get information: "This is amazing. Now countries and major institutions are actually studying a problem, that is how to make people with a sixth sense evolve. When the seventh sense comes out, the difference between these two spiritual levels is too huge, and it is precisely because of this that the concept of transcendence was born. But countries have not found a good way. "

"The sixth sense and the seventh sense are an insurmountable gap." The old man Mao smiled: "In our ancient Chinese traditional practice, it is called the living dead. It means that we have comprehended the mystery of life and death, and there is no longer any fear. , the heart is completely enlightened, a piece of light shines on the inside and outside of the flesh and blood, a piece of glass, like an indestructible golden body. Once this state is cultivated, kung fu will truly transcend the ordinary and become holy. I was shocked by the emperor. But this kind of person is very difficult to appear, and it takes about a hundred years to appear. And those who have not reached this level will have a lot of difference in strength."

This phenomenon has actually been studied many times in modern times.

There is a huge difference between the sixth sense and the seventh sense.

Whether it is human wisdom or physical ability, there is a qualitative leap.

In modern times, even if Liu Long was the number one in Sanda, the King of Fighters, and invincible in the arena, if he met a group of people holding knives and equipment in reality, he could still hurt him, or even hack him to death. street.

Because sometimes, people's reaction is too late, and in the chaos, it is easy to be killed by random knives.

So in reality, we can often see news that a certain boxing champion clashed with hooligans on the street and was hacked to death.

But it's completely different when you reach the realm of the living dead. Any slight danger is clearly detected, and the speed is extremely fast. You can avoid layer after layer of attacks and kill your opponent within a minute.

In the fighting world, Solo, who is currently ranked number one, is in this realm, so he is almost invincible, which is a grade higher than Greenland, who is ranked second.

All countries want to train this kind of person, but so far, even Typhon has not found the right method, and the success rate is frighteningly low, or even non-existent.

Even less than one percent of people have developed a sixth sense.

So Xu Dela, a giant in the dark world, was extremely shocked. If Su Jie could overcome this training difficulty, it would be a subversive revolution for the major forces in the dark world.

"In this way, the honey badger's power will expand a lot." The foreigner Lorraine is deeply aware of the powerful relationship. The organizations in the dark world do not lack some powerful characters, but after these characters have a sixth sense , It is basically impossible to reach the seventh sense, and there is even no such opportunity in a lifetime.

The person with the sixth sense is at best an outstanding special soldier.

In the dark world, there is actually no shortage of such people, and they cannot play a decisive role in many battles.

Only when the seventh sense has been reached can the universe be determined in one fell swoop.

For example, Zhang Jinchuan, after reaching the realm of the living dead, immediately reversed the unfavorable situation in the entire Mingxia Group and suppressed Jiang Zhiyan everywhere. Even if Jiang Zhiyan had infinite charm, it would not help.

The use of the seventh sense is by no means purely in fighting.

"That's right, Honey Badger now also wants Su Jie to cultivate talents, and Mr. Honey Badger is working with Su Jie on research. In addition, Godmaker Odeli is also added." Mao old man seems to be calculating: "I knew a long time ago that Su Jie, a young man, was cultivated by Ou Deli. He inherited Ou Deli's essence and laid the foundation for him. As for how he cultivated later, it is actually hard for me to understand. "

"Odeli, the Godmaker, has trained many people. It is said that in the past ten years, he has been looking for young children to train everywhere, but many children have not reached the realm of the living dead, let alone be equal to him." Peng Lian Shan said: "But I don't believe it, this person is really so powerful, I would like to meet for a while if I have the chance."

"You can go for a while first, to test the reality, but I feel that even if you don't go to him, he will come to you." Mao old man said: "I want to talk to him."

"Then I'll go find him now." Peng Lianshan stood up: "By the way, Mr. Xu Dela, I will call all the young people from Pengjia Village to train in the past few days. It's no problem for you, right?"

"Welcome very much." Xu Dela clapped his hands: "I also want to study with you the highest training method of Tongbeiquan passed down by your Peng family ancestors, called Si Shentong, isn't it?"

"Mr. Xu Dela, your news is really well-informed." Peng Lianshan glanced at the old man Mao, knowing that the news must have been delivered by the old man Mao: "The four supernatural powers are the highest secret technique of our Tongbeiquan, which has long been lost. , even I don't know."

"That would be a pity." Xu Dela spread his hands.

Peng Lianshan nodded and strode out.

"Mr. Xu Dela, the Peng family's Tongbei Fist Four Divine Ability is an extremely advanced training method, but the Peng family is unwilling to use it." After the old man Mao watched Peng Lianshan leave, all the disciples of the Peng family also went to train , only Hydra and Seraphim stayed on the scene, and said slowly: "In this land, there are many magical training methods that can provide you with good ideas. For example, Mr. Seraph, you After punching back, do you feel that your strength has improved a lot? Compared with boxing, fighting skills are much easier to use?"

"That's right, the Tongbei Fist is really magical." The foreigner Lorraine, who is also the Seraph of the Dark World, said: "This kungfu is really great, but if you don't understand its profound meaning, you can't exert its power at all. In actual combat, its power is very limited, it is not as good as boxing and leg sweeping."

"If you practice this boxing technique to the point where it can be swayed freely, like a whipping sound, then the power will be revealed. In one sweep, as long as it touches a person's body, the power can penetrate in and directly beat the person to death. Combat power. But this is nothing more than the skill of exerting energy, which is somewhat similar to the whip fist in Jeet Kune Do. In fact, you have also started this kind of training in the west, but you have not grasped the essence of it." Mao old man said.

"What exactly are the four supernatural powers?" Xu Dela asked.

"The four supernatural powers are a kind of spiritual cultivation method, which is very wonderful. It is somewhat similar to your western stigmata cultivation." Mao old man said: "You have a kind of spiritual cultivation in the west, which is to imagine that you are suffering the same as Jesus. If you really practice it At a certain level, stigmata will really appear on the limbs, just like being nailed to a cross. Is this amazing?"

"The stigmata are not legends, they are true." Xu Dela said: "I have seen some devout believers with my own eyes. In fact, when the spirit reaches a certain limit, there will be some corresponding changes in the body."

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