Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Four

There are supernatural events in the physical body caused by spiritual practice in both the East and the West.

In the East, there are masters who sit in meditation to make their bodies immortal and become golden, and there are also "rainbow transformation" phenomena that suddenly disappear into a rainbow.

And the West is the phenomenon of "stigmata", which has even been officially recognized.

This phenomenon has never been truly explained scientifically. Many people do not believe it, and many people believe it. It is an unsolved mystery.

"At present, people's spiritual cultivation has reached a very high level, which can indeed cause all kinds of incredible changes in the body. In fact, the seventh sense is a typical example, but what is considered a very high level, the most correct way What is it, everyone is exploring. Various cultivation methods have been born." Mao old man said: "Which cultivation method is the best and can make people become stronger quickly, this is a real research The subject. It is more complicated than kinematics.”

"We can exchange information and data with each other." Xu Dela knew that this old man Mao was very good at spiritual cultivation. There were many times that old man Mao gave him advice, which made him avoid many dangers.

In many respects, he can predict the future, far inferior to old man Mao.

Old man Mao can even predict what will happen to him a few years later.

Therefore, he is in awe of old man Mao, because there is an extraordinary power in this person's spiritual world, it seems that everything can be counted, and everything is arranged in advance, even if Xu Dela knows his fighting strength, The killing power is far superior to that of the old man Mao, but he doesn't know what kind of backhands the old man Mao has arranged, and if he does it himself, what unexpected things will happen.

After meeting old man Mao, Xu Dela realized that wisdom is more terrifying than strength.

"I'm a little tired. Let's take a rest first. Mr. Xu Dela, if you have further intentions for cooperation, you can talk to my grandson Mao Xin." Old man Mao stood up and walked out.

Xu Dela watched old man Mao leave.

The old man Mao left the Matthew Courtyard, then turned a few turns, walked for about a few kilometers, and arrived at a large courtyard by the river.

This large yard covers a very wide area, about tens of acres, like a homestay in a resort, but it is not open to the public.

The shape of the compound is also very strange, like a hill, rolling up and down, corresponding to the mountains in the distance, singing in harmony, as if a child is calling an adult.

Such a feng shui pattern,

There is a unique charm in it.

The Earth Temple is not far from this compound.

"Grandpa, you're back." Mao Xin greeted at the door: "What did you talk about with the Matthews? That Xu Dela is extremely insidious, he is the most dangerous person in the dark world, you don't want to follow his advice good."

"Although Xu Dela is dangerous, he will not do anything to me, because I have calculated everything. His thoughts and ideas are all under my control. I have laid out a lot of things in advance. After our in-depth cooperation Among them, I can even infiltrate some of the power of our Mao family into his organization, and through the construction of this Matthew Court, doves will occupy the magpie's nest." Mao old man said: "Sometimes, wisdom can surpass strength. Mao Xin , you have to remember that the ancient counselors could disrupt the country with one word, and calm the world with one word. Our Maoshan way is actually to observe the world, cultivate ourselves, and at the same time disturb the general trend of the world, so as to hone our wisdom. These years Over the years, I have also integrated the knowledge of Guiguzi into our Maoshan technique, combined with each other, and finally came up with a road that will make our Maojia prosperous and last forever."

"I know, you want our Mao family to manipulate the overall situation behind the scenes and gradually become a mysterious force similar to the Cain organization. It does not bear the cause and effect, but also enjoys the most advanced technology, resources and power in the world." Mao Xin It is clear what the purpose of the Mao family is.

The Cain organization he mentioned is the mysterious force behind the dragon mask.

This force is extremely ancient and has ruled the dark world for almost a thousand years. Many organizations now have relations with him.

Mao Xin is a young man, about the same age as Zhang Kaitai, both in their twenties, but their realm is extremely high, but Mao Xin has not yet reached the realm of the living dead, but it is also at a critical point, and may step into it at any time.

"Grandpa, now that the Feng family is dead and can no longer provide us with huge funds, which family will our Mao family support next? Or help the Feng family make a comeback?" Mao Xin asked: "You built a big courtyard here, After buying the place, what exactly are you laying out?"

"The Feng family still has a chance to stand up, but it depends on how they respond. But it is impossible for our Mao family to put treasure on it." Mao old man said.

"Then the pressure is on the Peng family now?" Mao Xin asked: "But the Peng family has a deep foundation, even if it explodes, we can't take advantage of it. The Feng family was poor and self-made, so they had to rely on us. And that Peng Lianshan , is a giant in itself, not under Zhang Hongqing. My father is also very difficult to compete with him."

"That's why I asked him to cooperate with Matthew, and let Xu Dela work with him. In the end, both sides will suffer, and our Mao family will get the best chance." Mao old man said: "Of course, before that, I want you and your father, as well as our Mao family, to improve their strength and occupy the feng shui energy here. The martial arts dragon veins here are about to gather, and this dragon veins inherits the Zen spirit of Shaolin for thousands of years, and is even more martial arts. There are auras from the west, and when they are combined, they will produce an unprecedented martial arts aura. Mao Xin, you have obtained 70% to 80% of my Maoshan technique, tell me, what changes will happen here?"

"Warrior winds are prevalent here, and the land veins are strong. Shaolin has suppressed Qi for thousands of years and brought Zen and martial arts to the people. Later, because of the revolution of three thousand years, this Qi has been shattered. Although the martial arts dissipated, it is hidden deep in the people and underground. One day, it will take root again. , That's why people like Liu Guanglie were born. Minglun Martial Arts School is famous all over the world, attracting a large number of foreigners, and at the same time bringing advanced fighting concepts and technical moves, which is like a fire burning below. The water was boiled on it, and finally turned into clouds, which rose to the sky and gave birth to the clouds born by dragons." Mao Xin is also a master of Fengshui. Although he is young, he has learned the true teaching of Maoshan technique: "But I can't see it. Where will the dragon veins be born in the end? Generally speaking, water is the vein, and the dragon returns to the sea, so it is not impossible according to this river. However, it is also possible to go through the dark river of the ground vein, so Liu Guanglie dug in the Minglun Martial Arts School A well was built, and the well was suppressed with a mountain, and there was a wooden pagoda on the mountain, and there were scriptures in the wooden pagoda, so I hope to use the scriptures to suppress the dragon veins and stay in the Minglun Martial Arts School."

"Very good, that's right. Your Feng Shui is already very high. It's a pity that you haven't made a breakthrough. If you can break through, Feng Shui can go a step further. So I brought you here, I hope you can catch this condensed The formed dragon veins are included in your own energy and spirit. With this kind of thing as a source of merit, your future cultivation will be higher than mine. The Mao family will rely on you to support it and carry it forward." Mao old man said: "In addition , I want to obtain the secret of the Peng family, the four supernatural powers. This secret technique is extremely powerful. If you obtain it and I assist you in training you, you can definitely break through and reach the realm of the living dead in one fell swoop."

"What exactly are the four supernatural powers of the Peng family?" Mao Xin was also very curious.

"I have almost figured it out." The old man Mao said: "In the ancestral hall of the Peng family, there are four ancient paintings. In these ancient paintings, the secret of the four supernatural powers is hidden. It is said that it is an ancestor master of the Peng family. , reached a very high level, studied with many eminent monks in Shaolin, and finally realized it, and created the cultivation method. If it weren't for the secret technique of the four supernatural powers, it would be impossible for Peng Lianshan to practice to reach this level. What the Peng family practiced was nothing more than Kung Fu is just a family tradition, traditional martial arts still have great limitations, and Zhang Hongqing Zhang is the giant of the Honey Badger, who has mastered cutting-edge kinematics and data life science, the two are simply incomparable."

"Then I'll start to plan, get ancient paintings from the Peng family's ancestral hall. Or take photos and copy them." Mao Xin immediately thought of many strategies.

At this moment, Peng Lianshan was also walking on the road, and soon reached the other side of the town.

On the other side of the town is a big martial arts gym. Although it is far from the size of Minglun Martial Arts School, it still occupies a large area and is antique. There are four big characters on it, Peng's back.

"This old man is plotting against our Peng family's four supernatural powers, and he has evil intentions." Peng Lianshan looked at the gate of his own martial arts gym, and was about to step into it when he suddenly stopped.

"Young man, you followed me all the way. Now that you're at the gate, why don't you come out?" Peng Lianshan said.

At this time, a person appeared on the corner of the street, it was Su Jie.

Su Jie smiled: "Teacher Peng Lianshan, hello. My name is Su Jie."

"You are Su Jie?" Peng Lianshan looked Su Jie up and down, but did not find anything magical. No matter how he looked at the young man in front of him, he seemed to be a college student who didn't know how to travel here.

"You are thoughtful." Su Jie said: "Teacher Peng, don't you want to come to see me? I don't need you to come to me, I will come to see you by myself."

"How did you know I was going to find you?" Peng Lianshan was surprised. When he came out, he just said to old man Mao that he wanted to go to Su Jie to see if this young man was so powerful. He even doubted whether Su Jie was Surveillance was installed in the Mathews.

"How could I install a surveillance camera in the Matthew Court." Su Jie was still smiling: "It's just that when you wanted to find me, I sensed it. It's just his understanding, it's nothing special."

"Do you know what I'm thinking?" Peng Lianshan really suspected Su Jie's installation of surveillance in his heart just now, but he didn't say it out, but Su Jie knew it immediately, which shocked him extremely.

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