Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Five

"People's intuition and induction are very strong. After reaching a certain level, they can use their intuition to obtain the thinking fluctuations formed by the biological currents of the opponent's brain, so as to decipher the biological code, and then calculate the specific consciousness of the thinking fluctuations." Su Jie said: "Teacher Peng Lianshan, I can tell that you have also practiced this kind of kung fu."

"So amazing?" Peng Lianshan is an old man, so of course he wouldn't be frightened by Su Jie's few words: "I heard people say that you are a rare genius who has been rarely seen for thousands of years. This is too exaggerated. You After coming to Minglun Martial Arts School, I have practiced boxing for three years, and I have reached the current state, let me see if you have any expectations."

While speaking, Peng Lianshan's body moved.

As soon as he stepped forward, he was like a big ape jumping on the edge of a cliff. Any difficulties and obstacles, such as natural and dangerous mountain tops, are all smooth roads.


In the middle of his body, his arm was facing each other, his five fingers were like hooks, as if he wanted to tear off Su Jie's face. At this moment, Su Jie seemed to see an ape with a full back, holding the sun and the moon, shrinking thousands of mountains, Rotating the universe, the two arms reach the sky and the earth, and the two arms are rotated, and there is nothing that cannot be grasped.

Tongbei fist.

Ape phase.

Hitting the back of the ape, tearing apart tigers and leopards, jumping in the air, and catching birds.

This is authentic traditional Chinese Kung Fu, authentic and very ancient. Su Jie seems to have come to the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods. An old man was watching apes jumping, thus creating this boxing technique.

This old man is Guiguzi.

It is rumored that Tongbeiquan was created by Guiguzi watching apes fight in Yunmeng Mountain.

This kung fu not only contains the power of the god ape, but also has the way of ghost valley with wisdom spells and yin and yang.

In the lineage of Guigu, if you go out of the mountain, the princes will be afraid, and the world will rest while you live in peace. Disturbing the universe and manipulating the general situation of the world is as simple as making soup.

In Peng Lianshan's boxing techniques, there are vertical and horizontal, yin and yang, military techniques, and spells.

Not just boxing.


Su Jie's body seemed to move, but it didn't seem to move, but Peng Lianshan's grasp failed.

Peng Lianshan's arm did not withdraw,

Instead, with a movement of the body, it followed like a shadow, and with a click, it seemed that the entire length of the other arm was added to the attacking arm.

Sure enough, it is through the back.

The arms run through the back and move toward each other.

This is an extremely advanced power-generating technique, just like some folk acrobatics, which require decades of hard practice, stretching the muscles and cartilage, and also like yoga, which can twist the body and make all kinds of incredible movements.

Peng Lianshan sent out a second combo.

His arms soared, his body chased the wind and the moon, probing, flicking and sending, piercing into Su Jie's chest like a big gun, or like a whip shaking the fringe, hitting the human body with great power , It was like a shell exploded.

Su Jie's body moved again, and he dodged the blow again. He didn't intend to fight back, but his body skills were so high that it was like nothingness, like a projection, seeming like reality and illusion.


At this moment, Peng Lianshan let out a long howl, like a Bashan night ape weeping blood.

In a trance, Su Jie felt as if he had come to the Baxia Wu Gorge, riding a flat boat, the river was like a waterfall, and there were many rocks in the water, the boat would be destroyed at any time, and the countless apes on both sides of the strait screamed shrill, like mourning.


Peng Lianshan's kung fu, under repeated attacks, can actually make people have an illusion, which shows how shocking his boxing skills have reached.

During the long roar, Peng Lianshan attacked for the third time, with his arms around him, as if casting a net for fishing, he wrapped Su Jie in all directions and squeezed inward.

Su Jie just floated again, and got out of the grasping embrace, but the direction of his flash was very strange, it happened to be at the point where Peng Lianshan was most likely to attack.

The point where Su Jie dodged was Peng Lianshan's most favorable point. Attacking this point, Peng Lianshan's momentum, spirit, and strength could all be reached in an instant.

I don't know if this is intentional or not.

With Su Jie's cultivation base, this kind of thing would not happen. The only situation is that he intentionally let Peng Lianshan find the best spot to see how high this person's kung fu is.

Sure enough, Peng Lianshan also sensed that Su Jie's position was wrong, his aura was like a reservoir full of water, and finally found a vent, and he gushed out fiercely, and blew thousands of miles away.

His aura changes, starting to look like a wise man, who knows the changes of Yin and Yang, and knows the geography of the stars. Then it is like a cultivator who knows life and death, understands human nature, seeks good luck and avoids evil. Then there is a polymath, who knows everything in the world, and finally becomes a brave man, still with the appearance of an ape, carrying mountains and chasing the moon, picking stars and playing the sun, with infinite strength, standing upright.

In an instant, his aura changed into four forms, the appearance of a wise man, the appearance of a cultivator, the appearance of a wise man, and the appearance of a brave man.

All four.

The brave have no fear.

Fist broken.

A punch seemed to come from the chaos, opening up the world, with inexhaustible power, reaching Su Jie's chest.

Su Jie didn't seem to move, he didn't dodge this time. Just let this punch hit his chest.


The fist that opened the monument and cracked the stone hit Su Jie firmly in the chest.

The next moment, Su Jie seemed to be falling apart.

Even Peng Lianshan didn't expect that this punch could hit Su Jie. The moment he hit Su Jie's chest, he felt hearty, as if all the force of the punch had been blasted into Su Jie's body, and every bit of it could not be missed. live.

He has never had such a hearty fight, nor has he experienced such an all-out effort, and the feeling of blowing all the energy and strength into the enemy's body is really wonderful.

"Oops!" Afterwards, his heart sank violently: "I'm afraid I'm going to kill someone. The change of my punch is the strongest blow in my life. Even a stone man is broken. If a person After suffering this punch, my whole body was broken, and my bones and internal organs were a mass of mud, why didn't I keep my hand?"

He felt a little regretful, he played too high just now.

Because Su Jie deliberately guided him so that his strength and spirit could be maximized, just like guiding chess.

"That's right." Just when he was annoyed, thinking about how to deal with the aftermath of killing someone, Su Jie said, still smiling: "This is the highest skill of your Peng family. Tongbeiquan can reach this level, and it is also a The ghosts and gods were terrified."

"You..." Peng Lianshan stepped back a few steps as if seeing a ghost, frightened: "Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm fine." Su Jie said: "But I can see you play these four moves, which can be regarded as a big profit. In Journey to the West, the Tathagata said that there are four monkeys between the heaven and the earth, who do not enter reincarnation. Bodhisattvas are difficult to distinguish. They are Lingming stone monkeys, who can understand changes, know the time of day, know the location, and change stars and fights. Six-eared macaques are good at listening, can understand, know before and after, and all things are clear. The sun and the moon, shrinking thousands of mountains, distinguishing between rest and blame, and touching the universe. The red scorpion horse monkey, who understands yin and yang, understands human affairs, is good at going in and out, avoids death and prolongs life. These four kinds of monkeys actually represent four kinds of knowledge and cultivation paths, spiritual Akashi monkeys are wise men, six-eared macaques are masters, Tongbei apes are brave men. Chizuru horse monkeys are cultivators. They represent Taoism, Shushu, martial arts, and Yin-Yang. The high-end cultivation of back fist is definitely not a martial art anymore, it is indeed miraculous, no wonder it is said in the boxing scriptures that divine blessing is the highest.


In an instant, Su Jie understood the mystery of Peng Lianshan's ancestral Peng family's "four supernatural powers".

"Are you spying on my family's kung fu?" Peng Lianshan's eyes changed.

"It's not even peeping." Su Jie made a posture of punching his back, and suddenly, his momentum changed. Immediately, four aura styles appeared, and Peng Lianshan suddenly felt that he was on the four towering mountains, occupying the four poles of the southeast, northwest, and supporting the heaven and the earth.

And on top of these four mountains, there is an ape squatting on each of them.

These four apes observe the world, show supernatural powers, do not enter the cycle of reincarnation, cross the heavens, and look down upon the common people.

And the faces of these four apes had vaguely changed into Su Jie's appearance.

"You, you peeked at the ancient paintings of our Peng family's four supernatural powers." Peng Lianshan said in surprise.

"Ancient paintings of the four supernatural powers?" Su Jie was stunned: "About the highest state of your Tongbei Fist, you use four ancient paintings to express the artistic conception in them, but after you have observed them for a long time, they have condensed into a fixed pattern in your mind. Thinking mode, the moment you hit me just now, not only your strength, but also your energy and spirit bombarded into my body. At this moment, I already knew all the information about your move. Of course, this kind of You may not understand the realm now, but after this battle, I have pushed your energy to the peak and let it out, and you can learn more when you go back to practice in the future."

"Why are you not injured?" Peng Lianshan still didn't believe it, feeling as if he was dreaming: "Are you a King Kong who is not bad? No, no matter how strong you are in horizontal kung fu, you can't resist my punch."

"Kungfu is one inch higher, and it is so high." Su Jie said: "It's normal to hit the air with punches, but your penetrating power is not enough. You only need to squirm a little at the point where the force is received, and it can be completely resolved."

"I don't believe it!" Peng Lianshan made a sudden move and attacked again.

With a flick of the arm.


The sound of a series of fried bean pods sounded, and the slap was thrown in front of Su Jie.

This time Su Jie didn't dodge, but raised his hand and shook it, then blocked Peng Lianshan's hand, and then pushed and turned.


Peng Lianshan turned around again and again, unable to stop.

Su Jie's two stances are the "shake the wheel" and "push the stone mill" in his heart, and they are also authentic kung fu. In traditional martial arts, the scumbag style is the best. The true meaning of martial arts.

Compared with the four supernatural powers of Tong Bei Fist, this ordinary move can precisely restrain that kind of domineering aura.

Su Jie shook and pushed, pure and natural, just like the peasants who have been cultivating the fields for thousands of years, so ordinary that they are full of the atmosphere of human fireworks.

But Peng Lianshan just couldn't resist. (Until the point..111111702)--(Until the point)

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