Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Seven: Heavy Book Avenue, New and Old Replacement with a Strong Foun

Peng Lianshan hesitated for a moment before saying, "Please!"

He pushed open the door of the "Peng's Tongbei" martial arts hall.

At this time, it was getting late, the martial arts hall was quiet, and there was no one there. The coach of the martial arts hall itself had already rested, and many Peng family disciples did not practice in the martial arts hall, but went to the Matthew Court .

After all, there are advanced cultivation systems and the most advanced medicines in Matthew Court, which can greatly improve people's physical functions.

That "Xu Dela" is a master of poison, so his knowledge of medicine and medicine is also superb, and his good fortune is superb.

Otherwise, how could the poison be used well.

"Hydra"'s knowledge of medicine must have surpassed that of many great medical experts.

"It's deserted enough here." Su Jie stepped inside, and first heard a few dogs barking, and several big yellow dogs rushed out. They were all very strong, and their scarlet tongues and sharp teeth were daunting.

These big yellow dogs smelled the scent of strangers, rushed up and aimed at Su Jie.

Su Jie glanced at them.

Immediately, the big yellow dogs seemed to have froze, not daring to move, just like small animals in the mountains encountering a tiger patrolling the mountain and being captured by the momentum.

"Go and sit aside," Peng Lianshan said.

These dogs were raised by him. They are very obedient and understand human nature. Usually, these dogs will do what he says. High intelligence.

But now when he was talking, the dogs didn't dare to move, as if they didn't hear him.

"Hurry up and go?" Peng Lianshan said again and made several gestures, but the big yellow dogs still didn't move.

Su Jie said: "Go and sit aside."

Immediately, as if they had been pardoned, the big yellow dogs immediately went to the corner of the yard, sitting like people, like elementary school students reading. Very personal.

Peng Lianshan's complexion was extremely ugly. Seeing this scene, he knew that Su Jie's cultivation was really far above him, and it was already miraculous, but he couldn't tell from the surface. On the surface, Su Jie was just another Just an ordinary college student.

"The perception ability of animals far surpasses that of humans, but the fly in the ointment is that they trust their intuition too much and ignore the superficial senses. If I am facing a person, even a child, he will not listen to me so obediently." Su Jie said: "All the people from your martial arts school have gone to the Matthew Court, this is not a good weather, you just said the foundation, this is the foundation."

"The disciples of our Peng family have grown tremendously in the Ma Taiyuan." Peng Lianshan said, "They have practiced for a few months, and their physical fitness cannot match that of ten years of martial arts training in the village."

"Actually, our traditional martial arts is best at spiritual cultivation. For example, you have grasped this key point to achieve your current achievement." Su Jie said.

"Okay, let's not talk about anything else." Peng Lianshan said: "Take a look at my martial arts school's feng shui?"

"I've read it just now." Su Jie said: "Your martial arts gym is square and square, and the four poles are upright and support the four directions. The four figures of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu were replaced, and four monkeys were used to suppress it. Very good."

Su Jie pointed to the four corners of the courtyard, there was actually a stone sculpture, which was four apes, the size of a real person, and the carvings were vivid, as if they were about to come alive anytime.

If you practice Tong Bei Quan, you will feel it in your heart. Looking at these stone carvings, one can understand the artistic conception and thus obtain the true meaning of Kung Fu.

In fact, the entire Tongbei Boxing Gym can be seen in many places, such as the paintings on the corridors, which are also apes.

Tongbeiquan is closely related to apes. Basically, many movements are based on monkey-shaped ape arms.

Apes are the ancestors of humans.

Primates, both have something in common.

The ancestor of all shapes.

"The ape has the heart, the so-called heart ape. It has great supernatural powers, makes troubles in the heavenly palace, sweeps everywhere, and is omnipotent." Su Jie said: "But I see that your martial arts school seems to be suppressed by something, making the heart ape unable to do anything. Shi Zhan. If I'm not mistaken, is there a Buddha statue enshrined in your shrine?"

While speaking, Su Jie walked to the back room, and sure enough, he saw a statue of Buddha on the shrine of the martial arts hall, which was the golden body of Sakyamuni, as tall as a man, standing majestically, with incense sticks underneath .

"Why? Isn't that right?" Peng Lianshan said: "Our Tongbei boxing is mainly based on apes. In fact, it is for training the mind. The apes are quick-witted, but they are easy to be destroyed by demons. We must invite a Buddha to suppress it. Our disciples practice After finishing boxing, they will all come to worship Buddha and practice Zen, and suppress the heart ape, and this has been the case for generations, making our Peng family prosperous, do you think there is a problem with this?"

"Of course there is a problem. The experience of generations may not be true. Confucianism has ruled us for two thousand years. Where is it now?" Su Jie said: "Of course, none of your ancestors in the Peng family is as good as me. It’s normal not to see through this problem.”

"You..." Peng Lianshan was very annoyed, but he couldn't get angry, what Su Jie said was the truth.

In fact, Peng Lianshan's current state is also outstanding among the ancestors of the past dynasties, and there are almost no ancestors who surpass him.

"The descendants themselves stand on the shoulders of the predecessors. If the descendants cannot surpass the predecessors, then they are unworthy descendants." Su Jie said: "The family can be prosperous when each generation is stronger, and the family is very weak when each generation is weaker. will perish soon."

"Then tell me, what is the reason?" Peng Lianshan said, "Shouldn't Buddha statues be enshrined here?"

"The ape mind is free and should not be restrained. Anyone who restricts it with rules and regulations will lose its creativity." Su Jie said: "In the beginning, the ape mind was not bound, respecting the Tao, and cultivating the path of longevity. Therefore, it is possible to have great powers, go down to the Dragon Palace, enter the underworld, and trouble the heavenly palace. After being bound, they are controlled by others everywhere, and they have no elegance. People always like to be in a cocoon. Many years ago in the Western world, if you do not break various rules and regulations , there would be no Renaissance. The same is true for our country, without innovation, how can we have the current prosperity?"

"According to what you think, what should be done." Peng Lianshan asked.

"Remove this Buddha statue and change a word." Su Jie said.

"What word?" Peng Lianshan asked.

"Tao." Su Jie said: "It is enough to use the word "Tao". Not free anymore."

"According to what you mean, if you don't hang anything here, you will be free. If the Tao has a specific image and a word, it will become unfree." Peng Lianshan grasped Su Jie's words. to refute the loopholes in .

"You're right." Su Jie said, "But you haven't Wukong yet, and if you don't place things, you will lose your support and become truly enchanted. So you have to go up one step at a time. In fact, among the Buddhist scriptures, the one with the greatest merit It is the Dharma offering, not worshiping Buddha statues. Understanding the meaning of the scriptures, explaining the right way to people, explaining emptiness and explaining emptiness, and helping people realize emptiness, this is the right way."

"Then I'll ask you to write a word." Peng Lianshan said: "Also, I hope you can draw four paintings to represent the four magical powers of our Peng family. Didn't you learn the four magical powers? I just hope You show it."

"It's not impossible." Su Jie saw that there were four treasures of the study in the study next to him, and there were also some paints for painting, all of which were ink and Chinese paintings.

Su Jie came to the table, spread out the paper, and after retouching the pen, he didn't stop and started painting.

First of all, a huge "Tao" character hangs in the air, with a human head and a snake body, winding between, like the ancient Fuxi, Nuwa, Pangu and other great gods. Then Su Jie drew four monkeys below.

Each monkey has its own characteristics. The clever stone monkey calculates intelligently, the Tongbei monkey has supernatural powers, the red-tailed horse monkey avoids disasters, and the six-eared macaque knows the world.

The characteristics of the four monkeys gather in one person. If a person who practices Tong Bei Quan can maintain the nature of the four monkeys in each move, then he can comprehend the true meaning of Tao.

After completing the calligraphy and painting in one go, Su Jie said: "Come and see, all my understanding of your Peng Jiatong's back fist is included in it. If you can see the mystery in it, then your cultivation will go further."

Peng Lianshan came forward and stared at the painting. As he watched, some subtle changes took place in his temperament, as if he had lost some restraint and became free.

When he practiced this method before, he seemed to be bound by something and was unable to break through for a long time, but now seeing Su Jie's painting, his heart became looser, and many strange thoughts came to his mind .

So he immediately moved down the Buddha statue, moved to the back room, and prepared to hang the painting, but at the moment of hanging it, he hesitated.

"Are you hesitating whether or not someone will peep into the secrets of your Peng family?" Su Jie saw through Peng Lianshan's mind: "The four supernatural powers and mysteries of your Peng family are four ancient paintings hidden in the ancestral hall. No one can watch it, even if old man Mao has thought of many schemes, you are strictly guarding against it. But in fact, in this era, there is no need to hide it anymore, you just hang this painting on it, and those who can understand it, It can be enlightened, and you can also obtain precious data. A kung fu must be practiced by many people. In a large amount of experimental data, find flaws and improve them, and then you can make progress."

Peng Lianshan thought about it, and hung up the painting anyway.


In his spiritual world, he felt that once the painting was hung, the atmosphere of the whole yard changed, as if it was much more lively and flexible, and echoed with his soul, giving him a sense of ecstasy.

Afterwards, the breath settled down, and he felt that the foundation of the whole yard became more solid, which represented that the strength of the Peng family was increasing.

His perception is also extremely extraordinary, far beyond what ordinary people can compare, good or bad can be seen. ...

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