Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 438 Breaking the shackles, scheming and stealing are useless

In the compound by the river, the old man Mao is on top of a small three-story building in the center, watching the sky at night and watching the atmosphere of the earth at the same time. Something that cannot be "seen".

In fact, all Feng Shui, magnetic fields, physiognomy, and numerology must first be sensed with "intuition", and then theoretically figured out.

In the eyes of a great Feng Shui master, all the scenery in front of him is actually another scene, and these scenes all exist in the spiritual world. Not real.

Old man Mao was observing the circulation of Qi in the whole place.

Feng Shui masters pay the most attention to this thing.

Beside him, stood Mao Xin.

He is focusing on training Mao Xin, hoping that this son can reach the realm of the living dead, Mao Xin is not yet thirty years old, if he can be promoted to reach the realm of the living dead before the age of thirty, then there is still great potential in the future.

Mao Xin is also an expert in Fengshui. He and old man Mao watched together, "The atmosphere of the earth is settled, the popularity is boiling, the weather is favorable, and the dragon will be born. Grandpa, I have already seen the embryonic form of the dragon's veins. Look at the Minglun Martial Arts School, Matthew Court, There is also the Peng family's martial arts school, several other martial arts schools, and hundreds of martial arts clubs, all of which are sending popularity to the depths of the earth. I think our Mao family has taken the lead. In this land, the most Shaolin is the majestic, but Shaolin is the last martial arts dynasty, and Feng Shui has changed, and it should be the next one. The second is Pengjia Village, which has been here for hundreds of years, and then Minglun Martial Arts School, which is a rookie. Jiang Qianglong, in fact, this is somewhat similar to the struggle for hegemony in the world, Qin loses its deer, and the princes chase after it, it depends on who wins the deer."

"That's right, who can enjoy the birth of a real dragon?" said Old Man Mao.

"We will definitely be able to capture the real dragon." Mao Xin was very confident.

"Actually, the key aura is in the Peng family." The old man Mao said, "The Peng family has the deepest foundation, and the accumulation of hundreds of years of kung fu is not false. The aura of the Peng family has also penetrated into the veins of the earth. It can even be said that they are part of the dragon veins of martial arts. For the popularity of dragon veins, Shaolin accounts for five points, the Peng family and Minglun martial arts school each receive two points, and the remaining one point is shared by each martial arts school. If our Mao family can capture the strength of the Peng family, it will be a success."

"Peng's family's energy is wasted and seized, I think Grandpa must have an idea." Mao Xin nodded.


At this moment, the old man Mao suddenly looked at the place where the Peng family was.

"Peng's Tongbei" martial arts gym.

In his intuition, the entire "Peng's Tongbei" martial arts hall suddenly became more energetic, and a huge red light seemed to rise above the martial arts hall, like a flame explosion, filling the sky with clouds.

It can be said that there are thousands of rays of light and thousands of auras.

Of course, ordinary people can't see it. This kind of aura only exists in old man Mao's spiritual world, and it can also be said to be his illusion.

Mao Xin couldn't see either.

Then, in the glow, old man Mao also saw four apes who seemed to have broken the chains on their bodies and truly gained great freedom.

"Break the shackles, what's the matter." The old man Mao was shocked, "Peng's family broke the shackles, and the heart ape was free, which is troublesome. In the past, they were locked with the Buddha-nature. In fact, they did not understand the true meaning. I made myself a cocoon, that's because the ancestors of the Peng family didn't really explore the void, why did they change now?"

"Grandpa, what happened?" Mao Xin asked.

"There has been a change in the Peng family, and the fortune is out of our control. It is very dangerous. Our plan is likely to fail. Speed ​​up the plan immediately, and you go to get the ancient painting of the four supernatural powers of the Peng family." Old man Mao said.

"I'll do it right away." Mao Xin turned around and left. He also knew that the matter was really urgent, otherwise the old man Mao couldn't lose his composure.

"There are four ancient paintings of the Four Divine Abilities, which contain the highest mysteries of Tongbeiquan, which are very helpful for the cultivation of our Mao family." The old man Mao reminded.

In the "Peng's Tongbei" boxing gym, Su Jie looked at the painting he had written on the hall, the picture of the four monkeys facing the Tao.

And Peng Lianshan began to practice boxing under this picture. He practiced various moves of Tongbeiquan, and he asked in the middle.

In this boxing technique, Peng Lianshan kept circulating the airflow, and there seemed to be a force in his body wriggling non-stop.

At this moment, Peng Lianshan was not afraid at all that Su Jie would steal the secret of Tong Bei Fist.

Because of Su Jie's strength, kung fu cultivation, and profound realm, it is simply not something that the Peng family can match.

Even if the ancestors of the Peng family gathered together, it would be impossible for them to have the profound wisdom that Su Jie has now.

And more importantly, Su Jie's painting is better than the ancient paintings in the family, at least it will be of much greater help to Peng Lianshan.

At this moment, Peng Lianshan understood that Su Jie was helping him to make Peng's Tongbei fist more refined.

In a skill, the most important thing is how to walk the final road.

Su Jie looked at Peng Lianshan's boxing techniques, but he wasn't learning the movements, because everything in the Peng family didn't mean anything to him, and his boxing techniques were many times better than Peng's Tongbei.

Even if he has strengthened the background of the Peng family's four supernatural powers, this secret technique still has some limitations, at most it is only Wukong, and there is still some distance from Su Jie's current state.

Su Jie's current state has almost touched some essential things.

So he played with Peng Lianshan like a child.

Peng Lianshan's kung fu is about the same as that of Zhang Hongqing. A grand master of this level is like a child in front of Su Jie. How far has Su Jie's cultivation reached?

Of course, according to Su Jie's calculations, Peng Lianshan's cultivation base was about the same as Zhang Hongqing's, but if the two fought to the death, Zhang Hongqing would definitely kill Peng Lianshan very easily without any accidents.

The cultivation base is the same, but the difference in fighting is so big.

Zhang Hongqing's killing skills were much higher than Peng Lianshan's.

Even Zhang Hongqing could kill two or three Peng Lianshan if he used a gun.

Zhang Hongqing's gun can be said to be the king of hidden weapons. Su Jie didn't see any hidden weapons that could surpass that bullet.

But what Su Jie needs now is not a professional killer, but a researcher. In his laboratory, there is actually only one person who is good at killing, and that is Gu Yang.

The others, even Liu Long, are academic fighter researchers.

Liu Longzai has always been the king of the ring, not the killing expert of the dark world.

In fact, Su Jie wanted to pull Peng Lianshan into the research lab, otherwise he would not have done so many things. In addition, if possible, he even wanted to surrender the poison expert "Xu Dela" and turn his back on his evil ways.

Su Jie didn't fancy "Xu Dela"'s killing ability, but his talent in medicine.

The reason why the Typhon training camp is so powerful is that it has recruited talents from all walks of life, and even used threats to some of the world's top talents to join their laboratories.

Su Jie wanted to convince people with his wisdom, make them correct their evil ways, and make them join his camp.

Now Su Jie's camp is extremely powerful. Masters Liu Long and Luo Ma, Pi Youdao, Uncle Blind, Gu Yang, Kang Gu, Zhang Jinchuan, and Tang Yunzhu, are the nine masters in the realm of the living dead. In addition, they joined hands with Honey Badger, and these talents have become a huge force when gathered together.

Not to mention anything else, these people have joined forces to form a company, and this company can block people from killing people, gods from killing gods.

Not to mention Su Jie's own strength, he has rich resources and a wide network of contacts. He still has two candidates for the realm of the living dead. The first is of course Zhang Manman. After Su Jie's long-term training and surgery, In fact, Zhang Manman will step into this realm just at the door.

The other is Qin Hui, the second and fifth boy. This person has betrayed many people, but Su Jie can still subdue him.

If this kind of person cannot be subdued, then how to subdue "Hydra".

Su Jie not only wants to surrender "Xu Dela", but also wants to surrender Zhang Hongqing, gather all the forces that can be gathered, and fight against the big leader Tifeng.

Although Odeli is his coach, and now he is studying with him, but it may not be possible for him to fight against the big boss together.

Moreover, Ou Deli wanted to compete with the big boss, so he didn't want any help.

Otherwise, together with Odeli, himself, and Mr. Honey Badger, they really have a chance to contend against the big boss.

The main reason is that Ou Deli is unfathomable. Even if Su Jie's cultivation base has improved a lot now, there is still a certain gap between him and Ou Deli.

During Peng Lianshan's boxing practice over and over again, Su Jie sat on the grand master's chair in the Shentang and watched. He was also summarizing his gains and losses when he came to Minglun Martial Arts School, summarizing his practice during this period of time.

Every time I come to Minglun Martial Arts School, I gain a lot. This is the fourth time. I met Coach Odley. To be honest, this time I gained the most. He and Coach Odley and Mr. Honey Badger competed behind closed doors. , The three communicated with each other, and in just a few days, they absorbed a lot of unprecedented knowledge.

Coach Odley has endless knowledge, and Mr. Honey Badger has his own set of ideas and scientific research. Honey Badger has accumulated so many years.

Su Jie absorbs the strengths of the two families, which can be said to truly break the void, grasp the gods and Buddhas, and manipulate the mystery, a step further.

Peng Lianshan practiced until the next day, when the sun was rising, and then he stopped.

Someone interrupted his practice.

A young man hurried in from outside, rushed into the shrine, and before he even had time to take a look at Su Jie, he said in a panic, "No, patriarch, our ancestral hall was stolen last night. The oldest member of the family The four important volumes of ancient paintings have disappeared, what can we do? It is the most important thing in our family, and it cannot be lost even if it is dead."

"What?" Peng Lianshan was taken aback, but when he saw the picture of four monkeys cultivating Taoism transformed by Su Jie hanging on the hall, he immediately calmed down, and a smile appeared on his face. Obviously he already knew what was going on, and with his wisdom, It's clear now.

"It's not a big deal. If you lose it, you lose it." Peng Lianshan said to Su Jie, "But this is an ancient painting of our family, and it can make a lot of money if you sell it as an antique. Are you interested in finding old man Mao with me? Bring back the old painting"

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