Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Nine

"I also just want to meet old man Mao." Su Jie readily agreed.

In fact, the old man Mao and Su Jie have always been entangled in cause and effect. The Feng family and the Mao family are combined. Su Jie can say with certainty that the Feng family designed to frame her sister, causing her company to go bankrupt, and finally bought it and signed a sale contract. It was the old man Mao who was plotting behind the scenes.

Old man Mao's physiognomy is also unparalleled in the world, and he is good at discovering talents for the Feng family, otherwise the Feng family would not be able to reach the current state.

Zhang Jinchuan was able to make the company so big because of his physiognomy.

The Tang family's charitable activities have made them into the real upper class, and they also rely on physiognomy.

The Tang family's physiognomy is unique, but in Su Jie's opinion, it is probably inferior to old man Mao.

Mao Laotou has spread his branches and leaves overseas and has done very well. This technique has been integrated with Western culture and has begun to form a school of its own, breaking away from the scope of traditional Chinese physiognomy.

The Mao family has had Maoshan techniques for generations, and Su Jie is also very curious about this. Although he has learned various principles of Fengshui from the two masters of Luo Ma, he really does not know Maoshan techniques.

Maoshan techniques are mixed with a lot of tricks and magic tricks, most of which are used in folk performances for the common people to fool the officials and the royal family. But there are also some very subtle techniques, Su Jie wants to learn a thing or two, and understand the principles of martial arts from them.

Martial arts and magic seem to have nothing to do with each other, but in fact they both contain the use of psychology, psychological errors, blind spots of consciousness, blind spots of thinking, etc.

Su Jie knew that people had a big blind spot in their thinking, and through various means, they could use this blind spot in an instant to short-circuit the opponent's brain and make many wrong judgments.

The most brilliant method in Taijiquan is to use blind spots and create blind spots, thereby disrupting the balance of the enemy and making the enemy ultimately defeated.

And Maoshan Technique has applied this technique to the peak.

"Old man Mao stole our ancient painting of the four supernatural powers, and wanted to learn the secret art of Tongbei. From this, it can be seen that his realm is much lower than yours. You don't need to get this ancient painting to directly comprehend the artistic conception in it." , and then paint a more brilliant painting." Peng Lianshan sighed, "I really can't imagine what will happen to you next."

"Then let's walk around step by step." Su Jie said, "Actually, old man Mao's realm is extremely profound, but he uses it in another aspect, trickery, ghost valley technique, and less time for his own cultivation and comprehension. , That's why he wants your four supernatural powers. It is rumored that Tongbei Quan was created by Guiguzi, and old man Mao, I think he combined Maoshan technique with Guigu's way, so he wanted four ancient paintings, which he absorbed The artistic conception of the Dao of Guigu, one of your ancestors must have received the true instruction of the Dao of Guigu."

"You guessed it right at all. It is rumored that the ancestors of our Peng family were servants of the descendants of the Guigu lineage. They obtained some secret techniques from them and obtained the inheritance of Tongbeiquan." Peng Lianshan said, "Actually, Taijiquan , there are also a lot of moves from our Tongbei boxing. The most direct proof is that in Taijiquan, there is another move called Shantongbei, which is transported on the two wings, stretching the back and stretching the back, and the air is like a long whip. Practice this move well , the huffing and puffing of Taijiquan has power."

"This can be proved in many places." Su Jie nodded, knowing that the Tongbei Fist is extremely ancient, and many later martial arts have borrowed its power-strengthening methods.

"Old man Mao is full of tricks, but he shouldn't be able to play tricks in front of you." Peng Lianshan was a little excited, he wanted to see how Su Jie dealt with old man Mao.

Peng Lianshan was actually very afraid of Old Man Mao. The wisdom of the other party gave him a feeling that he had no plans. Even his every move and future plans were all in Old Man Mao's calculations. If he made any changes to Old Man Mao, he would definitely Will be hit by inexplicable arrangements.

Like this time, he contacted Su Jie for a while, and after talking for a few words, the old man Mao started to steal the ancient paintings.

The Peng family is just a village now, with a population of tens of thousands. Although they are all surnamed Peng, they belong to an ancestral hall, and every household also practices Tongbeiquan, but it is not a strict organization. Although Peng Lianshan is called the patriarch, he is actually just a As the village party secretary, he can lead the villagers to discuss any major issues, but it is impossible for the villagers to absolutely obey his authority.

The current society is not the old society, and Peng Lianshan cannot be a village tyrant.

Compared with this point, the organizational ability of Pengjia Village is much worse than that of Maojia and Zhangjia.

The Zhang family has some militarized organizations, and the leader has absolute authority.

"Actually, you have to correct your mentality and position." Su Jie said, "Only when your mind is upright can you achieve a spiritual breakthrough. Because your mentality is not correct, old man Mao will take advantage of the opportunity to make various arrangements for you. If If you have a righteous heart, it will be very difficult for old man Mao to manipulate and calculate you."

"I'm upright, I want to pursue a higher realm, and I want our Peng Jiatong back boxing to develop greatly. So far, I haven't done anything that violates morality. Although I have involved some things in the dark world, and I have also cooperated with Zhang Hongqing, but that is also I'm abroad. I think I'm still right." Peng Lianshan said.

"Wrong." Su Jie smiled, "Your mentality now always regards yourself as a kung fu master, and what you are pursuing is also a breakthrough in the realm. You want to grasp the dragon veins that are about to be condensed. You took advantage of the loophole. If I read correctly, you should be the village party secretary of Pengjia Village."

"Yes, I am." Peng Lianshan said.

"Then your mentality is to lead the whole village to make a fortune. Pengjia Village has a lot of kung fu resources. You can learn from Chenjiagou, create a brand of Kung Fu Tong Bei Quan, and then become an international brand. Although your current operation has some The ingredients are in it, but the mind is still not pure, and there is no mentality to serve everyone wholeheartedly. If you remove the element of metaphysics, don't care about such things as aura, dragon veins, fortune, etc. It is to return to the essence and condense to serve the masses. The spirit, the world and the earth can't help me, so naturally ghosts and gods will not invade, and great luck will roll in." Su Jie's words changed.


Hearing these words, Peng Lianshan fell into deep thought.

Su Jie's words were like a slap in the face, and his mentality was completely changed. He is the village party secretary, and what he has to do is not to engage in these empty-headed metaphysics, but to lead the villagers to become rich and make Peng Iamura's strengths were brought into play, although what he is doing now is related to this, but the motivation is still not pure.

He thought for a full half an hour, his face glowed with precious light, and he bowed to Su Jie to the end, "My mind is indeed not pure, I understand, I have been educated, the mentality you mentioned is the general trend, and it is applied in life. In fact, if it is used in kung fu, it will naturally be beneficial, and my boxing will become more pure. There will definitely be breakthroughs in the future."

"You still need to unite knowledge and action. The next thing you need to do is practice." Su Jie watched Peng Lianshan's mentality change, and knew that he had thoroughly comprehended something now, and there was still room for improvement in the future, just because The age is also too old, and the room for improvement is limited.

The room for improvement that Su Jie mentioned is in terms of Kung Fu physical fitness, not spiritual realm.

There is no limit to the spiritual realm of a person, but there is still a limit to physical fitness.

Su Jie's current mental state can be described as miraculous. In the eyes of outsiders, he even has some "supernatural powers". However, his physical and flesh-and-blood body has not been able to break through some routines. A bullet can still kill him. Poison can also completely poison him to death, which is determined by the essence of human life and genetic structure.

Like ordinary people, Su Jie has the same structure of human organs, bones, and skin. At most, it is more active and resilient, and its contraction, control, and reaction are stronger and faster. He didn't have an extra organ, let alone superfluous.

"I have decided to give up the cooperation with Schrader and fully cooperate with you." Peng Lianshan said, "From today, our Peng family will reach a comprehensive cooperation agreement with you."

"No problem, I should be able to turn Pengjia Village into a hometown of martial arts." Su Jie nodded.

At the moment when the agreement was reached, Su Jie could only feel that the entire spiritual realm was perfectly combined with a certain frequency in this land. In his intuition, Su Jie seemed to feel a wave of invisible power , Gathering towards one's own spiritual world.

This can be said to be an illusory feeling, but it can also be said to exist in the real world.

Su Jie knew that he had persuaded the Peng family to gain the greatest advantage in the dragon vein battle.

In fact, the expansion of the Minglun Martial Arts School was also sparked by Su Jie. He turned into a Wukong mask man and won consecutive victories in foreign arenas, which detonated the social network. Now the Peng family has also been persuaded by him, and he occupies the martial arts here. There are many causes and effects.

This is an unconscious thing.

Su Jie even felt that it seemed that the martial arts dragon veins here began to condense in his spiritual world because of some causal changes just now.

In other words, his body and spiritual world have become a cohesion point of the dragon veins.

This seems to be something that has never happened before. Generally speaking, mountains, rivers, lakes, or tall buildings can solidify the dragon veins. It has never happened that the dragon veins condense on people.

Of course, this is just Su Jie's feeling, and it may not be correct.

Sometimes, Su Jie himself did not expect such things to happen, and the cause and effect are actually very strange.

"Let's go, let's go to the compound of old man Mao's house." While speaking, Su Jie and Peng Lianshan walked towards the river.

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