Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 441 Tit for Tat

"You..." Mao Wen looked at Su Jie, "How do you know about me? Where did you find out about me?"

"I didn't inquire about this." Su Jie said, "It can be seen from your face that your Maoshan technique is best at fortune-telling, grasping the past and the future, knowing five hundred years before and five hundred years after, and watching people's popularity. You can see people's past and present lives just by looking at their color, but my physiognomy is not very bad, and I can probably see a little bit of it."

"Impossible. The way of physiognomy lies in observing words and colors. Like medicine, it mainly focuses on seeing, hearing, and asking. It looks at people's spirits, smells their breath, asks about their details, and understands their context. Physiognomy is nothing more than psychology and linguistics. That's all. You must have inquired about my affairs and came prepared!" Mao Wen knew that physiognomy is actually a kind of psychology and overall planning. Generally, physiognomists first judge people from the details, and then do whatever they want. Dialogue and inquiry, unknowingly, understand and speculate about the person's information, so that the probability can be used to calculate what the person was like in the past and how the future development will be. Then give the answer.

"You're right." Su Jie nodded, "Actually, a fortune teller is just a psychotherapist or a spiritual masseur in a certain way. It's just that a fortune teller uses mysticism and metaphysics to comfort people and make them believe more. But those people who rely on occultism and metaphysics to cheat money are different. They are very abominable. They are cheap in the world and cannot be called physiognomy at all. You can understand this, which shows that your physiognomy has reached a certain level. The improvement is very high, and it is easier to temper the spirit than kung fu. But your current state of physiognomy is only superficial. The real physiognomy, the movement of the mind, the understanding of other hearts, the understanding of fate, the understanding of exhaustion, and the reflection of the spirit Underneath, what happened in time and space can be seen at a glance."

"Mao Wen, you are a smart ghost with a very high talent, but to the Mao family, you are always an outsider, you can't be cultivated at all, and you will even be suppressed. This is a real master in physiognomy, kung fu I don't know how many times smarter than your grandfather, if you can learn from him, you really have a bright future." Peng Lianshan said.

Peng Lianshan had already seen what Su Jie meant, which was to directly poach people from within the Mao family.

This Mao Wen is a talent, very talented, but it is a pity that he is not reused in the Mao family, like an ant's nest on a thousand-mile embankment.

"Mao Wen, what are you doing here again? Go do your own work." At this moment, a young man came out and reprimanded Mao Wen, "Mr. Man, this doesn't seem to be the guest's way."

This young man was Mao Xin who had just been promoted to the realm of the "living dead".

Mao Xin had met Su Jie before. In the Zhang family ancestral hall, he had a deep memory of Su Jie, and later studied many things about Su Jie. He even obtained some of Su Jie's body data.

"Mao Xin, what are you here to reprimand me? I can't stay in the Mao family anymore." At this moment, Mao Wen, who had always been obedient, suddenly broke out, as if he had been detonated by Su Jie. A certain point in my heart "Teacher Peng Lianshan, let me tell you, it is Mao Xin. He bought people from your Peng family and stole your Peng family's ancient painting of the Tongbeiquan four supernatural powers, and now he is on it with old man Mao. Practice, let me stay here and lead you away."

"Mao Wen, why are you talking nonsense here?" Mao Xin was furious, and suddenly struck Mao Wen with a palm.

This palm turned out to be the ultimate move in the Tong Bei Fist "Take the Star", aiming at Mao Wen's eyeballs.

Although Mao Wen's strength is not bad, but where is Mao Xin's opponent who has just been promoted to the realm of the living dead, his eyes will be taken away. At this time, Su Jie's body flashed, and he came in front of Mao Wen. It happened to stop Mao Xin's arm.

Mao Xin lost her balance as if she was drunk.

After turning around a few times, he fell to the ground with a bang, which dispelled Su Jie's blocking power.

But Mao Xin was not hurt.

Su Jie just used the technique of the mind and added the rules of Tai Chi push hands, which broke his center of gravity in an instant and caused his body to shift.

If Su Jie wants to kill him, let alone the realm of the living dead, even if he has reached Zhang Hongqing's realm, it will not help.

"Old man Mao, is it a little dishonest for you to steal my Peng family's secret technique? My Peng family is now cooperating with you. You actually dig the foundation of my Peng family, which is to completely destroy our relationship. Starting today, Our Peng family and your Mao family are at odds." Peng Lianshan yelled, "Don't hide behind the juniors, come out and confront them."

"Mao Xin, let them in." Sure enough, the old man's voice came from inside.

At this time, Su Jie said to Mao Wen, "You join my laboratory, you will be provided with food and accommodation, and the research fee will be 31,000 yuan a month. It is much higher than when you were in Mao's house."

Su Jie seemed to know that Mao Wen was not treated well in the Mao family, he did a lot of dangerous things, and his salary was very low.

Mao Wen has already seen that Su Jie's reaching out, understatement, directly caused Mao Xin a big loss, he is also a person with vision, how could he not know that Su Jie is a top expert?

Mao Xin rolled over and got up, with no trace of frustration on her face, as if what happened just now hadn't happened, instead she said, "Please, both of you."

While talking, he led the way.

Looking at his appearance, Peng Lianshan had to admire his strong psychological quality, and his thick skin was almost unmatched by anyone.

The people of the Mao family are very thick-skinned.

Afterwards, Su Jie and Peng Lianshan walked inside, went up the stairs one by one, and reached the third floor. It was a transparent terrace, overlooking the river, the town and the surrounding fields. Smart at one point.

Old man Mao was sitting in front of a table, on which were placed four ancient paintings, which had not been collected. It seems that old man Mao is not afraid of Peng Lianshan finding out.

"Old man Mao, explain to me, how did these four paintings come about?" Peng Lianshan's eyes were sharp, and he was also a little annoyed.

"Congratulations, Peng Lianshan, you have broken the shackles and gained freedom. You don't need this ancient painting anymore. In fact, this ancient painting is suppressed in your ancestral hall, but it will destroy the feng shui of your ancestral hall. If I don't take it out, you will be punished." It's a big disaster. Not only did you not thank me, but you brought people to harass me and accuse me, what is the meaning of this?" Old Man Mao looked at Peng Lianshan and said.

There was no embarrassment on his face, but he was confident, as if he had done a good deed, and his psychological quality was at its peak.

"Old man Mao, it's so reasonable to steal something from our Peng family. I really can't imagine how thick-skinned your Mao family is, but contacting our Peng family is one of your plans. What made you change suddenly?" Have you come up with this plan?" Peng Lianshan calmed down instead.

"His methods are extremely powerful." Su Jie opened his mouth, and he said to Peng Lianshan, "It is to use the hands of outsiders to kill your Peng family's vitality, and then use means to infiltrate your Peng family, and finally achieve the purpose of controlling and devouring. This is not Mao The layout of the family's spells is the way of the ghost valley, the strategy of driving wolves and tigers across the world. Old man Mao, although we have never met, there are signs of your manipulation in my life. Now we finally meet, you How do you feel?"

"Fortune is great and misfortune is great, and merit is deep and calamity is deep." Old man Mao was also looking at Su Jie. He didn't need to see Su Jie in real life to know that he was extremely difficult to deal with. "Your fortune is beyond heaven, but next , your misfortune is greater than the sky. Your kung fu is deeper than the abyss, and your calamity is also straight to the underworld. Under the fate, no one can escape. Originally, you still have four years of great luck. If you don't act rashly, you still have hope But now you are showing your sharpness and making breakthroughs. The doom is this year. Listen to me, go back to college, keep yourself safe, forget about kung fu, be an ordinary person, don’t care about all kinds of things, maybe you can avoid disasters, It’s just that the people around me can’t keep it.”

Su Jie listened to Mao old man's words, and just smiled, "I understand what you know, and I understand what you don't, and what you see with your cultivation is actually just the tip of the iceberg. But have you done the math for yourself? You said my doom is this year, then I can say your doom is today, do you believe it or not?"

"Old man Mao, don't talk nonsense here, your cultivation base is far from Su Jie's. Even the sum of your ancestors of Mao Shanshu is not as good as him. You are still trying to steal our Peng family's communication in vain. Back fist four supernatural powers, and Su Jie has completely improved the four supernatural powers." Peng Lianshan said.

"I know. Last night, I was hopeful. If your Peng Shitong's aura changed, I knew it was him who intervened." Old man Mao said, "Peng Lianshan, this is retaliation. You betray the covenant first. I'll take action immediately. This is also the cause you planted, and the fruit will come later. Another point, are you really not afraid that after betraying Xu Dela, all of your Peng family will die?"

Hearing this, Peng Lianshan was startled. He was indeed very afraid of Xu Dela's methods, but he looked at Su Jie beside him, and he felt at ease.

"Xu Dela, I will solve it myself." Su Jie said, "Old Man Mao, do you think I can solve Xu Dela?"

"You? It's still a little short of time. It's possible to change to Odeli." Mao old man said, "Also, you said just now that I will be doomed today, let's take a gamble, if I don't have doom today, you say What should I bet on?"

"Mr. Honey Badger and I will join hands to launch a fatal blow to your Mao family." Su Jie said to himself, "There is one more thing, the two people you rely on are actually useless in front of me, fool Ma'am, Mr. X, come out. I don't know when you were fooled by this old man."


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