Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 442: 1 Strike Injury, Raging Fist Comes Like Prison

Su Jie has long noticed that there are two powerful auras in it, and ordinary people can't tell them apart at all, but who is Su Jie, he can purely feel the true colors of people with his eyes closed and his spirit.

Now relying solely on his spiritual realm, Su Jie is actually already above Mr. Honey Badger.

Before arriving at the Minglun Martial Arts School, Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger were actually on par in strength. After arriving at the Minglun Martial Arts School, Su Jie and Odeli met again, got along day and night, practiced kung fu, and condensed spirits. Qishen, watching the general trend, running the Yuanling, and cultivating the perception of the spiritual world more perfectly, at this time, he gradually accumulated the foundation so that the boxing has an incredible general trend.

However, even so, it is still impossible for him to surpass Mr. Honey Badger.

But just now, he persuaded Peng Lianshan, and suddenly felt that the dragon veins of martial arts began to condense towards him. At this moment, he knew that his spiritual realm was already above Mr. Honey Badger.

Unintentionally, he accomplished something mysterious and mysterious.

Martial Dao dragon veins, this land is about to condense, this is just a way of saying Feng Shui, in scientific terms, it means that the martial spirit in this land since ancient times boiled up for some reason, and began to condense into a virtual, acting on A powerful force in the spiritual world.

In fact, this thing is difficult to understand, but in reality there are many such examples.

For example, when people look at the Great Wall, they will feel the majesty and majesty. From the bottom of their hearts, they will feel a sense of confusion, pride, and admiration for the ancients. Then in their own spiritual world, they will have a broad-minded, open, The feeling of rushing blood.

This is actually absorbing the energy of the dragon veins.

In a sense, the Great Wall is also a dragon vein.

Once, Su Jie and Liu Long climbed Yanshan Mountain, watched the Great Wall, cultivated their mood, and absorbed the aftertaste of the Great Wall into the spiritual world, increasing the power of their own spiritual world.

And it was that practice that enabled Liulong to finally defeat Muay Thai champion Benjaron, successfully retire and obtain huge wealth.

A master of Su Jie's level can feel some things in the spiritual realm that ordinary people can't feel.

The dragon vein of martial arts in this place is a kind of will and a kind of spiritual power that countless people pursue kung fu, day and night, for thousands of years. Being perceived by people, can be absorbed by people's spiritual world.

Still using the Great Wall as an analogy, it is a great miracle built by China in order to resist foreign enemies from generation to generation. It condenses the blood, sweat, wisdom and spirit of countless people, and rests on the big bricks of the city wall.

When future generations come to pay their respects, they can integrate into their own spiritual world.

But now, part of the spirit of seeking martial arts here actually regards Su Jie as a sustenance, condensing in his spiritual world.

From generation to generation, thousands of people have found the object of sustenance in the pursuit of martial arts and the spirit of Kung Fu. That is Su Jie, a real person.

Su Jie is the wall of the Great Wall, the Qin bricks and Han tiles engraved with the vicissitudes of history.

Of course, this is purely a perception of the spiritual world, and it is also the profound meaning of spiritual practice.

However, spiritual power can also act on the real world, manifested in the real world, and now it is reflected on Su Jie, that is, the body reacts more quickly and moves more quickly.

At this moment, Su Jie felt that he had some capital to contend against the big boss.

In the past, no matter how high Su Jie's cultivation was, he had no confidence in facing the big boss. It was a feeling of powerlessness that came from deep in his heart. How could a person fight if he lost his confidence?

But now, although Su Jie knows that there is still a big gap between himself and the big boss, he has already seen a chance to contend.

Of course, Su Jie didn't feel the changes in his body, even the old man Mao, who is proficient in wind and water physiognomy, has reached the state of perfection in observing the world,

He still didn't realize that some of the things he was pursuing so hard had actually started to gather towards Su Jie.

"Mr. Su Jie, we meet again." The Fool is now dressed as a man in sportswear, and Mr. X still has a gloomy expression. His eyes are shooting at Su Jie and Peng Lianshan, as if he is looking for an angle to attack and kill at any time. .

"You two have been working hard these days, hiding everywhere, afraid that Mr. Honey Badger will find you. The big boss is here, isn't he going to see me?" Su Jie asked, "Old Man Mao, these two people are not enough to protect your safety , In this world, no one can protect you except the big boss."

"Young man, your tone is too big. You are too confident. This is not a good thing for you." Mao old man sighed, "Why do you say I colluded with Typhon, because I am Typhon's Man, I am the chief's advisor, this Mr. X was also recommended by me to the great chief, and the Feng family was also recommended by me. If you think that my Mao family relies on the Feng family to survive, then it is a big mistake and very wrong."

"It's no wonder that Feng's family and Tifeng got mixed up. It turned out that you were the guide." Su Jie understood something.

"You can say that." Mao old man said, "When I first saw the big leader, he hadn't established Tifeng, so I thought he was a dragon among men, and he would definitely dominate the world in the future, so I went to Assist him. At that time, I understood how Jiang Ziya felt when he saw King Wen of Zhou, Zhang Liang saw Liu Bang, Zhuge Liang saw Liu Bei, and Liu Bowen saw Zhu Yuanzhang. Finally, he met the Ming Lord and could do something earth-shattering. So I have been assisting, the Feng family is an important chess piece that entered the mainland as the big leader, but unfortunately you destroyed him. But fortunately, I made arrangements in advance and let the Feng family capture your sister, and now your sister is playing in Typhon It can be seen that I am still very accurate in judging people. The only thing I didn't expect was that you are more important than your sister, and I didn't expect that you could grow to where you are today."

"Mr. Mao is the most important advisor of our Tifeng. He has given the chief a lot of ideas. In the words of you Chinese, he is a military adviser. The chief ordered us to protect him. And if you hurt Mr. Mao, Your sister will definitely die." Mr. X threatened.

"Really, then you deserve to die."

When Su Jie heard this sentence, his complexion suddenly changed, and his aura descended on the world like hell.

All the people present only felt that their eyes went black, because the spiritual world of the brain was pulled into an inexplicable horror space, and they could no longer see any objects.

The color is gone, and all that remains is horror.


Su Jie's fist reached in front of Mr. X.

Mr. X was taken aback, he didn't expect Su Jie to come so quickly, and during the attack, it was so terrifying that almost everyone could be trapped in the spiritual world, feeling his anger and determination to kill.

Fists of anger rolled in.

Even the Fool didn't react, and was caught by Su Jie's aura at that moment.

At the critical moment, Mr. X blocked violently, his whole body sank, and with a roar, he clasped his head with both hands, like a defensive move in boxing, or like the "tiger hugging his head" in traditional martial arts. Move vigorously, step on the ground, support on eight sides, and support the sky with one pillar.


He exerted the power of blocking to the extreme, but it was still useless. He was punched by Su Jie, and his whole body was like a cannonball. He flew upside down, crashed into a wall, and the whole room suddenly sent out a crunching sound. The sound seemed to collapse immediately.


click click click

Mr. X, who was lying on the ground, made the sound of bones breaking, and then he tried to struggle to get up, but just halfway up, it seemed that his internal organs were affected, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out, and his whole body immediately became sluggish and completely lost his fighting power.

With just one punch, Su Jie knocked Mr. X, one of Typhon's four giants, to the ground, and he still used fists, not weapons.

At the beginning, Mr. Honey Badger was able to kill Mr. X with a blow with a soft sword. If Odd hadn't used a wooden stick to resist the soft sword, Mr. X would have been in hell.

But if Mr. Honey Badger doesn't use a weapon, it won't be so easy to kill Mr. X.

Where is Su Jie like this, when the angry fist is thrown out, the opponent will fall down, if Su Jie makes up the knife, Mr. X will undoubtedly die.

However, Su Jie did not take advantage of the momentum to attack, but stayed and stood with his hands behind his back, "I hate people threatening me the most. This is the first warning. I don't want to have a second warning. Although I don't kill people, I have many threats." This method makes your life worse than death. Ms. Fool, what do you think?"

"Your strength..." The fool had an unbelievable expression on his face. She knew exactly how much Su Jie was. It was only a few days since the last battle in Odeli's small courtyard. At that time, she was still able to fight with Su Jie. Su Jie came and went, fought for several rounds, and was not at a disadvantage in a short period of time.

She now thinks that if she joins hands with Mr. X, facing Su Jie alone, she can definitely capture Su Jie easily, and even seriously injure him.

Unexpectedly, just a moment ago, Su Jie's aura was so oppressive that she couldn't move, and she missed the opportunity, causing Mr. X to be injured.

In fact, if Su Jie attacked Mr. X, she would strike immediately, and she would definitely be able to fight a big battle. It is not yet known who will win the battle.

But now there is no suspense.

Mr. X has lost his fighting power. According to the power and power of Su Jie's punch just now, she is definitely not his opponent.

Among the four giants of Typhon, it goes without saying that the big leader is invincible and the strongest person on earth, which has already been recognized. Odley is unfathomable, as deep as an abyss and as vast as an ocean. And the Fool is extremely secretive, powerful, and kills people invisible.

Only Mr. X is a new giant. Compared with the previous three, he lacks a lot of background, but no matter how weak he is, he cannot be defeated by Su Jie with a single move.

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