Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Forty-Three Counterattacks and Hidden Tests

"It's so cruel. Is there really such a domineering and unparalleled person in the world? It seems that my choice is not wrong." At this time, Mao Wen was standing far behind Su Jie. He is also a person who is good at calculating and knows these characters. It was so powerful, when he saw Su Jie's aura of shattering all dharmas with one punch, the depths of his heart were completely touched.

"In the future, I will definitely become a person like him. All conspiracies and tricks, manipulating the general situation, being good at calculating, seeking good fortune and avoiding evil, and Feng Shui taboos are all fake. What is unparalleled wisdom and sweeping the general trend, I just A fist, so that even your mother doesn't know you. This is what I want......"

Mao Wen made up his mind to become someone like Su Jie.

"Old man Mao, I've said it. Unless the big boss comes in person, no one can stop him, and you are threatening his relatives. Isn't that courting death?" Peng Lianshan watched it very happily. He walked to the table and put four Put away all the ancient paintings, "This can be said to be returned to its original owner, but our Peng family's secret arts have been learned by your Mao family. According to the rules of the world, if you steal Kung Fu, you will have your hands and feet cut off. I also Don’t do it so badly, after all, it’s a society ruled by law, but martial arts must be abolished.”

While speaking, Peng Lianshan looked at Mao Xin.

Mao Xin is the most outstanding young generation of the Mao family. Now he has finally broken through the realm and reached the point of the living dead. There is hope for the revitalization of the Mao family in the future. If it is abolished, the Mao family may be devastated.

Peng Lianshan knew that Mao Xin was the Achilles heel of old man Mao.

But the old man Mao's face did not fluctuate at all: "Peng Lianshan, you are still inferior to calculation and wisdom. I know the background of your Peng family better than you. If you move Mao's heart, I guarantee that the entire Peng family village will Dogs and chickens don't stay. Of course, the words come out again, when it comes to life and death fights, you may not be able to kill Mao Xin. Your realm is high, but you are a country boxer after all. The dark world, but you just fought with mercenaries a few times, saw guns, and killed some shrimp soldiers and crab generals. You think you have almost experienced it, but in fact it is still far away. Deep down in your heart, you think you are at the same level as Zhang Hongqing , but it's easy for him to kill you, even if there are three of you, it doesn't take much time for him to kill you. You haven't received systematic training at all, if you really do it, Mao Xin can definitely cause fatal damage to you, If you don't believe me, you can try it."

Hearing this, Peng Lianshan's face was cloudy, but his heart was full of murderous intent.

In fact, he also knew that if he simply talked about the realm of kung fu, even if he was not as good as Zhang Hongqing, he was not far behind. If it was just a competition of kung fu, fist and kick, he could still fight Zhang Hongqing, but in a life and death fight, he died very quickly.

Su Jie also thought so.

But Peng Lianshan didn't believe that Mao Xin, a junior, could hurt him.

"Let's go." Just when he was about to make a move, Su Jie said.

"What? Just let them go like this?" Peng Lianshan was puzzled.

"He's just throwing rats." Old man Mao seemed to have expected this ending a long time ago: "Here is the country, a society ruled by law, and he can't do too much. He is bound by various rules and regulations. But Su Jie, you have to do it. Clearly, this is my home, the property of our Mao family, you broke into it, murdered and injured people. It was international friends who were injured, you know if you broke the law."

"I'm telling you to go abroad quickly and get out of here." Su Jie said, "Old man Mao, some of the things you and others have done cannot withstand the investigation of their identities. Do you really think that there are no high-level officials in the country? It alarmed them I'm afraid you won't be able to get away. Another point is that Mr. Cain suffered a lot when he came to the country, which resulted in even greater injuries. If it weren't for his injury, your chief leader would not be where he is today. .

You think that everything is in your calculations, but in fact, there are still people in this world who are more profound than your calculations. "

"I know more about what happened back then than you do." Old man Mao said, "Little boy, you have so little information, you don't even know what happened back then."

"I know what's on your mind." Su Jie shook his head: "Times are changing, and the old-fashioned trick is no longer feasible. In the world of spirituality and spiritual practice, accumulating age is actually meaningless. Ancient saints The knowledge he knows may not be comparable to that of a primary school student now. You came here to plot, in fact, for the martial arts dragon vein that is about to be gathered, so let me ask you, what exactly is this dragon vein? How do you get it?"

"Boy, how dare you ask Dao?" Old man Mao remained expressionless, thinking that Su Jie was trying to trick him.

Su Jie laughed again, looked at Old Man Mao and said, "Luck is like water vapor in the air, which drifts with the wind, has no fixed place, and has no form. But if you encounter a specific environment, whether it is warm and humid air, or The dust in the air, the water vapor will gradually condense, turn into rain and fall down, thus taking shape. Or the morning fog, when it encounters an object, it will condense into dew on the object. In fact, the same is true of the Wuyun Dragon Vein. The martial arts in this place are prevalent and have lasted for thousands of years. The martial arts wind is floating on this land. Today, it is getting stronger and stronger, and there is a tendency to condense. But no one can predict where this martial arts will condense. You are good at Maoshan There is nothing you can do about it, just sit here and wait for a rabbit, calculate yourself, arrange a ground cage, and think that fish will get into your cage. But now the spiritual power condensed by this martial arts has begun to condense like dew, but where is it? , you still can’t see it.”

"You..." Mao old man was really shocked when he heard Su Jie's words.

In fact, just now, when Su Jie defeated Mr. X with a single move, Old Man Mao was not very surprised, because he still has many methods, and Old Man Mao believes that in this world, brute force is ridiculous and will not work, only wisdom , can resolve everything.

But now, he felt from Su Jie's words that this son's comprehension of qi, dragon veins, feng shui, etc. had reached an unimaginable level.

Su Jie is right, the martial arts here are like water vapor in the air, it drifts everywhere, and when it encounters a certain change, it will condense, and finally fall on a certain object, gather together and form a river, this is the root of the dragon vein. gas.

Until now, old man Mao had only seen martial arts boiling, just like before a storm came, he could feel the rainwater condensing in it.

It's just that when it rains and how much it rains, he has no way to measure it.

And looking at Su Jie's expression, it seemed that he knew all about this.

"Then tell me, where is this dragon vein condensed?" Old Man Mao asked tentatively.

"This is a secret, you are not good enough to peep, even if I tell you, you will be harmed instead." Su Jie said: "Old man Mao, let me tell you, the martial arts dragon veins here are not as good as your Mao family's." , your Mao family has not contributed to this place, and you will not be there in terms of karma, and you will be punished by God if you waste your time here and spy on the great treasure. If you leave quickly, you can save your life. Let's go."

While speaking, Su Jie turned around and left.

He came here just to have a look at old man Mao's reality. Now that he sees it, this man is a real treacherous and cunning man who cannot be subdued. After he was warned with fists, after he left, through the layout, the Mao family got the dragon vein of martial arts The plan failed, which made the Mao family decline, and finally made the old man completely surrender.

This is a competition of spells, not boxing.

Su Jie was confident of defeating old man Mao in the art of magic, which made him completely lose confidence, because old man Mao cared most about his own plan.

Old man Mao is actually a military adviser in the Tifeng Group, so if he can surrender, it will be of great help in rescuing his sister.

In fact, Su Jie has already seen everything about the Tifeng Group. In terms of his own strength, it means that a big leader makes him powerless, and everything else is out of the question.

He turned around and left, followed by Peng Lianshan and Mao Wen.

Mao Wen is determined to follow Su Jie, because he feels that there is no way to get ahead in the Mao family.

Su Jie can actually see the psychological activities of this young man. He was not born well, he was abused since he was a child, and he was bullied everywhere in the family, but his heart is higher than the sky. , but still not being reused, even secretly preventing him from suppressing him.

This kind of young man can be accepted and cultivated, and most importantly, he is a talent.

"This son will be the pillar of the Mao family in the future, but it's a pity that old man Mao didn't reuse and train him." After Peng Lianshan took out the ancient painting, he looked at Mao Wen and said, "Also, old man Mao said you broke into his house It’s against the law to injure people, he stole my ancient paintings, and if I call the police, he’ll have nothing to eat. In the early days, these four ancient paintings were not sold for tens of thousands of people. That was decades ago.”

"He must have a perfect strategy." Su Jie said: "Old man Mao has deep scheming, extremely high realm, and can use many methods. His every move has many countermeasures. If I continue to attack just now, he will use the most violent means to fight back.”

"How can he fight back?" Peng Lianshan asked.

"He still has some secret weapons, and there are hidden mysteries in the whole house." Su Jie said, "But I didn't step on his bottom line, and he actually didn't have much confidence in dealing with me. The most important thing next is to fight for the dragon veins. In fact, he Already lost."

"Where is the dragon vein?" Mao Wen couldn't help asking at this moment.

"Even if I tell you, I still can't understand." Su Jie said, "You have a lot of strength in your body. Before you are twenty years old, you will have great achievements, and your future achievements will be higher than those of Mao Xin. Accept my training, one year Within, you can defeat Mao Xin and become the number one member of the Mao family."

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