Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter four hundred and forty-four

"I must go back to the Mao family again and be the superior person." Mao Wen said: "The Mao family is actually a very feudal family with strict hierarchy. I am not even a bastard, but an illegitimate child. Countless People's cold eyes, no matter if I make mysterious contributions, it is of no use, and I will never be able to get the best resources in the family to cultivate."

"There is a secret training room for your family's resource cultivation. It has been connected with Typhon's advanced technology, plus some unique psychological training to improve the realm, but I think the means are limited, because until now, Mao Xin has reached the level of the living dead. Although the old man Mao’s realm is high, it is a coincidence that he cannot copy it, and cannot make other members of the Mao family into the same realm as him, which is a failure.” Peng Lianshan also heard Su Jie’s words. Pointing Mao Wen: "You are only fifteen years old now. Su Jie said that within a year, you will be promoted to the realm of the living dead, so you will be sixteen years old at that time. A living dead at this age is rare in the world." !"

Speaking of this, Peng Lianshan was also taken aback, and then he came to his senses, what is the concept of a sixteen-year-old living dead?

The current Mao Xin was ten years older than Mao Wen before he was promoted to the realm of the living dead.

The younger you are, the more potential you have, and the farther you will go in the future.

But this is not absolute, there were things that hurt Zhongyong in ancient times, and it is the same now.

On the contrary, Su Jie is no longer hurting Zhongyong. His current realm has broken through all the way, is invincible, and has stepped into the top level of this world. Even if he does not make any progress from now on, he is still a powerful figure in this world.

"If he stepped into the realm of the living dead at the age of sixteen or seventeen, then the Mao family might regret it. My Peng family now has a few young people who are similar to him, can you?" Peng Lianshan was very jealous.

"Yes, you can send the young people from your Peng family to me and hand them over to Liu Long for training." Su Jie said, "But I don't guarantee that they can break through the realm, Mao Wen does have a lot of energy, Moreover, he has a very high IQ, and his judgment is very strong. If he decides to make a decision, he will make a decision. If it is another person, it is impossible to change the court suddenly under the circumstances at that time."

"Super courageous, good at judging people, and good at seizing opportunities." Peng Lianshan recalled the scene just now, and indeed felt that Mao Wen was extremely courageous. As a member of the Mao family, he was suddenly betrayed by Su Jie's few words, Choose the right path.

Almost ninety-nine percent of people cannot have this kind of courage.

"What do you mean he has aura?" Peng Lianshan asked again: "I'm not very proficient in physiognomy, but I do know a thing or two. Everyone has a destiny. Most people live their lives according to their own destiny. There is not much difference between the metropolis and fate. How will Mao Wen's fate be in the future?"

"Mao Wen, you walk ahead." Su Jie ordered.

"Yes." Mao Wen trotted to the front, not listening to the conversation between Su Jie and Peng Lianshan.

"In the future, according to the current development track, he must be a character. In his character, the adventurous spirit occupies a large proportion, and his brain thinking is much more active than ordinary geniuses." Su Jie and others Mao Wen walked to the front and said: "But one thing is very important, that is, he is extremely ambitious and cannot be controlled at all. His face hides the most vicious wolf Gu Zhi. If you don't believe me, look! Mao Wen!"

Su Jie shouted.

Mao Wen, who was walking in front, turned his head suddenly, his body didn't move, but his head turned abruptly, which was very terrifying, like a hungry wolf looking back while walking.

"Wolf Gu Zhixiang." Peng Lianshan's whole body was terrified when he saw this. This kind of vicious and treacherous appearance is rare in the world.

It is rumored that Cao Cao once called Sima Yi from behind, Sima Yi turned his head abruptly, but his body did not move, his head turned abruptly,

Cao Cao said at the time that Sima Yi was not a minister, and he would rebel against him in the future. He wanted to find opportunities to kill this person many times, but because the crown prince Cao Pi tried his best to protect him, Sima Yi was cautious, made no mistakes, and kept a low profile. Cao Cao also wanted to unite the gentry at the time, and he couldn't kill the children of the gentry for no reason, so he finally let Sima Yi escape, and finally overturned his own country.

Peng Lianshan also knew this story, but he thought it was a legend, but now it seems that such a character really appeared.

The appearance of a wolf Gu only appears on the most treacherous and evil people, and he is also a peerless hero, able to endure and resist, able to bend and stretch, a peerless genius, with unparalleled aura.

When Sima Yi boiled Zhuge Liang to death in Wuzhangyuan, he also relied on his amazing endurance.

Under Cao Wei's regime, he insisted on killing one opponent after another.

"This... this doesn't seem very good." Peng Lianshan lowered his voice, trying to dissuade Su Jie from letting Mao Wen enter his training room.

No one can control this kind of person.

At this time, Peng Lianshan finally understood why old man Mao didn't like this son. If he appeared in Peng's house, he would be driven away, or even find a chance to kill this son, so as not to ruin the family.

"Do I have the appearance of a wolf?" At this time, Mao Wen ran over: "It is said that this appearance is a big rebellion, and it will definitely turn against its owner in the future. If you are afraid of my backlash, I will leave now."

Mao Wen also seems to know his vision.

"In physiognomy, there is indeed such a saying, and it has been tried and tested in the past dynasties. No one can escape this fate." Su Jie said: "However, I think your physiognomy has a lot to study, it should be the cervical spine. Where the bones and the brain are connected, there is some oppression on the bones, which happens to oppress some nerves and cells in the brain. This will result in a ruthless personality. Sure enough, it can be tolerant, but the personality will develop self-respect, unwillingness The mentality of being inferior to anyone. It’s not really a bad thing.”

"Then you are not afraid that I will backfire?" Mao Wen said.

"Of course I'm not afraid, and I don't want you to be my subordinate, or some courtier, just a researcher. If you are not satisfied, you can leave at any time." Su Jie said: "Your wolf Gu Zhixiang, I have never I haven’t seen it, but I was lucky enough to see it today, and it is also a great research material.”

"You just said that you can help me reach the realm of the living dead." Mao Wen said: "Don't you need me to do anything?"

"The teacher has educated an outstanding student, so why should that student be paid in the future?" Su Jie asked.

"I will not betray." Hearing this, Mao Wen made a solemn promise.

"Wolf Gu Zhixiang is a kind of destiny. It is not something you can control." Peng Lianshan said: "Sima Yi didn't think about betraying back then, but with the development of time, he became ambitious step by step. persecuted to such an extent.”

"Okay, this matter is not a big deal." Su Jie waved his hand: "Let's go back first."

At this moment, it was still early in the morning, the sun was rising, and there was still some heat.

Su Jie brought Peng Lianshan Mao Wen and did not return to Peng's Tongbei Martial Arts Gym, but came to the small courtyard where Odeli lived.

He himself is here to do research with Mr. Honey Badger Odley, plus Peng Lianshan. Thinking about it, Odley won't mind and will be very happy.

Creaking, pushed open the yard door.

Odley and Mr. Honey Badger were actually practicing Tai Chi push hands in the yard.

Odley was wearing a Taoist priest's clothes, while Mr. Honey Badger was wearing a monk's clothes. One monk and one monk pushed each other back and forth, trying their strength.

Seeing Su Jie coming in, both of them felt something unusual.

Odeli suddenly looked over, and with his supreme spirit, he could see that something wonderful happened to Su Jie.

In fact, it was a night of no see.

Last night, after the three of Su Jie and Liu Guanglie met, Su Jie met Lorraine, a foreigner, on the playground alone, and saw through the secrets of the Matthew Court. Then he went to find Peng Lianshan, and in one night, he persuaded Peng Lianshan finally got the blessing of martial arts luck.

Then early in the morning, he and Peng Lianshan went to old man Mao's house to have a quarrel and suppressed Mr. X.

There were a lot of things that happened that night, but Su Jie's spiritual world had gained a lot, and it was almost raised to another level. Odley didn't think of such a thing, so he was extremely surprised.

"It's you?" Peng Lianshan was taken aback when he saw Ou Deli, "Are you the foreigner who came to my Pengjia Village many years ago?"

"It's me." Odeli was not surprised: "Twenty years ago, I came here and knew that Pengjia Village's Tong Bei Quan is very powerful, so I went to learn it, but if you don't teach outsiders, I can't help it. I competed with an old master from your side, although I won, but I still couldn't accept me as an apprentice."

"I was there at that time, and my memory is still fresh." Peng Lianshan said: "My kung fu was so-so at that time, and I saw you beat many people. In fact, at that time in our Pengjia Village, no one was your opponent. I thought you were here Kicking out."

"I just really want to learn Tongbeiquan." Odeli said: "This matter is still a pity for me. The martial arts atmosphere in your Pengjia Village is much purer than that in Chenjiagou, and through The actual combat performance of back fist is extremely strong. If it can be developed, it will be famous all over the world now. I also want to bring advanced fighting concepts to your village. Later I went to Liu Guanglie, and he was just like you, unwilling to fight with me. Research and share, it's a huge disappointment to me."

"Now we can study together." Su Jie said: "Coach, I would like to share with you my insights from this morning."

"What happened to you?" Mr. Honey Badger also came over and looked at Su Jie carefully. In his eyes, Su Jie seemed to have a terrifying, vast, and incomparable mysterious power in his body. My own soul was shocked by it, to fight against Su Jie was to fight against thousands of warriors throughout the ages.

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