Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 446: Unwilling to be a king, in order to find the king to talk about empowerment

Tifeng’s water of life project, Su Jie, is also indirectly involved in it now, and he deeply understands the greatness of this project. Many medicines, combined with exercise, combined with surgery, repair genes, and extend cells, are not some kind of liquid medicine, but A means of transforming the human body in all aspects. Vertex Fiction x23us. com

In the most ideal result, an ordinary person can become a master like Mr. X after about three years of transformation. His vitality is very strong, and he will not suffer from any illness in the future, and he is immune to cancer. This is caused by genetic repair technology.

Mr. X is very likely to be a test case of the Water of Life project, and it is not perfect yet.

This project has not been fully completed, and there are still many technical problems that have not been overcome.

Although Su Jie has a glimpse of the leopard, with his calculation ability, he can also see some prototypes of the whole picture.

At this stage, through the calculation of artificial intelligence, people who have completed the transformation of the water of life project can theoretically live to 150 years old, and are immune to 99% of human diseases in the middle. It can even surpass the Olympic champion.

In fact, this kind of technology already exists now, and it seems to have been successful in terms of physical life expectancy. The only thing is that there has been no breakthrough in thinking.

That is to say, the Typhon Group can cultivate a "superman" who surpasses the Olympic champion in various physical abilities through expensive drugs and surgeries, but the thinking and spiritual realm is only the sixth sense, and even the seventh sense cannot be reached. It is the most difficult project to overcome.

Mr. X's spiritual realm is also very strong, it is his own enlightenment, and it has a certain relationship with Tifeng's cultivation, but the relationship is not very big.

The water of life project, in fact, during World War II, Hitler of Germany began to study these, and the ancient Chinese emperors also studied the art of immortality. After Germany was defeated, the research materials were obtained by the former Soviet Union, and a research institution was also established.

Similarly, such research institutions have also been established in the United States.

During the Cold War, the two superpowers intensified their research competition in this area. After the Soviet Union disintegrated, both sides stopped the competition in life sciences. The main reason was that the cost was too high and some things were unrealistic.

Later, the research materials of these two aspects were obtained by Mr. Cain's organization, and after Mr. Cain's death, they fell into the hands of Typhon Group.

Tifeng Group has expanded rapidly in recent years, and started to re-study. On the basis of the original, some unrealistic things were removed, and a correct direction was found, and finally the research results were produced.

In Su Jie's view, Typhon's Water of Life project is close to success.

But this project must be stared at by countless people, whether it is the powerful, or the heads of state, all kinds of rich people, and all kinds of mysterious organizations, it can be said that it is surrounded by a pack of wolves.

Tifeng is very powerful now, and many people dare not be presumptuous, but if the Water of Life project is researched, driven by huge interests, many people will be desperate.

This kind of thing is more attractive than wealth.

This is what the emperors of all dynasties pursued after their power and wealth reached their peak.

The ultimate goal of countless careerists is this.

Su Jie has long seen that no matter how powerful Tifeng is, as soon as the research on the water of life is successful, there will be countless organizations moths to the flames, and the tigers can't stand the pack of wolves. It collapsed during the attack.

Not to mention an organization, even a country, it may not be possible to keep this thing after research.

Unless it is a super-hegemonic country in the world.

It was also because of this that Odley predicted that Typhon would collapse.

But he allowed Su Jie to grasp the collapsed Typhon,

This also surpassed Su Jie's ability.

Su Jie knew that even with the ability of the great leader, it was impossible to control the situation and make Tyfeng continue to operate, which was simply impossible.

At most, he rescued his sister when Typhon collapsed, obtained some of the information, and continued to conduct research quietly in the country. It is beyond his ability to master such a huge dark world empire.

"You have an advantage over the big boss." Mr. Honey Badger said: "Actually, the big boss's subordinates don't have as many talents as you. Your current laboratory is full of talents, and with time, the talents will become more and more powerful." Many, I will fully support you. In fact, there is still a period of time before Typhon’s collapse. In about three to five years, Mr. God Maker will support you, and I will support you. You have so many talents and your own strength is also powerful. Confidence to stabilize the situation? After three to five years, what level will your strength reach?"

"Let's talk about it at that time." Su Jie felt that the cause and effect were too great.

"It's already too late for the layout now. The collapse of a huge empire would have started at least decades ago. Three to five years is really too short." Odley said: "If you really don't want to, Then I won't force it, I will go to find other people again, and then you will come to assist him."

"This is possible." Su Jie said.

"Where are other people with such abilities? You just said that three to five years is already very urgent. Even if you are looking to beat this person, I am afraid that they have not been cultivated in three to five years. At that time, disasters will come." It has already happened, besides, how do you cultivate a person who surpasses the big boss? Right now, only Su Jie has this potential and aptitude." Mr. Honey Badger disagreed.

In Mr. Honey Badger's heart, only Su Jie is suitable to be the king of the dark world.

The previous king of the dark world was Mr. Cain, and now he is the leader of Typhon. In the years to come, he should be Su Jie.

When the king falls, there must be a new king, otherwise the princes from all walks of life will fight each other, and everyone will be in panic all day long.

Sometimes the dark world needs peace.

It is ridiculous for outsiders to decide who the king of the dark world will be in this small courtyard. However, Godmaker Odeli is the second largest of Typhon. Mr. Badger is the leader of the Honey Badger Group. As long as these two people cough a little, a tsunami will set off in the dark world.

They are indeed qualified to determine who is the king of the dark world.

"I don't want to take care of the affairs of the dark world." Su Jie said, "From now on, everyone must prepare for the situation caused by the collapse in the future."

Su Jie didn't want to be the king of the dark world at all.

"What a pity," sighed Mr. Honey Badger.

"Then I'll go look for young people again." Odeli knew the answer a long time ago. He knew Su Jie very well. Su Jie has reached the current state of practice, and he will not be shaken by anything.

"Can't this kid do it?" Peng Lianshan was completely speechless. Although he had been in the dark world for a while, he knew that the depth of the water was beyond his control. After life and death, he went back to China and continued to practice, but when the three of them were talking, he looked at the little kid Frey.

This foreign kid practiced boxing and kicking in the house, and it was a set of five-step boxing over and over again.

Boxing skills are stable and standard, every move is like a code carved on a stone slab, which cannot be changed.

The temperament of this foreign child is not deep, he can see through it at a glance, it is upright and universal, this kind of spirit makes him extremely surprised, and he can see that this child is actually one of the living dead realm.

This surprise made him no small matter.

Not to mention seeing it before, even he never imagined that such a young child can actually reach the realm of the living dead, unless there is a real theory of reincarnated soul boy.

However, he has reached this point in cultivation, and he also knows that this is impossible, and now is a scientific society.

"His temporary potential has been exhausted." Odley said: "I trained him and instilled him since he was a child. It is my limit to reach the current state. In the future, his development potential will still depend on good luck. How. The reason why I brought him here is also to hope that he will have the opportunity to obtain the blessing of the martial arts dragon vein to expand his potential. It is impossible for a person to practice independently of the world. Grace is like the sea, God's power is like prison."

"I can teach him the dragon veins of martial arts." Su Jie said, "But we still need to see how his heart is."

"Can this thing still be taught?" Peng Lianshan was surprised.

"This is nothing more than a kind of spiritual insight. Primary school students go out for spring outings, and after returning home, they have to write essays to describe their feelings. Well-written essays make people feel immersive when they read them. I got the spiritual insight here. Through language Text description, or painting, or heart-to-heart communication, can make him gain the same insights as me." Su Jie said.

"Heart-to-heart?" Peng Lianshan was even more surprised: "Could this be the empowerment of Tantric Buddhism? According to rumors, on the side of Tibetan secrets, before the master dies, he can pass all the experience and memories of his life to the mind of the next generation." in, but I have never seen it before, does it really have this ability?"

"Yes." Odley said: "I have swam over to the secret place, and I have seen some old lamas and living Buddhas with extremely high spiritual cultivation and who can perform empowerment techniques. I have also learned the secrets of them. A special kind of hypnotism, through various methods such as psychological suggestion, gestures, etc., makes the apprentice fall into sleep, the brain frequency matches each other, and a lot of immersive knowledge can be obtained in sleep. In fact, the reason why this Frey is now So good is the result of my empowerment."

"It's really wonderful to have this magical secret method." Peng Lianshan said: "Although I can understand this kind of thing, I can't imagine how it can be communicated. How can I pass on my insights to others in my dream? other people."

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