Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 447 Consciousness Transmission

The state of people in sleep is extremely miraculous. As early as many years ago, the great psychologist Freud wrote a very detailed guess and analysis of people's psychological consciousness activities in dreams.

Su Jie is proficient in hypnosis, and Ou Deli is an expert in psychology. Mr. Honey Badger and Peng Lianshan are both great experts in spiritual cultivation. The four of them are here to discuss and study the secret technique of empowerment that has been handed down since ancient times.

Everyone agrees that it is a special situation caused by psychological hypnosis.

"Under the circumstances that all the conditions are suitable, the human brain consciousness can indeed be transmitted." Su Jie simply sat down and discussed this issue carefully. There are not many opportunities to communicate with Ou Deli, so he naturally has to take good care of it." Computers can transmit data between computers, and theoretically speaking, human brains can also transmit thoughts and emotions, and there is an idiom in ancient China that specifically describes this phenomenon, that is, there is a heart-to-heart connection.”

"Is this the result of your research?" Odley said, "Go on."

"I have actually done some research on this." Su Jie said, "In fact, the copying and uploading of human brain consciousness is not only done by me, but also by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. The brain preservation experiment he cooperated with a company For many years, that company has been researching how to preserve the consciousness in the human brain, from storing it in the computer, in order to achieve the goal of immortality, but recently MIT terminated the project because it found that the project does not rely on Spectrum, most of them are swindling scientific research funds. But I let Mr. Larich buy some of the research materials, and found that the human brain consciousness is uploaded to the computer. At this stage, it is a fantasy, but human consciousness can Under certain special circumstances, it is possible to carry out mutual transmission, brain to brain transmission, but this requires two people with the same ideas and the same worldview to get along for a long time, thinking well, and after a lot of words and deeds, in aura In a flash, each can understand what the other is thinking."

"What else?" Odley listened quietly.

"I made a suggestion to study a device, which is a smart wearable device. Two people facing each other can wear this device, which can transmit information in the brain to each other." Su Jie said, "I have done some research. , I found that there is a theoretical basis. The empowerment of Tibetan secrets requires extremely advanced people who are proficient in hypnosis, and also cultivate the worldview of the empowered person. After various adjustments, the chance of failure is very high. And the one who can empower is not All memory experiences are just fragmentary fragments. This is actually nothing more than the lowest stage of consciousness transmission.”

"Consciousness transmission." Peng Lianshan said, "I think this word is better than empowerment. It is more vivid and scientific. You can understand what it means when you hear it. By the way, the sudden enlightenment of Zen Buddhism is a big blow. This is not a kind of consciousness transmission. Kasyapa immediately understood the meaning of the Buddha's smile."

"That doesn't count." Su Jie said, "The empowerment is the transmission of consciousness, while the epiphany is a more advanced psychological auxiliary training. Simply put, the empowerment is the teacher teaching you how to read, solve problems, and learn basic skills, so that you gradually become Enlightenment is the process of a sudden leap, allowing you to enter higher education. An empty bowl is here, and the process of pouring water into it drop by drop is the process of empowerment. The water in this bowl is suddenly heated and vaporized , turned into water vapor and sublimated in the air, that is epiphany. Empowerment can be said to be a kind of gradual enlightenment.”

"In this way, we must accumulate to a certain level before we can make a qualitative leap?" Peng Lianshan asked again.

"According to theory, this is the case." Su Jie said, "Now there are some difficulties in how the empowered person uses the most advanced techniques to conduct consciousness transmission. In fact, human beings also discovered this problem in ancient times, so they researched various methods. method. At the time it seemed miraculous, almost miraculous,

But looking at it after the development of modern science, there are many loopholes and deficiencies in it. At least my current hypnotism has surpassed some relatively primitive empowerment techniques. Coach, you might as well take out some of the empowerment techniques you have learned Let's conduct a comprehensive study of each other, and maybe more sparks of thinking can be burst out. "

"Your research on consciousness transmission can be said to be at the international advanced level." Odley nodded, "I did learn a lot of empowerment techniques in those areas, and combined, I have my own experience."

Ever since, Ou Deli, Mr. Honey Badger, Su Jie, and Peng Lianshan had another big discussion and exchange here.

Peng Lianshan himself is also a great master of the generation, so he is qualified to sit here and discuss. He has practiced traditional martial arts all his life, and he has also received a lot of fresh knowledge and thinking. Otherwise, he would not have been invited by Zhang Hongqing to the dark world.

However, compared to Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger Odley, his knowledge is still much narrower.

But he is also a research object, Su Jie found that Peng Lianshan's knowledge is narrow, but his realm is very pure.

Peng Lianshan's life is actually very simple. He learned Tongbeiquan since he was a child, and he was very talented in the whole village. He was a bully in fighting. From his childhood to his youth, he almost came out of fighting. He fought with people in the village and with people outside the village. Fight with weapons, and then go out everywhere, and go to various places in the whole province to find masters to fight.

After fighting, he became a master. Later, he went abroad and fought with others in the dark world. After returning, after precipitation and practice, he reached the current state.

It can be said that Peng Lianshan spent his whole life in fights, and what he remembers most is fights again and again.

This place has practiced martial arts for thousands of years, and the folk customs are tough. Especially in the 1970s and 1980s, the rule of law was chaotic, and there were frequent armed fights in the local area. Thousands of people often mobilized to fight each other, even in ancient Japanese wars.

In ancient wars in Japan, between daimyo and daimyo, there were only a few hundred people fighting each other. In the later period, the highest number was only a thousand, and it reached ten thousand. It is really not comparable to the folk fighting in some villages.

While Su Jie was talking with Peng Lianshan, he discovered that this person was the epitome of new and old boxers and warriors after the opening of the last century, a typical representative.

Fighting and fighting with weapons since childhood was brutal, but he inherited the classics of traditional martial arts. He was able to apply traditional martial arts in actual combat. At the same time, he was also learning modern fighting skills. After returning to traditional martial arts, he strived for perfection and finally became a master of the generation.

This kind of person has been wandering in the circle of kung fu all his life, and he has never jumped out of the circle, but he is very pure.

During the conversation, Su Jie had already incorporated everything about Peng Lianshan into his spiritual world, truly feeling the imprint of the era of this generation of kung fu people in this land.

This is very good for him to feel the essence of kung fu in this land.

When he took the life of Peng Lianshan, a representative figure, into his heart, he felt that a spiritual force seemed to have entered his mind again, converging in the depths of the spiritual world.

His thinking seems to have crossed infinite time and space. He came to the village decades ago, practicing martial arts, learning martial arts, comprehending, and fighting with weapons. , People of this era are very passionate deep in their hearts.

That kind of vivid emotion made Su Jie's spiritual world richer.

Peng Lianshan is the epitome of a generation, Liu Guanglie is also the epitome of a generation, and Pi Youdao is the epitome of a generation. These three people represent the most typical representatives of this land.

Pi Youdao represents the oldest tradition, while Peng Lianshan represents the confused and novelty-minded people of the generation after the opening up. Liu Guanglie, on the other hand, is completely able to see reality and tradition clearly, and make the most correct choice.

Three people, three types, all integrated into Su Jie's spiritual world.

But Su Jie knew that these three people could not represent the martial arts here.

He will continue to search.

The three of them talked for a whole day, and they didn't rest until evening after dinner. Su Jie didn't sleep for a day and a night, but he didn't feel tired at all, considering his physical and mental strength, even if he didn't sleep for a month, it didn't matter, and it wouldn't affect various physiological indicators.

Because he only needs to close his eyes a little bit, and his mental state will enter some kind of mysterious void, which is more useful than ordinary people sleeping for three days and three nights.

But Su Jie still paid attention to rest.

After a night's rest, Su Jie got up at three o'clock in the morning the next day. It seemed that he had returned to the life he had three years ago. He always got up at this time and came to this small courtyard to receive Odeli's training.

However, after he got up to wash up this time, he did not practice martial arts, but went out of the yard and walked towards the "Matthew Courtyard" alone.

He wants to have a good talk with the person in charge of the Matthew Academy, "Xu Dela", hoping that this person can turn his back on his evil ways. This seems wishful thinking to others, but in Su Jie's view, it is not impossible.

Among the information in the dark world, "Xu Dela" is the best at using poison. Assassination and poisoning techniques are hard to detect. He is an expert in medicine. No one wants to contact him. This thing can be prevented without kung fu. Yes, it has nothing to do with kung fu, it is in the scope of chemistry.

Others are unwilling to contact "Xu Dela", but Su Jie wants to cooperate with him very much. What he likes is the level of chemical and medical experts. If he can enter his own research institution, everyone can study together and connect with the medicine of the De Bayer Group. There will be a breakthrough in the project, which will affect the eau-de-vie project.

The old man Mao wanted to win over Xu Dela, probably because of his ability in this area, which can promote the research of the Water of Life project for the Typhon Group.


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