Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 450: Two identities, talking about science and retesting words

Chapter 450 Double Identity Talking about Science Retest Words

People in the dark world all have an identity in real life, so that when the dark world can't get along, there is a way out and they can live a stable life.

Otherwise, if you spend your whole life in the dark world, you will die one day without a place to bury you. People will always grow old and decline, and it is impossible for them to prosper forever.

Therefore, what people in the dark world fear the most is being known about their true identities in reality.

Su Jie actually knew the true identity of "Xu Dela", and the first thought in "Xu Dela's" mind was to kill Su Jie.

"Mr. Xu Dela, you have a strong nerve paralyzing poison in your pocket. You are going to use it to deal with me now, but I advise you not to do it, because I can kill you before you. My speed is faster than You are much faster. And you have a total of thirty-two chemical drugs in your body, each with various functions. I know all about the reactions these functions will have on the human body, do you want to hear it?" Su Jie said in a joking tone.

He saw through "Xu Dela"'s body, and his psychology, and even the psychological activities that did not happen in the future, Su Jie also completely calculated.

"Xu Dela" didn't dare to act rashly when he heard this, because he relied on his intuition to know that everything Su Jie said was true.

He could feel the unfathomable aura and unparalleled power of Su Jie.

"Actually, I didn't investigate you." Su Jie said, "I discovered your identity just now."

"How did you find out?" Xu Dela asked.

"You have published many papers on the famous academic journal Chemistry, and these papers were published as the chemist Cardan. I have studied your papers carefully and found that your achievements in medicinal chemistry are definitely in the top tier. The world's leading level. What I admire most is your research on the relationship between pharmacology and neurology. Among the 70 papers you have published, a total of 30 papers talk about how medicine can reasonably cultivate the brain nervous system For example, some stimulant drugs have a strong effect on the nerves of the human brain, which can cause brain atrophy, but if used well, it can actually increase the activity of the brain..."

Su Jie didn't talk about the dark world with "Xu Dela", but about academic issues.

For another identity of Xu Dela, various papers published by the chemist Kaldan are very rare. Obviously, he has carefully read, studied, and even studied in depth.

As Su Jie said, he also expressed his own opinions on some points that he disagreed with in the paper of "Xu Dela", and put forward many opinions.

"I'm also researching the various effects of drugs on the nerves and brains. I'm helping the Debyer Group's drug research and development, but it's just getting started. I don't have as much experience in biomedical chemistry as you. In front of me now, I hope Not the Hydra of the dark world, but Kaldan the chemist. If it is the Hydra of the dark world, I don't have much interest in meeting him. I just want to bring him to justice. And if it is Kaldan the chemist , I am very interested in cooperating with him to take the research of chemical medicine to a higher level." Su Jie stared into the eyes of "Xu Dela": "I am also an expert in this field, and the knowledge base is not weak. You can see Read my paper."

Su Jie took out his mobile phone, opened the paper information page, and handed it to Xu Dela, not afraid of the poison on his body at all.

Outsiders dare not approach Xu Dela at all, but Su Jie doesn't care.

What kind of chemicals are on Xu Dela's body, and what are the effects of these chemicals? Su Jie knows it clearly. Knowing yourself and the enemy, what is there to be afraid of?

In fact, Xu Dela was very afraid in his heart and did not dare to use poison. Every time he met a real giant, he would feel this way.

This was the case when I met the big leader Typhon before, Ou Deli, and Mr. Honey Badger, and now there is another Su Jie.

Xu Dela took Su Jie's cell phone and read the paper materials on it.

These are all about what the drug does to the nerves.

Seeing and watching, Xu Dela's face became more and more shocked, because his intellectual eyes could see that Su Jie was simply an epoch-making genius in the field of chemical life and pharmaceuticals. Many theories and ideas were beyond his imagination. , can give him a bigger idea.

Just when he was watching with enthusiasm, Su Jie took the phone back from his hand.

Xu Dela is also an absolute master, but before he could react, Su Jie took the phone back from his hand. He couldn't help being surprised, knowing that Su Jie's kung fu was superior to his.

"Mr. Kardan, I hope to cooperate with you. The Hydra in the dark world should disappear, and the chemist Kardan in the real world should appear. In fact, you should retire and withdraw from the dark world. It's up to you, but it's better to quit as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will encounter accidents sooner or later." Su Jie said.

"You are also involved in the dark world. It is inevitable that you will enter the dark world sooner or later. In the future, you will not be able to withdraw." Xu Dela's tone became cold, how could he Jie was persuaded by a few words?

He is a strong man in the dark world, and also belongs to a giant. His strength is even higher than that of Mr. X. He is as murderous as he is, and his mind is unshakable: "Your chemical foundation is very strong. Why don't you cooperate with me and study this area together? I also know that the laboratory is still very short of money. I can invest in it for you. Our organization has strong financial resources. If you are willing to accept the investment, the speed of research will be very fast. If you and I join forces, it is very possible to conquer the human brain The secrets of science have made science enter a new milestone. I read your papers, and they are actually hypotheses. There are no clinical trials. Some experiments are piled up with human lives, you know? Although you don’t want to admit it , but on the road of science, someone must be sacrificed. This is an irreversible truth, especially in life sciences, chemical pharmaceuticals, and no human experiments. There are always gaps in the subtleties. You know I did it for research How many human experiments? Many of those people died or were disabled. In your moral view, I am a heinous person. However, I also have a lot of clinical first-hand data. If you get it, You can definitely correct some misunderstandings in your thinking.”

"Sins, sins." Su Jie sighed twice: "One day, if you dedicate yourself to science and use your research results to benefit the world, you should be able to make up for your sins."

"Science requires human sacrifice." Xu Dela repeated.

Su Jie shook his head, but did not speak.

Xu Dela spoke again: "You Chinese pay attention to karma, retribution, and fate, but I don't believe that this is the case in Matthew. The strong should have everything, and the weak should lose everything. But I want to talk to you Let’s talk. By the way, your Chinese culture pays attention to numerology, and there is a shop over there that tells fortunes and characters, I am very interested, why don’t we test each other’s future and destiny?”

"Huh?" Su Jie looked in the direction Xu Dela pointed.

I found that in a small corner of the street, there was indeed a small shop selling martial arts, swords, handicrafts and utensils, and there was a signboard for fortune-telling.

Su Jie himself is a master of fortunetelling, but he never tells fortunes for others, he has already grasped the true meaning of fortune.

However, when Xu Dela brought this up, he readily agreed.

There are a lot of experts here, and you may be able to meet some masters who have made achievements in numerology.

Although there are only three masters of numerology in the whole country, Mao in the south and Luo Zhongma in the north, there are actually many masters who are not well-known but have profound numerology. For example, Zhang Jinchuan's father is one, as well as Tang Nanshan and Fu Lao. They are all unfathomable.

Su Jie and Xu Dela walked to the front of the shop.

This shop has just opened, and the owner is actually a young man, wearing a Taoist uniform and a Taoist bun on his head, making it look like that, at least it can fool foreigners.

Most of the people who do business on this street have their own characteristics and follow the classical style, because a large number of foreigners come to travel here every day. In order to attract foreigners, even the old men and women in the town are learning English and practicing at the same time. A few sets of boxing, decent, maintain a sense of mystery in front of foreigners, and increase the cultural heritage of the town.

In the cultural station in the town, there are teachers who specialize in teaching various boxing techniques, as well as teachers who teach foreign languages, and the townspeople can learn for free.

It has to be said that this has greatly improved the cultural level and kung fu ability of the entire townspeople. After the foreigners came, they all shouted wonders, which created a virtuous circle and made this place more and more famous.

If the square is built well and the townspeople go to practice martial arts every day, it will attract many foreigners to come.

"Are you here to buy something? What are you looking at? Pick whatever you want?" The young man in this shop was drinking porridge with his rice bowl in his hand. Su Jie could smell the smell of medicinal herbs in his nose. Obviously, the Taoist priest served the young man to drink medicinal porridge, which is very nourishing, nourishing, and nourishing, which is rare.

The young man began to speak in English and then in Chinese.

"Let's do a fortune-telling test." Xu Dela said in Chinese. His Chinese characters are correct and round, which is a typical broadcasting accent. In fact, his mental state has reached his level, and learning a language is very easy.

"Oh? What do you want to test?" The young man put down his job and became interested: "You are my first business today, and I don't charge money."

"Are you the boss here? I remember there is an old man." Xu Dela asked.

"That's my grandfather, but he has something to do today, but my character and fortune-telling is not inferior to his, even better." The young man is not modest, pointing to the brush on the table: "Write, it looks like you I can write Chinese, but I wonder if I can write traditional characters?"

"Traditional characters are not needed. Simplified characters can also be tested." Su Jie said: "In today's world, everyone uses simplified characters. Under luck, laws and regulations will be changed sooner. If traditional characters are used, it will not be allowed."

"Huh?" Hearing Su Jie's words, the young man was taken aback, "So it's your master who came to mess things up?"

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