Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty-One

"I'm not an expert, but I know a little bit about fortune-telling. Since ancient times, fonts have changed a lot, from oracle bone inscriptions to inscriptions on gold and stone, Xiaozhuan, official script, regular script, and finally simplified Chinese characters. Every era has its own unique things. In it, the fate of people is connected with the times, and the fonts are also connected with the times. For fortune-telling, of course, the fonts are in line with the times. Otherwise, it is empty talk and blindly pursues the ancient times, so why not use oracle bone inscriptions to measure characters?" Su robbery.

"It makes sense, I think the same as me." The Taoist priest subdued the young man and said, "Who will test first?"

"Let me come." Xu Dela said: "Your culture is very interesting, I have noticed it a long time ago. You Chinese respect the Tao, the Tao is the greatest, the sky is big and the earth is big, and the Tao is the biggest. The end of all things is the Tao. Let me write a Dao character to test what my future will be like?"

While speaking, Xu Dela took the brush and wrote the word "Tao" on the paper.

This Dao character is written in a smooth and steady manner, without any calligraphic artistic conception, but it is better than most people's writing, and it is imitated in block letters.

"Are you really going to use this word to ask about your future?" The young man in Taoist uniform had a strange expression on his face.

"Is there any problem? This is the highest word in your country." Xu Dela said.

"Okay." The young man in the Taoist uniform pointed to the word "Tao": "Look at this word, there is a 'head' inside, the head is the head of a person, and the outside is a 'walk' next to walking, put it together It means that your head is going to go. It means that someone will be beheaded in the future. This is a bad omen."

"What? I'm going to be beheaded?" A contemptuous smile appeared on Xu Dela's face. "In a word you Chinese say, this is called alarmist talk. Generally speaking, people will be afraid, and then they will turn to you for help." Come to find a way. You can take advantage of the situation to blackmail. Then I will write another word, and you still want to test my future?"

While speaking, Xu Dela drew a horizontal line on the paper, which was the simplest word "one".

The young man in the Taoist uniform looked at the character "一" and sneered again and again: "It's okay for you to write other characters, but this one is even more dangerous. It is the last stroke of a new character and the first stroke of a dead character, that is to say, your way of life It’s the end, and death has just begun. This is more vicious than Taoism. Your future is bound to die. The way of life is over, and the god of death has come.”

"It's really interesting." Xu Dela was not afraid, but became interested, and he drew two horizontal lines: "Then can you explain this word for me?"

"The two characters are two parallel lines, never intersecting, and forever separated. If you come to ask for your life, this is a great evil, which means that your life will be separated, and there will be no more life. In addition, you wrote the word "Dao" in front, The word Dao is for the head, and now adding this two means that it will be completely separated and killed. If you don’t write this word, it’s fine.” The young man in the Taoist suit said solemnly.

"What about the three characters?" Xu Dela wrote another "three characters", "You Chinese pay attention to the Tao that gives birth to the one, the one to the two, the two to the three, and the three to all things. I have the Tao, and I write one, two, three, but I want See what you can say."

"The evil is irreparable." The young Taoist priest sighed: "These three characters are part of the new characters. If the new characters are removed from the new character, it is three. That one represents a person's head, and one vertical represents a person's head." What you need is a human torso, which is good, you don't even have a head and a torso."

"Is your culture a scary culture?" Xu Dela smiled, stopped writing, and handed the pen to Su Jie: "Come and try writing one?"

Su Jie took the pen and wrote the word "Jie" on the paper.

The face of the young man in the Taoist priest's clothes was solemn. After watching for a long time, he slowly opened his mouth: "In this world, the most complicated thing is calamity. The so-called calamity is inevitable. People live in the world, there will always be various calamities.

Everything has its own doom. Literally speaking, calamity is the elimination of power. If you calculate your future, then you may lose your own power in the future. Simply put, you will be paralyzed in the future. "

"Fortune is where misfortune depends, and misfortune is where blessings lie. The superficial sense of the character Jie is true, but there is a deeper meaning in it." Su Jie said: "You have practiced kung fu, and your kung fu It is Taoist Cotton Palm Kungfu, similar to Taijiquan. Both Taijiquan and Taoist Cotton Palm have a word, that is, use your mind without using force, and get rid of acquired power. Use your mind, use your mind, use your breath, and use your heart, just don’t use your strength. , Once you use force, you will fall into the lower vehicle. Going to the force is the robbery, and it is the upper level of martial arts. My word, interpreted from another angle, is that I will reach the highest level of kung fu."

"It's not bad for you to explain it like this." The Taoist priest said to the young man: "I have seen it for a long time. You are an expert, and you have time to communicate more. In fact, I am not sure about your fate. But the fate of this foreigner is very dangerous. If he is willing to pay, I am willing to help him resolve it."

"Sorry, I don't need it." Xu Dela took this as a pastime, and naturally would not believe these nonsense.

"Nei He Nai He." The young Taoist priest waved his hand: "If you are in danger, you can come to me again. But the price may be very expensive at that time."

Xu Dela just sneered, ignored it, and walked out of this small shop.

Su Jie also followed: "Professor Kardan, you asked for the word test yourself, and you didn't get a good result, are you depressed?"

"I have a few Chinese friends." A smile appeared on Xu Dela's face: "They once encountered danger, went to this shop to test characters, and thus resolved a crisis. I don’t really believe it, relatively speaking, I don’t even believe in astrology and gypsy crystal balls and prophets. But now, I don’t believe it at all. I think those few friends are just a coincidence.”

"Professor Kardan, your brain is very developed and your perception is super strong, but in fact, a large part of your brain development is not trained, but stimulated by drugs." Su Jie can see that Xu De Pulling a super strong brain is the result of using a lot of psychotropic drugs to stimulate and strengthen.

"The greatest thing about human beings is the use of tools." Hydera has no psychological barriers to this: "In another hundred years, human beings will be able to obtain extraordinary abilities through drugs. In fact, Typhon's life is now That's what the water project is all about."

"The work of medicine is very big, but the training of human beings is also very important. Since ancient times, organisms have evolved from a small amino acid molecule. How many times have we evolved from molecules in the ocean to humans? Almost all of them did not rely on the power of drugs, but came from step-by-step adaptation to the environment." Su Jie said: "According to my research, in human genes, there is an evolutionary factor that adapts to nature. , cultivation is just to accelerate the activity of this evolutionary factor. In fact, in theory, it is not surprising that through cultivation, people grow wings, even three heads and six arms, or grow scales on their bodies, making them invulnerable and able to walk in space. Of course This is in theory. Humans can evolve from a molecule in the ocean to what they are now, so what else can’t evolve? I study life sciences, the knowledge of genetic change and evolution, which has a lot to do with chemical drugs The difference, but I believe you can understand everything I said."

Humans are indeed billions of years ago, from a molecule born in the primitive ocean, to cells, multi-cells, marine organisms, reptiles, vertebrates, primates, and finally the ancient apes, to the new apes, to the ancient humans , and finally new humans, modern humans.

According to this kind of evolution, it is really hard to say what human beings will look like in the future.

Su Jie calculated it with a super computer.

Then, try to simulate accelerated evolution.

These sound like science fiction and myths to outsiders, but they are scientific facts.

Of course, the time unit of evolution is 10,000 years, or even 100 million years. Life is short for a hundred years, and there is no evolutionary effect at all. However, if a certain method of accelerating evolution and selecting the direction of evolution can be researched, it will be a major discovery of science.

"Many of our kung fu in China, in fact, the ultimate goal is to find ways to evolve." Su Jie said: "Mr. Kardan, what you are good at is neuromedicine chemistry to promote brain evolution, and what I am good at is exercise and self-thinking to evolve , This is in line with the original behavior. We can complement each other together. In addition, the reason why you came here to open the Matthews is actually thinking of this and wanting to make up for your own shortcomings."

Su Jie could almost see through Xu Dela.

He can see that Xu Dela is very strong, but there are still many shortcomings in kung fu. In terms of real kung fu, he is not as good as Zhang Hongqing, but in terms of brain development, he far surpasses Zhang Hongqing. Zhang Hongqing, in addition to being able to use poison and being silent, his ranking in the dark world is higher than that of Zhang Hongqing.

Now, Xu Dela came here to open the Matthew Institute, in fact, to make up for his own shortcomings and to do in-depth research at the same time.

Su Jie saw this, so he could give Xu Dela the best chance to make up for his shortcomings.

"Your laboratory lacks experimental data and research on neurological drugs. Therefore, you want to cooperate with me." Xu Dela said: "However, cooperation with me requires a lot of effort. I don't know what you are willing to pay. ?”

"I don't want to pay, and besides, you have to cooperate with me. Otherwise, I will abolish you." Su Jie's tone suddenly changed: "Xu Dela, you must know that I am not here today to discuss with you, It’s here to force you. The young man who tested the word said just now that your life will be in danger. I can make some of his words come true here. You can resist back then. Let me see if your poison can kill me. .”

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