Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Three: The Alliance Is Formed

If Xu Dela entered Su Jie's laboratory, relying on his ability to manufacture chemicals, plus fighting skills and assassination skills, if one is not good, the masters in Su Jie's laboratory may be wiped out, even if there is no As with any chemical, the Hydra remains an extremely dangerous figure who can kill with a scrap of paper.

In Su Jie's laboratory, no one is Xu Dela's opponent.

Even Kang Gu, who is currently the strongest, is not like Xu Dela in terms of unarmed combat.

In Su Jie's laboratory, almost all of them are strong in the realm of the living dead. In terms of fighting skills, Kang Gu is the strongest, even Liu Long can't compare. Kang Gu's aptitude is extremely strong, otherwise Odley would not have trained him. He was born deaf and dumb, with a simple heart, devoted himself to seeking the Tao, and did not care about worldly affairs. Su Jie's laboratory was just right for him, where he trained, researched, Immediately, I made great strides, making huge progress almost every day.

In the near future, Kang Gu's strength will definitely be comparable to that of Zhang Hongqing.

Liu Long wants to train Kang Gu to become a world champion, and fight his way up layer by layer. Kang Gu doesn't matter, daily life is extremely simple, practicing, communicating, nourishing Qi, concentrating, cultivating the Tao...

It can be said to be extremely pure.

Su Jie brought Xu Dela over, in fact, to train Kang Gu, just like the dragon mask youth, to give Kang Gu training merits.

The last time the young man with the dragon mask was locked up in the laboratory, Kang Gu fought with him day and night, honed to perfection, and his cultivation base soared.

"Can I have other choices?" Xu Dela smiled bitterly. When he found that he was not Su Jie's opponent at all, he could only temporarily obey and look for opportunities: "But I can tell you, Mr. Su Jie, I am now I am a legal citizen, and your domestic laws give preferential treatment to foreigners of our status, your current behavior is tantamount to kidnapping me, and you may not be able to bear this crime."

"Mr. Xu Dela, if your identity is exposed, Interpol may not let you go." Su Jie said: "You are more afraid of the police than I am. I am a good citizen and abide by the law. You are different. , You have too many stains on your body, and you are a dangerous person. If you are handed over to the Hague International Court for trial, you will probably be hanged."

"Interpol is unable to find out my identity." Xu Dela said: "I have been hunted down by Interpol for so many years, and there is no evidence for me at all."

"I can let you take the initiative to reveal your identity. In terms of the brain, there are many areas that allow you to sleep, and then automatically tell the evidence of your crime. According to what you reveal, you can definitely find your evidence." Su Jie Holding everything about Hydera in his hands, this person can never escape from his own palm.

"It seems that I can't get rid of your control." Xu Dela said: "You put forward your request."

"There is no request for the time being, you can follow me back to my laboratory, but before that, let's meet a few people." Su Jie turned and left.

He is not afraid that Xu Dela will take the opportunity to escape.

If he wanted to chase and kill a person sincerely, there would be no more than five people in this world who could escape his pursuit, and Xu Dela was definitely not among the five.

Xu Dela felt that Su Jie's thoughts locked him, as long as he moved, he would be hit by a thunderbolt, and he could never escape.

Su Jie's flying needle is elusive, and its speed is many times faster than that of the human body.

If Su Jie didn't have a hidden weapon, Xu Dela still had some confidence to escape, but now he has no intention of running away at all.

Su Jie walked back to Odeli's small courtyard.

Xu Dela's eyes changed, and the moment he entered the yard, he felt something was obviously wrong, because he saw Godmaker Odley and Mr. Honey Badger.

The status and power of these two people in the dark world,

Far surpassed Hydra.

If there are people that Xu Dela is afraid of, then these two people must be among them.

"Hello, Mr. Xu Dela." Mr. Honey Badger was not surprised when he saw him come in: "You are welcome to join our camp."

"Mr. Honey Badger, have you reached an agreement?" Xu Dela calmed down.

"That's right, we have already reached an alliance, right here, together with Mr. Godmaker." Mr. Honey Badger said: "The dark world is about to usher in a big turmoil, and we will all be involved in it. The turmoil in the dark world In the new year, a new king must be born. We all agree that Mr. Su Jie can be the new king of the dark world. Mr. Xu Dela, I feel that you have fought against him just now, do you think he is qualified to be the new king? The king of the dark world?"

"The king of the dark world?" Xu Dela suddenly smiled: "During the long years, the dark world was chaotic and disorderly, and various organizations fought against each other, even Mr. Cain's organization, in the dark world There has been a thousand years of history in the world, but it has not been able to completely rule the dark world. Later, Mr. Cain died, and Typhon was established, but no one would admit that he ruled the dark world, even you, Mr. Honey Badger, you Isn't it unwilling to submit to the Typhon Group's despotic power?"

"The dark world has been chaotic for thousands of years, and it needs an order." Mr. Honey Badger said: "Mr. Godmaker also thinks so, Mr. Xu Dela, you are not the leader of your organization, behind you, there is a more A mysterious person. This person, if I'm not mistaken, should be Mr. Oxblood."

The Ox Blood Society is a mysterious organization in the world. It was first born in a university and was as famous as the Skull and Bones Society. Later, it gradually became a union of the powerful and powerful. The members of this mysterious society include Nobel Prize Prize winners, including vice presidents, and some consortium heads, have existed for nearly two hundred years.

There is also a leader among them, who possesses enormous energy. The world-famous Yamaguchi-gumi and the mafia are actually pediatrics in front of this kind of organization, and they cannot get on the stage.

"Mr. Honey Badger, you are a real giant in the dark world. Even the Oxblood Club is inferior to your strength. However, although Honey Badger is powerful, his foundation is still shallow. Once you meet a giant I'm afraid it will capsize." Xu Dela said: "Mr. Godmaker, you are the leader of Typhon, and in the whole Typhon, except for the big leader, you are you, why do you want to betray Typhon?"

"I'm just preventing what's going to happen in the future." Odley said: "At present, there is no major turmoil in the dark world, but this is the calm before the storm, but our current strength can still be stabilized situation. It’s okay if you don’t join us, but after the storm, you risk being torn to pieces.”

"I feel like I'm going to be torn into pieces now." Xu Dela said: "Here, it seems that I can only obey Mr. Su Jie's orders?"

"It's not wrong." Mr. Honey Badger said: "My Honey Badger Group and Mr. God Maker fully support Su Jie. We are going to form a new alliance. If you join, you will also have a place."

From Mr. Honey Badger's words, Su Jie could tell that he was very optimistic about Xu Dela and hoped to acquire this talent.

"Mr. Oxblood must be dealt with," Xu Dela said.

"I'll go talk to him. He's one of my targets. In order to cope with the impending collapse, I have to win over many people." Odley said lightly.

Hydra stopped talking.

Godmaker Odley has great prestige in the dark world. His own strength is one aspect, and the power in Typhon is also another aspect. Although he basically does not manage anything in Typhon now, many masters in Typhon It was all cultivated by him. As a coach, he does not know how many senior talents he has cultivated for Typhon.

However, he is basically a carefree character in the dark world, and he will not kill people. His pursuit is to run around the world in search of supernatural power.

He is basically a harmless person.

But if you want to say that in the entire dark world, the only person who is not afraid of Chief Typhon is him.

Xu Dela still had a lot of thoughts in front of Su Jie, but he didn't dare to have too many thoughts in front of the God Maker.

After all, Su Jie doesn't have much reputation in the dark world, but the God Maker is aloof and prestigious, like a god. If Chief Typhon is the sun of the dark world, Godmaker Odley is the bright moon.

"Mr. Xu Dela, these days, you are still studying with us in this small courtyard. As for the matter at the Matthew Court, I believe you can arrange it well." Su Jie's tone was actually commanding : "Also, I want to get your research data today. I want to see some clinical experimental data on how to use chemical drugs to strengthen the brain nerves."

"There is no problem with this." Suddenly, Xu Dela became very decisive.

This surprised Su Jie, but he didn't ask Xu Dela's inner activities, he only looked at the results.

"Do you have a computer here?" Xu Dela asked.

"Yes." Su Jie took out his custom-made laptop.

Xu Dela opened the notebook, connected to the network, and kept typing. After a series of techniques, it seemed that he had connected to a secret channel and obtained the database.

Then, a huge data flow and information poured into the computer, and it was displayed in front of Su Jie. If Su Jie's computer was not specially made, it might not be able to withstand such a huge data flow and cause it to crash.

Su Jie watched from the side, and he knew all about Xu Dela's operations.

Xu Dela's computer technology is very good, but Su Jie can also understand it. Su Jie himself is also very proficient in computer technology, because he knows that if you do scientific research now, if you don’t understand computer technology, you will be blind. Mathematics, physics, chemistry, life and medicine all need computers to analyze. Without computers, it is impossible to complete huge research work.

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