Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 454: Precious Data, The Truth in Hand

Su Jie's computer skills are naturally not as good as his elder sister Su Muchen's, but that's because he didn't fully focus on it, and he focused more on his own kung fu practice and life science research.

Su Jie is not a superman, and his energy has limitations.

For example, his knowledge of financial stocks and securities is far inferior to that of Lin Tang.

Now Lin Tang is in charge of some of the laboratory's investment funds, operating in the domestic and foreign financial markets, turning his hands into clouds and hands into rain. Whether he is long or short, he can accurately seize opportunities and earn a good rate of return.

Su Jie made a lot of money by training Lin Tang as a trader.

"There are so many clinical trials." At this time, Su Jie was looking at the data of Xu Dela. He couldn't understand it, but Su Jie knew very well that every series of data carried by these formulas could be a life.

These are live clinical trials.

Of course, part of it is the data of terminally ill brain patients in many hospitals, but the other part is the data of live human experiments.

The organization behind Xu Dela is extremely evil, supporting agents in many war-torn areas, treating human life as nothing, Su Jie knows this.

However, having said that, a lot of scientific data must require clinical trials, otherwise we will never be able to see what the real situation is. Computer calculations are also virtual, and it is very likely that we will go the wrong way.

Su Jie looked at the huge database brought up by Xu Dela in this way, recorded the experimental data in his mind one by one, and compared it with the previous experiments. Sure enough, he found that there were still many gaps between himself and the actual clinical practice. .

Within an hour, Su Jie watched hundreds of clinical cases, and he felt a sense of enlightenment.

This is tantamount to a certain martial arts master who has seen the secrets of the world and realized it all at once.

These live clinical cases are much more sophisticated than martial arts secrets. They are scientific experiments, various reactions between brain nerves and drugs, resulting in various conditions in the body.

Compared with this, martial arts secrets are like children's play games.

In other words, this is the real "peerless magic skill".

Mr. Odley and Honey Badger were also watching, but they didn't study as deeply as Su Jie.

"Many of my research directions are wrong, I just took it for granted." After seeing hundreds of clinical trials, Su Jie raised his head: "Sure enough, practice is the only criterion for testing the truth."

"It seems that your research will go to a higher level." Mr. Honey Badger said: "Our Honey Badger has a lot of data from clinical trials, but there are very few data on brain drugs, which is not as professional as Xu Dela's data."

"Indeed, after obtaining these clinical data, my research direction is at least confirmed. Within half a year, I can understand the structure of the human brain more accurately. It will not be difficult to help people's spirit reach the seventh sense in the future. "Su Jie said: "Professor Kardan's super perception and strong body are actually not obtained by his own enlightenment and evolution, but accumulated by medicine."

Su Jie continued to look at various data. There are at least tens of thousands of detailed clinical examples of brain nerves and drugs. It is difficult to read them all at once. He looked at them and suddenly said: "Professor Cardan, where is your data? Among these materials, the most important thing is your data. You can go from an ordinary person to do experiments to this extent, and use drugs to transform the body. The data is the most critical. Even compared to mine Data is far more precious."

Su Jie's strength and realm are actually obtained by his own enlightenment and training. There are many sudden epiphanies that make him improve, which cannot be replicated at all.

Belongs to chance.

But the example of Hydra can be copied.

Sujie is a natural product, while Hydra is an industrial product.

So the example of Hydra is the most precious.

Xu Dela's face changed, it seemed that he didn't want to show his own example, but under the eyes of Godmaker Odley and Mr. Honey Badger, he also had to show his own data.

He concocted a password again on the laptop, unlocked a database, and after decrypting layers, a 3D human figure suddenly appeared, and this human figure was himself.

This is a very perfect data model, in which the data of Hydra was recorded from the very beginning.

At the very beginning, Hydra also used drugs to enhance musculoskeletal activity and assist in some sports. Later, he simply used AR technology to implant the simulation of exercise into his brain, so that he could receive the effect of exercise without exercising hard.

The use of virtual reality technology is very clever.

Su Jie is not very unfamiliar with this. AR technology is more realistic than VR technology. It is generally used in military projects. For example, many astronauts and fighter pilots use virtual reality technology for training. training.

Many dangerous situations can only be trained with AR technology, such as driving fighter jets to shoot missiles at each other in the air, and avoiding bombing, which cannot be trained in reality.

It is more about training with real guns and live ammunition. Under the condition of virtual reality technology, you can receive the same effect as the real one.

Xu Dela's training is very advanced, superimposed layer upon layer, and sometimes even uses some information implantation techniques that are still in the exploration stage.

According to the structure of the brain, the part in charge of memory can be implanted with information. If scientific conditions permit, it can even instill all the knowledge of one person into the brain of another person.

In many foreign laboratories, this thing is also being studied. In the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of science is unimaginable, but it is nothing new for high-end scientists. It is just a biological information transmission technology.

Many animals can do this.

For example, when the antennae of ants collide with each other, they can know what each other means.

Su Jie and Ou Deli were also studying empowerment not long ago.

That is, between people, there is no need for any scientific means, pure spiritual communication for the transmission of knowledge and perception.

Xu Dela has a lot of data. He himself is a chemist and a scientific worker. It is normal for him to regard himself as a test subject and record data.

This is the most precious thing in Hydra.

After watching for two full hours, Su Jie finally finished Xu Dela's own data experiments in this life. Sure enough, most of them were Xu Dela's evolution completed by relying on drugs and surgical stimulation.

But there are still a few key points, which are the sudden burst of inspiration from Hydera himself, which still cannot be replicated.

"Science needs inspiration." Xu Dela knew what Su Jie was thinking: "Although I have relied on scientific training and medicine to get to where I am now, the occasional burst of inspiration is extremely important. Even Newton needs an apple." hit him on the head, he was able to understand the gravitation. Einstein also said that genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration plus one percent inspiration, but this one percent inspiration compared to Ninety-nine percent of the previous sweat is much more important. If you want to completely copy my successful example, I’m afraid it’s impossible.”

"A flash of inspiration can also be replicated." Su Jie said: "It just requires a lot of complex emotional resonance. I have read so many clinical trials of yours, and combined with my calculations, the flash of inspiration actually means that the senses of the human cerebral cortex are blocked. All kinds of stimuli have reached the fermentation limit of a kind of brewing. Of course, this situation is rarer than a comet hitting the earth, but it is not impossible to replicate."

"You seem to have some confidence." Xu Dela said.

"It will take a while to study." Su Jie said: "We will study together, and you will also get a lot of benefits. Let's do scientific research seriously, and how about putting other things aside?"

"Yes, but this is not a place for scientific research. There are no experimental equipment or laboratories here." Xu Dela said: "Besides, your laboratory is also very simple in my opinion. It lacks many experimental equipment and instruments. , Larich’s laboratory is better, but I don’t think it’s very professional. Larich is very good at network technology, and he’s also a genius in business, but he’s a layman when it comes to life sciences. It's a second-rate or third-rate character, and there are no outstanding characters. I'm afraid I can't research anything in your laboratory. Why don't you go to my laboratory?"

"There is no need to talk about this matter again. I can buy and get what experimental equipment you need. The experiment must be carried out in our domestic laboratory." Su Jie said: "You put your laboratory Give me a copy here, and you can even bring your important experimental equipment outside."

Xu Dela fell into the hands of Su Jie, and Su Jie would not let him go. He had to use a series of means to make him a capable scientist in his laboratory after he completely corrected himself.

"This is very difficult, I can only try it slowly." Naturally, Xu Dela would not agree immediately.

"There is no problem with this. I, Honey Badger, can help." Mr. Honey Badger said, "I also know where your laboratory is. There is no problem in transporting some equipment to the country. We, Honey Badger, can still build a laboratory." Made it."

"That's the best." Xu Dela's face changed: "However, my laboratory is not very perfect. I know that there are a lot of super-technical equipment in Typhon. I hope to get it and build it together. One of the most advanced laboratories in the world, so that our research will be more prominent. I am afraid that this matter needs your help, Mister Godmaker."

"I can't do this." Odley said directly: "Unless the big boss is doomed, I can preserve the core property inside."

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