Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 461: Universe 2 Wu, the clues are clear, the clouds and the moon open

"Is Master Shentu here?" Hearing that Xu Dela wanted to meet the cook here, Tang Yunzhu hurriedly asked the waiter. three inch room

The waiters are a pair of young boys and girls, both of whom are very handsome. They wear classic clothes, have graceful postures, land silently, and serve the guests without leaking water. It is obvious that they have been trained for a long time, and the training method is very special. Look Their actions of serving dishes, pouring water, making tea, etc. are all a kind of enjoyment.

The brand of Royal Xuan has done very well. From this point, it can be seen that everything is served to the extreme.

Even the bowls and chopsticks are very particular, not the vulgar palace plates, but a kind of classical porcelain, wood, gold, silver and jade, and even real antique rhinoceros horn cups.

The sale of rhino horn is now prohibited, but antiques do not fall into this category.

Although Xu Dela ate comfortably, he didn't quite understand some of the more subtle essence of the Chinese diet, but two young men and women explained it to him, and they understood it immediately.

"Master Shentu is resting after finishing this table, I'm afraid he won't be able to see guests." The girl said.

"I'll go see him, he's my uncle." Tang Yun signed.

While speaking, she walked out of the courtyard and walked to the back of the courtyard. The nine-curved corridor was very elegant. In a secret courtyard, the scent of aloes came over her face, as if someone was sitting quietly and burning incense.

Tang Yunzhi walked in and saw a young man in a Tang suit sitting cross-legged in a room in the courtyard, burning incense in front of him, and the smoke was light and lingering, like in a fairyland.

"Uncle Shentu." Tang Yunzhu called out.

This year's man opened his eyes: "Niece, your group of friends are really extraordinary. Especially that one named Su Jie, who suffered a great loss even in martial arts. I have never seen such a powerful person in my life. Just now he I saw the fight with Wu Qu quietly. It was just a punch, but Wu Qu didn't catch it. This made me unable to imagine that there are such characters in the world. We all know the strength of Wu Qu. Their martial arts are unique, and they have obtained Twenty years of accumulation is equivalent to the blessing of the country's luck on them. Wuqu has been cultivated since childhood. If you only talk about kung fu, it is as terrifying as a strong ghost and a god of war. The God of War is alive. Few people can beat him. But in the hands of your Su Jie, it seems like he was being manipulated at will, and he has no strength to fight back. It's terrifying."

After speaking, the young man let out a long sigh.

"The uncle can go see him now." Tang Yun signed.

"Forget it, there is an extremely dangerous person next to him. Although he can suppress him, I don't want to be stared at by this dangerous person, otherwise I may be in trouble in the future." Master Shentu said: "This person has a vicious heart, and his body is simply evil. He is about to be demonized, but I want to see how your Su Jie can completely subdue him."

"It doesn't matter, Su Jie can subdue it." Tang Yun signed: "Your vision is extremely sharp, and you don't see people walking in the same way as my father. If you cooperate with my father, you can bring out your physiognomy to the extreme. You Help me take a look at this Su Jie?"

"I can't see it." Master Shentu said: "This person's realm is far beyond mine. It can be said that he has truly united God and Dao. I have to look up to the mountains. The fate of this kind of person is not bound by physiognomy at all. Yes, the so-called physiognomy is nothing more than a small way, and it will change from time to time. With the change of people's mentality, physiognomy will also change greatly. For example, a person, who is poor and desperate, suddenly becomes evil and wants to rob and kill , then when he was born with this mentality, his whole body will be filled with death energy, which is the appearance of death. But if his thoughts change and hope is rekindled, then his luck will be full of vitality. From the perspective of physiognomy, he will have a huge Change. You also know the principle of this. Now Su Jie, his divine sense is almost combined with the dark way, and his temperament is completely independent.

Traveling with Tao, all kinds of theories in the world have no effect on him. I basically can't predict, but I can see some good and bad things about you. "

"How?" Tang Yun asked.

"You were originally talented, but you were doomed to have a catastrophe, so that your fate could not be decided by yourself, but you unexpectedly coincidentally made yourself reach the realm of the living dead in advance, which made you resolve many catastrophes, but your catastrophe is still the same. There is no past, next, you have to be careful, I know what you want to ask me. I can tell you that Su Jie is probably not suitable for your Tang family." Master Shentu saw some careful thoughts in Tang Yun's signature .

"Why is that?" Tang Yunzhi frowned.

"Your Tang family has actually stepped into upper-class society. Even any powerful disciple can join your Tang family. I can also say that your current signing, Tang Yun, is more than enough for even a real powerful disciple. Whoever marries you will be prosperous. But Su Jie is different. His bodhisattva is too big, and your Tang family temple is too small. I'm afraid it won't be able to hold it, and there will be disasters.

For example, if you put jiao in a fish pond, once there is a storm, the jiao will flood, break through the fish pond, and go out directly. Those who are powerful must have great karma, and now your Tang family can't afford it. "Master Shentu said: "If your father comes to see it now, it will definitely be the result. But he can't say that, because women's colleges are not controlled by their fathers. "

"I understand what this means. The Tang family really can't bear the big cause and effect. But if I also have great ability, it's almost the same." Tang Yun signed: "What I want to know is, where will my next calamity come from?"

"It should be from some big families." Master Shentu said: "You have reached the realm of the living dead, and it has spread throughout the circle. It is inevitable that many families want to marry your Tang family. You have an independent personality, so naturally you will not agree, so you will offend a lot of people. Even the Wu family has this idea. There are many juniors in the Wu family, and each of them is a role. If the Wu family reveals that they intend to marry your family, then right? It's not easy for your father to refuse, and if he refuses, the Wu family will lose face, so we can only suppress your Tang family to maintain the authority in the circle. This is a catastrophe."

Tang Yunzhi's face changed slightly, but she actually thought of this too. The purpose of her coming to see Master Shentu was actually to hope that after Su Jie met him, with Su Jie's ability, he could also draw Master Shentu into the camp.

Although Master Shentu is a master cook, he is the founder of Royal Xuan and has a wide network of contacts. He even helps many leaders cook alone, which is extraordinary. Sometimes Tang Nanshan speaks much better. , Tang Yun signed because he can use power to protect himself.

The Wu family's status is far above the Tang family's. If a marriage is proposed, it is reasonable to give the Tang family a great deal of face, and it can raise the Tang family several levels in the circle. But once the Tang family refuses, the reputation of the Wu family will be greatly damaged in the circle. In order to save face, the Tang family must have a bad life.

This is a disaster for the Tang family.

But things in the circle are so realistic, people fight for breath, and Buddha fights for incense.

"Then what can I do to resolve it now?" Tang Yunzhi asked.

"Actually, you have already thought about it, but you still have to rely on Su Jie." Master Shentu said: "One more thing is that Su Jie's realm penetrates heaven and man, and you don't even need to bring it up, he can know and will help you with this matter." Come and get it done. I'm old now, and I don't want to get involved in the things between you young people."

Tang Yunzhi could see that Master Shentu wanted to stay out of the matter and live a leisurely life.

She had no choice but to come out and go to the table.

She sat next to Su Jie, and just about to speak, Su Jie said: "From the taste of the dishes on this table, you can tell, Master Shentu is not stained with dust, there is no need to win over, I have taken into account some of your concerns. There is no problem , I can solve it."

"What do you know?" Tang Yun asked strangely: "Could it be that you heard the conversation I had with Master Shentu just now?"

"No." Su Jie waved his hand, "If I want to listen, I can't escape my eyes and ears. But I probably calculated something. That Wu Qu fought with me and was defeated by me. It seems that he doesn't care on the surface. Success or failure, the cloud is calm, in fact, he had a mind to suppress me, and when he left, I captured the momentary thought. He thought of two things, the first to dismantle my left and right arm, one is you, two It’s Zhang Manman’s side. This person is worthy of being in finance. In the international market, with the movement of his fingers, tens of billions of funds are rolled over. It’s a bit powerful, but after all, he has lost some atmosphere, and he has not yet reached the pinnacle. It’s human nature, but human nature is not finance, and he hasn’t fully understood it yet.”

"You captured his thoughts?" Tang Yunzhi was shocked: "Then does anyone have any secrets in your heart?"

"That's the way it is. But I still can't catch someone with a very high level. Such as Coach Odley, and Mr. Honey Badger. I can't even catch their deepest thoughts." Su Jie said: "But Wu Qu is still a bit worse, I don't know how his father Wu Xinyu is."

"The Wu family is too strong. Talents have emerged in large numbers these years. It seems to be a family of destiny, a family blessed by God, and favored by the gods. In fact, there is another tyrannical figure in the Wu family, called Wu Xinzhou. He is Wu Xinyu's younger brother, but this person has never appeared in the Wu family. , disappeared twenty years ago, I suspect that they all lurk into the dark world, and even joined Typhon, hiding their names, didn’t you say this time, Typhon lost part of the core secrets, I thought it was Wu Xinzhou who did it , and even alarmed the big boss." Tang Yun signed.

"Wu Xinzhou?" Su Jie nodded: "It seems that this person has already gone to the place where Minglun Martial Arts School is located. No wonder Fool and Mr. X rushed over."

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