Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 462 Past and present, the change of the brain is particularly mysterious

The background of the Wu family is unfathomable. Just relying on the accumulation of practice and wealth, it has completely thrown off most of the families at home and abroad.

Su Jie heard that there was another Wuxin Zhou, and even lurked into Tifeng, stealing core secrets, and immediately reassessed the strength of the Wu family.

You must know that lurking into Tifeng is extremely difficult, and it is much more difficult than lurking into high-level officials of various countries to steal military secrets.

Those who have access to Typhon's high-level secrets must be personally audited by the big boss.

And under the eyes of the great leader, no one can hide the secrets deep in his heart. The spiritual realm of the great leader, such as his heart, fate, and omissions, are all nothing to worry about. , no one can escape. The operation of the mind is under control, even if it is a memory that you can't even remember, the big boss can develop it for you.

This person is able to hide the big boss, it is almost a miraculous state, and Su Jie actually does not believe that he can hide it.

Su Jie practiced with Ou Deli these days, and Ou Deli directly simulated the battle between the big boss and Su Jie. During the battle, Su Jie had already learned the big boss's kung fu in detail.

Ou Deli has already been able to simulate 70% to 80% of the kung fu of the big boss, or even 90% of it.

In this world, the only person who is most familiar with Chief Typhon is Odeli. Because the two have fought side by side for many years, and the two have also studied for many years.

The great leader shown by Odeli is invincible. Even Su Jie doesn't have the confidence to reach this height now.

Su Jie didn't believe that Wu Xinzhou could stand up to the great leader.

The big boss sometimes has schizophrenia. It must be Wu Xinzhou who took this opportunity and got involved. If the full version of the big boss is true, no one in the world can do anything to him. It is not the value of force, but the intelligence quotient and the dangerous acuity of the hole. , to calculate the future trend.

What makes the big boss really powerful is wisdom, not force value.

Personal force is actually limited in this world, but wisdom is unlimited. The most powerful thing about a big leader is that he has many identities. No one knows who he is, so countless enemies do not know his identity. There is no way to do things, maybe the person next to an enemy is the big leader.

Even the people inside Typhon didn't know where the big boss was.

They only knew that the big boss would show up when needed, and even Odley didn't know what his multiple identities were.

"It is said that Wu Xinzhou's most powerful thing is his spiritual cultivation. He can hypnotize people even by looking at them, and let them tell the deepest secrets in their hearts." Tang Yun signed: "I have collected information on this, I saw a video of Wu Xinzhou using qigong to hypnotize people to heal diseases a long time ago, it is amazing. It is said that he has some powerful hypnotism techniques, which can hypnotize people to the limit, and even remind people of their 'previous lives'."

However, whether there is such a thing as "previous life" still needs further scientific demonstration.

However, in many deep hypnosis experiments, there have indeed been recalls of past lives.

Tang Yunzhu is also an expert in hypnosis. She once used a pen to hypnotize a boy who pursued her in front of Su Jie. This is also a very powerful hypnotic technique, but in front of her current state, it is just a pediatrician. .

Since Tang Yunzhi reached the realm of the living dead, he has intensively studied the hypnotic techniques and has begun to understand the essence of them. The temperament of his whole body has become more goddess, and the sound quality of his words has huge magnetism. People are fascinated.

If the previous Tang Yun lottery, the chairman of the Q University Student Union, still had some smoke and fire, then now she is a pure goddess, Wushan Goddess, hidden in the clouds, mysterious and sacred.

This is because the improvement of the realm has caused an earth-shaking change in the temperament.

But this is not uncommon, even ordinary people, as long as they practice a little, their temperament will make people look very comfortable. For example, the temperament of a soldier is much stronger than that of a security guard, which can be distinguished at a glance.

"Su Jie, what did you say about people's past lives?" Tang Yun asked.

Su Jie is also studying this issue, but he has a deeper understanding.

"Actually, this is nothing new. According to my theory, it is called deep memory projection resonance. It is not a past life, but after the brain receives some strange free information, it is automatically filtered and shielded by the immune system in the memory area. Under hypnosis, the immune system of the brain is released, resulting in the transmission of a lot of messy information, or the temporary reception of some messy information.

Just like the radio channel twists and turns, countless information jumps randomly.

The brain is a receiver and storage, and its own protection is like a computer's firewall. In fact, without the protective ability of the human brain itself, we can receive various information from countless dimensions of time and space, and even from the depths of the universe. This kind of information is too large, and basically 99% of it is harmful to the brain. The self-defense mechanism of the brain is broken. Under the impact of these information, the brain will die completely, or people will become crazy. In fact, in the real world, there are many ghosts. The protective mechanism of the brain is disordered, which leads to the intrusion of harmful information, which is similar to viruses in computers. "

"This theory can be justified." Tang Yunzhi listened quietly: "The information that the human brain can receive is indeed beyond many dimensions, even the information from the past and the future. It can be received. The ancient practitioners, Taoists have long seen through this point, so through layers of practice, they can control their own brain defense mechanisms, collect information, filter harmful ones, and extract beneficial ones. This is to understand the world."

"You can think of this level, so it can be seen that you have already grasped the essence." Su Jie nodded: "Mr. Xu Dela, don't you think so?"

Xu Dela eats and sweeps food here, and is also listening carefully to what Su Jie and Tang Yunzhi have to say.

"I also think that through practice, multiple firewalls can be built for the brain. This is an inevitable trend of future development. There is too much information in the air outside, and there may be some information transmitted from outside the river system. If it can be received, I am afraid You can have a deeper understanding of the universe." Xu Dela said: "The human brain is actually closed to the country now, just like your Qing Dynasty in China, fearing that foreign ideas would impact the people of the country, so the sea banned the spread of various scientific and technological ideas. In the end, it led to backwardness, and instead was blasted away from the country. It is completely different to actively open and passively open. Therefore, the human brain must actively open to receive information. Now it is mainly how to filter harmful information. This is a difficult problem. "

"You must have your own ideas, and so do I." Su Jie said, "The topic we are researching is worth putting on the agenda."

"I think your research is ahead of mine." Xu Dela was still thinking about how to get out of Su Jie's control. He couldn't be willing to be a research institute like this. He is the famous poison king in the dark world.

"This kind of research still requires brainstorming." Su Jie waved his hand: "Eat the vegetables, eat the vegetables, we will go back to rest after eating, and start researching tomorrow."

Hearing Su Jie's words, this large group of people sped up their speed, and after the welcome feast, they all returned to the laboratory to rest.

Nothing to say all night.

Su Jie arranged Xu Dela in a room next to him, as long as the other party made any movements, he would immediately sense it.

Xu Dela was lying on the bed. He really wanted to do all the actions, but he always felt that Su Jie was staring at him all the time. This was a feeling that his soul was locked, which was very uncomfortable.

He has never practiced Chinese Taoist Kungfu, and he doesn't know one of the spiritual realms of "soul lock", which is to allow two people to maintain complete spiritual communication, so that what one thinks, the other will immediately know.

"How can I get rid of the restraint?" Xu Dela was thinking about this question deep in his heart, and even he only dared to think carefully, keeping his thinking fluctuations to a minimum.

But he knew that even if he put his thinking to the lowest level, Su Jie knew what he was thinking.

This was something he had never encountered before. It was uncomfortable to be watched all the time, especially when his inner thoughts were monitored, his whole being was completely transparent.

Early the next morning, Su Jie woke up, washed his breakfast, and exercised routinely.

His training is no longer that kind of martial arts moves, which is meaningless to him, because now he only needs to think about all the moves in his head, and he can completely achieve the effect of training.

His current brain controls motor nerves, and he no longer needs that kind of low-level movement.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is not inconceivable. Ordinary people practice kung fu, and they also punch in their heads. This is called "spirit flying out to do martial arts" in traditional martial arts. Practice, when you actually practice, you will have much more hand-eye coordination.

However, Su Jie is different from them. Even if they think and imagine again, their own motor nerve enhancement is limited, but Su Jie's brain has reached a limit in controlling the motor nerve. Exercise is even more effective.

Therefore, Su Jie's daily practice is actually a quick meditation in his mind during a walk, and he completes various routines and fighting exercises in an instant.

Compared with the efficiency of ordinary people's practice, there is a huge difference. Ordinary people are still in the era of slash-and-burn farming, but he is already in the era of mechanization, and one person can plant ten thousand mu of land.

"Su Jie, as expected, Wu Xinyu from the Wu Family invited my father to dinner today." At this moment, Tang Yun also got up, and when he saw Su Jie, he said, "I feel that there is nothing to go to the Three Treasures Palace. It is about marriage. "

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