Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter four hundred and sixty-three

"Dinner today?" Su Jie said with a smile on his face, "This Wu family is very fast and started to attack immediately, so what do you think your father means? Your father should have called you just now."

"My dad is going to reject the Wu family." Tang Yunzhi said something unexpected.

"Why?" Su Jie asked: "Your father needs to know that if you blatantly reject the Wu family, you will be suppressed. And marrying the Wu family will bring you many benefits, which will raise your Tang family's status to a higher level and become a real upper class." .”

"How can it be so simple." Tang Yunzhu sneered: "I don't believe you can't see clearly. In fact, the most precious wealth of the Tang family is me, a living dead, just marrying into the Wu family. The Wu family will not pay anything at all. On the contrary, I got the most precious wealth, and I made a good plan. Moreover, the strong prey on the weak. I am married into the Wu family. I am afraid that with the help of this relationship, some things of the Tang family may be swallowed up. Strong, the Matthew effect, you should know this. My marriage to the Wu family is a sign of decline. It is impossible for any country or family to rely on marriage and marriage to strengthen itself. The Han Dynasty began to make marriages. Later, Han Wu rose and Wei Qinghuo died. Losing the Huns, this is the dignified kingly way, whether it is a country, a family, or an individual, to rise, it must go through blood and fire. My father said, if because of this matter, the Wu family wants to suppress us, then fight, Even if we are dead, the Wu family will have to shatter a mouthful of teeth, and we would rather be broken than whole."

"Okay!" Su Jie clapped his hands, but he was impressed by Tang Nanshan's courage.

He underestimated the Tang family.

It's not because the Tang family has reached this point. They know the seriousness.

The status of the family is not obtained by marriage, but by fighting and fighting. Without the tough battle of blood and fire, it is impossible to have rising prestige and capital.

No matter how weak you are, if you are bullied by others, you still have to fight hard.

A copper pea that cannot be hammered or chewed.

Moreover, the Tang family's analysis is extremely correct. If Tang Yun's lottery has not yet reached the realm of the living dead, then there is still some room for maneuver in this matter. Now that the Wu family has reached the realm of the living dead, it is clear that they are bullying people. The meaning is in it.

Even if Tang Yun signed a marriage now, he still needs the man to join the Tang family, or even change his name, and he will never marry outside.

Tang Nanshan could see it very clearly.

Besides, Tang Nanshan seemed to be right. In this matter, Su Jie would help the Tang family.

He also has the capital to contend.

"The Wu family is powerful, but it's impossible to overwhelm the Tang family with one hand. If you want to suppress the Tang family, you have to follow the rules. Of course, there will be many harmful moves. The Tang family still has to be careful." Su Jie said: "But your father refused. After the Wu family, the Wu family's movements will be very fast. You have to be careful about this. Their movements are as fast as the wind and invade like fire. Attack my right and left arm, and the speed of attack is unexpected, I can be sure that if your father refuses today, they may attack at night."

"It's not so fast. Besides, our Tang family is clean and has no weaknesses, so how do we start?" Tang Yunzhu was surprised: "We must find our flaws."

"It's not easy to find the loophole, Yue Fei still has a false one." Su Jie said: "There is no excuse for the so-called crime. Moreover, all the members of the Wu family are human beings. They have superb skills and wisdom, so we must make a decision." At the moment of planning, I have thought of all aspects, even my factors. Maybe I will be suppressed. But I also thought of some plans that they can act. At this time, it depends on who has the deepest wisdom , who is the best at plotting. It depends on human effort. In this world, no one is overpowered. In fact, the competition is all about calculations and schemes.

Whoever can take the lead can defeat the opponent and achieve himself. I see that your Tang family has many flaws. I also know that the operation of your Tang family is purely based on charity funds. It does not involve any business. Looking for an agent, it seems almost perfect, the charity fund has a good reputation, and it can also be used to avoid taxes, your father has a good eye for people, and has funded many powerful people over the years. Among them, your fund operates, invests, and then sponsors those potential figures. Not only does it have a high rate of return, but it also makes a lot of money, so as to gain a good reputation, but in fact there are also disadvantages, that is, it is also a financial thing. Although it is said that it is a charity fund, there are many points of attack. I dare to conclude that the Wu family will attack from the public opinion, saying that your charity fund is selling dog meat and doing tax evasion, and then there will be official intervention. investigation. Even if you can't find out what's wrong, you will immediately cause a commotion, and things will be difficult to deal with if your reputation is bad. "

"I've thought of this too, so I naturally have a way to deal with it." Tang Yunsign nodded.

"There is also your agent, be careful now, I am afraid something will go wrong." Su Jie said.

"Impossible, that agent is my father's true confidant. My father saved his life and is extremely loyal. If he is unreliable, then even his own children are unreliable." Tang Yunzhi frowned and raised his voice Some.

"In this world, the most unreliable thing is people's hearts." Su Jie said: "And you don't know the methods of the Wu family. As long as you use a little tricks, it is very easy to instigate these agents. Let them automatically make mistakes, and even come to give false testimony It is not uncommon to slander you."

"Then I have to make arrangements, but the methods of the Wu family are hard to guard against, so you still have to help me." Tang Yun signed.

"That's natural. I will definitely help you with this matter." Su Jie nodded: "Actually, this is because of me. The Wu family's attack on you is actually to cut off my arm. How can I let the Wu family do what they want? You Send me your agent information. I will give them a kit. Acting according to the kit will definitely make the calculations of the Wu family come back without success."

"Is there anything else to pay attention to?" Tang Yun asked.

"Of course." Su Jie seemed to have thought of everything: "Wu Qu is in finance. He has a very high level, is good at short-selling attacks, and is also good at using some of the strongest methods in the financial market. Your fund itself will also carry out For investment, there should be several relatively safe and relatively large investments to maintain the operation and scale of the fund. As long as a few key investments fail at once, the fund will suffer large-scale losses and collapse like an avalanche. A series of blows, the Tang family immediately suffered annihilation. In addition, your brother's realm is relatively low, and he is more impulsive. , What do you think about it? In just three days, your Tang family will be gone. In the face of the Wu family's attack, the Tang family is indeed vulnerable."

"The Wu family won't be so ruthless. If he uses some tricks, what will other families think? If he suppresses our Tang family with no regard for face, he will have a bad reputation in the circle of the upper class." Tang Yun signed : "Some methods are dirty, they will do it too?"

"There is no lower limit to the struggle between families. It is the same as the struggle between countries. You can see that the United States is also provoking wars everywhere and tearing up contracts. The contract signed today can be rejected tomorrow. It is not without any problems. The methods of the Wu family are actually very gentle. Besides, you can’t put your own life and death on the mercy of the enemy.” Su Jie said: “Don’t worry, with me in charge, the Wu family will not be able to make any big waves. After you completely neutralized the first wave of attacks from the Wu family, I estimate that your Tang family's status in the circle will increase a lot, but this is also false. The real foundation of a family is talents, and only with talents can the foundation be considered strong. In this aspect, the Wu family is much better than you." Su Jie said: "You Tang family, only your father is in the realm of the living dead, and you, combined are very good, but compared to the Wu family, it is not so good. Much more."

"Fortunately, I met you." Tang Yun signed: "Now your alliance, not only in terms of power, but also in terms of talent pool, has far surpassed the Wu family. If you attack the Wu family, I think the Wu family will also I can't stand it."

"There is no need for this. The Wu family has a close relationship with the official. We cannot compare it. At present, it is just a defense. Let him know how powerful it is. Besides, I hope that the Wu family will retreat and join my camp in the end. , if some warriors also join my camp, then it will be much easier to deal with the big leader Tifeng." Su Jie said: "We are all from the same country, and if we fight internally, outsiders will take advantage. If we deal with The leader of Typhon, we can get a lot of development by obtaining the various technologies and scientific research achievements left over from the collapse of Typhon."

"I'm afraid that the Wu family and you are not of the same mind. Even if they join forces with you, the Wu family will stab you in the back." Tang Yun signed.

"When I say surrender, I mean to convince the other party." Su Jie said.

"Convince the Wu Family?" Tang Yun smacked his tongue: "What Mr. Cain and Chief Tifeng failed to do, do you want to do it?"

"It's nothing." Su Jie smiled: "I may not be able to do what these two people can't do."

After Su Jie signed Tang Yun's idea, the time passed and it was noon soon.


Wu Xinyu stood in the yard, looking at the sun in the sky, while Wu Qu stood beside him.

After a long time, Wu Xinyu said: "So courageous, so courageous, Tang Nanshan is really courageous, I underestimated his strength of character, to be so strong, what a pity, his hero, my enemy."

"Tang Nanshan refused so quickly, and he didn't give our Wu family any face." Wu Qu remained calm: "I have launched a plan. Within three days, the Tang family will capsize."

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