Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Four hundred and sixty-four chapters Wu family heritage, great retribution also has shortcomings

"It's easy for us to deal with a mere Tang family, but there is a man named Su Jie behind the Tang family, you have to grasp this point." Wu Xinyu said: "This person can easily defeat you, and his subordinates are still there. Recruiting so many capable men and strangers is definitely not easy, this person's wisdom and calculation skills are absolutely superior, and you will not miss your move. Once you fail to suppress the Wu family, I am afraid that it will damage the reputation of our Wu family."

"I've thought of all these." A smile appeared on Wu Qu's face: "I admit that this person's realm is so high that it is rare in the world, and I don't understand why such a freak was born, but no matter how strong he is, , but has a big weakness, that is, the foundation is shallow. He has gathered so many people to study things such as cultivation, psychology, life science, artificial intelligence, etc. These are all burning money, not making money, or being useless. Gen Zhiping will not last long. His current laboratory relies entirely on other people's investment and keeps burning money. This is a bottomless pit. As long as there are some problems and others stop investing, his laboratory will collapse .”

"You said earlier that one of his subordinates had a young man with a keen sense of the financial market who made money for him. Why didn't you dig it out?" Wu Xinyu asked.

"The young man named Lin Tang is indeed a genius in the financial market. Although he doesn't have much money to invest, he is accurate every time, and he can retreat from many tides and make money by shorting backhand. His techniques are sophisticated , has a keen sense of smell, and is absolutely not greedy, and can accurately control the mind. This is not counted, his intuition is what I value more, and there is also a kind of luck. This kind of person seems to be born to make money. Luck, intuition, this is related to Innate, you can’t learn anything, I have trained some apprentices, none of them can have such intuition, in the financial market, technology, mentality, and even knowledge are not the most important, the most important thing is intuition and luck.” Wu Qu Dao: "Although I have been invincible in finance these years and have never encountered a big risk, I always feel that there will be a big disaster, which will make me fall short, and finally lose all my money and fall into a big fall."

"You can have this feeling, which means that your realm has improved again." Wu Xinyu nodded: "Actually, there is always a doom in a person's life. If you can pass it is fate, if you can't pass it is fate. Doom always comes when you don't expect it. When you have a dike, calamity will hide. There are five thieves in the sky, and you will prosper when you see them. The so-called heavenly thieves are calamities. If you can see them, they will not come. In addition, there is another There is one thing, you have to understand. Finance itself is a nihilistic industry. Although you can make money quickly, every penny you earn is the hard-earned money of others, so the retribution for this matter is also great. This is the case even for businessmen. Since ancient times in our country, businessmen have never had a good end, let alone open a bank or engage in finance. Over the years, you have earned huge wealth and expanded your strength by virtue of your wisdom, but The karma is also increasing, and if it all explodes in the future, you will indeed have a huge calamity."

"I also knew this a long time ago." Wu Qu said: "So, I will use the method of substitute to let someone block the disaster for me. That Lin Tang is a good seedling, he has a lot of luck in him, this kind of luck, can For my use. In the financial market, the most reliable thing is luck. The world’s finances are unpredictable. Countless scholars have studied them, and the country is also regulating them. But every ten years, there will always be a big crisis, and many countries will die because of this Bankruptcy, falling into the quagmire and unable to extricate themselves. This is the case for all countries, let alone people. In history, many financial masters went bankrupt in many economic crises. In the future, if I make mistakes, I will not be an exception. And, father, you Speaking of this industry, making money is fast and the karma is also great. I would like to ask, how many people's hard-earned money have been sucked away by Tifeng Group in the international market by using virtual currency. Compared with him, It's just a dragon and an ant, when will his retribution come?"

"Good question.

"Wu Xinyu said: "His retribution will come soon, this is the result of my calculation with many old guys. "

Wu Qu nodded: "These old guys in our circle are all capable of reaching the sky. The famous Nanmao, Beiluo, and Zhongma in the Jianghu are just empty names. And those old guys are the real ones. Qin Tianjian."

"You can't say that. These three people are more or less capable, especially the old man Mao. He has a far-reaching layout and is good at avoiding evil. As for Luo Ma, they either followed Su Jie or stepped into the living dead. You should not underestimate the realm." Wu Xinyu waved his hand: "But these are actually not important, you do things according to your own rhythm."

"Father, I heard that He Lao went to D City to lay out the layout, and the thousand-year-old Shaolin martial arts luck was aroused there. It was unstoppable, and he wanted to gather dragon veins, and He Lao wanted to compete for dragons and gather energy there. Are our martial arts? Do you want to arrange it too?" Wu Qu said.

"Your uncle has already passed away, and the big leader Tifeng should go there too, and whoever can get the energy and dragon veins can reach the sky in one step in terms of spiritual realm and kung fu realm." Wu Xinyu said: "The dragon veins in that place In addition to martial arts, there are thousands of years of Zen practice, Shaolin lineage, inherited Zen, from Bodhidharma to the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, even after countless times of dynasty changes, they can stay out of the matter and develop Zen martial arts until the melee of warlords. This is because martial arts can no longer pay for guns, and must withdraw from the stage of history. But now it blooms again as a kind of spiritual power, and when it goes to the world, the power of dragon veins will be even greater. If anyone can get , in the future, not only will there be no disasters due to the blessing of great luck, but even the family will benefit greatly. Within five generations, it will become more and more prosperous."

"I can see a thing or two about the dragon vein." Wu Qu nodded: "But I have no idea how to catch it."

"You don't need to think about this matter. With me and your uncle making arrangements here, you will definitely benefit in the future." Wu Xinyu said: "Okay, you go."

Wu Qu walked out of the room and arrived at the outer courtyard. There was a person waiting outside.

This person is also a disciple of the Wu family, and in his eyebrows, temperament and blood, he has the tyrannical, hidden, domineering, and unparalleled demeanor of the Wu family.

The Wu family is both low-key and high-profile, both tough and soft, both domineering and forbearing, neutralizing all advantages, harmonious yin and yang, and invincible.

There are many disciples of the Wu family, more branches and leaves than the Zhang family, and they all carry out elite education, which has penetrated into all walks of life abroad, but the disciples of the Wu family are all conducting militarized training. All actions are under command, without the rebellious spirit of the Zhang family.

"Wu Xian, it's time to carry out precise strikes." Wu Qu said.

"Yes." Wu Xian nodded, walked out, and started to act immediately, just like a soldier. This person is vigorous and resolute, even if he is going to die, he will not hesitate. Fighting brothers with tigers, father and son soldiers in battle, and the blood connection of a family are much more reliable than others.

Moreover, this Wu Xian is actually in the realm of the living dead!

"Warrior!" Wu Qu called another person to come in. This person was wearing a suit and seemed to be in business, but he had an aura of killing the law. He seemed to be a lawyer, but he was still in the realm of the living dead.

"I've already told you what you're going to do, so go do it now."


"Wu Gu!" Wu Qu shouted again, this person is also extremely young, not yet thirty years old, and he is still in the realm of the living dead, "You finish that matter well."


The two men followed their orders and ran out directly, more disciplined than soldiers in the army.

The realm of the living dead is unique, and everyone has their own thoughts, which is absolutely impossible, but the Wu family has achieved this.

"This is the trump card of my Wu family." Wu Qu watched the three people leave, "The disciples of my Wu family, the outstanding ones, are these three people and me. It is rare in the world that this generation can achieve such achievements. It's not as good as it is, but I didn't expect that there are so many living dead in Su Jie's team. Although he is not a family with him, the cohesion is stronger than that of the family, and everyone has freedom of thought and communication. Many sparks of thinking were born. Although my martial arts family has obtained many secrets, can develop the brain, and through secret training, can make people's perception extraordinary, but the trained disciples lack some extremely subtle charms, which is a defect."

Wu Qu frowned: "That Su Jie must have some unknown secret, and there must be some research materials in his laboratory. This time, if he is persecuting the Tang family, if he speaks out, I will use it as a threat." , to obtain his secret."

At this moment, in Su Jie's laboratory, Su Jie was chatting with Lin Tang.

"Lin Tang, is this the information about Wu Qu in the financial market?" Su Jie looked at the many data on the computer.

"That's about the obvious, and I can't touch the secrets." Lin Tang said: "However, I connected with Mr. Larich's database, and the information compiled at least includes 80% of his financial investment system. .”

"Then let's see, is there any flaw in his investment?" Su Jie asked.

"Wu Qu is the god of trading, and every investment he made is a classic. He has always been the object of my study, and I can't see any flaws." Lin Tang shook his head: "Can you see some flaws? You don’t know much about finance, and you haven’t studied it systematically, so you have to have very deep knowledge in this area before you can see some flaws.”

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