Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Four hundred and sixty-five chapters Huangliang 1 dream strong belief in the battle of breaking barr

"That doesn't have to be the case. The so-called one skill, ten thousand skills, you should have read some martial arts novels, as long as someone with deep internal skills can learn any moves very quickly." Su Jie smiled: "But you know why I don't Do you do finance?"

"Financial money comes in quickly, but it's all virtual transactions. It's just some intangible value generated by circulation. Earning such money will have retribution. The more powerful it is, the greater the disaster. The masters in the stock market in our country have either gone bankrupt or jumped off a building. This is a matter of karma." Lin Tang said: "Recently, I have been studying alchemy and metaphysics with two masters of Maro, and I have a deep understanding of the essence of some things. "

"That's right." Su Jie nodded: "In fact, any cause that cannot promote social progress will have retribution. To get better and better does not depend on anything else, it depends on the progress of science and technology, so that the improvement of productivity can create more value in a shorter time, and can make full use of energy without wasting. Engaging in this business is the Most fundamentally, not only is there no karma, but also good fortune. Of course, I don’t care whether good fortune is good or not. But you are different. You are engaged in the financial industry, which consumes good fortune. However, your body The blessings are very rich, and there is no problem in consuming some, if I have not guessed, your parents and your ancestors are actually engaged in scientific work."

"That's right, my parents are both engaged in scientific work, and my grandparents are both university professors. But if you say that I do good deeds, can I increase my blessings?" Lin Tang said: "I see many financiers. Doing charity after earning money can make you more stable.”

"For charity, the increase in blessings is limited, and financiers doing charity is a drop in the bucket." Su Jie said: "The blessings of their charity can't catch up with karma at all."

"What's the reason for this?" Lin Tang said: "Doing finance actually increases the mobility of social capital, which is very good for social production, but the current financial situation is really in transition, everyone should play Virtual lending, even using popular psychology, to frenziedly speculate on some worthless things. This has been the case since ancient times. There was a tulip bubble in the West hundreds of years ago. A small tulip was worth more than a villa. Later, After the collapse, I don’t know how many people were ruined, but it cannot deny the function of finance.”

"The current technology does need finance to increase circulation, but in the current world, the transition of finance, the value created by it to promote circulation far exceeds the value he can absorb social wealth." Su Jie said: "Does a person have The most important thing is to see whether the industry he is engaged in can add value to social wealth as a whole. Now, very few people create value, and a large number of people are consuming value. At the same time, the industry they are engaged in is hindering society. The value increases, so there must be karma. You make money to do charity, help a poor person, make him rich, but he uses the money to do meaningless things, then you will not only have no blessings, but increase In fact, it is not so easy to do charity without your karma.”

"So that's it." Lin Tang nodded: "The Wu family is purely in finance and doesn't seem to be doing charity. Isn't there a big hidden danger?"

"So he wants to borrow someone to block the robbery." Su Jie said: "You have a lot of blessings, he has taken a fancy to you, digs you up, and consumes your blessings, so that he can retreat unscathed."

"It turns out that your intentions are so vicious." Lin Tang said, "Then you are repaying me with blessings?"

"It can be said that." Su Jie nodded: "In fact, the most important thing for a person is his own cultivation. This is merit, not blessing. Countless blessings can't be exchanged for merit, but a little merit can be exchanged for as many people as Hengsha. Blessings. Of course, this is an exaggerated rhetorical technique in Buddhist scriptures, to express the importance of merit.


"Wu Qu lost a bet with you. He wants to come here to teach me financial knowledge. Do you think I will learn well or not?" Lin Tang asked.

"Of course you have to learn, this is a test for you." Su Jie nodded: "Wu Qu is very persuasive. He has persuaded you several times and moved your heart. In the process of teaching you knowledge, he He will definitely tempt you and try to absorb your blessings through various means. If you can stay calm and avoid all his traps. It will be of great help to your spiritual practice. Maybe, you With this training, you can step into the realm of the seventh sense."

"I can also step into the seventh sense?" Lin Tang seemed to be in disbelief. His cultivation base has also improved very fast these days, but just like this, he feels more and more the seventh sense, the realm of the living dead , is simply out of reach, and he will never be able to achieve it in his life.

"Of course I must have my assistance. I have learned some insights these days." Su Jie could have turned Liu Long, Pi Youdao, Tang Yunzhu and others into the realm of the living dead. After so many days of practice, communicating with Odeli, and even gaining the spirit of the dragon vein of martial arts in the area of ​​Minglun Martial Arts School, his spirit has condensed into one. In fact, his realm has already caught up with the big leader. It's just a matter of time.

It is not difficult to help Lin Tang improve his realm and develop his brain.

"I'll help you now and stimulate your brain." Su Jie said: "I have obtained some essence of Xu Dela's nerve stimulation with drugs. Many of his clinical trials have helped me a lot, and I have obtained his data. After that, I lost at least ten years of groping time."

Su Jie’s knowledge of brain neurodevelopment and medicine is actually very profound, but what is lacking is clinical data, and some ideas are specious. In Xu Dela’s database, a large amount of data has helped Su Jie save a lot of time and energy. Su Jie has been studying, analyzing, and researching for the past few days. In his brain, he digested all the data in an instant, and then produced more things.

His hand slapped suddenly, as if it hit Lin Tang's head, but didn't seem to hit it, Lin Tang only felt his eyes go dark, as if he had been given some anesthetic, and immediately fell asleep.

During the sleep, Lin Tang seemed to have a dream. In the dream, he practiced non-stop, comprehending many truths and realms. It seems that after three to five years, his brain was enlightened, and many things he could not think about The problems it solves are all solved.

Suddenly, he heard a loud thunder, which woke him up from his dream.

He woke up suddenly and found that he was still here.

I looked at my watch and realized that two hours had passed.

He looked in the mirror again, and found that his temperament had changed a lot, as if he had really experienced three to five years, and the truth realized in his mind, the things he had experienced, seemed to be real, and he could not get rid of it , but that was just a dream.

In the dream, he went bankrupt, had nothing, and worked hard again to make a comeback. During this period, he experienced ups and downs, and when he realized the profit and loss of the full moon, his mentality was completely different.

A dream, changed oneself.

"Huangliang Yimeng?" After a long time, he blurted out.

"That's right, Lu Sheng met Lu Dongbin, fell asleep, and lived a lifetime of riches and honors with ups and downs. In fact, it was just a dream. After waking up, the yellow rice hadn't been cooked yet." Su Jie said: "In spirit In this world, there is no concept of time. This is a scientific quantum theory. After you are hypnotized by me, your brain receives some information, and I give you some of my virtual information. This is equivalent to teaching in a dream. This is also similar to empowerment, but it has a wider scope than empowerment. But you can only accept this information at one time, otherwise, the mind will be confused and cause many problems in the body. The human brain cell bioelectricity cannot bear it This kind."

"I feel that I understand a lot of things, what is reborn, I understand now." Lin Tang said.

"This is just the first course of treatment. After that, you have to receive this kind of treatment every day. I will also assist you in other training. This kind of thing is not so fast." Su Jie wrote an email on the computer: "Let's talk about it, in fact, the martial arts The financial system looks solid, but there are some weak points, I use my resources and connections, I can hit them. I send this email to Mr. Larich and Mr. Abbey, their people will work with you Butt, you use your wisdom to attack the financial system of the Wu family."

"Am I going to confront Wu Qu head-on?" Lin Tang was surprised: "In the capital market and his strength is god, I'm afraid..."

"This is the beginning of your practice. I will support you from behind. If I take action against Wu Qu myself, I will be bullying him." Su Jie said, "I have a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with Mr. Mister has even reached a stable system. Their two giants, one bright and one dark, assist you with each other. As the master planner, I believe you can attack Wu Qu and make him feel scruples. Let me see your How is the method?"

Indeed, at Su Jie's current state, taking action against Wu Qu is to bully him.

If he wanted to make a move, Su Jie would be against the two brothers Wu Xinyu and Wu Xinzhou.

"I understand, Wu Qu is the god of trading. I could only look up to him before, and I didn't want to be his opponent, let alone reject him. Looking at it this way, he is my demon, and I must overcome it." , with my current strength, I was wiped out by his breath, but with Larich and Honey Badger, if I still can't do it, then I'm a waste. Although the Wu family is powerful, but in the capital market , there is still some gap with these two companies. Especially in the foreign market, the advantage will be even greater." Lin Tang mustered up his confidence.

"Confidence is the most important thing. Facing the god of your industry, if you can muster up the courage to fight him, it is a major breakthrough in itself." Su Jie nodded.

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