Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter four hundred and sixty-seven: Nezha with 8 arms, who can hold the momentum

"The Wu family has a lot of savings, and they took advantage of the right time, place, and people back then, especially the last blow, which smashed the conspiracy of the mysterious organization and obtained a lot of useful information. They handed over some of it to the country, but they also kept it for themselves. A lot of core secrets have been revealed, so in the past twenty years, the Wu family has become stronger and stronger, but the moon is full of profit and loss, and there is always an end. Where in the world is there a family that has always been strong?" Fu Lao shook his head: "Su Jie, the young man Fate, I have never been able to see clearly, I don't know where he came from, he has great luck, and I don't know what his future will be like, but his realm is getting more and more mysterious. Mountain Lord, look, that place The location you are in is the location where this young man, Su Jie, lives, and your skill of observing the sky and the earth has also become very advanced. Watching the battle of luck will be very beneficial to you."

"Okay, father, I'm already watching." A majestic middle-aged man nodded.

This middle-aged man is called Fu Shanzhu, and he is the current head of the Fu family, with a very high level.

The big families in City B, more or less, know some metaphysics, especially the family at the top, which is even more profound in metaphysics, and they combine science and metaphysics to become some deeper knowledge, which can make the family prosperous and rich Forever, Fu Lu Shou Sanquan.

Families who don't know how to look at Qi, measure the earth, observe the sky, and perceive the general trend, either fell down the class or were eliminated.

When the majestic middle-aged Fu Shanzhu began to observe his aura, Mr. Fu said to other middle-aged men and women: "In a family, the most important thing is to unite, and then to produce talents. I am very worried about one thing. The current The young juniors no longer learn the art of observing the sky, the earth, and the people. Or they have accepted new things, which are no longer in line with this ancient world view of knowledge. No matter what, they can’t learn it. In this way, the next generation, our Fu family I'm afraid it will fall, and I can't see the general trend."

"Father, this is a problem encountered by many families. Even the five families of Wu, Wang, Zhou, Zheng, and Chu are actually the same. The Wu family is better, but their three juniors, Wu Xian, Wu Di, Wu Gu. It is said that their realm is extremely high, but in fact they did not obtain it through self-cultivation and enlightenment, but after being stimulated by drugs, resulting in extraordinary perception, but they lack spirituality, a sense of the overall situation, and experience of the vicissitudes of life. Their enlightenment is completely different, and they can't see clearly the general trend of the future, but they can handle trivial matters well." A middle-aged woman said: "Actually, looking at the juniors in the whole circle, this girl from the Tang family, Tang Yun signed To catch up from behind really has great ability and vigor.”

"That's right, so it is reasonable for the Wu family to hope to marry Tang Yun, and the Wu family has great hidden dangers. If I guessed correctly, the Wu family's doom may not be far away. They have already seen through this point, So we are collecting people with great luck to prevent disasters." Fu Lao said.

"Wu family is deeply rooted, what disasters will happen?" Another middle-aged man asked.

"Don't talk about luck, let's talk about the Chou Family and the Wu Family seriously injured Mr. Cain, the leader of that mysterious organization. This mysterious organization has been silent for a long time. Although it has been disintegrated, it is said that it has made a comeback recently. It is hidden in the dark , it is possible to cause a fatal blow to the Wu family, and in addition to this, the people of the Wu family even lurked into Typhon and stole some things again. It is impossible for the Wu family not to bear some consequences for such a big enmity." Fu Laodao: "Of course, if the Wu family can survive this catastrophe and resolve it completely, then they can truly have a detached position, and no one can shake its foundation."

"Actually, for a family of our level, the most important thing is to see clearly the general trend of the future. I hope that young people can have this ability. For example, the general trend in the past forty years, the first ten years, is to do business in the sea. As long as there is Courageous, courageous, and making money in everything. In the second decade, it was energy coal. At that time, the richest man was the coal boss, who bought almost everything. Then it declined.

They went bankrupt. And the third decade is real estate developers. The fourth decade is the technological Internet. Now the richest man Liu Shi and Xia Shang all broke out suddenly in the past ten years. And real estate developers are in decline. What industry will explode in the next ten years? How to seize it, and how to get out of the industry and look for the next opportunity when the industry is setting sun, is the grasp of the general trend. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to see where the next explosive point will be. "A relatively calm middle-aged man from the Fu family sighed: "A family must accurately predict the general trend in order to grow and rise. "

"Isn't it the high-tech industry in the future?" the middle-aged woman said.

"The high-tech industry is an eternal topic, but at present, it does not make money, but it is a bottomless pit of burning money. Once the money is burned and the benefits have not been seen, it is the beginning of the family's decline. On the contrary, when others make money, come to low prices. Buying your research value is actually making a wedding dress for someone else." Fu Lao said.


At this time, Master Fu Shan took a long breath, as if he had finished his observation.

"Tell me, how do you feel?" Mr. Fu asked his son who is now at the helm.

"The basic design of City B itself is Eight-armed Nezha. It was designed by countless experts when Ming Chengzu Zhu Di built it. Eight-armed Nezha was used to suppress the evil dragon in Youzhou's bitter sea and turn the evil dragon into a real dragon. After being tamed, he can fly to the sky and hide from the ground, omnipotent. Now times have changed and vicissitudes have gone through, but this essence has not changed." Fu Shanzhu said: "Some families in our city B actually know these things secretly, so they have taken advantage of the position , and focus on cultivating young people, hoping that the temperament of young people can be integrated with the eight-armed Nezha, the foundation of the entire B city, so that they can improve their realm, gain great luck, and come here one after another. This is tantamount to a kind of heaven and earth Resonance. The Wu family is relatively good at this point, so talents come out in large numbers and enjoy great luck. However, after I passed the observation just now, I found one thing, that is, the Wu family's energy has been suppressed. Look at that place? "

The place where Fu Shanzhu used his fingers was exactly where Su Jie was in the laboratory.

"I don't see anything unusual. This location is actually very common. Over the years, good places have been taken." Others shook their heads.

"If the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals. If the water is not deep, there will be dragons. In fact, local geomantic omen is closely related to people. Back then, City B was also a bitter cold place. Even the groundwater was too salty and alkaline, which was bitter. Old B People in the city buy water to drink instead of drinking water from underground wells. Such a place has become an ancient capital for hundreds of years. Even now, it is also the center of the country. This place, I saw nothing at first, but as time passed, I found that every move seemed to make the whole structure of City B, the ancient eight-armed Nezha come alive." Fu Shanzhu said: "This is unbelievable There are only so many things that I can see. What I can see, the Wu Family must also be able to see."

"That's right, the Wu family has indeed seen this point. What the Wu family is doing now is actually preparing for surrendering Su Jie. This person has received the luck of the eight-armed Nezha. Once he surrenders, everything will be solved." Fu Lao said: "But the Wu family thinks too simply."

"Father, should we stay out of this fight, or start betting?" Fu Shanzhu suddenly had a bold idea.

"It's best to stay out of the matter." Everyone said: "Almost all families have this idea. The Wu family is too powerful. Everyone doesn't want him to expand again, but they don't want to be his enemy either."

"Of course you have to bet on the treasure." Fu Lao smiled: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Father mean to suppress that young man Su Jie? You have always favored this young man." Master Fu Shan asked.

"That's natural." Fu Lao nodded with a smile.

"But if we are suppressed by the Wu family, our Fu family will also suffer heavy losses." Someone worried.

"Even the Tang family can prefer the broken jade to the whole, and we Fu are still timid, what will it look like?" Fu Lao said: "Besides, the Wu family is indeed expanding too fast, squeezing our living space. If we don't do anything again , it will be too late. Now a young man has finally appeared to discourage the Wu family. We can get some soup from it. "

"Then do it." Fu Shanzhu was also straightforward, showing everyone's demeanor.

In a very short time, the Fu family decided on a strategy.

"The first wave of resolution is relatively perfect." Su Jie looked at the information transmitted from the Internet and some secret channels, and nodded.

He was watching Mao Wen practicing calligraphy, and Frey, a foreign boy, and Xiao Mo doing Tai Chi push hands with each other.

Xiao Mo is the successor of Master Ma.

When Su Jie was studying with Master Ma and Lao Chen, Xiao Mo was handling various mundane affairs beside him.

Now that Master Ma came to Su Jie's laboratory, he naturally brought Xiao Mo with him.

This child is also extremely intelligent, with a clear temperament. He was born with the spirit of mountains and rivers. He has been by Master Ma's side since he was a child. He is not only good at kung fu, but also knowledgeable.

His realm has also reached a kind of edge, the peak of the sixth sense, and is now accumulating vigor and preparing to break through.

"You have integrated calligraphy into kung fu and self-cultivation, and you have condensed your spirit. This practice method is actually superior." Su Jie looked at Mao Wen's practice and gave him pointers.

Although Mao Wen has the look of a wolf, he will rebel against his master in the future, but Su Jie treats him equally. There is nothing to suppress.

"This is the first time I have observed old man Mao practicing kungfu and drawing talismans. It turned out to be a set of martial arts. Unfortunately, I didn't learn it. I just figured out a set of training methods by myself." Mao Wen stopped writing.

"When you write, your energy is not in the words, but in other places. Are you also concerned about the struggle between the Wu and Tang families?" Su Jie asked.

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